Thorneless (Rose of Thorne Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Thorneless (Rose of Thorne Series)
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Everything feels so peaceful and wonderful. For the first time in so very long, I am completely free.  I haven’t felt this way since I was a little boy and would walk with my mother out on the grounds in front of our house.  

Mental images begin passing before me. This must be what they mean when they say your life flashes before your eyes right before you die...
I’m dying?
Good, maybe I will. I don’t want to go back to all the pain and guilt that is waiting for me if I open my eyes again.  

Image after image flash before me and give me a brief snapshot of a moment of my life.
 Beginning with the time I spent with my mother, the memories overtake me, flooding me with such intense warmth and happiness. So many of these frozen moments of time, I had forgotten.

Then, I see Skylar’s beautiful face flash before me.
Her in that beautiful gown that stole my breathe away.
. Her lying next to me as I watched her peacefully sleep.
. Her face in the sunset as I slipped the ring on her finger. The joy becomes so overwhelming that it is soon replaced by pain.

Suddenly, I hear muffled noises and loud beeping noises.
 The light is so bright it hurts my eyes and I haven’t even opened them yet.  The voices grow clearer and then…I hear her. She is screaming.  I can tell something is wrong by the agony in her voice.  

 I NEED YOU!  THE BABY AND I BOTH NEED YOU!” I hear her scream.

Why is she saying this? How can her and Lucas’ baby need me?
 And why is she asking me to fight for? I
am fucking tired of fighting.  I’ve officially lost her. Why do I want to fight on a suicide mission?  I’ll never survive a life without her, I’d rather die.

I am growing lighter again and the light grows darker.
 I float back to the place that had brought me such peace and happiness.  If this is my heaven, I want to remain in it. I know that hell is waiting for me if I open my eyes.   



I stare at the letter in my hands.
 For months, I have avoided this, and now I can’t stop reading it.  Over and over, I study every word that he has said to me.  I think about all the guilt that he has carried around for all of these years, all because of that one mistake. That one mistake had created a domino effect on both his life and mine. That one mistake had sealed our fates and forever changed our history. But aren’t we allowed to make mistakes, even when they come with such a high price tag?  Until now, I had never considered how true remorse feels.

I can never have my family back here with me, but he isn’t lying in his words to me. He would give his life in exchange for that, if it were truly possible.
 I think back to when I had told him that he should have died that night instead of them.  The cruelty of my words only intensifies my guilt and sends it slamming into my chest.  

Touching my hand to my stoma
ch, I gently rub as I whisper, ”You’re daddy can’t leave us.  Not now.”




“Slow down Lucas!” Kylie screams, as I swerve around another car on the freeway.
 I know I am driving like a maniac, but I’ve got to get to her.  

“I’ll slow down when I get there, Kylie.” I snap back without meaning to.

Damn this traffic! I thought this is supposed to be a fucking freeway!  

“I know you are worried, but so am I.
 You won’t be helping the situation at all if you get us both killed!” She screams.

“Tell me again what they said when they called, “ I ask while trying to focus on the exit I need to take up ahead.

“I told you!  The lady only said that there had been an accident and she was at the hospital.”

Taking the exit, I see the night road crew working on the street.
 A long line of traffic is now backed up all the way to the turn off that I had just taken. I slam my hand against the steering wheel and run my hand through my hair.

“FUCK!” Kylie yells as we stare ahead at the long line of lights.

We are all bumper-to-bumper.  Drivers honk their horns in frustration at the men who are working, but the workers just ignore them.  I understand they have a job to do, but I have one too.  My job is protecting her and I had failed.  I have to get to her; I need to know she is all right.


My head begins feeling fuzzy.  Standing, I start walking back down the hallway to where I had come in earlier.  I have to know if he is alive.  They have to tell me something.  Spotting the nurse’s station up ahead, I fight to put one foot in front of the other.  
Why is it so hard to move?
The older lady spots me and her friendly face changes to concern.  Making the last few steps to her takes every last ounce of energy in me that I have. I manage to grab the side of the check in desk to catch myself before I fall.  The woman drops the phone in her hand and rushes to me.

“Someone get Dr. Grayson up here!” She shouts but then I fall into her arms.

“Ms. Rose? Can you hear me?” A young man’s voice becomes clearer as I blink my heavy eyes open.

“There you are. Welcome back.
 I’m afraid you gave Connie here, quite the scare.” He says as he looks back over to the older lady in the room.

Bolting up, I am caught by the doctor’s arms as he urges me back down onto the table.

“Whoa!  You just fainted Ms. Rose. I can’t let you up until we check you over.  We need to know what caused you to pass out in the first place. Did you come in not feeling well?”

My mind goes to Sebastian.

“My fiancée was just in an accident and was just taken back for surgery. I need to know if he is alright!” I say frantically.

Truthfully it isn’t a lie.
 I have and always will belong to him. I only hope he can forgive me.

“Sebastian Thorne is his name. Please, can you find out how is doing?” I plead feeling weak again.

“We need to look you over, too. I worry about your fainting spell.”

“I’m pregnant, I’m sure I just got so ups
et that I passed out. I’m fine! Please! Can you help me find out how he is doing?”

The young doctor catches the desperation in my eyes and turns to Connie.  

“Please go check on Mr. Thorne’s condition and send Stacy in here with something for Ms. Rose to snack on. “ Connie nods and leaves me in the room with him and moments later a younger lady enters the room, handing a package of crackers and juice to him.

“I want you to drink and eat, then, we will discuss getting up from that table. Understand?  I know you are concerned about your fiancée, but you and that baby’s health comes first. He would want that, too.”

I nod and taste the warm tears that now flow down my face.

Our baby.

The baby that Sebastian doesn’t even know is his.

A few moments later, Connie returns with a solemn face and motions to speak to the doctor. I know something is horribly wrong by the look on her face.
 The doctor nods and both of them look over at me sympathetically.  I don’t want to hear what he is about to say. I stand shaking.

No! No! No!
He can’t be!

“Ms. Rose, I need you to sit down.”




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