Tied Up, Tied Down (21 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Western, #Red Hots!, #Western Romance

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“I’m usually at the manufacturing plant in Moorcroft.”

“Well, India rocks. She is amazingly talented to boot.”

was always the tip-off. “Where’d she tattoo you?”

“On my butt.” Keely mock-whispered, “Don’t tell. My mother would have a cow if she heard about the big red lips tattooed on my derrière.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

“Cool. Don’t mention the McKay brand inked on my hip either.”

Sky motioned zipping her lip. “You said whenever you’re in town. You don’t live here?”

“No. Right now I live on the road. Middle of September I’ll be back in Denver to finish my sports medicine degree.”

“Sports medicine? What kind?”

“I’m specializing in physical therapy for cowboys who participate in the various pro rodeo tours.”

“Which means Keely is in her glory, surrounded twenty-four/seven by hot bull riders, bronc busters, and cowboys wickedly good with ropes. And she gets to put her greedy hands all over their sweat-slicked, muscled, half-naked bodies all the time. Bitch,”

Chassie added good-naturedly.



Tied Up, Tied Down

“Oh, that’s rich, Chass, coming from the woman who’s married to one of the hottest guys in the world. Now that he’s off the market I’ll never get to do him.”


“Puh-lease. You know I’ve had it bad for Trevor my whole life, since he’s best buds with Colby. And you had to go and marry him. So now he’s essentially my cousin, and I’ll never know firsthand whether he’s as good at ridin’ out of the saddle as he’s rumored to be.”

“Trust me, the rumors don’t do him justice.”

“Bitch,” Keely shot back.

Chassie laughed. “Now lemme hold her.”

Skylar’s head spun. She didn’t know whether to laugh or run. How would she ever get a handle on this family’s dynamics? It seemed they were in each other’s business all the time. Talk about boisterous. And nosy. Did any of these people hold back any personal emotions or thoughts? Or was everything common knowledge?

Kade isn’t blabbing near and far about the two of you
, a prim voice reminded her.

And if she was totally honest, she was utterly charmed by this wild, crazy and fiercely loyal family.

“So when are you and Kade getting married?” Keely asked.

“Um. I-I—”

“I know he’s asked you.”

Skylar’s eyes narrowed. “How?”

“Because he’s Kade. He’s never brought a woman to a McKay family function before. He’s Mr. ‘Do the right thing’ more so than any of my brothers, well, except for Cam. Plus, he’s been waiting for the right woman to settle down with for years. He’s always wanted a family of his own. If anyone deserves it, Kade does.”

What makes you think I’m the right woman? Would I be here if not for Eliza?

A man sauntered in, garnering Keely’s attention, keeping his back to Skylar. “Way to ditch me, babe.”

“My brothers giving you a hard time again?”

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“Ya think? Started out with arm wrestlin’. Then I hadta prove my skill with a rope, and a horse, and a rifle, a pistol, and a shotgun. This was all
I did crack of dawn chores with Cord, Colby, Colt,
your dad.”

“Poor baby.” Keely kissed him. “Carter cut you some slack?”

“Only because he’s friends with Jack, who’d happily kick his butt for messin’ with me.”

“Yeah? My money is on Carter. Your brother Jack is such a know-it-all, pompous, self-righteous, jerkwad, asshat.”

“Hey, now, that’s my kin.”

“At least I didn’t call him Jack-
like I usually do.”

Skylar couldn’t help but grin. Keely reminded Sky of India, that same in-your-face personality laced with a rapid-fire wit.

The man pointed at the baby in Keely’s arms. “Whose kid is that one?”

“My cousin Kade’s. This is Eliza’s mother, Skylar. Skylar, my boyfriend, Justin Donohue. He’s suffering through the McKay family dramas for the first time too.”

“Pleased to meet you, ma’am.”

Skylar didn’t know if she was more taken aback by his chivalrous hat tip, or that the cowboy was one of the best-looking men she’d ever seen. Blond-haired, green-eyed, with a smile to rival the devil’s. Chiseled features envy of the Marlboro man, and a muscular frame that’d make a body builder jealous.

When Keely saw Skylar’s thoroughly justified inspection of Justin, she waggled her eyebrows and gave a thumbs up behind Justin’s back.

Chassie rolled her eyes.

Sky withheld a chuckle. “Where are you from, Justin?”

“South Dakota, originally. Now I spend my time in Texas when I’m not on the tour.”

Tour? Was this guy a musician? He sure looked like he’d be at home on the stage in front of thousands of adoring female fans. “Which tour?”

“The Professional Bull Riders tour.”

“Oh. Really?”



Tied Up, Tied Down

“Justin is bull rider, ranked twenty-three in the world standings. He’s my cousin Chase’s traveling partner. We met when I did my stint with the PBR and I worked on his injured shoulder.”

“Keely saved my season. I’d be out if not for her. Except, I suspect her brothers are tryin’ their damndest to kill me, not just re-aggravate my injury.”

“Better not mention me sneaking out to see you in the bunkhouse last night, huh?

They’d really be putting the boots to your very fine ass.”

Justin hissed, “Will you keep it down? They have loaded guns. And I know they ain’t afraid to use me as target practice.”

Keely balanced on the tips of her funky cowboy boots decorated with flames and rhinestones, to whisper something in Justin’s ear. His face burned beet red. He grabbed her hand and hauled her outside.

“Before you ask, yes, she’s every bit as wild as you’ve heard.”

“Chass, hon, you have a minute?” Trevor yelled into the tent.

“Hang on.” Chassie passed Eliza back to Skylar. “Duty calls. See you later.”

Skylar was alone again. It was a bizarre feeling to consider these people were Eliza’s family; yet, they weren’t Sky’s family.

They could be if you’d say yes to Kade’s proposal.

She had been thinking about it, but like India had pointed out, Sky never did anything impulsively. And what was the hurry? They were already living together. She meandered into the yard and saw groups clustered everywhere. A few she recognized—

Kade’s father and his uncles. Older women. A few guys a decade younger than Kade with the same coloring who had to be more cousins she hadn’t met yet.

“Amazing, isn’t it? All these good-looking men. Most of them still single. Makes you wonder what’s wrong with them, doesn’t it? Besides the fact they’re ornery cowboys.”

Sky turned. The woman was as plain looking as she was plainspoken. Stick straight mousy brown hair nearly hid her heart-shaped face. She wasn’t tall; she wasn’t short. She www.samhainpublishing.com 167

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wasn’t fat; she wasn’t skinny. She was sturdy. A woman who’d blend into the background. The typical Wyoming ranch wife. “Have we met?”

“No, but I’ve heard all about you. I’m Libby McKay. Quinn is my husband. I’d introduce you to him, but he abandoned me like he always does.”

“Kade disappeared too.”

“Better get used to it. Then again, you’ve proven your worth by popping one out, and a girl McKay at that. Wow. Quite an accomplishment.”

Skylar didn’t know how to respond. It made her wonder if she’d acted aloof when talking to Kade’s assorted family members. Was constantly searching for Kade’s familiar face considered rude? Is that why this woman felt she’d found a kindred spirit? Or was there another reason behind her bitterness?

“Sorry. That was totally uncalled for. I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately.

Quinn always complains that I wouldn’t say shit if I had a mouthful.” Libby smiled and it was genuinely sweet. “Congratulations on your baby. She’s gorgeous. You must be thrilled.”

“I am, thank you. Do you have children?”

“No. Probably why I’m so defensive about it, huh?”

Again, Sky kept quiet.

“I’ll fill you in, since I see the questions in your eyes but you’re too polite to ask, which will change once you’re firmly in the bosom of the buttinsky McKays. Quinn and I have been married the longest of any of his cousins and we’re the only ones without kids.

So at family functions I hear that question over and over, until I snap at perfect strangers.” She smiled again. “Ignore me. Everyone else does.” Her eyes focused on an object over Skylar’s shoulder. “Well, well, speak of the ignorant devil. There’s my darling husband now. I’ll head him off at the pass and spare you from our marital spat.”

Libby met a stocky man with his hat pulled down so low Sky couldn’t see his face.

They fought. Not loudly, but body language spoke more than words anyway. The fight didn’t last long. Libby stomped off and her husband didn’t chase her down. He just watched her go. Didn’t appear airing family grievances was better than keeping them 168


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bottled up for Quinn and Libby. The scene bothered Sky enough that she knew she’d forego her usual none-of-your-business mantra and ask Kade about his cousin’s situation later.

At loose ends, she spied Carolyn and Kimi taping down tablecloths on the long picnic tables and headed that direction. “Need help?”

“Nope. Soon as I finish I’m gonna take my granddaughter off your hands.”

“Sounds good.”

Kimi’s smile died when she looked at Carolyn, who’d gone absolutely still.

“Caro? What’s wrong?”

Carolyn took off like a bat out of hell and ran across the yard.

All conversation everywhere ended abruptly.

A lone figure loped down the driveway. The duffel bag in his hand dropped to the dirt as Carolyn launched herself at him. He spun her around and she was sobbing so loudly they all heard her.

Kimi gasped softly. “Oh my God. That’s Cam.”

Carson hurried past. Keely shrieked and she was running down the driveway.

“Who’s Cam?” Skylar asked.

“Cameron McKay. Carolyn and Carson’s son who’s been in Iraq.”

“They didn’t know he was coming?”


Carter, Colby, Cord and Colt hustled by. As soon as the group finished their private reunion, the remaining family members rushed to meet him.

Although it made her feel like a voyeur, it was one of the most poignant scenes Sky had ever witnessed and she turned away in embarrassment to hide her tear-stained face.

Damn hormones.

But Sky also realized that no matter what happened between her and Kade, Eliza would always be welcomed with open arms in this loving, tight-knit family.

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Chapter Seventeen

Kimi bounded back to the seating area where Skylar hung on the periphery. “It’s good to see Cam home in one piece, even if it is only for a few days. Every time he’s gotten leave in the last few years, something awful happens over there and it’s cancelled.”

Skylar searched the McKay crowd for Kade. “That’s too bad.”

“Sweetie, I know that look.”

“What look?”

“The, ‘I’m a new mother and I’m always exhausted’ look. The ‘who in the heck are all these people’ look. The ‘where did my man wander off to’ look.”

Even through her melancholy, Sky was mightily amused by Kade’s mother. “You recognize all those looks on me already, Kimi?”

“Yep, and this time Kade had nothing to do with it. Here, lemme take Eliza for a bit.

Why don’t you sneak into the house where it’s quiet?”

Touched that Kimi seemed to be looking out for her once again, she said, “Thanks. I do feel a little lost in the crowd today.”

“It’s them durn hormones. Having a baby messes you up physically and emotionally for months afterward.” She shook her head. “I don’t know how you young women do it all these days.”

“You had two babies at the same time. I don’t know how
did it.”



Tied Up, Tied Down

“To tell you the truth, I don’t either.” She laughed. “It’s sort of a blur.”

“Tell me about it.”

Kimi made a shooing motion. “Now go on, scat. Eliza and Grama have serious showin’ off to do.”

Inside the big, old farmhouse, Sky wandered upstairs. Although the styles were the same, this one was much bigger than her house. Six bedrooms ringed a long, wide hallway. At the end opposite the staircase was a small bathroom. She snuck inside and shut the door, half-wishing she, Kade and Eliza could just go home.

Home. This area was Kade’s home. She’d bet this house was as familiar to Kade as the house he’d grown up in. She stared out the window at the shadowed ridge of mountains in the distance. The hilly prairie, heavy with tall, dry grass, clumps of scrub cedar. Little black specks she assumed were cows. A landscape completely foreign to her, which fit since the ranching lifestyle was equally foreign to her.

After washing her hands, she’d decided to call India, feeling guilty for her unintentional family neglect of her only sister, when two raps sounded on the door.

“Skylar? Sweetheart, you all right?”


She stepped out and resisted throwing herself into his arms. Streaks of grease dotted his face. He looked cute and surprisingly, a bit perplexed.

“Hey. Sorry. I got roped into helpin’ fix an old tractor with Blake and Chet and Remy. Then when Cam showed up I realized I’d left you alone for a coupla hours.”

“Understandable. It’s also understandable that I want to go home.”


“Don’t worry. I know it’s your family time. I won’t whine and make you come with me. You can stay. No big deal. I’ll call my sister to come get me, if you and Eliza wanna hang out.”

Kade bent down until they were nose to nose. “That’s what you think? I’d be pissed off about you tryin’ to get me to leave here?”

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