Time and Space (13 page)

Read Time and Space Online

Authors: Pandora Pine

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Time Travel, #Historical Romance

BOOK: Time and Space
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“Damn, I miss the internet.” Cadence sighed. Fionn and Carter’s handfasting ceremony was only a few hours away and she had no idea how to plan the ceremony or the celebration to come.

“What is the internet?” Islynn asked, taking a sip from her mug of steaming nettle tea.

Cadence laughed. “It’s a sort of library where I could research handfasting.”

“Well then let me be your internet. I know all about the ceremony and have performed the rite many times.”

“You performed the ceremony?” Cadence was fascinated.

“As a prophetess, the Druids gave me privileges denied to other women. Fionn asked me this morning if I would serve as officiant.”

Cadence laughed. History was filled with men doing everything in their power to keep women subservient. It was nice to see Islynn’s gift allowed her to break that mold. “What can I do to help?”

“You mean aside from helping to calm Carter’s nerves? He was an absolute wreck when I saw him earlier. He looked like he hadn’t slept much and he was running around like a crazy man.”

“I assume neither of them slept much. They were probably too busy making up.”

Islynn laughed. “Speaking of making up, are things better with you and your irritating barbarian?”

“Much better, but I still feel like we’re on fragile footing.” Donnall had walked her back to her room last night after Fionn hefted Carter over his shoulder and carried him off to bed. Instead of a repeat of what happened the last time he’d walked her home, Donnall kissed her cheek and wished her sweet dreams.

“It is always a hard time when you finally recognize your Anam cara.”

“Soulmate?” Donnall wasn’t her soulmate, was he?”

Islynn arched an elegant brow. “Your heart recognized him the moment you touched.”

Cadence shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. The first time she and Donnall touched a bolt of lightning seemed to sing through her entire body. Her heart may have recognized Donnall but only a week after being left at the altar, the last thing her mind wanted to focus on was finding her soulmate. “Maybe.”

“It is obvious to all but the two of you how you feel about each other. Take Fionn’s advice and find some way of letting him know how you feel about him before tomorrow morning.”

Before it’s too late was what Islynn was driving toward.


Carter was down on his hands and knees searching through a pile of pine needles.

“What on earth are you doing on the ground? You’re getting married in a few hours.” Cadence held a hand down to her brother to help pull him back to his feet.

“I’m losing my mind. Islynn told me I needed to gather items representing sky, sea and land for the ceremony. I have no idea what things I’m supposed to collect.

“So you’re digging in the dirt for inspiration?”

Carter nodded miserably.

“What have you gathered so far?”


“Why don’t we walk down to the river? Maybe we could find a shell to represent the sea and a smooth rock to represent land.”

Carter pulled Cadence into his arms and swung her around. “That’s a great idea, but what about sky?”

“How about a feather?”

“What would I do without you?” Carter sagged in relief and reached out to take Cadence’s hand.

Squeezing his hand in return, she reached up to kiss his cheek. “Let’s never find out.”


It had been a busy morning for Cadence. Not only had she gone on a scavenger hunt with Carter but was also in charge of getting Jilly dressed for the ceremony. Both children would play a large role in their fathers’ special day. Jilly was having trouble sitting still while Cadence did her hair.

“Hurry up! We’re gonna be late,” Jilly sighed.

“I know its hard sitting still, but I’m almost done.”

“Then I’ll be beautiful just like you?”

“You are always beautiful. There, all done.”

Jilly bounced into Cadence’s lap and threw her arms around her neck. “I’m gonna be a strong warrior and protect Moone just like you when I grow up.”

Cadence sent a silent prayer to God that Jilly would get that chance.


The cool fall day had turned cloudy. Islynn was preparing herself and the chosen spot on top of Fairy Hill for the handfasting celebration. Donnall was standing a short distance away holding Cardinn. As impossible as it seemed, he’d gotten comfortable with holding the infant.

Islynn had explained it would be his duty to hold the little boy and deliver a short speech during the ceremony. Cadence would be doing the same thing on Carter’s behalf. He was running over what he planned to say when Cadence and Jilly came out of the castle holding hands.

“Uncle Donnall, I’m beautiful like Auntie Cadence.” She twirled around showing off her green dress.

“Of course you are, little love.” He bent to kiss the girl.

“My Daddies are getting married today so we can be a family. You should marry Auntie Cadence so you can be a family too.” Jilly kissed his cheek and ran off to show Aggie her new dress.

“From the mouths of babes,” Islynn snickered. “Ah, here are our grooms, swords in hand. Excuse me.” Islynn hurried off to Fionn and Carter.

Donnall cleared his throat and looked around uncomfortably. His eyes landed on his friends who wore beaming smiles as they discussed the last minute details of the ceremony with Islynn.

“Kids say things like that all the time.” Cadence bit her lower lip presumably to keep from laughing.

As much as he hated to admit it, he’d been thinking the same thing himself as he lay alone in bed last night. It had taken all of his willpower to only kiss Cadence chastely at her door and more willpower still to stay in bed and not run to Cadence’s room to confess his feelings. “Right. Um, have you figured out what you’re going to say during the ceremony?”

Cadence grinned. “Mostly. I’m hoping the spirit of the moment will help fill in the blanks.”

Islynn clapped her hands for attention. “We are going to begin in a few moments. I would ask our grooms to take a moment of silent reflection to prepare themselves.” Islynn stepped into the circle of stones laid for the occasion.

“Here’s my sword.” Carter stabbed the weapon into the earth in front of his sister. “Can you lift it enough to hand it to me during the ceremony?”

Cadence raised an eyebrow and tried to draw the sword from the earth. She wrapped both hands around it and pulled and pulled. The sword wouldn’t budge. “Guess not, King Arthur.”

“Cadence, it doesn’t weight that much and it’s only sticking a few inches into the dirt.”

“Seriously, Carter?” She easily pulled the sword from the ground. “Gotcha!”

Carter laughed and wrapped his arms around his sister. “I can’t believe I’m getting married today.”

“At least your groom is here for a start.”

Carter pulled back from their hug. “More than anything, I want you to open yourself up to the kind of love I’ve found with Fionn. It may be closer than you think.”

“Are you ready to take our places, my beauty?” Donnall said from behind them. He was holding Cardinn in the crook of his left arm while holding Fionn’s sword in his right hand.

Carter winked at his sister and pressed a kiss to his son’s head before walking off toward the stone circle.

“I am.”

Donnall escorted Cadence and Jilly to the right side of the circle before taking his place with Cardinn on the left side. Islynn was standing in the center of the circle with her head bent in silence.

“I call Fionn Ò Ciardha,” Islynn announced.

Fionn bowed and stepped into the circle. “I call Carter McCann.”

Carter bowed and stepped into the circle.

“Now for the swords.”

Donnall stepped into the circle and handed Fionn his sword. Cadence did the same with Carter.

“We shall observe a moment of silence to show neither Fionn nor Carter is in a hurry to proceed, symbolizing no duress on the part of either groom.” Islynn bowed her head.

Donnall used the quiet time to watch Cadence. She was smiling down at Jilly who was on her best behavior. He found himself wishing it were he and Cadence standing in the center of the circle, him holding his sword and she holding a drinking horn. The thought startled him to his core.

“Each of our grooms will raise the tips of their swords to cross as a silent symbol they are ready to proceed with their union.”

Fionn and Carter raised their swords, so the tips were crossed against each other. They were smiling at each other.

“Earth, Sky and Sea, blessings from each of thee. Sunshine and the black of night, pledge eternal love with all thy might.” Islynn turned to Fionn and Carter to continue.

“One heart, one mind, one life. I pledge to thee,” Fionn and Carter chorused.

“Carter invites his sister, Cadence, to speak on his behalf.”

Cadence stepped forward still holding Jilly’s hand. “I’ve spent my entire life looking up to my brother. He’s always been brave and stood up for others. Now here I am, standing up for him on his wedding day. I’ve never been more proud of you than I am today as you pledge your life to Fionn and your children.”

Carter bent to kiss his sister and Jilly.

“Fionn invites Donnall to speak a few words on his behalf.”

“You have been my family since we were boys. It’s my pleasure to stand here today as your brother. Your love for Carter is obvious in everything you do and say. I can only hope to one day live up to the lofty standards you have set. In bringing Carter into our family, you’ve given me another brother. Go forth in love, Fionn. I wish you both every blessing for a happy tomorrow.” Donnall smiled at Cadence and stepped back, brushing his lips over Cardinn’s head.

“It is my honor to help Fionn and Carter welcome their children into this world and into their pledge. Both Jilly and Cardinn are well loved by their fathers and will always remain their first priority.”

“Jilly and Cardinn,” the guests chorused.

“Please join hands.” Islynn pulled a long black ribbon from the folds of her purple cloak, which she began to twine around their hands. “As I twine your hands, so shall your lives twine into one.”

Carter and Fionn watched with tears forming in their eyes as Islynn bound them together.

And now our grooms will speak the handfasting vow.

“We who were two are now one. We who were lost are now found. We pledge our lives, our spirits and our love.”

“It is done. Fionn and Carter may seal their vow with a kiss.”

Fionn leaned forward and kissed his new husband.



The great hall was filled to bursting with the entire castle celebrating Fionn and Carter’s wedding. Lutists were playing their instruments and people were dancing and laughing while others lingered over the feast that had been prepared.

Donnall could see Jilly laughing and holding hands with her friends as the children danced in a circle. Fionn and Carter were watching their daughter dance and exchanging slow kisses, their hands linked together.

“Why are you the only person in the room frowning?” Cadence held out cup of ale to him and took a sip from her own.

“The English will be here at sunup. Should I be smiling with the prospect of war and death hanging over my head?”

“Under ordinary circumstances, I’d agree with your foul mood but for Fionn and Carter’s sake, try to fake a smile or two.”

Donnall raised an eyebrow, appraising her face. “You’re not exactly giddy yourself, little mouse.”

“True, but whenever I feel a worry coming on, I take a sip of my drink.”

“How often do you feel a worry coming on?”

“Only once or twice a minute.” Cadence laughed at the shocked look on Donnall’s handsome face.

“You had better have a care with that ale, else you will end up dancing with the first man who asks.”

“Would that be you?”

Donnall grinned and grabbed her tankard from her hands. Setting her cup along with his on a nearby table, he grabbed Cadence’s hand and tugged her toward the other dancers. “What did you think of the ceremony?”

“I’ve never been to a handfasting before. It was beautiful. Islynn did an amazing job. You can feel the love between Fionn and Carter when you’re around them.”

“I only hope they have a lifetime to share together rather than just tonight.”

Cadence was stopped from answering when Jilly started yelling.

“Auntie Cadence! Auntie Cadence! Come dance with me.” Jilly pulled one hand away from the boy dancing next to her and waved it at Cadence.

Cadence laughed and pulled away from Donnall. He hoped they’d all have a lifetime to share together.


“Can I have everyone’s attention?” Donnall signaled to the lutists before banging his tankard on the head table. “It’s an odd day for the people of Moone. On the one hand we are celebrating the marriage of Fionn and Carter, yet on the other hand, we cannot deny what the sunrise will bring. I’ve always looked up to Fionn and love him like a brother. He taught me how to fish and we trained together under his father to become protectors of the castle. Your father would be so proud of the man you have become, Fionn. Fiannan would have loved adding another son to his family just as I love having another brother.”

Hoots and hollers for Fionn and Carter were raised around the hall.

“Fionn and I used to do everything together. Well, not everything…” Donnall blushed.

The room burst into laughs and catcalls.

“We did everything together until Carter turned up lost and alone outside the gates of the castle. I stood by and watched Fionn fall helplessly in love and vowed the same fate would never befall me.” Donnall didn’t miss the look of sadness that flashed quickly over Cadence’s face before she took a sip from her mug of ale.

“Never once was Fionn scared of what the future would bring or what loving Carter would mean for his life, he just went with his heart and for that, I salute you. I salute you both.”


“The most remarkable change came over Fionn as soon as he stopped accusing Carter of being a Scottish spy. Fionn started smiling more and he even laughed a time or two. When Carter left and returned to his own time, I saw Fionn do something he had not done since we lost Fiannan in battle all those years ago: he cried. In the time Fionn and Carter were apart I asked Fionn if the love had been worth the pain. Fionn banged his fist on the table and bellowed ‘Fuck, yes!’”

The crowd laughed.

“The love you share is obvious in everything you do. It’s made me realize I am capable of those same emotions if I were to open my heart up. All I have to do is be brave like my brothers. It’s not our pasts that matter but the here and now. Find love. Nurture it. Make it grow. Tell the person you love that you love them.” Donnall hoisted his mug into the air. “To Fionn and Carter!”

Once Fionn drained his mug, he pulled Donnall into a hug.

“That was a beautiful speech,” Cadence said when Carter finished hugging Donnall.

Donnall blushed, pleased that Cadence thought he had spoken well, but his stomach was tossing and turning over what he had wanted to tell Cadence. He wasn’t nearly as brave as he wanted to be.

“I would like to thank all of you for celebrating this special day with Carter and me. However, Donnall is right. We have something much more serious to confront. Today may be our last day.” Fionn paused to look around the room before his eyes lit on his husband and their children.

Roars and denials rose up around the room.

“Say what needs saying. Do what needs doing. Above all, have no regrets when the sun rises. Do not let this be our last day!” His lips curled into a smile when the room started cheering. “I will see you in the morning when we will slay the English dogs. FOR MOONE!”

“FOR MOONE!” every citizen of the castle chorused.


Fionn and Carter shook hands and hugged the wedding guests as they filed out of the great hall. Jilly was sleeping in Cadence’s lap while Donnall walked around the table trying to calm a fussy Cardinn. Islynn and Fianna sat around the table sipping cups of tea.

“I see my little lass has fallen asleep without kissing her Da goodnight.” Fionn bent and pressed a kiss to Jilly’s messy head. He kissed Cadence’s temple before straightening up.

“You will have the rest of her life to tuck her into bed.” Cadence was trying to soothe Fionn and was afraid she was failing miserably when he nibbled his bottom lip and started blinking back tears.

“Is there something else you know about tomorrow that you have not told us?” Fionn winked at Carter and took the seat next to him at the table.

Cadence exchanged an uneasy look with Donnall who nodded sharply. “Well, there is something.”

“For fuck’s sake, Cadence!” Fionn thundered.

Startled by her father’s roar, Jilly’s blue eyes flew open and she started to cry.

“Come here, sweetheart.” Carter stood and took his crying daughter from Cadence. Cardinn thankfully slept on.

“It doesn’t have to do with the battle directly.” Cadence sighed, wishing she didn’t have to tell her friend what she knew of her future.

“What has it to do with?” Fianna asked with care.

“With you, Fee, and with Donnall, indirectly.”

“What do you mean?” Fionn’s booming voice startled Jilly again.

“Fionn, stop yelling at my sister and waking our daughter.”Carter frowned at Fionn before soothing Jilly.

“You know of this too and failed to tell me?” Fionn’s eyes narrowed sharply.

“I know about Fianna, but not how Donnall fits in.” He hugged Jilly closer when the little girl wrapped her arms around Carter’s neck.

Before Fionn could yell again, Cadence jumped in. “The man in charge of the English troops is named William Longhurst.”

Fionn’s eyes popped open wide. “It cannot be your brother, Donnall.”

Donnall only nodded miserably.

Cadence reached out for his hand and laced their fingers together. “Since Donnall goes by his mother’s name, Healy, I had no way of connecting them to each other while I was researching the battle.” Cadence reached her other hand out to Fianna. “I told you only a few of Moone’s women survived the battle. You are one of them, Fee.”

“Thank the gods.” Fionn’s voice was raspy with relief. Unshed tears shimmered in his blue eyes.

“Keep in mind Cadence and Carter being here has already changed the way of things,” Donnall cautioned.

Cadence nodded in agreement, thankful for his support. “In the original timeline you are captured by Longhurst and forced to marry him. You give him four strong sons, but…” Hot tears scalded down Cadence’s face.

“As Donnall said, the future has changed, Cadence. It will do me no harm to hear what my future most definitely will not be.” Fianna squeezed their joined hands.

“You died shortly after giving birth to a still-born daughter.”

The table was silent. Islynn wrapped an arm around Fianna and smiled sadly at Cadence.

In that moment, Cadence knew exactly the kind of pain Islynn’s gift brought her. Knowing how her beautiful and vibrant friend would die had torn her up inside from the moment they met.

“My future is in my own hands now, Cadence, thanks to you.” She untangled their hands and reached out to wipe away Cadence’s tears.  “You gave me the strength and courage to stand up for myself and fight for Moone. No one, least of all this Longhurst arsehat, will force me to do anything I do not wish to do.”

Cadence burst out laughing and hugged her friend.

“We should put the children to bed, my heart. If this is to be our only night together as husbands, I would spend it loving you.”

Carter nodded and stood gently, so as not to wake Jilly again.

“We are off as well. Islynn is spending the night in my chamber so neither of us is alone.”

Islynn nodded and hugged Cadence tightly. “Do as Fionn says. Say what needs saying.”

Cadence laughed and watched her friends leave the hall arm-in-arm.

“I guess that leaves us,” Donnall said softly from behind her.

Cadence turned to him, all of the love in her heart threatening to overwhelm her. “Spend the night with me, Donnall. Please.”

Donnall pulled her into his arms. “I was just about to suggest that very thing.”


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