This Time Forever (11 page)

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Authors: Adrienne Williams

BOOK: This Time Forever
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When it was all said and done, Renee had spent a small fortune that day.   In addition to the earrings, she ended up buying Kayla a couple of dresses, slacks, and blouses.  In other words, work pieces that she needed to start building a wardrobe that consisted of more than skinny jeans and various lengths of shorts, crop tops, and T shirts.   Joe was pulling into the parking garage just as Renee, Liza, and the girls were getting out of the car.  Liza and Mariah said their goodbyes to Renee, Kayla and Victoria.  Matt got out of Joe’s car and kissed Victoria full on the lips.   After more goodbyes, Renee took the elevator to her apartment where she crashed on her couch. 


Chapter 17

The ride to the movies from Renee’s
apartment was relatively silent.  Matt and EJ rode along in the back talking about work and the girls they were dating.  Elliott did pick up on the part where Matt told EJ that he was thinking of asking Victoria to spend a weekend in Canada with him.  As they got out of the car to go into the theater and Matt and EJ were out of earshot, Joe gave Elliott a playful slap on the back and said, “You okay?  You’ve hardly said a word since we dropped Liza off.”  Elliott replied “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”  To which Joe said, “Oh, okay, so you can just walk into the mother of your children’s home, a woman that you still want, and who was half naked, and just brush it off?  My bad, then.”    Elliott shot him a look that said he didn’t want to talk about it.  As they sat through the movie, all he could think about was Renee.  Why did he just stand there gawking at her like some teenage boy?  He could have at least said hello, but no, he just stood there.  He knew that she was beautiful, always had been and always would be, but he was still completely taken off guard today.   He really tried to forget about it, but the more he tried, the more he thought about her.   At the end of the movie, Elliott realized that he hadn’t watched any of it.  Joe realized it too because when they were all back in the car and heading to the restaurant and talking about various scenes, he noticed that Elliott had no comments.    After lunch, Joe drove around the city for a bit, giving Elliott a bit of a tour before they went to pick Liza up.   As they were pulling into the parking garage of Renee’s high rise, Renee, Liza, and the girls were getting out of Renee’s car.   Elliott couldn’t help to notice that the jeans that she wore hugged her figure as if they tailor-made for her, and the cream-color shirt that she wore was a striking contrast to her brown complexion.  She had styled her hair away from her face into a low ponytail that sat at the nape of her neck, revealing her delicate features.   After Liza got into the car and Joe was driving away, Liza said to Elliott, “You know what you’ve got to do, right?”   Elliott nodded his head in agreement.


Renee had one week to go before the opening of the new salon.   The women’s center was undergoing a few renovations, namely new carpeting and tile installations along with a few upgrades to the kitchen and restrooms.   “I know you have to be absolutely devastated that you won’t be here this week when the carpet and tile guys start working.”  Renee laughed and said, “Yeah, but if it’s any consolation to you, I will be running around like a chicken with its neck cut off trying to tie up loose ends with the salon.  You are coming to it, right?”  Mya said “Wouldn’t miss it.  Are Kayla and Victoria going to hair-model?”  Renee smacked her lips and said, “Yes.  Since a certain someone who shall remain nameless turned me down, I had to search and search until I came up with those two girls.”  Mya laughed and said, “You know I would have been more than willing to do it, but I promised Cory that I would spend the day house-shopping with him.”  Renee said, “Now, you know I’m only teasing you.  This house you two are shopping for, is it for him or you and him?”  Mya seemed somewhat surprised at Renee’s question and said, “Oh, it’s definitely for him.  We’re having a great time and everything, but I don’t think he’s ready to settle down.   He just wants a bigger place for all of his stuff.”   Renee listened to Mya’s answer and didn’t believe it.  She had seen the way that Cory looked at Mya, the way he looked after her, never letting her want for anything.   Just as she was about to speak, Renee’s cell phone rang.  It was Genevieve.  “Elliott was here looking for you.  I didn’t tell him where you are.”  No one at the office, with the exception of Genevieve, knew that Renee volunteered at the women’s center.  “Okay.  Did he say what he wanted? “   Genevieve replied, “No, but I’m going to guess that he wants you.   He was real disappointed that you weren’t here.  Maybe you should call him.”  Renee thanked Genevieve for the message and quickly got off the phone.  Mya sat there with her eyebrows raised at Renee.  “Is this he, whom shall remain nameless, Elliott by any chance?”  Mya teased Renee.  Renee looked at her and sighed.  Mya said, “Have you talked to him since . . . “ Mya’s voice trailed off.  Renee said, “He came by the office last Friday saying he was sorry about what he said.  I just couldn’t do it, Mya.  I mean, he has no reason to be sorry.”  Renee went on to tell her about the incident at her apartment on Sunday.  “Look, it’s none of my business, but I really think you should have a talk with him.  You know, you listen to him, he listens to you, the two of you get all hot and bothered and . . . “ Renee laughed and said to her, “Now I can add you to the growing list of people that think some sort of hot, steamy lovemaking is about to occur with me and Elliott.  I hate to dash everyone’s fantasy, but it is not happening.  I’m busy and he is probably going back to LA very soon.”   Mya’s only reply was, “Mmm.”   As things were starting to get busy at the center, Mya went back to the front desk and Renee answered more phone calls and helped clients with paperwork.  At the end of the day she and Mya walked out together.  Cory was there to pick Mya up and asked Renee if he could give her a ride to her car.  “Come on and get in,” Mya prompted.   After the short ride to Renee’s car, and as Renee was opening the door to exit Cory’s car, Mya said “Talk to him, okay.”  Renee gave her a thin-mouthed smile.  She thanked Cory for the ride and they told her that they would see her on Saturday at the opening. 


After she had eaten a grilled chicken breast and salad for dinner, Renee contemplated as to whether or not she should call Elliott.  She didn’t want him to think that she had turned rude, but she also didn’t want to make him feel that it was necessary to try to keep in touch with her either.    As she was taking her shower for the evening, thoughts of Elliott flooded her thoughts.  The warm water from the shower head seemed to be hitting all of her sensitive areas.  The same areas that Elliott had touched.  Touches that made her hot, made her wet, made her moan his name with fiery passion, going higher and higher and staying so high until they went over the edge together and finally floating back down to Earth.   After she finished showering and drying herself off, she put on a nightshirt and found Elliott’s number.  She looked at it for a long while before picking up her phone and dialing the digits.  Elliott answered on the first ring.  “Hi, Renee,” he said, his voice sounding deep and smooth, and almost completely disarming her.  “Hello, Elliott.  Genevieve called me today and said that you stopped by the office.”  “Yes, I was hoping that maybe we could have lunch or dinner soon.”  He sounded so good, almost as good as he looked when he was at her apartment on Sunday.”  He went on to say, “I just really want to talk to you, Renee.”  This man was going to be the undoing of her.  “The thing is, I’m going to be really busy.  I don’t know if Kayla has mentioned it, but I’ve got a salon opening this Saturday and there is so much I have to do . . . “  Before she could go any further, he said “Yes, Kayla mentioned it to me and her grandparents and said that you have been burning the candle at both ends.  I promise I will only take up as much time as you allow me.”  Oh, wow, she thought to herself.  What am I supposed to say to that?  She finally composed herself enough to say, “Okay, why don’t I call you sometime after things settle down?”  “Okay, I really am looking forward to it, Renee.”  When Elliott said her name, it made her feel the way that no one else did.   She remembered how he said her name when he used to tease and play around with her, the way he could say her name to reason with her, and especially the way he said it in the heat of passion.  She had to quickly gather herself and said, “Okay, we’ll set something up soon.  Goodnight, Elliott.” 


After he got off the phone with Renee, Elliott’s body was filled with heat and desire for her.   He found that as time had progressed and now that he understood why he didn’t know about Matt and Kayla, his resentment and anger toward Renee had disappeared.   Not only because he was still so undeniably turned on by her, but he had come to realize that she was hurt broken, too.  The night that Matt had told him that Renee had given him Elliott’s name as his middle name, was practically all the evidence that he needed to convince himself that Renee must have feelings for him.    After his call from Renee, he went into the kitchen to get a bottled water.  Ben and Lena were in the living area watching a movie on Showtime.   Lena said, “I didn’t know you were still up.”  He told them that he had just spoken with Renee.  Ben said, “It’s about time.   At least you two can talk things out, clear the air.”  Lena stood up and kissed Elliott’s face.  “Mom, what was that for?”  Lena replied, “Oh, you’re my son, and you’re just so cute,” she teased.  Lena kissed Ben goodnight and Ben told her that he would be in momentarily.   “Look, son, I’m not sure where things will end up with you and Renee, or if they will end up anywhere at all.  It would be great if things worked themselves out for you two.  You know your mother and I always were very fond of her and I know you never got over her.”   Elliott didn’t respond.  His dad was right.  He’d never gotten over Renee and he doubted that he ever would. 


The week seemed to have literally flown by and before Renee knew it, Saturday was there.  She got up early that morning and attended a hot yoga class to get her day started.  Everything had fallen into place beautifully and there was really nothing left for her to do.   After her yoga class she went to the salon and it was everything.  High-end equipment, shelves with luxurious products, a serene atmosphere.   Everything.   As she was driving home, Kayla called to make sure that everything was still on schedule and to see if she could borrow a pair of Renee’s shoes to go with the dress that she was wearing.  Matt and Victoria called to make sure that everything was still going according to schedule.   When she got home, she called Liza.  “I didn’t call you today because I didn’t want to bother you and I knew you would call if there was anything I could do to help.”  Renee said “Everything is ready.  I just spoke with the catering service and everything is on schedule.  I’m going to get myself cleaned up and spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing.”  After her conversation with Liza, Renee ran herself a bath that consisted of one of her formulations of hibiscus and lavender.   The scent was intoxicating and the bath was luxurious.   After she finished, she wrapped an oversized towel around her body and proceeded to give herself a manicure and pedicure.   She was too keyed up to eat dinner, so she had a bowl of fruit for a quick, light snack.  She spent the remaining hour watching television.   She had been on the fence about what to do with her hair, but she did finally decide to style it into one of her favorite up-do styles.   The dress she wore was a simple little black dress with a V-neckline and an exposed back zipper.   She decided to forego hosiery as the weather was comfortable enough that she didn’t really need an extra layer of warmth underneath the dress.  She put on her three-inch heeled strappy black sandals and went over to look at herself in the mirror hanging on her closet door.   She was pleased with the reflection staring back at her.  She didn’t wear a lot of makeup in her everyday life, but for tonight she did take it up a notch by playing up her eyes with smoky liner and shadow and wearing a very subtle lip color.   After giving herself a final once-over, she gathered her silver clutch and set out for the salon.


When she arrived, there were already people waiting to get in, so she went in through the back entrance.  Kayla, Victoria, and Matt were already there looking gorgeous as usual.  “Mom,” Kayla said, “You are so unbelievably beautiful.  You know it’s not right that you look better than me, right?”  Victoria’s mouth fell to the floor when she saw Renee and she agreed with Kayla.  “I’m just saying, when I grow up, this is how I wanna look.”  Matt winked at his mother and said “Looking good, Mom.  I might have to act as bodyguard tonight.”  Renee blushed, hugged and thanked them for being so nice to a “old lady.”   Kayla and Victoria went to the front entrance of the salon and opened the doors.  Very soon, the salon was packed with people oohing and aaahing over the salon.  The stylists and skin care consultants were there to answer questions about products and the types of services they provided.   Soft jazz music filled the salon, the hors d’oeuvres were delicious and everything was going very smoothly.   Of course, everyone wanted to talk to Renee and get a picture with her and she was happy to oblige.   Liza,  Joe, Mariah, and EJ walked through the doors, all of them looking beautiful.  Liza and Mariah really did look more like sisters than mother and daughter and Joe and EJ both so handsome with their dark chocolate skin and tall, muscular frames.   Everyone wanted Renee to say a few words to mark the occasion, and she was well-prepared to do so.  What she was not prepared for was Elliott, Ben, and Lena walking through the door just as she was getting ready to speak.  She stood there for a moment, her eyes locking with Elliott’s, as everyone watched her and they followed her eyes to the entrance and then back to her.  She realized that she needed to start speaking or things were going get real awkward, real fast.  “I want to thank all of you for taking the time to come here this evening . . . “  Renee’s words were well-received and she received a rousing applause.   As she moved from the center stage, she saw Lena and Ben coming toward her.  “Renee, this place is fantastic,” Lena said.  “You have absolutely outdone yourself here and this place is going to be a raving success.”  Renee said “I certainly hope it will be.  So many people have worked so hard to make this happen and I can’t thank them enough.”  Renee turned her attention to Ben.  “Renee, your pictures don’t do you justice, honey.   It is so good to see you.”  He gave her a warm hug and kiss on her cheek.   “Mr. James, as always, you are too kind, and yes, it is good to see you as well.”  Elliott watched Renee interact with his parents while he talked to Joe and Liza.   “I’m going to say hello to Renee.  I’ll be back shortly.”  Liza said “Take all the time you need.”   As he walked over to them, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.   “Renee, your place is beautiful.  Congratulations,” he said to her.  Ben and Lena excused themselves, leaving Renee and Elliott alone in a room full of people.   “I’m surprised to see you here,” she said.  “Kayla has been talking about this event so much and then I saw your segment last week on the morning news program.   I had to be here.”  The intense look in his blue eyes almost brought her to her knees.   He was so fine.  His dark hair was cut neat and close and he had a 5:00 shadow that made him look even sexier.  His broad shoulders tapered down to a slim waist and she knew that his legs were long, lean, and muscular beneath his expensive black pants.  “Renee, you’re gorgeous,” he said to her.  Lord, she thought to herself, what is he trying to do to me here?  She smiled and said “Thank you, Elliott.”   They stood there for a few more moments in silence, just looking at each other before she said, “I really should get back over there.”  Elliott replied, “I know.  But I could stand here and look at you all night.”  She had to walk away before she fell into his arms.

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