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Authors: Jazmyne

Thug Luv 2 (6 page)

BOOK: Thug Luv 2
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Adam looked over at Brenda who was lost in her thoughts. The apprehension she tried to hide was all over her face. He didn’t have time to comfort nor make her feel better about a decision they both were beginning to regret. The damage had already been done; the only thing left to do was deal with the consequences.


“Suck that shit up and come help me,” Adam said heading for the room where Sunshine was.


Brenda sighed intensely, sucked in as much air as she could, slowly released it into the atmosphere, and then got up to help Adam.




Brenda walked into the room to find Adam dragging Sunshine from the bed by her hair. She knew they should have killed her years ago. Sadly, there wasn’t anything she could do about it now. Yes, Sunshine was her baby sister but she was under the impression that she brought this situation on herself. Brenda felt Sunshine had no business starting a relationship with him in the first place. Everyone knew how she felt about him. Sunshine slipped in like the sneaky snake she was and stole her happiness, her love, her joy, and her family. Serenity and Savanna were supposed to be her and Ace’s children, not Sunshine’s. It might sound coldhearted but she didn’t give a fuck if Sunshine lived or died; it made her no never mind. She would continue living her life as she had been doing.


Sunshine locked eyes with Brenda. She was pleading for her help. The only thing Brenda did was roll her eyes and cross her arms across her chest. The pain displayed in Sunshine’s eyes would cause anyone else to feel sorry for her, but not Brenda.


“I’ll see you in hell, bitch,” Brenda barked as she spat in Sunshine’s face.


“Grab the duct tape and start tying her up.” Adam directed as he exited the room to find something to blindfold Sunshine with.


Brenda snatched the duct tape and began wrapping it tightly around her ankles. “You would’ve been better off dead,” Brenda snarled with hatred in her voice.


“What did I do to you that caused you to hate me this much?” Sunshine murmured.


“First things first, you were born. Secondly, you stole my happiness,” Brenda answered. “You should have simply killed yourself then none of us would be experiencing this.” Brenda concluded as she wrapped the tape around her wrists.


Sunshine attempted to speak. “Bitch, please save whatever it is you have to say for someone who cares to hear it because I don’t.” Brenda informed her as she covered her mouth with tape. Sunshine still tried to speak but nothing came out due to her mouth being taped shut. Adam walked in, flipped Sunshine onto her stomach with his left foot, and tied the blindfold around her eyes. Trying to get free, she twisted and squirmed. Any fight she had left in her stopped when Adam brutally placed his knee in the middle of her back.


“Why don’t they just kill me?” She thought as tears poured down her cheeks. Sunshine had never given up on anything in life. However, with each passing day, the fight was becoming harder and harder. She felt it was time to let go and allow Ace to be free.


Chapter 7


As soon as Aaliyah pulled up to the house, she quickly got out and took the twins inside. They were still crying and asking questions she didn’t know how to answer. She ran them a bubble bath hoping it would help to soothe them. After safely securing them in the bathtub, she rushed back downstairs to help Ace out of the car, only to find him pacing the kitchen floor with his phone glued to his ear.


“Jay, I tried to play nice; now I don’t give a fuck. Nothing is off limits. There isn’t a soul safe,” he splurted. “This is the third time they’ve violated my fucking babies!” He yelled into the phone.


“Whoa, slow down and explain exactly what happened.” Jay told him as he got out of bed and walked to the closet.


“What’s going on?” Neisha asked. Jay held his hand up as he listened to Ace.


“My nigga, these mothafuckas done blew up my car. My fucking daughters could have been inside,” Ace acknowledged, pissed off.


“They did what?!” Jay asked surprised then started pulling his guns out.


“Jay, that nice guy shit is gone,” Ace stated as he continued to pace back and forth.


“Where are you?” Jay inquired.


Ace provided his location then disconnected the call. His head was throbbing. He had minor scratches and bruises on his face, neck, and arms but that was nothing compared to what he was about to do. In all the years Ace had been in the game, he had never went after anyone’s family. Sorry to say, that was about to change. Mothafuckas had disrespected his daughters too many times for him to give a fuck about the next man’s family. The gloves had come off and Ace hoped mothafuckas were ready for the hits he was about to bring.




Adam was doubtful when it came to anything dealing with Ace. He didn’t understand the logic of releasing Sunshine. It didn’t matter how many times J’vion explained it. To him, it just wasn’t a good idea. Nevertheless, he would take his chances. After all, he didn’t have anything to lose.


“Hurry up,” J’vion said standing over Adam as he picked the lock. His nerves were on edge. Popping an E pill before linking up with Adam didn’t help matters.


“I need you to back up off me. Give me some fucking room so I can work,” Adam spat looking over his shoulder. It was dark outside and the light from his phone wasn’t much help.


J’vion took a step back to allow Adam to work but he couldn’t stay still.


“Got it,” Adam said as the door eased open. Adam and J’vion looked at one another wondering who would take the first step inside.


“Man move,” J’vion retorted as he removed the gun from his waistband. J’vion eased the door all the way open. Then he stepped inside with his back against the door as he listened for any movement.


“Do you know if your brother has any animals?” J’vion asked.


“Nah, not that I remember,” Adam replied, following closely.


Adam flipped the light switch on as he and J’vion stood in the doorway. “What’s next?” Adam inquired.


Grab shorty from the car while I make a few phone calls,” J’vion demanded as he dialed on his cell phone. J’vion frowned as he looked around the space. This was his first time in Ace’s home. The last time he was in the area was when he had lost a few of his most loyal homeys as well as his best friend, Meek. Every time he closed his eyes, it played like a never-ending movie. It only caused him to want Ace’s blood that much more.


J’vion made the calls he needed to make. His niggas were en route, more than ready to do damage.




Sunshine grimaced in pain as her body crashed onto the hardwood floor beneath her. He stepped over her body as if she were a pile of trash.


“Who is he?” Brenda asked.


“Who the fuck are you?” J’vion asked in return as he stared her up and down. “I don’t have time for formalities,” he said as he walked toward the kitchen. J’vion waved Adam along.


Brenda snatched his arm preventing him from following.


“You trust him?” She asked.


“I don’t trust anyone! But if he’s willing to help solve this problem, I’m down for whatever,” Adam answered as he snatched his arm then turned and walked away. He stopped and faced Brenda again, “You can either continue to ride this wave or consider this your opportunity to walk away,” he said looking into her eyes.


Brenda thought about this being her chance to leave. Conversely, she wanted to stay to the end to see how everything would turn out. She knew it wouldn’t end well for someone; she just didn’t know who. She had come to the conclusion she had already lost. She was simply waiting for the day someone put a bullet in her to seal the deal.


The cocking of a gun drew both Brenda and Adam’s attention. When they looked up, J’vion was standing there holding his gun down to his side.


“I don’t know what you two got going on but the only two options she has is: one, stay and finish this out or two, die,” he said looking from Adam to Brenda. “I don’t know her and I for damn sure don’t trust her. She has already heard and seen too much,” he declared angrily.


Adam stepped in front of Brenda. “Whoa, she has nothing to do with what you and I have going on.


Brenda felt warm inside and was glad Adam had taken up for her. “Adam, I’m gonna ride this one out until the end,” she stated.


“Are you sure?” Adam asked as he turned his attention to Brenda. She nodded her head in the affirmative.


“Yes, I’m sure,” she reassured him.


“Now that we’ve gotten that cleared up, can we get back to the task at hand?” J’vion demanded, walking away. Brenda and Adam followed him into the kitchen where he explained his plan.


“Are you sure this is going to work?” Adam asked once again, feeling unsure about J’vion’s scheme.


“If I wasn’t sure it would be successful, I wouldn’t be doing it,” Adam retorted, getting up when he heard a horn being blown outside.




Aaliyah had gotten the girls out of the tub and into bed. The entire time she was dressing them for bed, they asked question after question. Regrettably, she didn’t have an answer to any of them. Aaliyah lay with them until they both fell asleep.


When Aaliyah made it back downstairs, Boy, Jay, and Boog were sitting with Ace.


“What you wanna do?” Jay asked, always down for whatever.


“I wanna shut the city down. I’m talking ‘bout kicking in doors, the whole nine,” Ace snapped. “It’s one thing to come after me but to involve my lady and daughters, not cool.” He finished.


“When you trynna get this shit poppin’?” Jay asked.


“Right now, I’ma show this mothafucka how you come at a nigga’s family.” Ace responded as he got up to pace.


“That isn’t how you move,” Boy said. Boog nodded his head in agreement.


“It’s how I move but from here on out; I’m dropping to this mothafucka’s level,” Ace spat.


Boy and Boog looked at each other. They knew there wasn’t anything they could say to change his mind. He was in beef mode; they understood completely. When your life as well as the lives of your children was put in the line of fire, all or any logical thinking went out the window.


“I guess there isn’t anything else to talk about,” Boy said. “Let’s ride out.” He stated as he rose and headed for the door with Boog, Jay, and Ace right behind him.


“I’m gonna meet you niggas in the car,” Ace told them when he discovered Aaliyah standing there with a sad expression on her face. He realized none of this was easy for her. Yet and still, she remained loyal to him.


“I don’t think going out there tonight is a good idea,” Aaliyah advised. She held her hand up to stop Ace from speaking. “I know you gotta do what you gotta do; just try to make it back to your daughters,” she pleaded. Ace smiled as he kissed her soft lips.


Aaliyah stood at the door and watched until they pulled off before she closed and locked the door then set the alarm. On her way to bed, she said a quick prayer for all four men.




The car was quiet as every man sat lost in his own thoughts. The four of them riding around Hampton brought back memories, old but good memories.


“I have this nagging feeling,” Ace said breaking the silence. “Drive to my crib,” he commanded.


“What kind of nagging feeling?” Boog asked.


“Like something isn’t right; I know it doesn’t have anything to do with my girls because we just left them,” Ace replied.


The closer they got to his home, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He became anxious. “Yo, something is definitely up,” Ace declared. “Take the back road and shut the lights off,” he advised.


As soon as the car came to a complete stop, Ace hopped out and jogged to his backyard. He could hear various voices. He placed his finger over his mouth letting his boys know to be quiet.


“This nigga got us house sitting and shit,” the first man said. From the sound of things, he wasn’t too thrilled to be there.


“I did my homework on this nigga and this isn’t the way you take him out,” the second man stated. Ace could smell the loud in the air and smiled. He knew they wouldn’t be prepared for the ambush he was about to embark on.


“I never understood why he started beefing with this nigga in the first place. He should have got on his team. I heard this nigga Ace is banking major cash and have city officials on his payroll. He’s been out of the game for three years,” the first man avowed. The second man let out a long whistle. “The streets love this dude and have nothing but respect for him. You can’t compete with that on any level.”


“Honestly, I think we’re on the wrong team,” the second man confessed.


“I agree; I came to terms a long time ago that J’vion doesn’t give two fucks about any of us. As long as we do what he wants, when he wants it done,” that’s all he cares about, the first man complained. “What’s the deal with that chick he has tied up in there?” He asked.


“I don’t know. Every time someone asks, all he says is she isn’t our concern,” the second man answered.


“How you wanna handle this?” Jay asked.


“I don’t know what the outcome of this is gon’ be but I’ma need you to be safe and move smart. I heard Ace is slick and moves without sound,” the first man warned.


“You do the same,” the second man replied as he walked away.


“Shit!” Ace mumbled. Deep within, he knew they were referring to Sunshine, which put him in an even more fucked up situation. Ace realized he couldn’t just run in letting off shots. He had to play it cool; all their lives depended on it.


“I got this. When I give y’all the signal, be ready to move.” Jay commanded as he tucked his gun away, while heading for the fence separating Ace’s backyard from the alley behind his house.

BOOK: Thug Luv 2
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