Taxi Teasing

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Authors: Stephanie Knight

BOOK: Taxi Teasing
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The puppet
– part 1: Taxi


Chapter 1

It was a Friday evening and the end of a very difficult week at work. I had never longed so much for a week to end but thankfully, finally, Friday evening was here. I didn’t care that it was dark, wet and windy. I didn’t care that the tube station was full to bursting. I didn’t care that I actually had to miss two trains simply because they were too full to get in
. I was in no rush to join the
hot, sweaty people unwillingly jammed up against one another
so I hung back to wait for a train with a bit of space
. I was just glad to be
out of the office and
on my way home to my cosy little flat in Shepherds Bush
, content
in the knowledge that I could pad around in my pyjamas all weekend if I wanted to.

The wind rushing down the
platform was my cue to
step forward in the hope that this time, I could board without being inadvertently groped or find myself pressed up against someone with bad halitosis. I was at the front of the
as t
screeching of brakes
heralded the arrival of the train and
I positioned myself in
front of the sliding doors as any seasoned tube traveller would. The doors hissed open and we all shuffled aside to let
two passengers disembark before
in to find the best spots. There were, of course, no seats available but it didn’t really matter as I only had
stops to go and most people
tended to get
off at Notting Hill so I leaned against the glass partition and closed my eyes so that I did not have to make contact with my fellow travellers.
I was used to the salacious stares of strangers on the train, the obvious gaping at my generous breasts and long legs
, I even once had a man getting a kick out of smelling my long brunette hair!
I knew I was considered an attractive woman
but I really wasn’t in the mood for any unwanted attention that evening.
Sure enough at Notting Hill Station most passengers spilled out of the doors and I was able to sit down for the remaining two stops and think about making some plans for the coming weekend.
The rhythmic rocking of the tube must have sent me into a light doze because the sudden jolt of the brakes and the hissing of the doors broke into my consciousness and I realised we were at Shepherds Bush already! I grabbed my bag
and almost hurled myself out of the doors
I really didn’t want to suffer the embarrassment of getting to the doors and have them shut in my face, trapping me inside
and then having to wait until the next stop
but I made it out onto the platform
and headed for the exit.

The click clack sound of my heels echoing through the station was interrupted by the high shrill tone of my cell phone alerting me that I had a new message
. I fumbled around in my bag
cursing the fact that I seemed to be carrying around so much rubbish whilst at the same time
taking care
hang onto the moving hand rail of the escalator
I found my phone and navigated to my messages with my one free
hand  and
as I glided
up to street level
read his message.

Now, to understand this message you have to understand the relationship I have with my current
man. I don’t call him my boyfriend because we
have sex.
Well not the penetrative kind. I have sex, lot’s of it, with his consent
( actually
under his instigation) but we don’t have a relationship in the normal sense.
We don’t go out as a couple, we don’t have dinner together (unless it’s part of
) and we don’t cuddle up together on the sofa to watch
chick flicks
. We play sex games, and they are getting more and more adventurous.
In fact,
play sex games. He
’s the puppet master
and I’m the
willing puppet

Chapter 2

We met a
months ago in a club
. I was out with a friend and we had just come off the dance floor hot and breathless
giggling together
and just
that little bit too drunk
I was getting plenty of male attention and
I’m not the sort of girl to shy away from
a bit of flirting, I was
in my element.
I became aware that someone was watching
you know that feeling where the hairs stand up on the back of your neck and you feel compelled to turn and look.
I turned my head and made direct eye contact
with a
very sexy looking
man about twenty feet away from me
. Within about 3 seconds I had decided that I was interested. He was tall, over 6 feet, broad shoulders, he looked like he
took care of himself
, nice skin with a slight golden tan and what looked like a well manicured and strong hand holding his drink
. He wasn’t smiling, just staring and this unnerved me a bit
. It was a surreal moment as it seemed that everyone else in the packed club, the noise, the music, everything just melted away and he was the only person in the room. He was gorgeous but
there was something about him which made me hesitate for just a split second
, far too self assured and intense
and, perhaps dangerous?
I couldn’t drag my eyes away.
I felt a physical jolt
with the realisation that
I had become
sexually aroused. I was confused and flustered
by my own strong reaction and I turned away fast.  I was still trying to make sens
it all
when a deep,
extremely articulated and
whispered in my ear
‘I find you intensely erotic and I am strongly attracted to you sexually. I think we can have a great deal of sexual fun together, do you want to find out?

As he spoke
, his lips brushed my ear and sent electrifying shivers through my entire body.
I had never heard that line before, that was for sure, but I had also never felt
so turned on by just a voice. M
hard and I
d him to take me there and then
but more than that, I
that without him even touching me,
I was wet between my thighs.

I excused myself from my friend, who
being chatted up
and was oblivious to me anyway and
followed him to a small table in a fairly quiet corner.
The noise in the club made it difficult to hear properly
but I caught snippets of what he was saying, enough to know that he was a businessman, in his forties, unmarried and was about to leave
the club out of boredom
when he spied me. We chatted
for a while although the noise of the club did make it difficult to hear much
and so I never quite got round to asking why he was there in the first place since he did not look like the usual type of clubber but
our time together was cut short
by an important message he received by text. He seemed irritated by the content of the message but it was apparently too important to ignore. Reluctantly he
stood to leave with the promise that he would be in touch soon and after taking my phone number he kissed me on the cheek and then melted into the crowd without even a backward glance.

I sat for a while alone at the table we had shared just trying to relive the conversation but it
was odd because
I c
really recall
what was said
in detail
, just the sound of his voice
fullness of his bottom lip and his long thick eyelashes
( such
a waste on a man I always thought)
was all I could remember
I put
that down to the alcohol though but I wasn’t too drunk to hear the little nagging voice in my head which warned me to stay away. I wondered briefly if maybe the important message was from
wife he
said he
didn’t have
but I pushed that thought aside and moved to rejoin my friend
and her group of admirers.



Chapter 3


I had no expectations that he would ever call but to my surprise he did the following evening. 
He was very apologetic for leaving me the night before and a
the sound of his voice
in my ear
hormones raging
and my stomach flipping and tumbling.
could hear m
y heart thumping in my
as I tried to
sound casual in my responses
, could he hear it too
His voice sounded like he was smiling,
like he knew the effect he was having on me
and I hated the thought that someone could
have that
strength of
power without seemingly trying. This time I couldn’t even put it down to the effects of alcohol
I told myself that
I was reading too much into it
, again brushing aside
the little warning voice in my head
. I heard myself inviting him round for coffee, an invitation he
seemed genuinely keen
to accept, which both surprised and flattered me. I tried to come across as casual and nonchalant as I gave my address details
s soon as I ended the call
it was a completely different story altogether!

I flew around
flat plumping cushions, washing cups, straightening the bed
well you never know
do you?,
sliding to a dead stop in front of the mirror. OK, the flat was presentable but what about me? I reasoned that I might just have enough time for a very quick shower and a quick lick of makeup before he arrived so I bolted towards the bathroom and began stripping off my clothes
, ensuring that I bundle
them into the linen basket rather than leave them strewn all over the floor as I would usually do.
I flicked the shower on whilst I went looking for a fresh towel. I was pleased with myself that I was using every second wisely and not wasting time waiting for the hot water.

I tied my long
hair up in a high ponytail so that it wouldn’t get wet
, I reasoned that
I had
ashed it yesterday anyway
would save even more time by not washing it again
pleased with my own efficiency, I
stepped into
the bath
of tepid water.
Hmm, could have done with a few more minutes I thought
but there was no time to waste as I still had to work out what to wear and put on makeup that looked like I had made no effort at all. I smiled ironically to myself at that thought and
was just lathering myself up with my favourite
& Harding shower gel when the doorbell chimed. I froze. I think my heart stopped. ‘What the hell?’

, no, no, no, no, not yet!!’
I stepped out of the shower still covered in slippery suds and covered myself with my
cotton robe. The door bell chimed again. ‘Hang on!’ I called as I scurried down the hallway towards the front door. I left the chain on and opened the door just enough to see my visitor. To my dismay it was him.
My heart sank.
I smiled apologetically as I removed the chain and then opened the door to let him enter.’ I, um, thought I had a bit more time to freshen up’ I said staring down at the foamy puddles I was leaving on the floor. He

You look fresh enough to me’
nodding at
my breasts which were clearly on show through the wet cotton material.
I smiled
his attempt to ease my obvious embarrassment
and hurriedly
ushered him into the lounge.
beside  the
big bay
window, his hands in his pockets looking every inch as mesmerising as I remembered.
I hovered in the doorway,
‘If you wouldn’t mind, I’ll just be a few minutes’ I mumbled as I gestured to my robe and immediately scuttled out of the room without waiting for a reply.  I had left the shower running and
it was a small consolation
that it had actually reached an enjoyable temperature by t
he time I stepped back under it.

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