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Authors: Twyla Turner

Three (2 page)

BOOK: Three
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“Yes, thank you.” Simone responded shyly.

“Come sit with us. Can I get you a beer?” Xander stood up and pulled out a chair, thankful for Jackson’s interruption.

“Uh, I’m not much of a drinker.” Simone said as she sat in the chair Xander pulled out for her.

“That’s okay. We’ve got anything you want. Soda, tea, water, juice…anything.” Xander suggested.

“You know what? I think I will have a beer.” Simone said taking a deep breath, obviously wanting to loosen up.

Xander quickly strode into the kitchen to get her a beer. He hoped that it would relax her enough to make her a little more comfortable around them. Then maybe they could feel her out, see if she might be attracted to both of them as well and would be open to a relationship with both of them.

He grabbed a beer and hightailed it back out to the dining room, not wanting to miss out on the initial bonding it took to get one woman to take on two men. But when he came out of the kitchen all was quiet at their table. Simone’s head was down looking at her hands and Jackson was just staring at her silently, like a predator observing his prey.

Xander shook his head.
And Jackson thinks I’d scare her away. His creepy serial killer stare will probably do more damage. Jesus, Charles Manson, lighten up!

“Here ya go, Simone. Unfortunately we don’t have any light beer. But if you sip it, it should be fine.” Xander said handing her the ice cold brew.

“Thank you.” Simone said softly as Xander sat down on the other side of her.

Simone looked at the men on either side of her. Xander noticed her hand tremble as she reached for the beer bottle. She raised the bottle to her ridiculously full lips and instead of the sip he thought she would take, she chugged down at least a quarter of the beer before she brought it back down to the table.
Wow, she really is nervous. Is it us, are we that intimidating, or does she act like this around all men?

“So tell us about yourself, Simone.” Xander tried to open with.

“Uh, there’s really not much to say.” Simone started self-consciously.

“Sure there is. How about why exactly are you so interested in learning about the Tanana Tribe?” Xander asked, not willing to give up.

“Well I guess it’s because that was my mother’s tribe.” Simone shrugged.

your mother’s tribe?’” Jackson finally joined in.

“I don’t have any family. Both of my parents are dead, I have no siblings and both my parents were only children, so no aunts and uncles. The only family on my dad’s side are distant relatives. So the only possible family I have left are those on my mother’s side. The Tanana Tribe.” Simone said sadly.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up a painful subject.” Jackson apologized.

Xander looked at Jackson. The look was one of reluctant excitement, sympathy for the obviously lonely woman sitting in between them, but excitement over the fact that she had no one to make her feel ashamed of a polyandry relationship. That was an issue they had had in the past. Women were attracted to them both and wanted them, but fear of what their parents or family would think, stopped them in their tracks.

“It’s okay, I’ve pretty much gotten used to it.” Simone reassured him.

“What do you do for a living?” Jackson asked, genuinely interested in the woman sitting between them.

“I just graduated from nursing school. I’m a certified RN. But I haven’t started working yet. I got a job at a small family doctor’s office, but they let me take the time off between school and work, to take this trip before I start in March.” Simone said proudly.

“Wow. Congratulations, Simone! That’s a pretty big deal.” Jackson smiled at her, and she blushed in response.

“So what about a boyfriend? Don’t you have someone back home that’s going to miss you for the two weeks you’re here?” Xander chimed in, making Jackson give him a death stare at his lack of finesse.

“Uh…um…no, no boyfriend. Just my best friend and roommate, Amber.” Simone blush deepened.

“Seriously?! You’re gorgeous. You must have a ton of guys chasing after you.” Xander exclaimed.

Simone looked up in surprise at the compliment, for the first time making full eye contact with Xander. Her dark brown exotic bedroom eyes stole his breath away.

“No. Guys don’t chase me. And don’t joke, I know I’m not gorgeous.” Simone responded angrily.

“He’s not joking, Simone. You’re a beautiful woman. Any man would be lucky to have you in their life.” Jackson said with authority, his tone clearly conveying that he was not to be argued with.

Simone’s eyes swung from Xander’s to Jackson’s. Jackson’s breath caught as well at the first full contact of their eyes.

“I didn’t mean to be rude. Thank you for the compliments. It’s just that I’ve spent the majority of my life with my nose in a book and generally being ignored by men.” Simone finally broke the connection with Jackson’s intense gaze.

“It might be time for that to change.” Jackson said matter-of-factly.

Simone’s head shot up again to look at Jackson. But Jackson wisely looked away to take another swig of his beer, letting her stew about what he could’ve possibly meant by his last statement.

Xander took that moment to reach out and clasp her hand. He thumb caressed her knuckles gently.

“Jackson’s right. Maybe it’s time you got some attention.” Xander smiled and winked at her.

Simone ripped her hand away from Xander’s and jumped up suddenly. The quick movement tipping over her beer bottle.

“I’m sorry! Uh…I’m not really all that hungry. I’m just gonna go unpack.” Simone mumbled quickly and then fled out of the room, not caring about the mess she’s made or that she had already unpacked.

“I told you she would run if you moved too quickly, Xan.” Jackson shook his head as he sopped up the spilled beer with his napkin.

“Whatever man! You didn’t help either with your creepy stalker stare you were giving her.” Xander joked.

“Forgive me for being the serious one. Someone has to counteract your knuckle-headed jackass ways.” Jackson punched his friend playfully.

“Do you really think I scared her away for good?” Xander asked, worried.

“Nah. She’ll come around. We just need to be patient, which I know patience isn’t your strong suit. But I do believe she’s attracted to us. So it’s just a matter of time,” Jackson reassured his friend. “But in the meantime, let’s send some lunch up to her room. I’m sure she’s still hungry. And I don’t want her to starve because of her fear of us.”






Simone slammed the door to her suite and leaned back against it, trying to calm her breathing and pounding heart.
OMG! What was that?!
Never in her life had she felt an attraction to a man quite like what she felt for
men. And she may have zero experience with men, but she was pretty sure that both of them were flirting with her. Jackson was more subtle than Xander, but still no less obvious.

What she didn’t know was if they were just messing with her. Was she a joke to them? A little harmless fun to pass the time? But Jackson had seemed dead serious when he’d told her she was beautiful. So then was it a game to them? Who can get the girl first? And if so, she’d have no idea which one to choose, she was equally attracted to both.
Who am I kidding, there is no way either of those two gorgeous men could be interested in me. I have to be misunderstanding their intentions. But Amber would kill me if I didn’t at least try to open up to at least one of them.

A knock at the door startled her and she jumped away and turned around to open it. When Simone saw that it was one of the girls on the staff her heart dropped in disappointment at the fact that it wasn’t one of the guys.
Really Simone?!

“Uh hi.” Simone said awkwardly.

“Hi. Mr. Cole asked that you be brought your lunch.” The girl said sweetly as she handed Simone the tray of food.

“Oh, thank you. If you could tell Mr. Cole, ‘Thank you’ for me, I’d really appreciate it.”

“Sure, no problem.” The girl said and then turned, heading back downstairs.

Well that was thoughtful,
Simone thought as she took the lid off of the tray and the smell and sight of a burger and fries hit her, one of her favorites.
Hmm, he made a good choice. I didn’t even say what I wanted.
She sat at the small dining table and tucked into the delicious food.

She decided to stay in her suite the rest of the evening, opting to order in her dinner. She didn’t want to have any more awkward run-ins with the handsome men. She knew she’d have to deal with them completely alone for two full days. At least that would be on a more professional level. Learning how to work the dogsleds and checking out the land that her mother’s tribe occupied was what she could focus on, instead of Jackson and Xander. Well, at least she hoped she could.


Chapter 3





Simone woke up to her alarm clock blaring at five in the morning. They were set to head out at eight, but Xander wanted her downstairs and outside at six to bond with the dogs.

Simone jumped in the shower, threw her hair in two quick French braids and put on her brand new snowboarding pants that Amber had insisted she get. They went shopping at
for extreme winter gear. And Amber had forced Simone to get the more stylish clothing, better suited for ski bunnies, than bookworms. But Amber had promised she’d be warm and cute at the same time. Simone just took her word for it.

The pants were a bright turquoise, fitted in the hips and butt and flared at the calves. She had gotten the matching jacket in white with turquoise piping with a faux fur trimmed hood. And last she slipped on her faux fur lined black boots. Grabbing a knit hat and gloves, she left her room and headed outside and around back to the kennels in the back of the lodge.

It was of course dark out, but the bright overhead light posts brightened the area like it was daylight. Xander was already there feeding the dogs, and Simone’s stomach flip-flopped at the sight of him. He was wearing a slightly fitted winter jumpsuit in navy blue with lime-green trim. The top half of the suit was hanging around his hips and he was just in a fitted thermal long-sleeved shirt that clung to his strong back.

The dogs yelped at the sight of Simone, alerting Xander to her presence. He turned around and his eyes ate her up from head to toe as she walked towards him. She had never been looked at like that before. On one hand it was totally flattering and on the other it was seriously intimidating.

“Wow! What you do for ski pants should be illegal!” Xander admired her lower half.

At the compliment Simone did something she had never done a day in her life. She giggled like a schoolgirl.

Her giggle turned instantly into a scowl, unhappy with her reaction to the handsome man.

“I appreciate the compliment, but if you could refrain from making comments like that in the future, I would greatly appreciate it. I don’t like sounding like the very girls I can’t stand. I don’t do giggly.” Simone said in a no-nonsense tone.

Xander’s mouth hung open in shock. Simone assumed it was because he’d never been spoken to like that by a woman. They all probably fell at his feet.
Well, get used to it buddy.

“Huh? Well I’ve never gotten quite that reaction from a female before.” Xander said, confirming her thoughts. “You’re gonna be one tough nut to crack.” Xander said, clearly showing he wasn’t giving up.

“You don’t need to crack anything. Maybe you should just start introducing me to the dogs.” Simone stood her ground.

“Yes ma’am.” Xander straightened his back and saluted Simone militantly.

Simone held back a chuckle at his silly antics as he led her over to the Alaskan Huskies.
Is he ever serious?

“Rarely. People take life way too seriously. Where’s the fun in that?” Xander answered the question that Simone had thought she’d only said in her head, with a shrug.

“I…uh…I thought I only said that in my head.” Simone responded sheepishly.

“It’s okay. I’ve heard that all my life. I was the class clown in school. I think that’s why Jackson and I became friends. I help him loosen up and he brings me down to earth.” Xander smiled absentmindedly as he scooped more dog food into a metal cup that he handed her to pour into one of the dog’s bowls.

“Why is Jackson so serious?” Simone asked shyly as she poured the food into the bowl and scratched at the dog’s head.

“Well I probably shouldn’t say, but basically Jackson, his parents and younger brother were in a horrible boating accident when we were in the third grade and Jackson was the only survivor.” Simone gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, dropping the metal cup. “He was raised by his grandparents. He was a carefree kid until that day. We became best friends that year and have been ever since.”

Simone saw an actual glimpse of seriousness in Xander as he finished the story, reaching down to grab the cup she had dropped. As he stood back up, the Husky she had just fed jumped up on her back, pushing her into Xander. Instinct made him wrap his arms around her to steady her.

Simone froze as her body started to react like it never had before. All of a sudden her heart started to beat so hard, it felt like it was going to come out her chest. Her whole body started to tremble uncontrollably. Her skin became overheated and flushed, like she had a sudden fever.

And just when she thought that her body had betrayed her beyond reason, Xander relinquished one arm from around her waist and raised his hand to her chin lifting her face up to look at him. His eyes locked with hers and he caressed her full bottom lip with his thumb and her body committed further treason. Her heart seemed to split, because now not only was her heart pounding in her chest, it also felt like it was pounding down “there” too.

“God, you’re so beautiful!” Xander said as his face descended towards hers.

Simone drew in a sharp breath, in anticipation as his full lips came closer to hers. His lips made contact, brushing softly against hers. The feeling sent shocking tingles all threw her body and the jolt made Simone stagger backwards. Not realizing the dog was still there, when the backs of her calves hit the Husky, Simone lost her balance trying to avoid stepping on him and landed on her ass in the snow.

Before Simone could get mad or embarrassed the dogs converged on her. A lick fest commenced on her and before long, she couldn’t stop from laughing at the playful wet laps the dogs were giving her.

“I’m so sorry Simone. I didn’t mean to get so carried away.” Xander apologized as he extended a hand to help her up, as he gave her a reluctant grin. “I guess that was a little unprofessional of me to make a pass at you.” He said looking a little bashful, like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Uh…it’s okay. But please don’t do it again. I need to stay focused on finding my family. I don’t have time for men, romance and flowery stuff. I have my career to think about and my family. And that means more to me than love.” Simone said as she brushed off the snow from her pants and wiped the dog drool from her face.
Great! Now I’m going to smell like dog. Ah well, that’s probably a good thing, maybe that will keep him away.

“Mmm…,” was his only reply, like he wasn’t willing to agree one way or another.






Simone had no idea how right she was. Xander wanted her, wanted both of them to have her unlike any other woman they had encountered since he and Jackson had started this unusual arrangement. The moment he had seen her come out of the lodge with the fitted snowboarder pants and jacket accentuating her ridiculous curves, and her long hair contained in schoolgirl braids resting against her pert breasts, he’d thought he’d lose his mind if they couldn’t have her.

No matter what she said in regards to not wanting love and men in her life, he knew from the brief brushing of their lips that she wanted him. He just hoped that she was equally interested in Jackson. Because if she was, they’d have her in every possible way they could.

Considering their unusual setup, they didn’t think of themselves as one or the other. They were one. A package deal. If you wanted one, you better want the other as well. They didn’t do relationships without the other. They weren’t into each other, they weren’t gay. But they preferred to share a woman’s affections. They wanted to pamper, protect and pleasure their woman. And they were comfortable enough in their masculinity to share and be naked around each other during their numerous sexual acts with any particular woman they were dating. And Xander couldn’t think of anything better than being naked with this particular woman.

But this woman wasn’t going to be easy. Simone had an intense focus on her career and she seemed extremely innocent.
I wonder how old she is, because she seems almost virginal. But she’s a graduate, so she has to at the very least be twenty-two. So there’s no way that she could still be a virgin!
Though when he contemplated the slight kiss they’d just shared, it seemed as if Simone didn’t even know what she was doing.
Fuck! And that was just a

Trying to keep his passion under wraps, Xander started introducing Simone to all of the dogs.

“So this is Sampson and Delilah and they are leaders of one sled team. They’re mother and father to the rest of the dogs on their team.” He pointed out and named all of their pups. “This is Midnight and Snow. Midnight is the male and Snow is the female, a brother and sister duo and they lead this team of rebel rousers.” Xander said pointing to the jet black male and pure white female and the rest of their group.

Simone petted and cooed to each dog he named off. “And last of the leads of the teams that we’re going to use is Romeo and Juliet.” In which the whole team had names from the classic play.

“They’re beautiful Xander.” Simone exclaimed as she scratched the scruff of Romeo’s neck.

“And so are you.” A deep voice said from behind them.

Xander and Simone both turned around to see Jackson watching them, but mostly his eyes were on Simone as he leaned against the kennel fence reflectively.

“Hey Jax! It’s about time you made your way out here. I thought I’d have to drag your ass out of bed for a minute there.” Xander taunted Jackson, as Simone just blushed.

“I didn’t want to take away from Simone bonding with the dogs. But I thought I’d come out and get you for breakfast. I know you can get carried away with your babies and I didn’t want our guest to starve to death during the trip.” Jackson shot back.

“Aw whatever man! I didn’t starve you, did I Simone?” Xander smiled down at her and not making eye contact she just shook her head no. “See, she’s fine. The dogs make you forget everything, they’re so cute.” Simone smiled up at him at that, and he just winked at her. “Come on, let’s go eat. We have a long ride ahead of us, and you’ll get hungry. Trust me.” Xander said to Simone, leading the way into the lodge.

Once inside, Xander sat Simone at his favorite table and then asked Jackson to help him grab their food.

“What? What happened? I know you didn’t ask me in here just to help you with food, when you could’ve asked the staff to get it for you.” Jackson prodded Xander anxiously as they walked into the kitchen.

“I kissed her…well kind of.” Xander blurted out.

“And…?” Jackson waited impatiently.

“Well, it’s hard to tell. She was definitely into it, but something spooked her. I swear to God Jackson I think she’s still a virgin!” Xander loudly whispered.

“Get the fuck outta here!” Jackson exclaimed.

“I’m tellin’ you man! I don’t think she’s ever even been kissed before. It was like she had no idea what to do.” Xander said, still in shock.

“Well…shit! It’s hard enough to find a woman who has experience to not get freaked out about having a relationship with two men. But a
?! I mean, I like the idea of us being the only men she’s ever been with-“

“Fuck yeah! It’s hot!” Xander cut Jackson off.

“But…I know we’re going to scare her away.” Jackson looked at Xander with worry.

“Yeah. And she kinda snapped at me. She told me that she doesn’t have time for men or romance. Man, she’s got some fire under that shy exterior. She’ll probably be magnificent when she comes out of her shell.” Xander smiled plotting all the ways he wanted them to do it.

Jackson smiled and wrapped his arm around Xander’s neck, putting him in a brotherly headlock. “I know what you’re thinking…‘we’re just the men to do it’. Hell, I’m willing to give it a shot.” Jackson roughed up Xander’s hair before releasing his neck.

“Good. You have to try to see if she’s attracted to you. And if she is…game on!” Xander rubbed his hands together with glee.

“Dude, this is not a game. And she’s not like the other girls we’ve been with. We can’t go barreling in like bulls in a china shop. This may take some finesse, which I know you have little of.” Jackson shook his head at his best friend as he grabbed some plates and headed back out to the dining room.






“Can I walk you to your room to help you bring down your bags for the trip?” Jackson asked Simone after they finished their breakfast.

“Sure, that would be really nice. Thank you.” Simone accepted bashfully.

Jackson stood up and pulled out Simone’s chair for her. He gave Xander a quick look and his friend gave him the thumbs up as they headed out of the dining room.

They walked to the elevator in silence. Once inside, they both reached to press the button for the third floor at the same time. Their skin made contact and Jackson felt a jolt at her touch that radiated through his body and straight to groin.
God, I want her. Please let her give us a chance.

He silently watched her under his lashes as she faced forward, avoiding eye contact with him. Jackson noticed that her chest rose and fell heavily, as if she was out of breath.
So you aren’t immune to me. You feel it too.
Jackson knew that if she felt this way about Xander as well, that it would only be a matter of time before they convinced her that the relationship they sought with her would suit her perfectly.
But how do you tell a possible virgin that you want to share her with another man? That some nights we would take turns pleasing her, and other nights we would take her at the same time. Double penetration isn’t something you just bring up in polite conversation.

BOOK: Three
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