Tied Up, Tied Down (20 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Western, #Red Hots!, #Western Romance

BOOK: Tied Up, Tied Down
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She closed her eyes and turned her head to kiss his chin. And his throat. Kade allowed it, sensing her surrender.

He nuzzled the inside of her arm and gave a love bite on the tender flesh. She yipped and opened her eyes. “Bend over and hold onto the back of the bench.” Sky appeared to be weighing her options, of which she had none. He said, “Do it. Now.”

In a sensuous move that made his cock harder yet, she untangled from him and angled forward, sticking her backside in the air, letting her tits swung free.

He couldn’t take his eyes off the roundness of her ass, the wavering line of her spine, the way her long hair hung past her shoulders. Mostly how her gaze locked on his.

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“Tilt your pelvis up. That’s good.” Kade dipped his upper body and licked Sky from her tattoo up to the nape of her neck, layering his chest to her back. He breathed in the sweet scent of her hair. “I’m gonna fuck you hard and I want you to watch me. Watch me enjoyin’ every damn second of you and your body. Don’t look away.”

Kade snapped upright, latched onto her hips and plunged inside her.

Skylar gasped.

“Like that?”

“Yes. Do it again.”

He withdrew and slammed in. Over and over. Hard and deep. Glorying in the pleasure on her face, feeling the welcoming wetness of her pussy with each thrust. His legs shook, sweat trickled down the side of his face, but he never once looked away from her passion-darkened eyes.

When she rocked her hips back to meet his thrusts, he said, “Can you come like this?”


He thrust four times more, prolonging her pleasure and their intimate connection.

“Yes.” She threw her head back and came apart.

He hissed when he felt her pussy muscles clamping down on him. His last thread of control snapped. A surge of heat flashed and Kade hammered into her, his balls damn near crawled inside his body and his cock jerked as pulse after pulse of hot seed shot out.

When the primal roaring in Kade’s head lessened, he met her gaze.

She murmured, “I’m never gonna look at this mirror the same way again.”

Once again, he was at an utter loss for what to say. Sky deserved some kind of sweetly romantic words, but his brain was lazy, his body sated, and it took every ounce of control for him not to yawn.

Kade smoothed his hands up her back, past her shoulders and curled his hands around hers on the bench. He nestled his face next to hers as they both struggled for breath. He kissed her temple and slipped out of her body, helping her upright. She faced him, twining her arms around his neck. He was dying to know what was going through 156


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her mind, but he didn’t ask. He just held onto her and was grateful she hadn’t bolted in a fit of modesty.

A loud screech sounded from the baby monitor in the living room. Immediately Skylar pulled back. “I’d hoped she’d sleep all night.”

“Go on and get her. I’ll get the bottle ready and bring it up.”

“Am I allowed to get dressed?”



“Whether you’re wearin’ silky pajamas?”


“Then them eye-poppin’ baby doll ones will do just fine.”

She blinked with surprise. “You like those?”

“Yep.” His fingertip journeyed from the dimple in her chin over the tip of her right nipple to the shallow dent in her navel. “But I like you in no pajamas much better.”

Another loud screech echoed.

“I’m coming.” Without turning around, Skylar said, “You’re staring at my ass again, aren’t you?”

“It’s a damn fine ass.”

“Yeah? I’m gonna kick yours if you don’t get that bottle ready.”

“I’m goin’.” Kade cleaned up in the bathroom and grabbed a pair of sweatpants from the laundry room as he waited for the bottle to heat.

Upstairs, the small lamp in the corner of Skylar’s room was on. She sat against the headboard with Eliza in her arms. He passed her the bottle and climbed next to her on the bed.

“How’s our girl?”

“Surprisingly alert.”

Kade leaned over and grinned at their owl-eyed baby. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?

Wonderin’ what Mama and Daddy have been doin’? Tryin’ to keep us from makin’ a brother or sister for you?”

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“Bite your tongue, Kade McKay.”

“What? It’s possible.”

“Not when I’m on the pill and we’ve been using condoms every time.” Immediately, she chattered at Eliza while fussing with her blanket.

So, the little sneak neglected to tell him she was on the pill. Interesting. Her nondisclosure was another layer of control. Being covered on the birth control front opened up a whole new realm of possibilities in teaching Sky about spontaneity.

Kade reached for Eliza’s bare foot poking out of the blanket. “Her toes are so tiny.

Her ears too. She has your cute little turned-up nose.”

“You think so?”

“I’m hopin’ she gets your freckles too. And your laugh. I love your laugh. When she wraps those little fingers around mine, I know I’m the one who’s wrapped around hers.

Sometimes when I’m feedin’ her I just stare at her because she is so amazin’.”

“That she is.”

It was one of the most perfect moments of Kade’s life. Contentment filled him, cuddled into Skylar as they admired their creation.

Eliza finished the bottle and Sky handed her to Kade. She was fully awake even after he burped her.

“What are we gonna do with you, sweet girlie? You ain’t gonna go to sleep anytime soon, are ya?” He looked at Sky. “If you wanna get some shut-eye I’ll take her downstairs and keep her entertained until she falls asleep.”

“I’m not tired. You’re the one who’s had a tough day with all that roping, riding and rodeoing. I’d understand if you want to crash.”

“I’m feelin’ energized if you wanna know the real truth.”

Sky blushed.

“We could watch TV or something in the livin’ room?”

The look on Skylar’s face indicated she was thinking about the “or something”

activities they’d been involved in on the couch just a little while ago. Her clothes were still scattered everywhere. The wineglasses were on the coffee table. Would those 158


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reminders make her uncomfortable? Or have the opposite effect and make her as crazy to have him again as he was crazy to have her?

When she didn’t answer, he scooted off the bed. “I’m takin’ her downstairs. Get some sleep.”

“Hang on. I’m coming with you guys. Might as well pick a movie since we have that ridiculously large big screen TV. I’ll make popcorn.”

. Kade loved the sound of that. He leaned down and kissed her square on the mouth. “Sounds like a plan.”

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Chapter Sixteen

The McKay family was overwhelming, to say the least. Add in the two dozen or so West aunts/uncles/cousins and Skylar didn’t know if she’d ever remember anyone’s name. It didn’t help that Kade had deserted her.

He promised he’d come back. He did not desert you
, her inner romantic chastised.

Good Lord, with all the voices in her head clamoring for attention and offering advice, her mother would’ve been better served naming her Sybil, rather than Skylar.

Late morning was surprisingly cool for the beginning of September. Wispy white clouds covered the big Wyoming sky. The aroma of barbecue smoke and the occasional whiff of the barnyard overpowered the ever-present scent of sage.

Skylar shifted in the wicker rocker. She’d attempted to hide in the house, but Kimi insisted on setting her up under a small white tent. One of the three tents needed to house the vast numbers of McKays. Clusters of people filled the other tents. The one she and Eliza inhabited was devoid of activity and Skylar didn’t know whether to be thankful or embarrassed about that fact.

Horseshoes clinked in the background, competing with the twang of country music drifting from a boom box. Males shouting, females laughing, babies crying, doors slamming, vehicles zooming up the driveway in a cloud of dust—Sky fought off a full-blown panic attack.



Tied Up, Tied Down

She should’ve invited her sister along. No one would’ve noticed another body among the throng of cowboys and cowgirls. Then again, with India being the tattooed and pierced lady, she’d stick out like a circus performer.

Eliza squirmed. Sky adjusted her so she laid across her lap, loosening the blanket to keep her from overheating. When she looked up, a little boy around the age of four stared at her curiously. Black hair, vivid blue eyes. His genetics were obvious.

“Which McKay are you?”

“Kyler. Is that really a girl?”

“Really and truly.”

He peeped at Eliza, practically nose to nose. “So she’s my cousin? ’Cause I ain’t ever had a girl cousin before.”

“How many cousins do you have?”

“About a billion.”


“Nah. Just kiddin’. Thane and Gib are both babies. Well, Gib is walkin’ now so he’s kinda cool, but Thane don’t do nothin’ but drool. Kinda borin’ if you ask me, I don’t see the big deal about babies. And Grama is all excited because we’re gonna have another baby in the family.”

“I think all babies are pretty cool.”

He shrugged. “Know what I think are cool?”


“Horses? Do you got a horse?”

“No. Do you?”

“Uh-huh. A pony
a horse. And a bb gun. I’m a good shot.” He studied her.

“Uncle Kade’d probably buy you a horse if you asked him real nice. Her too.”

Skylar bit her cheek to keep from laughing. “You think?”

“Yep. He used to come over all the time and ride horses and shoot. How come you don’t let him come over no more?”

“Kyler McKay, I’ve been looking for you!”

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The boy muttered, “Crap,” under his breath.

AJ strode toward them.

“Hiya, Mom. You sure smell good.”

“Charm isn’t gonna work, buster. And you’re only saying that because I smell like cookies.” She smiled indulgently and ruffled the dark hair on Kyler’s head. “Didn’t you tell Grama you’d pick green beans this morning?”

“Yeah. But I—”

“No excuses. Get going, she’s waiting. There’s a bucket hanging on the fence post by the garden gate.”

The boy crawled under the bottom of the tent and disappeared.

“I hope he wasn’t a pest.”

“No. I was grateful for the company. He’s an entertaining kid. He was looking for Kade. Have you seen him?”

“He and Colt and Blake were headed for the barn. Why? Do you need me to track him down for you?”

“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble.”

“Sheesh. It’s no trouble at all.”

“AJ. There you are.” Macie loped toward them, a dark-haired, brown-eyed baby boy planted on her hip. “Can you take Thane? Carter and his dad are off somewhere and I need to lay down before I throw up again.”

“Sure.” AJ cocked Thane on her hip. “Are you doing too much?”

“I’m done cooking for now. I’ll be fine if I can just close my eyes for a bit.” Macie looked at Skylar and Eliza. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing contagious. Carter knocked me up again. I swear that damn virile man intends to keep me barefoot and pregnant for our entire marriage.”

“Or he’s competing with Cash,” AJ said. “Have you met Macie’s dad, Cash Big Crow and his wife, Gemma?”

Skylar nodded.



Tied Up, Tied Down

“Their twins are fifteen months and Gemma is pregnant again. Damn, maybe it

“Channing would be happy about that.”

AJ grinned. “I take it Channing is still going through with the plan to seduce Colby?”

At Skylar’s blank look, Macie said, “Channing had sort of a rough pregnancy with Gib, so Colby is gun-shy about her getting pregnant again so soon.”

“How old is Gib?”

“Nine months.”

“Why would Channing want to get pregnant again when she already has a baby?”

“Like me, she wants to have kids close together. Besides, once you have a baby, your life is chaos, how much harder could it be to add one more?”

Skylar hadn’t thought of it that way.

“Anyway, since Channing is nursing and can’t take the pill, Colby is adamant about using condoms. We all know how…insistent these McKay men are,” Macie said dryly.

“She’s managed to hold out on him for the last week. So the next couple of nights she’s pulling out all stops to drive him wild and into having sex without a condom.”

“If they haven’t had sex for a week, he’s toast,” AJ said.

“No kidding.”

Skylar froze. Not only were these women confiding something incredibly personal in her, neither of them realized Eliza’s existence was due to lack of a condom. Which meant Kade hadn’t told anyone the down and dirty details about their initial encounter.

“Oh, crap.” Macie clapped a hand over her mouth and raced out of the tent.

“Poor thing. I’ll see if I can’t track Kade down for you,” AJ said.

Skylar’s respite was short-lived. A gorgeous woman with legs up to her armpits, sporting the dark McKay hair and sparkling blue eyes approached her.

“This is the girl muscling in on my territory.”

“Excuse me?”

“Can I hold her?”

“Maybe you oughta introduce yourself first,” Chassie suggested from behind her.

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“Oh. I’m Keely McKay.”

“Ah. The prodigal McKay daughter,” Skylar said. “I’ve heard about you.”

“Don’t believe any of it. All lies perpetrated by my brothers and cousins to distract everyone from their wild ways.”

Skylar handed Eliza to her and Keely cradled the baby like a pro.

“Oh, lookit you, beautiful girlie-poo. Whoa, she really looks like Kade.” Keely displayed a dazzling smile. “No offense.”

“None taken.”

“So, Skylar, you own Sky Blue? I love that store, especially the essential oils. I always stop and load up whenever I’m in town. I never see you in there.”

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