Time Walkers 2 Book Bundle: The Legend of the Bloodstone, Return of the Pale Feather (Time Walkers 1-2) (29 page)

BOOK: Time Walkers 2 Book Bundle: The Legend of the Bloodstone, Return of the Pale Feather (Time Walkers 1-2)
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He kneeled down on the ground, the pulse throbbing in his temple as he gripped the stone, his tortured gaze boring into Maggie as if there might be some semblance of care left between them. His eyes widened with recognition when he saw the raven, and then they watched him flicker like a ghost until he was no more.

“Tell Marcus I love him.” she said softly.

Finola patted her shoulder.

Finola ladled stew for them both into glass bowls and set them on the table. Maggie stared at it, unmoving, unwilling to acknowledge the events of the day. The healer ate in silence, casting Maggie an occasional raised eyebrow, but otherwise leaving her to her own thoughts.

They both looked up when the door opened.

“Ah, I beg yer pardon, but the store is not open today,” Finola twittered as an unfamiliar brave entered the parlor. He made no sign of hearing her. The scalplock hair made Maggie nervous. She wondered what tribe he hailed from, and why he chose Finola’s store when it was in Paspahegh territory.

“Perhaps ye did not hear me, sir,” Finola said. The braves studied the axe hanging above the mantle.  Her heart leapt into her throat when he pulled it down from its hooks.

“That is not for sale, sir!” Finola cried.

Maggie grabbed
Finola’s hand, and swung up the brace holding the door. Too late by far, she retreated slowly backward as another unfamiliar brave entered the house. He held a knife in one hand, and wore an empty stare as he approached, his skin smeared with not war paint, but blood. He did not look dressed for attack but his demeanor clearly spoke otherwise, and Maggie swallowed down a hard lump in her throat as he spoke to the first man. She pushed Finola back. She knew exactly what was happening.

It was the day she dreaded would come.

She knew few details, the occurrence only one tiny speck amongst the inkblot of history she learned as a child, but of what she could recall, it began in an innocent manner.

In the Indian Massacre of 1622, even women and children were slaughtered. The Indians came unarmed into the homes of the English, and under guise of selling provisions, used whatever tools lay about to kill them. At Martin’s Hundred, more than half were killed, and only two houses and the church left standing.

“Leave us be,” Maggie demanded, her voice much more brave than she felt. She cried out when Finola tried to strike the man with her knife and was cruelly knocked to the floor. 

“No!” Maggie tried to get to Finola, but the first man grabbed her by the throat and shoved her back against the hearth. She clawed at his wrist as her airway was squeezed, gasping a single breath when he took her braid in his fist and pulled her head back. He thrust his face close to hers, and she winced at his rancid breath, rapidly losing consciousness for the lack of air. The next moments were a blur. She heard the door crash open and then a rash of arguing in Paspahegh, but she felt little as her body slumped to the floor by the hearth.

Two firm hands pulled her to a sitting position, and she began to choke at the influx of air rushing her lungs. Tears flooded her vision and she reached out in a panic to ward off the one who held her, slapping and scratching like a cat. She felt her nails connect with flesh and heard a low uttered curse, but instead of the blow she expected, she was crushed against a wide warm chest.

shhh, stop fighting me,” Winn whispered. She shuddered as she gasped for air, clutching his shoulders at first but then pushing him away.

“You!” she shouted. “Have you come to finish me off?”

His jaw hardened and his blue eyes bore down on her.

! I kill my kind to save your blasted white skin!” he snarled, glancing toward the two dead warriors on the floor. Chetan stood behind him, and Makedewa had Finola cradled in his arms. “Why do you not listen? I told you to stay at the cave!”

“I had to help Benjamin!”

“Benjamin? You help him, a man that sends you to hang? You would be dead right now if we did not come for Finola! Dead, woman! Damn you!” he roared.

Maggie struck out at him and he lunged forward, shoving her back against the mantle. He took the fallen axe near his feet and pounded it into the wall where it split the wood with a sickly cracking sound beside her head. She did not flinch, glowering back at him in defiance, wordless in her fury as her chest heaved and her heart thundered.

“He’s a Time Walker, like me! He came from my time!” she shouted. She could see the pulse in his neck throbbing as he grabbed both her shoulders, his fingers digging into her skin.

“So you risk your life – and the life of my son – for him?”

Chetan grabbed her forearm and hauled her to her feet, his other hand firm against Winn’s chest to hold him off.

“This fight will wait,” he said. “I will take her with me. We must go.” Chetan glared at Winn in challenge, and Winn punched his brother’s fist away.

“No. She rides with me,” he growled, snatching her hand away from Chetan. Maggie scowled, but did not argue.  Chetan was right, they needed to leave.

Winn held her wrist in an unbreakable grip as he pulled her through the streets of Wolstenholme Towne. She followed mutely behind as their small group navigated the clay packed path, Chetan leading the way.  Shorter than the other men, with sharp eyes and a distinct sense of direction, Chetan ushered them quietly along.

The silence in the air was unexpected as they tried to steal out of town unnoticed.  Maggie looked at Winn’s chest, splattered with fresh blood, and wondered if he had taken part in the planned massacre before he found them.  The blood did not belong to him and she could see his body remained undamaged, yet she could not fathom if that was a comforting fact or not. 

As they rounded the corner of a house, a woman’s scream pierced the air followed by a sickening thump.  Heavy footsteps thudded over plank flooring, tap, tap, tapping as they approached.  Maggie stood paralyzed as the front door flew open and Master John
Boise came running out, stumbling down the stairs, his eyes wild with fear. He saw her there with Winn and his face crumpled.

“Oh, Mistress! Run! Run, get ye gone!” he cried. He reached out for her hand, but before he could grab her, he fell face down to the ground with a distinct uttered sigh, a bloody axe impaled along his spine.

A warrior left the house closest to them. The unfamiliar brave approached them, his stride long and even, a tall, muscular fellow with bulging biceps and a single feather tucked in his hair, yet he stood otherwise undecorated. Maggie remembered that it was part of their plan, to arrive as any other day, and take the settlers by surprise.

She looked up at Winn, decorated more extravagantly with his war paint and feathers, looking every bit the mythical warrior, as did Chetan.  She had no time to wonder why when he suddenly snatched her roughly around the neck with one arm and placed a knife to her throat. He barked something at his brothers, and she watched helplessly as they spoke.

The warrior asked Winn a question, and Winn made an equally brisk response.

“I take this one. Find your own!” Winn growled. Maggie twisted against his steel embrace, elbowing him sharply in the ribs. She felt him flinch, but he made no sound, only squeezing her tighter as she struggled.

Heavy soot filled the air carried by the afternoon breeze, clogging her throat and causing her eyes to water, even more so than Winn’s grip around her neck.  Houses erupted in flames around them, the roof of the house behind them devoured by fire in mere seconds.

“Help me! Help! Help!” another voice cried. Although Winn still held her, they all turned to stare at the young girl who ran screaming from the burning house behind them.  A mountain of blond curls streamed after her as she flew past them, her rosy red cheeks stained with blood and tears as she cried. She stumbled and fell, leapt to her feet, and continued running out into the meadow beyond the open palisade gates.

The stranger took off after her.

“Winn, please, don’t let him hurt her!” Maggie pleaded. His grip around her throat lessened and finally he dropped his hand as they watched the man pursue the young girl.

“Makedewa!” Winn shouted.

At the sight of the girl, Makedewa dropped Finola none to gently onto the ground, and took off in pursuit.  He sprinted after the man who followed her, reaching him quickly. He launched himself at the man and brought him to the ground.  Although more wiry than brawn, Makedewa was built like a wrestler with long lean muscles and surprising strength. By the time they reached him, the larger warrior was dead, his throat cut from ear to ear.

The blond haired girl began to scream as Makedewa stood over her, her hysterical cries merely adding to the sudden onset of wailing from the town. She sat on her backside, her eyes frantic, her mouth agape.

“Yours?” Winn asked, eyeing his brother. Makedewa crouched next to the screaming girl.  He put out one hand to touch her and she slapped him away, screaming louder as if it would have more impact with more volume, kicking her tiny feet about the sand as her cheeks flushed raw. She could not be more than fourteen or fifteen, and she was scared senseless by the looks of her.

Maggie noticed the look between the men. Winn arched one brow, and Makedewa nodded back so slightly she would have missed it had she not been looking.

She turned back toward the town as the men decided what to do with the girl.

Near the palisade gates, a young man laid, his neck in an unnatural angle. An ear of corn was shoved down his throat, the yellow silken end waving in the breeze, but his cause of death was more likely the garden hoe impaled in his chest.  A boy lay beside him, a child of no more than five, his head cocked at an unnatural angle beneath his starched white collar.

A woman ran screaming down the middle of the street, quickly fallen by the blow of a well-aimed sickle.  A warrior walked
up behind her, snatched the sickle from the woman’s fallen body, and took a path into the next house.

“Come, we must go!” Winn said. Chetan gave a shrill whistle, and their ponies came forth from the wood line. Chetan mounted up with Finola, who looked to be waking up, and Makedewa tried to get the girl to her feet.

This time she bit him when he reached for her, and Maggie held her breath. Makedewa was no softhearted brave. Although she had never seen the younger brother with a woman, she suspected he would not handle her assault well. 

“Let me,” Maggie said, leaving Winn’s side. She kneeled down beside the girl.  Although the blond-haired hellion did not fight her, she looked like a fuse about to ignite.  She sat there shaking with her curls sticking out around her face, sprawled on the ground with her apron around her knees.

“What’s your name?” she said softly. The girl stared back at Maggie, then looked at Makedewa and Winn, then returned to Maggie.

“Rebecca,” the girl said very softly, so much so that Maggie knew the others had not heard it. Maggie reached slowly and took her shaking hand. Filthy with blood and dirt, Maggie patted it, hoping to gain her trust so they could all live to see another day.

Fires roared behind them, the flames jumping from house to rooftop, swallowing anything in its path.  The blacksmith shop ignited with a bang, the explosion sending them all to their knees with hands over their heads.

“Rebecca,” Maggie said, pulling the girl to her feet. “Ride with us if you want to live. No one will hurt you.”

“They killed my parents, and my baby brother,” she whispered.

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