Those Who Have Borne the Battle (56 page)

BOOK: Those Who Have Borne the Battle
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Grand Army of the Republic (GAR)
Grant, Ulysses
“Greatest generation,”
Green Berets
Greene, Bob
Gruening, Ernest
Guerilla war
See also
Gulf War.
Operation Desert Storm
Gunn, Jake
Haas, Ann Pollinger
Hadley, Arthur
Hagel, Chuck
Halberstam, David
Halsey, William
Harding, Warren
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, William Henry
Hart, Frederick
Harvey, John, Jr.
Haswell, Anthony
Hatfield, Mark
Havighurst, Robert
Hay, John
Head injuries
Hebl, John
Henderson, Archibald
Hendin, Herbert
Henry V
Heroes and Heroism
Afghanistan and Iraq wars and
cult of the fallen soldier and
democratization of heroic memory
generic use of
Korean War and
Lincoln at Gettysburg
military service and
Revolutionary War
Vietnam War
World War II and
Hersey, John
Hershey, Lewis
Higginbotham, Don
Higgins, Marguerite
“Hire Heroes Act,”
History, war and lessons of
See also
Munich analogy
Hitler, Adolf
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Homelessness among veterans
Hoover, Herbert
Horne, Lena
Huebner, Andrew
Humphrey, Hubert
Hussein, Saddam
Iraq War and
Operation Desert Storm and
Hutchins, Robert Maynard
Income tax
Indian Wars
Infantry, World War II demographics of
Infantry Journal
Injuries from explosives in Afghanistan and Iraq
Internment camps, Japanese
“I Paid My Income Tax Today” (song)
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
Iraq War
analogies with Vietnam War
casualtiesnotes and
cost of
counterinsurgency and
heroism and
insurgent attacks
nation-building and
public opinion on
response to American invasion
support system for
US withdrawal from
wounded veterans of
See also
Operation Desert Storm
Iwo Jima Memorial
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Stonewall
Jaffe, Greg
James, William
Japan, in World War II
Japanese, US attitude toward during World War II
Jefferson, Thomas
Jefferson Lecture (University of California, Berkeley)
Johannsen, Robert
Johns, James
Johnson, Lyndon
on media coverage of Vietnam
total-force concept and
Vietnam War and
Vietnam War draft and
Jones, James
Junger, Sebastian
Karzai, Hamid
Keegan, John
Keene, Jennifer
Kelly, John
Kelly, Robert
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, Robert
Kennett, Lee
Kerry, John
Key, Francis Scott
Kim Il Jung
Kinard, Andrew
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kissinger, Henry
Knowland, William
Koch, Ed
Kohn, Richard
Korean War
beginning of
burial of war dead
designated as “war,”
draft for
as forgotten war
missing in action/prisoners of war
new pattern for military engagement and
percent of population serving in
readiness of army
revenue for
rotation system used in
soldiers' experience of note
troop morale
Korean War veterans
Korean War Veterans Association
Korean War Veterans Memorial
Kovic, Ronnote
Kraft, Joseph
Krauthammer, Charles
Land grants
as enlistment incentives
for veterans
Lane, Mark
Latimer, George
Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife
Leckie, Robert
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, Robert E.
Lejeune, John L.
LeMay, Curtis
Lembcke, Robert
Lennon, John
Lewis, Adrian
Liberty Loans
Libya, US military action in
Lifton, Robert
Lin, Maya
Lincoln, Abraham
address at Gettysburg cemetery
call for army volunteers
on obligations to veterans
Linn, Brian McAllister
Literacy, draft-eligible men and
Little, Edward
Little Big Horn
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Logan, John
Longstreet, James
Lottery, draft
Louis, Joe
Lyden, Mike
Lynch, Jessica
MacArthur, Douglas
eviction of Bonus Army by
Korean War and
MacLeish, Archibald
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Madison, James
Manchester, William
Manchurian Candidate
(Richard Condon's book and film)
Mao Tse-Tung
Maraniss, David
March, Peyton C.
Marine Corps
army and
creation and early history of
Korean War and
personal service in
recruitment issues
Truman and
Vietnam and
Vietnam-era draft and
World War I and
World War II and
World War II-era draft and
Marine Corps War Memorial
Marlantes, Karl
Marshall, George
Marshall, S.L.A.
Marshall Plan
Martin, Joe
Martin, William McChesney
Mattis, James
Mauldin, Bill
McAdoo, William
McCaffrey, Barry
McCain, John
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Joseph
McChrystal, Stanley
McClellan, George
McGovern, George
McGrory, Mary
McKinley, William
McLaughlin, Ellen
McLean, Jack
McMaster, H. R.
McNair, Lesley
McNamara, Robert
McPherson, James
Meade, George
Meadlo, Paul
Medals of Honor
Media coverage
of Afghanistan and Iraq wars
of Korean War
of Vietnam War
of World War II
Medicine, battlefield
Mellon, Andrew
Memminger, Christopher
Memorial associations, Confederate
Memorial Day note
cannons as
Civil War
Korean War
Revolutionary War
Spanish-American War
unknown soldier
Vietnam Memorial
World War I
World War II
Mexican War
citizen soldiers of
marines in
nationalism and
percent of population serving in
veterans' pensions
Michener, James
American Revolution and role of
American view of peacetime military
analysis of state of modern
barriers to service in
civilian control of
Dartmouth and
Declaration of Independence and
enlistment in
Galena and
responsive to social change
Military Academy at West Point
Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV)
Military burials
Military cemeteries
Military families
Military outsourcing
Military recruitment
See also
enlistment, draft
Military service
citizenship and
defined as heroic
lack of prestige in
as sacrifice
See also
Militia Act of 1792
Militia Act of 1903
civil roles
early American view of
in Civil War
in Mexican War
in Spanish-American War
in War of 1812
tension with regular army
Miller, Glenn
Missing in action
in Korea
Vietnam War
Missing in Action
Mitgang, Herbert
for Civil War
for Spanish-American War
for Vietnam War
for World War I
for World War II
Moley, Raymond
Montgomery, Robert
Montgomery GI Bill (1984)
Morse, Wayne
Moskos, Charles
Mullen, Mike
Muller, Bobby
Munich analogy
Murphy, Audie
My Lai
Nagl, John
National Defense Act of 1920
National Guard
in Afghanistan and Iraq wars
creation of
Vietnam-era draft and
Vietnam War and
women in
National Press Club
National Vietnam Veterans' Readjustment Study
Nation-building, in Afghanistan
NATO-oriented wars
Naval Academy at Annapolis
African Americans in
Civil War
creation of
expansion of
foreign born in
Korean War and
recruitment issues
support for role of
suicide rates, 2009
Vietnam-era draft and
World War I and
World War II and
World War II-era V-12 and
NBC Nightly News
Nelson, Deborah
Neutrality acts
Nevins, Allan
Newburgh officers' meeting
New Republic
New Yorker
New York Herald Tribune
New York Post
New York Times
Ngo Dinh Diem
Ngo Dinh Nhu
Nguyen Cao Ky
Nguyen Ngoc Loan
Nimitz, Chester
Nixon, Richard
end of draft and
Vietnam War and
Noah, Mordecai
Noriega, Manuel
Norris, Chuck
North, Don
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
North Carolina Monument, at Gettysburg
Northwest Ordinance
NROTC program
Obama, Barack
Obey, David
O'Brien, Tim
Office of War Information
O'Hanlon, Michael
Operation Desert Storm
legacy of Vietnam and
Operation Desert Storm veterans
Orphan pensions
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Palin, Sarah
Palmer, Bruce
Paris Peace Accords
Patton, George
Peacetime draft
Pearl Harbor, attack on
Pearson, Charles Milton “Stubbie,”
Pension Act of 1818
Pension Bureau
for Civil War veterans
for Indian Wars veterans
for Mexican War veterans
for Revolutionary War veterans
for Spanish-American War veterans
for War of 1812 veterans
for war orphans
for war widows
See also
Bonus Bill for World War I veterans, Veterans'benefits
Perle, Richard
Perot, Ross
Perry, Oliver
Pershing, John J.
Petraeus, David
Political support for veterans
Port Folio
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Post-Vietnam syndrome
Powell, Colin
Iraq War and
Operation Desert Storm and
Vietnam War and
Powell Doctrine
Prisoners of war
Korean War
Vietnam War
World War II
Project 100,000
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
BOOK: Those Who Have Borne the Battle
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