Time and Space (14 page)

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Authors: Pandora Pine

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Time Travel, #Historical Romance

BOOK: Time and Space
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Donnall’s heart pounded in his chest as he walked hand-in-hand with Cadence back to her room. “Are you sure about this, my beauty?” He held his breath.

“Very sure, but if you are having second thoughts we can sit in front of the fire and talk about women’s fashions.”

“Like hell.” Donnall pulled her close and kissed her. When the need to breathe drove them apart, Donnall scooped her up in his arms and took off toward her bedchamber. He pushed open the door with the toe of his boot and swept Cadence inside. Dropping her to land in the center of the bed, he went for the hem of his shirt.

“No, wait.”

“What? Why?” Donnall was panting from running down the hall with Cadence in his arms.  It would kill him if she changed her mind about how they’d spend the night, but if the lass wanted to talk, he’d listen.

Cadence shoved herself off the bed. “If this is to be our only night together… Here, let me.” She wrapped her arms around his hips and slipped her hands under his tunic and up the hot skin of his back.

Donnall moaned when her fingers glided up his stomach to tangle in his chest hair, her nails grazing over his nipples. She pushed his tunic up as far as she could reach before he ripped it off and threw it across the room.

“So handsome.” Cadence sighed, running her hands up Donnall’s thick biceps.

“Now it is your turn, my beauty.” Donnall knelt before her and yanked off her boots before running his hands up her slim calves. His hands climbed higher, pushing her dress up as his hands travelled past her thighs. Stopping to press a single kiss against her silken folds, he stood quickly and pulled Cadence’s dress off over her head. All she was left wearing was the lacy pink contraption he’d seen that day at the stone cottage. “You will have to remove that snare.”

Cadence laughed. “You don’t know how take off my bra?” She unfastened the hooks and pulled it down her arms, letting it drop onto the floor.

Donnall stepped closer, unable to take his eyes off her naked form.  Reaching for her rosy nipples, his cock throbbed in his pants. It was a good thing he’d kept them on or he might not be able to go as slow as Cadence wanted. He lowered his head, capturing one of her peaks in his mouth.

Cadence sunk her hands into Donnall’s hair. “Feels so good.”

Donnall moaned around her turgid peak when she held his head close. “Up on the bed with you before I eat you whole.”

Backing up, Cadence tugged Donnall with her until the backs of her thighs came up against the side of the bed. Donnall picked her up and when she wrapped her legs around his middle, followed her down onto the soft horse-hair mattress. His achingly hard cock nudged against her flat stomach.

“Why are you still wearing pants?” Cadence fumbled to untie the strings and pushed them down his hips.

“In a hurry now, are we?”

“Yes, damn it!”

Donnall climbed off the bed to remove his boots and pants. Cadence’s eyes were glued to him the entire time. His cock bobbed against the dark fur of his stomach as he walked back to join her on the bed. Climbing up over her, he bit back a moan when his cock glided over Cadence’s bare skin.

“Now, Donnall, now,” Cadence begged, twining her arms around his neck.

Donnall chuckled. “What happened to going slow and preparing you for me?”

“Touch me, Donnall. You’ll see I’m ready. Please.”

Tracing a finger down her sensitive folds, his finger was coated in her dew. She was hot and ready for him. He slipped a finger into her passage.

“Donnall, more.”

“Anxious are you, little mouse?” He was just as anxious to finally have Cadence, but didn’t want to hurry through it.

Cadence nodded, gripping his shoulders to urge him forward.

Easing his finger from her body, he lined up his cock with her entrance and bent forward to kiss her. “Are you sure you want me?”

“From the moment we met.”

Donnall pushed forward, both of them crying out when he was fully sheathed inside her.  “Not gonna last long,” Donnall panted. He had almost come the moment his erection breached her body. She was hot and tight, not to mention eager.

Cadence wrapped her legs around his back. “We’ll go slow the second time around.”

Donnall kissed her again and pulled back. He set a slow rhythm, surprised when Cadence rose up to meet each of his thrusts.

His control was slipping away, between the sexy moans Cadence was making and the way she held him close, urging him on. While he was still able to think clearly, he needed to make sure Cadence found paradise before he did. “Come for me, my beauty.” Donnall reached between their joined bodies to rub her clit with his thumb.

Cadence threw her head back and dug her nails into his back. “Donnall, please,” she pleaded.

Snapping his hips faster, he increased the pressure of his thumb. He couldn’t hold back much longer. Just when he was at his end, Cadence screamed his name and clenched her muscles around him.

“Donnall, yes. YES!” She thrashed her head on the pillows and pulled him closer.

“So beautiful,” he mumbled before his cock jerked and he started filling her with his seed. He watched the awe in her eyes and whispered her name as her body wrung every drop of pleasure from his.

Not wanting to crush her, he rolled to his side, bringing Cadence to lie against his chest and his pounding heart.


“That’s never happened before,” Cadence whispered sometime later when Donnall’s heartbeat had slowed to normal.

“What never happened before, sweetness?”

“Me coming during sex.”

Donnall tipped her chin up and kissed her. “Liam was a poor lover?” Donnall wore a goofy grin.

“Stop acting so proud of yourself.” Cadence cracked a smile.

“When we are victorious tomorrow, I shall borrow Fionn’s moonstone and pay Liam a visit.”

“He doesn’t deserve to be run through for being a bad lover.”

“You are right. He deserves to be run through for breaking your heart.”

“It’s not feeling quite so broken anymore.”

“Oh, no, why is that?”

“Shut up.” Cadence giggled at the exaggerated wounded look on Donnall’s face. “You know darn well you are the reason my heart healed so fast.”

Canting his hips forward, Donnall’s reawakened cock slid against her silky thigh. “Just as you are the reason my cock has recovered so quickly. Ride me, my beauty. I would love you again.”

“That’s another thing that never happened.”

“The arsehat did not want you to ride him?”

Cadence laughed. “No, he liked that, but was never up for round two. He would have been snoring by now.

“I would spend the rest of my life loving you, rather than sleeping.”

Cadence knew Donnall meant it in a physical sense, but couldn’t help wanting him to love her in every way. “Love me, Donnall, please.” Cadence hovered above his erection and lowered herself slowly down his shaft. He was a big man and she wasn’t quite used to the size of him. “So big,” she sighed.

“Am I hurting you?” Concern etched across his features.

Cadence shook her head no.

“Why am I not surprised Liam had a tiny prick?”

“Enough talk about him. Tonight is about us.” Cadence rose up and set a slow pace.

“My beauty.” Donnall reached up to cup her breasts, his thumbs brushing against her dusky nipples.

Cadence fell into the rhythm of rising and falling, with Donnall lifting up to meet her. His eyes were glowing deep green in the firelight. He was gorgeous. She bit her lip to keep her feelings from spilling out.

“That’s it, little mouse, reach for it. Let me hear you roar.” He slipped a hand down her torso to torment her clit.

Tossing her head back, Cadence let the motion of their joined bodies bring her closer and closer to the end. “Donnall!” she cried, when the first rush of pleasure tore through her body. She felt his cock pulse deep within her and knew he was coming with her.

Donnall was silent, his darkened eyes focused on Cadence.

When she felt the last tremor of release pass through him, she fell forward to land on his chest. His heartbeat pounded in her ears.

“I love you, Cadence,” Donnall whispered against her silky hair.

She loved him too, more than anyone. Unable to say the words back, she burst into tears.

Donnall wrapped his arms around her and held her close.



The moment Donnall dreaded most had arrived. The room had started to brighten and he knew the sun was waking from her slumber. It was almost time to leave Cadence to prepare for the invading English army led, unbelievably, by his brother, William.

They had made love twice more during the night, Donnall each time repeating his vow of love. As with the first time, she hadn’t responded with the words he most wanted to hear, but instead had kissed him breathless.

It wasn’t the response he’d hoped for. Cadence was the first woman he’d ever said those words to and he was scared she didn’t feel the same way about him. True, she’d only been out of her relationship with Liam for less than two months, but that didn’t stop his heart from aching. His only solace was the way she’d held him and loved him back with her body. “It is nearly time.”

“I know.” She wrapped her arms more tightly around him and pressed a kiss to his neck.

“I have something for you.”

Cadence laughed. “I know. You’ve given it to me four times already.”

“No, not that.” Donnall pulled away and grabbed his pants from the floor. Pulling his treasure from his back pocket, he walked back to the bed. “This is my good luck charm.” He slipped the leather strap over his fingers and dangled it in front of Cadence.

“Oh, it’s obsidian.” She reached for the inky black stone wrapped in metal wire to secure it to the leather strap.

“You have seen a stone like this before? No one here had ever seen anything like it.”

“Yes. I’ve seen pieces of it in a museum. That’s a place where treasures are stored and kept safe.

“It’s funny you say that. Fionn and I used to go on treasure hunts when we were boys. I found this when we were ten years old. It was so unusual I had Padraig’s father make the metal cage and leather strap so I could wear it around my neck.

“It really is a treasure. Obsidian is created when lava from a volcano cools.”

“What is a volcano and lava?”

“It’s a mountain that sometimes explodes and spews fire. Lava is molten rock, sort of like the melted metal Padraig heats in the smithy.”

Donnall’s eyes widened. “That must be something to see. It’s been my special charm since I was a boy and I want you to wear it today.”

“Donnall, I couldn’t. It’s your lucky charm.”

“You can and you will. You can give it back to me tonight when we are reunited.” He slipped it over her head, the stone coming to rest between her lush breasts. “No matter what happens today, my beauty, never forget how much I love you.” Not wanting to risk Cadence not saying back again, he kissed her long and hard.

“Donnall, I-” Cadence stopped.

He could see fear and pain in her green eyes. Fear of what, loving him? Losing him? Both?


The castle was buzzing with activity and nervous tension. Cadence could feel the energy as she worked with the women to bake bread. Some of Fionn’s warriors had been through the kitchens to grab extra food and to make sure the women knew what to do when the battle started.

“Bring this tray of rolls up to the great hall, love,” Aggie said. “Did you and Donnall have a chance to say what needed saying?”

Cadence laughed. “Several times.”

Aggie’s laugh followed her out of the kitchen.

When Cadence reached the great hall, it was surprisingly quiet for the number of people in it. Warriors were scattered around the room, some examining their weapons and others were sitting in silent contemplation.

Cadence set her tray on one of the tables and hurried over to Islynn and Fianna who seemed to be admiring each other’s new breeches.

“Cadence, what do you think of my arse in these pants?” Islynn turned to show her and tried to look over her shoulder at herself.

Fianna laughed into her hand and looked over her shoulder at her own backside.

“Pretty sexy. Now do you see why men don’t allow women to wear pants?”

Islynn rolled her eyes.

“They are so much easier to move around in,” Fianna added.

“Not to mention showing off every curve.” Cadence tried to enjoy this moment with her friends.  It could be the last happy moment the three of them shared together.

“As if that matters. Who is going to admire my posterior in these? William Longhurst?” Fianna giggled nervously.

“Was he the reason you tossed and turned all night?” Islynn asked gently.

“That plus you were tossing quite a bit as well.” Fianna sighed.

“My mind was on my Breena. We are so close to reuniting.”

“And you will.” Cadence hugged her. “I told her exactly when to come to Moone’s cemetery. She’ll be there.”

“Yes, but what if we are not here?”

“You cannot think that way. Moone will win the day.” Fianna joined the hug.

“How was your night with Donnall?” Islynn hurried to change the subject.

Cadence blushed to the roots of her hair. “We enjoyed ourselves.”

Both women laughed.

“And he…” Cadence faltered.

“He told you of his love?” Fianna urged.

“How did you know?” Cadence was shocked.

“I’ve known him my entire life. He’s never acted like this with another woman. He smiles and is interested in more than getting you naked. His love shines through.”

“He said the words and I couldn’t say them back.”

“Oh, Cadence.” Islynn hugged her.

“I wanted to. I mean, I do, but I couldn’t.” The words had been on the tip of her tongue but she hadn’t been able to say them out loud.

“I am confident he knows.” Fianna smiled.

“He gave me his lucky charm to wear today.”

“Show us,” Fianna urged.

Cadence pulled the obsidian out from the collar of her tunic.

“Oh, I haven’t seen this since I was a little girl. I did not know Donnall had taken to wearing it.”

Cadence turned to show Islynn and watched the blood drain from her face. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“It’s the Gloine. How is it possible Donnall possesses the Gloine?”

Cadence looked over at Fianna who shrugged in confusion. “It is one of the three treasures of Ireland. He told me he found it when he and Fionn were boys.”

“Like Carter’s moonstone?” Fianna gasped.

Islynn nodded.

“What a coincidence, all three being here at Moone.” Cadence remembered Islynn showing them the cat’s eye known as the Sulcat.

“I do not think it is a coincidence.” Islynn reached up to touch her cat’s eye.

“So you’re saying this stone has some kind of magic power?” Fianna rolled it around in her fingers examining the black rock.

“Yes, but I do not know what power the stone holds. Perhaps you should ask Donnall.” Islynn pointed to the doorway where Donnall had just entered.

Cadence could see him standing across the room with Fionn.  Just as she was crossing the room to see him, Carter came into the room with Jilly and Cardinn.

“Da! Da!” Jilly yelled, running to Fionn, who bent to scoop the little girl into his arms.

Cadence watched Fionn whispering in his daughter’s ear and her niece nodding. It could very well be the last time they saw each other.

“My beauty, do not think those thoughts.”

“That obvious?” Cadence turned from the touching scene to see Donnall standing at her side.

“Only to someone who loves you so well.” Donnall pulled her close.

“Donnall, I-”

“I know, little mouse. I know.”

Needing to change the subject, Cadence held up the obsidian. “Why do you think this stone is your lucky charm?”

“I have never been harmed in battle while wearing it.” Donnall twirled a stray lock of her red hair around his finger.

That must be the answer, the stone made its wearer impervious to injury. “You need to wear this today.” She took it off and held it out to him.

“No!” He wrapped his large hands around hers, closing her fist around the stone. “You must be safe, Cadence. I would not survive if anything happened to you.”

Cadence kissed him with all of the love in her heart. When he dropped her hands to cup her face, she deepened the kiss and pushed the stone into his back pocket.

When Donnall came up for air, Fionn was saying goodbye to his infant son. The little lad and heir to Moone was only seven weeks old. Cadence slipped out of his arms to go to Fionn. She stood on tip-toe to kiss her brother-in-law and took Cardinn from him, presumably so Fionn could say goodbye to Carter.

Donnall was right. The moment Fionn handed off the baby, he pulled Carter into his arms. Tears were shimmering in Carter’s dark eyes and Donnall could see he was fighting hard to keep them from falling.

“I will see you in time for supper. I give you my vow.” Fionn kissed Carter again.

“I love you, stubborn warrior.” The tears Carter had been struggling to keep at bay were flowing down his face.

“And I you, my heart.”Fionn wiped Carter’s tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

“Cadence, my sister, you will stay safe. That is an order.” Pulling away from Carter, Fionn hugged Cadence tight.

“I promise, Fionn. Come back safe.” She hugged him again.

“May your arrows fly straight and true.” He kissed her temple.

“Come, Donnall.” Fionn took a deep breath, his eyes on Carter.

He kissed Cadence, hoping it wasn’t for the last time.  “You will be safe.” He knew the stone would protect her just as it had protected him since he found it.

“So will you,” Cadence whispered.


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