Three (9 page)

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Authors: Twyla Turner

BOOK: Three
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Xander worked at removing her wet outer clothing from her limp body, while Jackson riffled through her duffel bag to find something warm and dry. He grabbed her extra ski pants, the sweater she wore last night and a couple of blankets from all the sleds and ran back to Xander and Simone.

“I couldn’t find another coat and we didn’t bring any extras either, but I’ve got some blankets.” Jackson said as he knelt down on the other side of Simone.

They worked quickly to keep her bare skin from being exposed to the cold air for too long. They got her in her dry pants and wrapped her tightly in the blankets in place of a coat. Once she was completely covered from head to toe like a burrito, Jackson carried her to his sled and made a makeshift bed to lay her on in the front.

Xander attached her team of dogs and sled to the back of his sled as Jackson also quickly stripped out of his wet clothes, swapping them for dry ones.

Xander placed Sampson on Simone’s sled and securing him to it, since he was unable to walk because of the injuries he sustained from the fight with the wolf.

When they were ready, they took off at full speed knowing that they had very little time to get Simone to warm shelter before it was too late and to get the injured dog to the vet right away to tend to his wounds before he lost too much blood.

They made it to the lodge in record time. The instant the sleds came to a stop both men hopped off, Jackson grabbing Simone and Xander picking up Sampson. They both hurried into the lodge. The lodge staff was hanging out at the front desk when the men burst through the front door.

“Mike, I need to you to get Sampson to Dr. Bennett’s, he was attacked by a wolf. After that you can go home.” Xander ordered, as Jackson grabbed the master key and strode quickly to Simone’s suite.

“Are all the guests checked out?” Xander continued.

“Yes, sir.” They responded.

“Good. The rest of you should head home now, the storm that’s about it hit is gonna be brutal. Our new wave of guests are going to be delayed, so there is no reason for you to get stuck here for however long this blizzard is going to last.” Xander further instructed his staff.

He passed the injured dog to Mike and as the rest of the staff headed out Xander locked up the lodge and quickly made his way up to Simone’s suite to see how she was doing.

When he entered the room, Jackson had Simone laid on the bed still wrapped tightly while he stroked a blazing fire in the fireplace. They knew the key to warming her up was to slowly elevate her temperature. So Xander walked over to the bed, unwrapped her feet from the blankets and started to rub vigorously from her feet to up her calves to jump start the circulation. When Jackson was finished with the fire, he also came over to start at her hands and arms.

“Let’s get her in front of the fire.” Jackson suggested.

“Yeah, good idea.” Xander agreed.

Jackson grabbed the blankets off the bed and made a pallet on the floor in front of the fire. Once done, Xander lifted her off the bed and laid her down on the pile of blankets. As her temperature started to slowly increase her body went from completely still to violent tremors.

“Okay, I think if we undress her and we strip down too and lay on either side of her it’ll help bring her temp back up to ours.” Jackson proposed.

Xander just nodded his agreement and they started to remove her clothing, not thinking of how beautiful they thought her thick body was. All they could think about was if she made it out of this okay. Once she was bare they continued to massage and rub warmth back into her body.

“Do you think we should’ve stripped her completely naked? Because when she wakes up she’s going to go ape shit on us.” Xander asked as they stripped down to only their boxer briefs.

“Hell, if she’s feeling good enough to rip us a new one, I’ll be the happiest man alive.” Jackson smiled grimly as they both laid next to her, pulling her in close to receive their much need body heat.

Slowly her body’s racking shivers subsided, the alarming blue of her lips started to fade and her lowered heart rate started to pick back up to normal. Both men realized that she was going to make it, and with the drop in adrenaline through their veins they snuggled in tighter to her, pulled one of the blankets over the three of them and passed out from exhaustion.






Simone felt like she was dying in the fires of hell from all of the heat surrounding her. Her eyes fluttered open and they took a moment to clear and focus. At first she saw a blazing fire and looking down she saw two heads lying on her chest. One with chestnut curls, the other shaggy blond. In the instant she realized it was Jackson and Xander, she also realized that she was completely and utterly naked.
Holy shit! What happened and why am I naked in the middle of these two. What the…did they roofie me this time?!

Simone started to panic. But then the events of the day all rushed back to her; her anger with the men, the wolves chasing her sled team, and the rushing artic river.
They must have saved me. Well…crap! How can I be mad at them after all that?
Simone grudgingly looked down at the two sleeping men and a warm fondness enveloped her that one could only feel for someone that risked their own life to save yours.
It’s just hero worship.
Simone tried to convince herself of the feelings coursing through her.

She must have stirred a little because both men’s heads popped up and looked up at her at the same time. Two sets of eyes stared at her for a moment, steel gray and mossy green.

“Simone! You’re awake!” Xander exclaimed.

Jackson said nothing, but with lightning speed he went from staring at her one moment and his lips were on hers the next, in a desperate kiss.

“You’re okay.” Jackson breathed against her lips, when he finally released them.

Simone’s heart pounded, not sure of how she was supposed to react to the kiss.

“Yes.” She whispered back.

“How are you feeling?” Xander asked in concern.

“Hot.” Simone said shyly.

At the same time they all became exceedingly aware that she was completely naked in between their mostly naked bodies. Apparently they were all hot in more ways than one.

“Simone.” Xander said softly, placing an index finger under her chin and turning her face to his. “May I?” He asked.

Simone could do nothing but nod her head, since it seemed she had suddenly lost her ability to speak.

Xander gently placed his lips to hers. He gave her soft pecks, easing her into the kiss.

“Is this okay?” Xander asked, afraid to scare her off again.

“Y…yes.” Simone stuttered out nervously, as Xander placed his lips to hers again, but this time deepening the kiss.

Oh God, this is it. This is about to happen. I’m going to lose my virginity to two men. Oh God…oh God! I never thought I’d lose it to

Simone’s mind went wild, but she knew that it was inevitable. After the orgasm she’d had last night, finally feeling what all the fuss was about, she couldn’t turn back. Her body craved more of that amazing sensation. And she realized now that she had been trying to hold on to her anger at the men to keep from admitting what she was really feeling. What she really wanted.

“Stop, Simone. You’re over-analyzing everything. Just enjoy it.” Xander said pulling back to look her in the eyes.

“Sorry.” Simone said, taking a deep breath trying to calm her nerves. “I…I’ve never had…s…sex before.” Simone confessed, closing her eyes not wanting to see the look on the men’s faces at her admission.

“We know. We’ll take it slow.” Jackson said nuzzling her neck.

“How-” Simone turned to look at him in surprise and he claimed her lips in a searing kiss.

Xander took that opportunity to pull back the blanket, exposing her upturned plump breasts tipped with brown quarter-sized areolas. He stroked a finger down her neck, past her collar bone to the slope of her right breast. He caressed the tip making her nipple pucker as she moaned, and his mouth watered to taste her skin.

Leaning down, Xander flicked his tongue against the stiffened peak and she gasped into Jackson’s mouth. Jackson stroked her tongue practically in time to gentle laps that Xander gave her sensitive nipple. Of their own volition, Simone’s hips moved restlessly, seeking something that she didn’t understand.

Xander saw her hips pumping, in search of relief. So obliging her needs, he slowly and softly slid his hand down her curving tummy under the covers to the thatch of hair at the apex of her thick thighs. Easing the way, letting her know what his intentions were. Her hips stopped and tensed in anticipation of what was too come.

Stroking over her damp curls, wet with her arousal, he sought out the sensitive nub nestled underneath. Xander caressed her clit with the barest of touches and Simone cried out, releasing Jackson’s lips and throwing her head back in ecstasy.

With Simone distracted by the sensations Xander was inflicting on her clit, Jackson joined him at her breasts, making a meal of her left nipple.

Simone was overwhelmed with the passion the two men were stirring in her. She looked down at their two heads as they licked, sucked and nibbled at her stiff nipples. She felt Xander’s fingers dance across her clit, only to retreat and dip into her tight vagina. Her hips shook in response.

“Ahh…please, please, please!” Simone begged.

“What, Simone? What do you want?” Jackson asked her, as they both looked up at her.

“I…I don’t know!” Simone cried, confused by all the feelings that were coursing through her.

“Let us show you.” Xander said, kissing the side of her breast.

“O…okay.” Simone said shyly.

Jackson pulled back the blanket, completely exposing her naked body. Simone’s instincts made her immediately try to cover herself with her hands and arms.

“Don’t hide from us. Your body is beautiful.” Jackson said, gently brushing her arms away.

“No it’s not.” Simone argued, turning beet red with embarrassment.

“How can you tell us what we find beautiful? I think we know our own minds.” Xander scolded her.

“Because I know what my body looks like. I’ve looked at it in the mirror for twenty-nine years.” Simone argued.

“Simone, your body is made for what we’re about to do to it. Maybe it’s because you’re still a virgin that you can’t see the appeal you have to us.” Jackson explained.

“We can show you just how much you appeal to us.” Xander said sitting up to kneel next to her.

Jackson followed suit on her left side. Both men were only in boxer briefs and their manhoods strained against the material. In all her years of study for nursing Simone had never seen an erect penis up close and now she was about to see and
two. Simone held her breath as both men clasped the waistband of their underwear and slowly pulled them down, revealing their erections, as they sprang free of their confinements.

Simone nearly passed out at the sight of both monstrous appendages. Jackson’s was nearly as thick as his wrist, and if she had to guess, about seven to eight inches long. And Xander’s was thick but not quite as thick as Jackson’s, but a bit longer by an inch or so and had a slight upward curve.
Sweet Mary Mother, I’m never going to survive all that!

“Now, does it look like we find you unattractive?” Xander asked looking down at her.

Since words had completely escaped Simone, she just quickly shook her head.

“That’s what I thought.” Xander responded.

Jackson laid back down beside her, seeking her lips for another searing kiss. Pulling back a little, he rested his forehead against hers, his breath harsh and fanning her lips.

“Touch me, Simone.” He breathed out.

Simone knew exactly what he was talking about, but too nervous to touch him ‘there’ right away, she placed her hand on his burly chest. The springy dark hair that covered his massive chest and ran down his rock hard abdomen to his equally hard member, Simone could only describe as blatantly manly.

Simone brushed her fingers over his defined pecs and the flat disks of his nipples and he hissed in response. Her hand eased down his stomach, going over each rise and valley of his abs. Once she got to the bottom of his abs, only inches away from his intimidating hardness, she hesitated.

“It won’t bite you.” Jackson chuckled

His chuckle quickly died in his throat when she finally reached down to grasp him tightly.

“Ahh…gently. Gently. I don’t want to finish before we’ve even gotten started.” Jackson gasped at Simone’s touch. “Here, like this.”

Jackson placed his hand over hers, showing her how to lightly stroke over his flesh, as his body shuddered from restrained pleasure. Her hand didn’t even come close to wrapping around his girth. And her heart rate picked up at the thought of trying to fit him inside her tight body.

Xander moved to Simone’s legs, bringing her knees up and placing his hands top on them. Simone looked up at Xander from watching her hand glide over Jackson’s length.

“Now Simone, we’ve made it our mission to understand what women want and how the female body works. All we want is to give you pleasure, but we know that it can be difficult for a woman to orgasm. And since this is your first time we know it’ll take more effort, so I want to get you ready and make sure you get yours before we even think about getting ours. Is that okay? Can I show you?” Xander asked, still nervous that she would change her mind and stop them.

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