This Broken Beautiful Thing (33 page)

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Authors: Sophie Summers

BOOK: This Broken Beautiful Thing
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“Answer me!” He roars making me wince. “You allow that piece of shit to touch you? You fucked him didn’t you?” His hand is
too quick and backhands me with such force I land on the little coffee table where his beer stood. It all crashes underneath me knocking the breath out of me. I let out the first of my sobs and it’s only the beginning because now as I sit on the floor I’m covering my bloody face and weeping in my hands begging him not to hurt me.

“Fuck…” I hear him mutter.  “I’m sorry baby.”

“When her daddy finds out, you’re dead boy.” I hear my mother’s husky broken voice.

I lift my eyes to see Jace freeze and turn to look at her,
Raven is back.

“You think I give a shit?
Besides, there won’t be any witnesses.” My mother spits in his face and I watch as he wipes his face then pulls out a gun from the back of his jeans and points it in her face.

“No!” I scream as I crawl up to his feet and look up to him begging. “I’ll come with you, I’ll do whatever you want just don’t kill her. Please!” I beg for her life with tears running down my face, I can taste the blood and salt from my tears on my lips.

I watch as he lowers the gun and places it back in his jeans. He yanks my arm up making me hiss out in pain. “I’m doing this because I love you, you know that right?” I don’t reply which only makes him angrier.

“Answer me!” he shakes me but
loses his grip and I go flying through the air. I feel the wall as my back and head hit it. I fall face first to the ground, I feel the moisture in my hair, I slowly raise my hand to the back of my head until I feel the wet spot then bring my fingers to my line of vision.


My vision starts to blur and the noises around me muffle as I lay on the floor. All I can think about is how I snuck out of Holly’s house without telling Willow I loved her and how much I miss Caleb right now. My mother’s muffled screams can be heard in the distance and I can feel the vibration off the floor boards under my cheek as Jace walks up toward me.


I wake up as Jace gently lies me down in the trunk of a car. I’m vaguely aware of him caressing my cheek as he says, “Can’t live without you. I don’t want to be alone in the dark. It’s so dark without you my Harley. I need you.”

Then he moves away, slams the trunk closed a
nd I’m left in darkness… alone.

About Sophie Summers


I live in a small town off the South Coast of
KwaZulu Natal. I am a 22 year old South African. I kept writing my dirty little secret for a couple of years before I decided to come clean and share my stories. When I’m not working I’m studying, writing or reading.  I released my first book in 2013 which was a supernatural/werewolf based novel, It is called Alexia Eden (Fairy Tales Don’t Exist #1).


A little about more about me…

Three days after graduating High School I jumped into the work force head on. I continued to work full time doing basic admin and account work for six months until I started studying. After two years I started working for a larger company doing administration work which held more responsibility and longer hours. After working full time to pay for my studies, I found the time to write.
Although my life is busy as ever, I will never complain or regret the path I've taken that directed me to where I am today. The lessons I've learnt and the people I've met is my reason for this. I may not have a degree behind my name...yet but I'll get there eventually. It may take me some time but I'm determined to stay independent without relying on anyone. I work hard and write harder. Look me up sometime, even if it's just for a chat. I love receiving emails and reviews of my books so please email me and send me links of your reviews. I may not have responded to your emails but please note that I really do appreciate all of you who have taken the time to email me with words of encouragement and advice. Since I’m new to this writing world I still have a lot to learn.


I love receiving emails and reviews of my books so please email and send me links of your reviews. I may not have responded to your emails but please note that I really do appreciate all of you who have taken the time to email me with words of encouragement and advice. Since I’m new to this writing world I still have a lot to learn.


You can find me on Goodreads and my blog

Please feel free to comment, I’m always available to chat.

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and even friend me on Facebook to keep up to date with release dates and upcoming works.

If you just want to chat? Email me on
[email protected]


***Please continue to read for a
preview of Book 1 in the Fairy Tales Don’t Exist Series – Alexia Eden.***


Please see my blog to keep up with news of my books and where they can be bought.






Mom always told me that love conquers all. If you love someone with all your heart and with
 all that you have to give – no matter the problems you face as long as you were together it will be all right… She said that you know you’ve found your soul mate when it would hurt when they weren’t by your side and just being in their presence would soothe that ache.

I always thought it was just one of those silly
 things mothers would tell their daughters, similar to those quotes on the bottom of each page in a diary that are supposed to be inspirational but in fact leave you thinking what…the…fuck…

She also had those cheesy moments too however,  when I was upset because the boys at the playground were being mean to me, she’d say
“Don’t worry my lil’ Lex, one day you’ll find your prince charming, just like I did when I found your daddy”.
Of course I wasn’t that naïve to actually believe in Fairytales and all the stories she would tell me about love as I grew older but I had hope, hope that one day I would find that person I would love so much that I would do anything and everything possible to be with them, that I would find my soul mate, my other half ...the person meant just for me…


My name is Alexia Charlie Eden, and yes my second name is Charlie. Mom thought she was having a baby boy, at least that’s what the doctor said, so imagine their surprise when I popped out. They decided to keep the name Charlie, because well that’s what they originally planned on calling me and the name Alexia was a tribute to Alexandria, the name of daddy’s younger sister who disappeared when she was sixteen.

Daddy says my mother and I look alike but I don’t see the resemblance at all. I’m pretty short at 5’3 and I wouldn’t say I’m skinny like mom either since I have more curves than the usual teenage girl. My mother also has brown hair but hers is pin straight where mine is more on the wild side and reaches my lower back, I guess I do get my petite body from her since she is a small woman.

My father and I have few similarities in our features; although my mother has brown eyes and my father has blue ones, mine are a mix between dark green and blue, so with my dark hair and pale skin they tend to stand out. I also have dad’s dimples and dark long eyelashes.

My mother was a typical housewife, always involved with anything to do in my life. She was my best friend and the person that even when I had a bad day at school I knew when I got home everything would be alright because mom was there sitting on her bed reading her sappy romance novels waiting for me to come home. She would always know when I was upset, she'd just open her arms wide and I’d go and cuddle beside her while she would
 whisper words of hope and encouragement.

Yes, I was a good girl who didn’t keep any secrets from her mother and that’s because there was nothing to keep from her, I would tell her everything – she was my best friend. She was supportive of
me, always backed me up on anything I was involved with and she’d say that as long as I was happy she’d be happy.

Of course I was still a daddy’s girl, where my mother was a words type of woman my father was more of
 the do now, talk later type. Mom always had the right words to say at the right moment, but my father was a different story however… when I was younger many kids thought it was funny to pick on the short chubby kid.


I kept quiet about it for a little while because I was embarrassed about being picked on for my weight but when one kid tripped me and I went home crying, I told my father everything. My dad wasn’t someone with many words, he was the type that went to all the boys’ houses that bullied me demanding that their fathers make them apologize and if they don’t discipline their children - he would.

He was a big guy, being 6’6 feet tall and since he worked at the gym everyday he was big in the muscle department too, suffice to say that from that day onwards -
 I was never bullied again whenever I went to the playground.

My parents met in high school and it was the typical jock meets cheerleader, they get married have babies and live happily ever after - although not in that order and it didn’t exactly end that way.

Mom and dad were dating for about just over a year when mom found out she was pregnant with me, determined as she was, she completed school with only the support of my father at her side since their parents did not support the decision of mom keeping me. Straight after high school they got married and Dad started working full time at a small gym downtown to help mom while she was at college getting her Degree in Management.

Max’s Gym was my other home when mom was at school. Uncle Max, who owned the gym, was like my granddaddy; since he didn’t have any kids of his own he took dad under his wing. When Max passed away from Cancer, he left the gym to dad and with the help of mom's management degree they soon had turned the place around and gained many more clients. A few years later they opened another gym in the next town which also became as successful as the first.

At the age of fifteen I felt that my life was great, my friends were amazing, my parents were the perfect duo and we were all as happy as could be, seeing my parents work through all the hard times that life threw at them, they still overcame it all, it really made me truly believe that love could possibly conquer all…

Guess that was
daddy was killed in the car accident when an eighteen wheeler truck skipped the red light,
mom started taking prescription drugs to deal with the depression or
we were thrown out our home because we didn’t have money to pay for it since mom stopped looking after the Gyms and spent all the money on anything to take her mind off what was really happening.

Let’s just say that nobody told me what to do or what would happen when you lost that one person you loved so much, the person that you would do anything and everything to be with them, the one who was your soul mate, your other half... the person meant just for you…

Two years later and three months into my senior year, mom’s friend Amber, and a few hours South in a small town called “Point Bright” found mom a management job in the bar she works.


So here we are, on the road to our new home...


Guess whoever named this shit-hole “
Point Bright
” didn’t see what I was seeing.

new home
, which turns out to be similar to any other trailer park is surrounded by a bunch of small houses. The houses are encircled by wooded area and forest.

The two years since dad’s death has been a nightmare, I thought it would get better...that mom would somehow see that I also lost someone, it felt as if I was alone that I did not only lose my father but my mother too.

As if the alcohol wasn’t enough, mom was prescribed pills to deal with the depression of losing my father, she obviously enjoyed the feeling she was getting when she used them because she started taking the drugs on a more regular basis, when the prescribed drugs lost the
she craved she decided that something stronger was needed.

I don’t even know what she’s taking anymore -
 she’s moved on from alcohol, to taking pain killers to cocaine. I cringe at the memory of accidentally walking in on her in the bathroom while she was snorting it, she was too drugged up to even notice she left the door open and I was leaning against the frame watching her. She doesn’t even remember me throwing the shit down the toilet or the fit she threw when she realized her last fix for the day was gone. That didn’t stop her from going out and getting more though…

I’ve done everything - I’ve tried yelling and telling her how I need her but it always ends up the same way. Her telling me that she has nothing to live for and that I should just be happy that she’s still around.

Yeah… that hurt like a bitch, but I was done crying, I cried all I could the day I said goodbye to daddy at his funeral and it felt better when I cut off everything, when I blocked it all out – people say that you shouldn’t keep everything bottled up inside but I disagree.

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