Read Three Little Words Online

Authors: Lauren Hawkeye

Three Little Words (15 page)

BOOK: Three Little Words
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            Taking note of her reactions, I set a slow pace, though I was so hot I wanted to eat her alive. I closed my eyes and let her slant her lips over my own.

            When she drew her tongue along the seam of my lips, though, asking for entrance, my cock surged to life. The hand cupping her neck tightened its grip, and I forced myself to pull back, to look her in the eye.

            “You’re killing me.” I forced a chuckle from the throat that was raw with need. Still, I held my desire in check, not willing to go any further until she’d made a conscious decision.

            Closing her eyes, she sank her teeth into that luscious lower lip. When she finally looked back up at me, the determination that I saw reflected in those gorgeous eyes had the sparks in my gut roaring into full flame.

            “I’m not going to give you your phone back just yet.”

            Curious, I watched as she bent and unzipped her mid calf length boots, letting them drop to the pavement below.

            “What’s with the phone thing?” I asked. She shook her head, and I wasn’t surprised—I hadn’t expected her to tell me.

            She would, but now wasn’t the time to push. Not yet.

            “Don’t ruin the moment. Please. Just... come here.” Kneeling back in the van, she held out a hand for me.

            Heat flashed through me as I realized what she was getting at. My attention narrowed, zeroing in on her, the world around us ceasing to exist.

Down boy
. I unfastened my own sneakers as she leaned back in the spacious boot of the van. She was kneeling, her thighs spread wide, and I felt my cock pressing against the unyielding stiffness of my jeans.

            Damn, but she was beautiful. Special, and beautiful.

            I had to take care with her.

            “Are you sure?” I asked, placing my palms flat on the floor of the van before I climbed in after her. I had to focus on keeping them there, on not reaching out and stroking my fingers over the shapely length of the leg that was beckoning to me. “Because once we start, there’s no going back. I want to possess you.”

            I’d never hesitated before, but then, I’d always been with girls who knew what they were after—a quick fuck with Dorian Marshall, the lead singer of Three Little Words. Girls who gave me complete control, and yet no control, all at once.

            There wasn’t going to be anything quick about Adele, but I couldn’t deny that my body was hoping, desperately hoping, that a fuck would be part of the equation.

            “Come here and find out.” She looked absolutely calm as she held out her hand for me again. She was like a witch, with me under her spell. I could no more turn away from her than I could stop breathing.

            Climbing into the back of the van after her, I shut and locked the doors behind me. Slowly, methodically, I lowered the blinds that covered the small windows, securing them at the bottom.

            Anyone who really wanted to see in probably could, but I didn’t think that was likely.

            And then we were alone, cocooned in a small, dim cave. I could hear her breath quickening, could smell that wickedly decadent strawberry scent that I knew would forever remind me of her.

            My fingers trembled with the need to strip her naked, to explore every delicious inch of her sinful body.

            It cost me to instead face her, to kneel, to wait. I wasn’t used to waiting, at least not on someone else’s terms.

            Whatever she wanted from me, I would do.

            “Dorian.” I could hear the need in her voice, mirroring my own, and knowing that she wanted this as much as I did eased my mind.

            “How far do you want to take this?” I had to touch her.
. Braceleting her ankles in my fingers, I slowly moved them up her legs, stopping just before I reached her knees.

            She moaned, then flushed, like she was embarrassed at being turned on.

            This girl was going to be the death of me.

            When she reached out, traced her finger over my lips, I nipped, savouring the taste that spread over my tongue.

            “I don’t want you to hold back.” She said, her hands straying to the zipper of her shorts. “I want to feel everything.

            Mother mercy. I didn’t think there was a man alive who would have been able to resist.

            “Let me tell you something first.” Leaning forward, I nipped my teeth into her earlobe, making her shudder. “Before you decide.”

            “Okay.” She whispered, her voice raw with need. I had her full attention, and it made me feel ten feet tall.

            Pulling back so that she could see my entire face, I looked her straight in the eye. “Some of the things that I like during sex are... unconventional.”

            Though her eyes narrowed with suspicion at the words, I noticed that her body remained relaxed.

            “Unconventional how?”

            I brushed my lips over hers once, softly, and she moaned.

            “I like dominance and submission. I like sensation play. And I like some forms of bondage.”

            Usually when I told this to a potential lover, I was prepared for them to call me a pervert and run away. I was eager to see what Adele’s reaction would be.

            It was clear that she had trauma in her past, and yet she had risen above fear.

            “What do you mean, dominance and submission?” There was wariness in her voice, and if what she’d gone through was what I’d guessed it was, then rightly so. “Like... BDSM?”

            But this was something that I needed in a partner—a forever partner. Until Adele, it hadn’t much mattered to me whether a girl was truly interested in what I had to offer or not, because I hadn’t envisioned anything more than a night or two with them.

            But Adele—I had to be careful. I wanted so badly to take care of her.

            “I’m not into formal BDSM, if that’s what you’re asking.” Sitting back on my heels, I forced my hands to still, though I wanted nothing more than to continue stroking my thumbs over the sweet skin at the insides of her knees. “It’s more... I want you to trust entirely that when you give yourself to me, I will give you what you need. And you won’t have to think about what you need, because that will be my job.”

            She inhaled sharply, but her cheeks flushed, and I was pretty sure it was with interest. Smiling, I continued.

            “Until you learn to trust me, I might take control away from you, with ropes or handcuffs. If you act out, I might lay you over my knee and spank you.” I watched as her cheeks flushed darker still.

            “You’ll... punish me?” Her voice was hoarse, rasping against the still air of our hideaway.

            I shook my head, letting my fingers tickled her soft skin. It was so important that she understand this.

            “Everything we do together will be about pleasure, and though I want you to submit to me, you are the one in control. It’s all about you, and as soon as you say stop. I will.” I knew that just trusting that I would indeed stop would be a huge act of submission in and of itself, something I may not have earned yet.

            I continued, my words light and yet infused with meaning. “Something tells me you’ve been punished enough, Adele.”

            She sucked in a breath, looking at me through wild eyes. I watched as the emotions warring within her played out over her face.

            I hadn’t been wrong. This connection between us—something in her had sensed its opposing force in me, the pull between the two polar opposites magnetic in its attraction.

            I wanted her to give me care of her demons, so that I could exorcise them for it.

            It would only happen if she allowed me to.

            “Everything stops if I say so?” Smart girl, to double check this point.

            “Everything stops.” I licked my tongue over my suddenly dry lips. “You allow me to take care of what you need, and in return I will cherish you.”

            Her eyes closed, the creamy lids and long lashes shuttering the bright blue. I would have given anything, anything, to know what was running through her mind.

            I didn’t think the little sweetheart even knew what her own needs were anymore, let alone how to take care of them, which was why I so badly wanted to do it for her.

            “All right.” She whispered, opening her eyes suddenly, spearing me with the intensity shining from them.

            “But know this. If you don’t stop when I tell you to, if you make me do anything I don’t want to, I will hunt you down and make sure that you’ll never be able to use that cock of yours for anything more than pissing ever again. Got it?”

            I tried to hide my grin; this woman was fucking delightful.

            It was game on. And I suspected she was about to give as good as she got.

            “All right then.” Smiling darkly, I moved my hands higher, my thumbs skimming her inner thighs, all the way up to the hem of her shorts. Without warning, I cupped one hand beneath her ass, lifting her so that I could swat at the inviting globes with the other. One, two, three brisk spanks, just hard enough to warm the skin and force a shocked cry from her lips.

            “Watch that smart mouth of yours, or I’ll have to find something else for it to do.” I smirked at her shocked yet aroused expression. “Now take these off.”

            I watched with greedy eyes as she hooked her fingers in the waist band, then lowered the brief material. Through the sheer black of her tights I could make out the bright scarlet of the thong she wore beneath.

            I grinned, my mind suddenly full of wicked things.

            “Your shirt.” If I didn’t get to see those breasts, I was going to die.

            She pulled her shirt over her head, and I murmured my appreciation as a bra to match the thong was bared to my eyes. Actually, bra was a loose term—the garment was so low cut, it was barely more than a shelf for her breasts. One or two good sighs and those delectable handfuls were going to spill right out over the top.

            I intended to make her do more than sigh.

            Tracing the stripes of her rib cage, I let my palms slide over her waist, her hips. Dipping my head to press a kiss to the softness of her belly, I slid my palm between her legs, cupping her sex over the tights and the thong.

            “These are sexy as hell, but they have to go.” I barely recognized my own voice, it held so much need. “You’re going to have to trust me.”

            She hesitated only a fraction of a second before nodding that she did. Slowly, with my eyes on hers, I pulled my pocket knife out of my pocket.

            “I want you to keep the tights on. They’re fucking hot. But I’m going to cut them open.” I waited for a second, sure she was going to refuse.

            This was an intense move, meant to force the speed at which that tenuous thread of trust would be woven.

            To my surprise, an almost manic brightness shone in her eyes as I flicked open the blade.

            “Do it.” Not even a hint of a tremble was in her voice. Her fingers caught me around the wrist and brought me down between her legs. “I need to feel you.”

            “Don’t move,” I warned her as I brought the stretchy nylon away from her skin and pulled it tight.

            Adele sucked in a sharp breath when the tip of the knife sliced through the fabric. I slid it slowly down, careful to never let the blade graze her skin.

            The knife was dull, but it represented danger and the unknown. It was meant to be symbolic.

            She could trust me with both.

            Once the slit was cut, I tucked the knife away. Adele watched through heavily lidded eyes as I ripped the opening further, baring the pussy that was now covered with nothing more than that lacy little red thong.

            I could smell her arousal, breathed it in. Not able to resist any longer, I pressed my lips to the vee of her sex, stroking my tongue over the silk covered heat.

            “Oh my God.” She arched into me, into the pressure from my mouth. I found myself resenting the thong, because I wanted to taste her flesh.

            Pulling it to one side, I stroked a finger in between her damp folds. When she shuddered and pushed against the touch, I slowly slid the finger inside of her.

            She was wet, and she was hot, and she was tight. I wanted to go slowly, to taste her all over, but for the first time in my life I truly didn’t know if I could wait.

            The need to be inside of her, connected to her, was consuming me whole.

            But I never forgot that I needed to be careful with her, this precious, fragile girl who had come into my life. So I pulled on every shred of restraint that I had, pressed one final kiss to her mound, removed my finger and sat back on my heels.

            “I had to have just a taste.” Lifting the finger that glistened with her arousal to my lips, I ran my tongue down its length. She tasted like cinnamon, something sweet with a hint of spice.

            I wanted to gorge myself on her.

            “I want to touch you.” Though she seemed calm, I was aware that one wrong move could send her fleeing, and watching her walk away would kill me.

            Sitting back, I considered.

            Perhaps the best way to show her the pleasure in being bound was to reverse the roles, to let her feel the power that every submissive ultimately had.

            Stripping off my shirt, I lay back, offering myself to her.

            “I’m yours.” My pulse skipped when I saw wonder paint over her face. “This time.”

            I grinned at her, my belly quivering when she slowly crawled over me, a hint of wickedness darkening her otherwise sweet smile.

            “You’re mine,” she repeated as she straddled my hips. The movement stretched opened the slit in her tights, showing me how wet that tiny scrap of her thong was.

BOOK: Three Little Words
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