Thug Luv 2 (7 page)

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Authors: Jazmyne

BOOK: Thug Luv 2
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“Jay!” Ace called out.


“I know, I would never do anything to jeopardize my life or y’all’s, let alone Sunshine,” Jay answered cutting Ace off.


“Shouldn’t we call a few more of our niggas?” Boog questioned.


“The four of us are good enough,” Boy replied.


“Besides what I have in the trunk, we’re all the backup we need,” Jay answered. “I’m gonna flash my lights twice. That’s the queue letting y’all know it’s clear to make a move,” Jay finished as he hopped the gate.


Ace’s backyard was familiar territory. For that reason, Jay didn’t need any light or direction. He knew the property like he knew the streets. He quickly made his way across the yard, unheard and unseen. Without warning, he wrapped his arm around his target’s neck and squeezed while pressing the gun to the back of his head. “Relax and you’ll live to see another day,” Jay whispered in his ear. “All I need is for you to answer a few questions then you can walk away,” he advised. The man nodded his head, indicating he understood and didn’t have a problem cooperating.


“How many people are inside?” Jay asked.


“About ten,” he answered.


“About? I need an accurate count,” Jay demanded.


“Yeah, there’s ten inside and even more out front heavily armed,” he answered.


“The woman you and your partner were talking about earlier, is she injured badly?” Jay continued to question. Again, he nodded his head.


“Badly isn’t the word. They have her tied up in the living lying across the sofa.”


“Thanks, you’ve been very helpful,” Jay said as he snapped his neck. The man died before he knew what was taking place. Jay dragged his body across the yard then laid him under the big oak tree. Next, he flicked his flashlight on and off twice giving his niggas the signal.




“Let’s move,” Boy said as he saw Jay flashing the light. Boy, Boog, and Ace hopped the fence then jogged across the yard holding choppas and handguns.


“We have the upper hand. These niggas don’t know we’re here,” Jay declared. “There’s about ten niggas inside. Sunshine is tied up in the living room,” he informed everyone.


“My only concern is getting Sunshine out of harm’s way,” Ace stated.


“We won’t have long. Once the gunplay starts, the niggas posted out front will be in with choppas, AK’s, and shotguns,” Jay told everyone. “We only have one chance at this. Whoever grabs Sunshine, let it be known so we can get out of there,” he finally said.


Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as Boog handed Jay one of the choppas he was holding.




“We should just call it a night,” Adam said pacing the kitchen floor.


“He’ll be here,” J’vion assured him.


J’vion knew everyone had become restless. He watched as individuals paced or stood around impatiently waiting for something to pop off. No one knew it was about to go down in a manner they never saw coming.


Brenda paced back and forth as well. She knew this was a bad idea but her opinion no longer mattered. Right now, she felt she should have walked away when she was given the option.


“I don’t care how long it takes for that nigga to show his face, we sit here and wait!” J’vion shouted loud enough for everyone standing around the house to hear. “Have I made myself loud and clear?” He asked. No one uttered a word.


Brenda stopped pacing then looked up to find a shadow standing by the backdoor. She was 100 percent confident it wasn’t one of J’vion’s boys and convinced that whoever it was, was holding a gun. She was paralyzed; she wanted to scream. However, her voice was caught in her throat. Everything started moving in slow motion as she watched the bullet discharge from the gun, fly across the room, and penetrate her chest. The power from the bullet flung her body into the counter behind her. Brenda gasped as she placed her hands over the hole in her chest. She could feel the blood rapidly spilling from her body. “Gun!” She managed to get out as her body slid to the floor.


No sooner than the word left her mouth, additional shots rang out nonstop.


“Oh shit!” J’vion yelled as he dived to the floor.


“Brenda, noooo!” Adam screamed as he ducked for cover. Bullets were continually flying over his head. His heart rate had sped up. Adam had never been in the middle of a gun war. At this instant, he understood why he never wanted to be a part of this lifestyle. “Brenda, please hold on. I’m gonna get you outta here,” Adam begged as he pulled Brenda close to him. She tried to speak but was unable to vocalize anything.


“Don’t talk! Just hold on,” he pleaded.


“Let this shit go and live your life. We played the game and lost,” she managed to get out. “Take it as a lesson learned. You win some and you lose some.” She concluded just as she began to cough up blood.


“I’m sorry,” Adam said as he held her firmly until she took her last breath. Adam was hurt and angered. Life for him had never been good. He thanked God Brenda hadn’t asked him to make a promise, one he wouldn’t have been able to keep. Adam closed Brenda’s eyes as the gunplay continued above his head. Adam could hear an abundance of footsteps, signifying that J’vion’s squad from outside had made it inside and joined the shootout.


As everyone exchanged gunfire, the sparks from the blazing guns lit up the house.


“This is what this mothafucka calls a perfect plan?” Adam thought. “Where the hell is this nigga, anyway?” He mumbled.




Ace moved from the kitchen with ease. The darkness gave him an advantage, one he needed. The AK’s and shotguns being used were doing major damage to his home. In spite of this, he really could care less about the condition the house would be left in. His goal was to get Sunshine then get out of there. The smell of death and gunfire hung in the air.


Ace pushed himself off the wall, sliding across the living floor. As he pulled the trigger until it was empty, he dropped the three men standing in there–their bodies fell to the floor.


“We gotta get the fuck outta here!” Ace heard someone yell.


Ace made it to Sunshine to find her balled up in the fatal position and trembling.


“Sunshine,” Ace whispered as he removed the duct tape from her mouth. Sunshine burst into tears. “Shhh, everything is gonna be okay. I’ma get you outta here,” he said as he picked her up from the floor. Holding her in his arms after three long years was surreal. His emotions were high but Ace kept them in check–for now anyway.


Once again, Ace used the darkness to his advantage and followed everyone else out the front door. Everybody ran in different directions. Ace eased Sunshine into the backseat then jumped into the driver’s seat. As he started the car, he called Jay.


“I got her! Get out of there, cops are coming!” Ace shouted into the phone.


“Bruh, you know I’m not leaving until that nigga is dead,” Jay retorted.


“Jay, get the fuck outta there. There’s always another day,” Ace barked into the phone. “Grab Boog and Boy and leave out the backdoor.” Ace demanded, disconnecting the call.




“Boog, Boy, we out!” Jay called out as he hung up with Ace. “He has Sunshine. The cops are on their way,” he informed them, heading for the backdoor.


“Let’s go,” Boy stated as they took off out the backdoor then over the gate to their awaiting car.


Adam could finally breathe again. He didn’t know how long he had been holding his breath. At last, the gunfight terminated. He was a nervous wreck. As he tried to stand to his feet, his knees buckled underneath him. He had to grab ahold of the countertop for support.


“J’vion, where the hell are you?!” Adam yelled out. He hadn’t heard anything from him since the shootout began.


J’vion stepped out of the foyer, perspiring as if he had just run a marathon. “This was your flawless plan?” Adam snapped, ready to fight J’vion.


“Listen, we gotta get outta here. Now isn’t a good time to be arguing,” J’vion retorted as if what had just gone down was trivial.


Perplexed, Adam watched as he slipped out the backdoor.


The flashing lights pulling up in front of the house disrupted Adam’s trance. He looked out the window to find officer after officer jumping from their respective cars, heading inside. Taking one last look at Brenda’s lifeless body, Adam took off for the backdoor.


Chapter 8


Ace walked through the Patrick Henry Mall holding Serenity and Savanna’s hands tightly within his. Despite everything that was going on in his life, he had made a promise to his girls that he wasn’t going to break.


“Ooohhhh daddy, Aaliyah would like something out of the jewelry store,” Savanna squealed. Ace laughed as they made their way to the jewelry store.


“I need both of you to pick out something nice for Aaliyah,” Ace directed.


“Are you gonna buy her something from you too?” Serenity solicited.


“I am,” Ace answered looking at a diamond ring.




Aaliyah sat at her desk going over a few case files. She had been going over the same files since she had arrived at the office two hours ago. Her mind wasn’t into the task in front of her. It didn’t matter how many times she tried, her mind always went to Ace and how he climbed into bed with her and the girls as if nothing had occurred. She wanted so badly to ask him what had happened, but it really didn’t matter; she was just relieved he had made it back to her in one piece. She had called Ace an hour after she had gotten to the office to check on him and the girls. Aaliyah could tell the girls were excited about spending the day with their father. She could clearly hear their excitement in the background.


Unmistakably, they were spoiled, daddy’s girls. Curiosity was getting the best of her as she wondered what Ace and the twins had up their sleeves. Both girls were yelling and screaming that they had a surprise for her and couldn’t wait for her to see it. Getting back to the conversation she was having with Ace, she questioned him about it. His response was to laugh and say she would find out soon enough. Aaliyah sat back in her seat and smiled. She found it cute that they wanted to surprise her with something. Material things didn’t really mean much to Aaliyah. She was perceptive of the fact that just as quickly as things came they could be gone. To her, it was the thought that counted. Hence, she could afford whatever her heart desired.


Jennifer knocked on Aaliyah’s office door then peeked her head inside. “Hey, I wanted to see if you’d like to join me for lunch. If not, is there anything I can pick up for you on my way back?” Jennifer asked.


“I’m fine. Thanks for asking; enjoy yourself,” Aaliyah said as she waved bye.


“Are you sure?” Jennifer inquired. Aaliyah nodded her head.


“I’m sure. I have a lot to get caught up on,” she said pointing to her desk where there was a pile of file folders sitting in front of her and awaiting her attention.


“I’ll see you when I get back,” Jennifer stated as she closed the door behind her.


Aaliyah shook off any and all thoughts that didn’t pertain to her clients.




“Dr. Thomas, how is she doing?” Ace asked into the phone as he looked over a few diamond rings.


Dr. Thomas was an old school doctor who had lost his license years ago for falsifying prescriptions. He had done a few years in prison. What he had worked so hard for was taken away. Thanks to Ace and other local drug dealers in the area, he was able to continue doing what he loved–assisting people who were in need of help.


“Ace, she’s tough and will pull through. All she needs is plenty of rest, lots of fluids, and love,” Dr. Thomas answered.


“Thanks, I owe you,” Ace responded as he closed his eyes to say a silent prayer. He could breathe a little easier knowing Sunshine would recover. “Doctor, I have to go but I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Ace stated before disconnecting the call. Then, he called Keema.


“Hello?” Keema answered.


“Hey Keema, I need a favor. I’m trynna set something special up for Aaliyah. You know the whole dinner thing and whatnot. Can you help me out?” Ace requested.


“When do you need it done?” She asked.


“In the next few hours,” Ace answered. “I need a babysitter too,” he laughed.


“You know you can drop the babies off to me anytime. Let me see what I can pull off. I’ll call you back in a few,” she replied before disconnecting the call. Having done so before Ace had a chance to thank her.


“Ladies, have y’all found anything Aaliyah would like?” Ace inquired.


“Yes daddy, I want to get Aaliyah that bracelet,” Savanna said pointing out a diamond charm bracelet.


“And I wanna get her the heart chain. Isn’t it pretty daddy?” Serenity asked excitedly.


“Yes, they’re both beautiful,” Ace answered.


“Have you picked out anything for her?” They asked in unison.


“I have. Do you guys think she’s going to like that diamond ring?” Ace asked pointing at a 10 carat princess cut diamond ring.


“Ohh, daddy can I get one too! Please?” Savanna shrieked jumping up and down. Ace laughed.


“Baby, we’re shopping for Aaliyah, remember?” Ace reminded them. “Excuse me; can you please wrap those three items for me?” Ace asked the middle-aged clerk. She smiled and told him she would be back with him shortly.


Ace and the girls watched as the sales clerk gift wrapped all three items then placed them into their own small bags. Ace slid his bankcard across the counter. Once his items were paid for, he thanked the clerk, picked his babies up, and headed into the next store.


After shopping in a few more stores, Ace stopped at the food court to buy Serenity and Savanna something to eat.


“Daddy, Aaliyah is going to love everything we got for her,” Savanna said eagerly as she bit into her pizza. “When can we give it to her?” She inquired.


“We can stop at her office as soon as we leave the mall,” he replied.


“What are we waiting for?” Serenity asked.


“We’re waiting on you two to finish eating,” Ace responded.


“Daddy, we can eat in the car,” Savanna announced.


“No,” Ace said shaking his head.


Ace sat back in the chair and watched as Savanna and Serenity talked amongst one another. He adored the smiles on their faces. To him, they were priceless.


“Daddy, we’re all done. Can we go now?” Savanna asked as she wiped her hands on the napkin then took a sip of her drink.


Ace cleaned up their mess then helped them from the table. He grabbed their hands, the bags, and headed for the exit.




“Aaliyah Bailey speaking, how may I help you?” She answered her office phone.


“Ms. Bailey, I’m calling to retain you for my upcoming case. You’ve been highly recommended,” he said into the phone. Aaliyah smiled. That meant she was doing her job as an attorney.


“When can you come in so that we can chat and go over your case, as well as a few other things?” She inquired.


“I can come in as soon as tomorrow morning. Is that okay with you?” He asked.


“That will be fine. Sir, can I get your name?” Aaliyah asked. Here they had been having a conversation for a few minutes now and she still hadn’t gotten his name.


“John Wilson,” he replied. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he stated then disconnected the call. Aaliyah wrote his name down then got up to put away some files.


“Aaliyah!” Serenity and Savanna said bursting through her office door. She smiled as she turned around to find them running at full speed toward her. Bending down, she held her arms open as they ran into her embrace.


“We have a surprise for you,” Serenity declared.


“Do you, what is it?” Aaliyah asked.


“You have to close your eyes,” Savanna said as she ran to Ace who was standing at the door looking damn good in a button up, short sleeve, and a pair of denim jeans. Although he had so much going on in his life, he was still able to smile.


Ace handed Serenity and Savanna the small jewelry bags as well as the teddy bears they had picked out for Aaliyah. He excused himself when his phone started ringing.


“Here Aaliyah, open my gift first,” Savanna told her.


Aaliyah opened her eyes and stood to her feet, making her way over to the chairs sitting in front of her desk. “You girls didn’t have to do this,” she said holding back tears.


She opened the first jewelry box and found a pretty diamond charm bracelet with the letter A dangling from it.


“Oh my gosh; this is so beautiful,” Aaliyah said as she admired her new arm candy.


“I knew you would like it,” Savanna smiled.


“Open my present now,” Serenity said.


Aaliyah opened her next gift and was floored when she found a diamond heart pendant.


“Why are you crying?” They asked at the same time, all the while each of them wiped away her tears.


“Because it was so nice of you girls to buy me these gifts,” Aaliyah smiled through the tears.


“We did it because you do so much for us; and you don’t ask for anything in return. It was our turn to do something nice for you,” Savanna spoke eloquently.


Aaliyah wiped the tears away as she continued to admire her gifts; it amazed her how the six year olds were so thoughtful as well as intellectual.


“Daddy got you something too,” Serenity smiled as she jumped up and down.


“I’ll give her my gift later,” Ace said stepping back into the room. “Aaliyah, will you join me for a late lunch?” Ace asked as he moved toward all three ladies.


What kind of question is that?” She asked. “Of course I will.”


“Are we invited, daddy?” Savanna asked.


“Nope, this one is just for Aaliyah and I,” Ace answered, taking a seat next to Aaliyah.


“Aww man,” the twins pouted.


“Next time, it will be a date for four,” Ace laughed. “Aaliyah, grab your things and let’s go,” Ace requested as he stood to his feet and looked down at his watch.


He had gotten off the phone with Keema. She had made them reservations for a sushi spot in Virginia Beach, which was about a thirty minute drive depending on traffic.


“Where are we going?” Aaliyah inquired.


“You’ll find out when we get there,” Ace responded as he waited for Aaliyah to gather her things.




Ace dropped the twins off to Keema then headed for the interstate.


“Amir, I wanted to change my clothes,” Aaliyah said when she noticed they were heading to Virginia Beach.

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