This Time Forever (9 page)

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Authors: Adrienne Williams

BOOK: This Time Forever
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When Renee got home, she took a shower and put on a blue nightshirt.   She was clicking through television stations when she ran across a repeat of Saturday Night Live.   As the show went on, she was not really watching it anymore.  Instead, her thoughts drifted to Elliott.  She remembered how Elliott made her feel protected, and like she could tell him anything.   She was thinking about how he always made her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, even though she didn’t think she was.   She thought about their first time together.   They hadn’t dated very long before their relationship became physical.  The first time had been at his parent’s beach house.  They had spent the earlier part of that evening hanging out with friends.   After the group went their separate ways, Elliott asked her if she wanted to see his parent’s beach house.   She said that she would and they drove the short distance.   He offered her a soda and then took her on a tour of the house.  When the tour ended, they were back in the living area where they decided to snuggle on the couch and listen to music.  They started to kiss playfully and lightly at first, but then the kisses became more passionate and heated.  Before she knew it, Elliott was leading her into the bedroom.  She sat down on the plush bed and Elliott sat beside her.  He said “You know I’d wait forever for you.  I won’t do anything that you don’t want to do.”  Renee leaned in, kissed him, and said “I know.”  He removed her dress and let his eyes rove over her firm body and supple brown skin.  She grew self-conscious and Elliott must have sensed her discomfort.  He said “Renee, you are so beautiful and so fine.  I want you so bad, but, I meant what I said.  We can wait.”  Without saying a word, Renee pulled Elliott on top of her.  She removed his T shirt and he took off his shorts.  After he removed his shorts he took off her bra and panties.  They picked up where they left off, with Elliott gently nibbling the sensitive areas of Renee’s neck before moving down to her firm breasts, gently nibbling and sucking one nipple, while kneading the other with his fingers.  He continued sucking her nipple, while he moved his hand from her breast to her soft, wet mound.    Renee moved her legs further apart so that she could feel more of the sweet, hot sensations that Elliott’s fingers were making.    After a few more minutes of touching, kissing, nibbling, Elliott slowly entered Renee.  Her body tensed at first and Elliott didn’t move.  They kissed while they waited for Renee’s body to relax and adapt to this new sensation.  Before long, they were moving together in perfect rhythm. 


The ringing phone brought Renee back to the present.  It was Liza calling to see how her visit with her family went that day.  “We had such a good time.  Aunt Sophie and Uncle Frank came over.   You and Joe do anything fun?”  Liza caught the teasing tone in Renee’s voice and said, “Actually, I have this maniac client who has a salon opening shortly, so I spent most of the day taking measurements and placing orders so that everything will be perfect, or else she’ll freak out.”  After they ended their conversation, Renee went into the kitchen to get a tall glass of ice cold water before going to bed.


Chapter 13

The cookout at Elliott’s had gone very smoothly.  Ben and Lena took over the grilling, allowing Elliott a chance to visit with Kayla and Matt.   After they had finished eating, they sat outside in the courtyard, sipping iced tea to keep cool. 
Sam and Carol from next door had returned from a day in the city and joined them briefly in the courtyard.  Lena introduced Kayla and Matt to them.  Lena mentioned that Renee St. Claire is their mother and Carol replied, “Oh, yes, she’s the lady with that fantastic skin and hair care line.  I just started using some of her products and they really do work.  I’m sure I’ll buy more.”  At that time, Matt and Kayla were getting around to saying their good-byes.  As they were leaving, Carol said to them, “Please tell your mother that I‘m absolutely loving her products.”  Elliott gave his mother a side-eyed glance as he hugged Kayla.  As they were walking back into the house, Carol said to Elliott, “They are absolutely beautiful.  It’s of no surprise, though, given your good looks and Renee is absolutely stunning.  She happened to be at her store on the day that I decided to try some of her products.  She was so helpful and knowledgeable. “ Elliott listened to Carol for a few more moments before excusing himself.   “Oh my, Lena, did I say something wrong? “  Lena replied, “Trust me, he’s fine.”  The ladies joined Elliott, Ben, and Sam in the courtyard for more conversation.  Sam said to Elliott, “Those are two good-looking and smart kids you got.  Ben tells me that Renee St. Claire is their mother?”  Elliott said, “Thank you, and yes to both.  They are really great kids and Renee is their mother.  I knew her a long time ago in California.”  Carol, again sensing Elliott’s discomfort at the mention of Renee, quickly changed the subject.  Elliott joined in the conversation for a bit longer before retiring for the evening.  He said with a chuckle, “Don’t you kids stay up too late, now.” 


Chapter 14

The hot summer months were almost over and the opening of The Skin and Hair Boutique II was getting closer.   Everything had gone according to schedule with the renovation of the structure and of course Liza’s interior decorating service had made sure that the inside of the shop was nothing short of perfect. 
Renee was on the phone making sure that the products would arrive on time.  “They have to be there prior to the opening, not the day of the opening, Tim.  That’s why I’m calling you ahead of schedule.”   She said listened as Tim explained to her that the products would be shipped and would arrive two days before opening.  She agreed and told him that she would be calling him again next week to make sure of the shipment.  She ended the call by saying that she would call him by the end of the week or beginning of next week to make sure the shipment leaves on schedule.  While she was on the phone, Liza had come into her office and was sitting in the chair across from Renee.  Genevieve stuck her head in the door and said that she was headed over to the new salon to check things out and that she would be returning later that afternoon.  Liza said, “So, how have you been?  I haven’t heard from you in a few days and figured I’d better check to make sure you’re not working yourself into a frazzle.”  Renee assured Liza that she was fine and that everything was running on schedule.  “The salon is beautiful, Liza.  It is everything I wanted and more.   I can’t thank you enough.”  Liza said “It’s all in a day’s work, kid.  Just save me a time for one of your heavenly facials and make sure that I have a lifetime supply of that shea cream.”  Renee chuckled and agreed to both of Liza’s requests.   Just as Liza was standing to leave, there was a knock at the door.   Liza opened the door and there stood Elliott.  They stood there looking at each other as if they had each seen ghosts.  Renee was completely baffled and said “Is everything alright?”  After a few more brief moments of silence, Liza said “Elliott?”   Elliott stood in the doorway looking from Liza to Renee.  Renee said, “I’m obviously missing something here.”  Liza turned around to face Renee and said, “Remember a few weeks ago when I told you that Joe had a friend in town visiting for a while? “   “Yes,” Renee said.  “Elliott is Joe’s long-time friend.”  Elliott said, “But I thought your name was Elizabeth?”   She said, “Yes, but most people call me Liza.”  Renee had sat back down in her chair and Elliott had finally come into the office and closed the door.  Renee said “So you’ve all known each other for a long time?”  Liza explained that she had just met Elliott for the first time a few weeks ago when he came over to their house for dinner.  Elliott finally took a seat beside Liza and said “How is it that you all know each other?”   Renee explained that Liza had been the first person she met when she came to New York.  They sat in Renee’s office a few moments longer before Liza stood up and said, “I have to get to an appointment and then I’m going to call Joe.”  Liza left the office, closing the door quietly behind her. 


Elliott said to Renee, “Seems like every time I come here I get a big surprise.”   Renee was still stunned and sat looking at her computer screen.   Elliott started to speak again, “Look, Renee, my mom told me about what happened with your mom.  I was just so shocked when I came to see you.  I just wanted to see how you are doing, catch up, but then . . . I’m so sor. . .”  Before Elliott could finish, Renee stood up and said “Elliott, you don’t owe me any apologies.  It’s okay.  It’s me who should apologize to you for . . . everything.  Look, I’ve got to head out to a meeting in a few minutes.”  He could tell that she had been completely thrown by the morning’s events, finding out that he and she were both good friends with the same people, yet not knowing it, and his coming unexpectedly to her office.   “Renee, please, let me . . . “  She was putting papers into her tote and said, “I really do have to go now, or I’m going to be late.”   Before he could say another word, she was opening her door.  “I have to drop these papers off for Genevieve, so . . . “  Elliott took the hint and said “Okay.  Bye, Renee.”  When Renee got to Genevieve’s office her heart was racing.   Upon seeing Renee, Genevieve said “Everything okay?  I saw Elliott go into your office.”  Renee gave her a brief synopsis of what happened.   Genevieve sat there shaking her head.  “I don’t know what to say, St. Claire.   You go from being mild mannered skin care guru to New York’s most mysterious lady.”   Renee sat in Genevieve’s office for a few more minutes, mainly just to collect herself.  She said “Thanks for letting me hide out in here until Elliott left.”  Genevieve took off her readers, looked at Renee and said, “You know, you can’t hide out from him forever.  He clearly wanted to see you and talk to you.”  Renee agreed and told her that she just didn’t think she would ever be ready for that.   Genevieve said to her “Word to the wise.  Stop beating yourself up for what happened when you were a child.  You might find things easier to handle then.”  Renee knew that she was right, but she just could not get past it at this point.


Elliott arrived home to find that Ben and Lena were not there.  They left a note stating that they were at the market and would be back shortly.   Elliott slumped down in the recliner in the living room.  It seemed to him that New York held one surprise after the other for him.  As he was standing up to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, his door bell rang.  It was E.  “Hey, man.  Elizabeth called and told me what happened.  I don’t know what to say.”  Elliott said “Yeah, I just got back, and I don’t even know what to think anymore.   So, you and Elizabeth . . . Liza, have known Renee since she got here?”  E told him the same thing that Liza had said earlier about how they met Renee.  “Yeah, she and Liza met at a doctor’s appointment when they were both pregnant.  I remember when I first met her, she was so young and scared, you know?   She and Liza became fast friends, and after she had Kayla and Matt, we knew she would need all the help she could get.  Her aunt, uncle and dad did all they could financially, and we watched the kids while she worked and went to school.”  Elliott told Joe that he really wanted to talk to Renee about everything.  “When I tried to apologize to her for the things that I said to her, she just told me that it was okay and that I didn’t have to apologize.  I know she feels bad.  But she seemed like she just wanted to get me out of her office.”   Joe nodded and said “Liza told me that Renee was speechless when she realized that we know you, and that I have known you for years.”   By this time, Ben and Lena were walking into the kitchen with groceries.   Elliott told them about what happened that day.  “So let me get this straight,” said Lena.  “Joe, you have known Renee since she moved here?  She and your wife are best friends?”  Joe answered, “Yes.  It’s true what they say.  It’s a small world.”  They all sat in silence for a while until Ben said, “Well, honey, I guess you’re going to arrange another lunch with Renee?”  Lena smiled at Ben’s suggestion and said, “No, not me. Elliott.  Elliott needs to talk to Renee.”   Elliott told Lena that Renee seemed less than eager to see him or talk to him.  “Well, you’re just going to have to find a way.” 


Later that night while Elliott was sitting in the reading area off the bedroom, he replayed the events of the day.  He had been completely taken off guard when he saw E’s wife sitting in Renee’s office.   He had known E since they were undergraduates at University California San Francisco and through law school.  E’s actual name was Joseph Elias Black, but practically everyone called him E.  After graduating from law school, E decided to move to New York, and Elliott had returned to LA.  Even though they had stayed in contact over the years, they never really talked too much about their personal lives, and certainly not to any extent that would reveal that E and Liza had known Renee.  Renee’s leaving had prompted Elliott to attend school in San Francisco as opposed to staying in LA.  He felt the need to get away, so he stayed there throughout his college and postgraduate years, returning to LA after he passed the state bar exam.  Elliott never mentioned Renee to E.  Never mentioned to him that he had been hurt so badly by a woman.   Now, after all this time, everything was out in the open.   He couldn’t tell which stunned Renee more, the fact that he knew E and recently met Liza, or the fact that he showed up at her office.  Either way, he could tell that she had been thrown completely off kilter.   He couldn’t stop thinking about her.   He couldn’t erase the hurt look on her face when he was in her office that first time from his mind.  He couldn’t erase how she would not look directly at him earlier today when he tried to talk to her, and how she had quickly gotten rid of him.  Things definitely had changed.   When they were together, they would spend hours talking about any and everything.  Their relationship was not just based on sex, though it was definitely a frequent and pleasurable aspect of it.   He had dated other women since Renee, but none of them could hold a candle to her.   Most of them had been very appealing aesthetically speaking, but were lacking in other areas.  The women that he met throughout his college years and after were academically well-rounded, but they did not have Renee’s sense of humor, fun, or spontaneity.   He had a few physical relationships that were okay in the moment, but then he would find himself becoming distant after a few times, which resulted in the termination of said relationship.  As much as he tried to tell himself that his feelings for Renee had nothing to do with him and his relationships, or lack thereof, he knew he’d never gotten over her.   And now, seeing her, and finding out that she was the mother of his two incredible kids, all those feelings plus some came rushing back to him.  He wasn’t sure how he was going to do it, but he knew Lena was right.   He would have to come up with a way to get Renee to talk to him.

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