This Broken Beautiful Thing (11 page)

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Authors: Sophie Summers

BOOK: This Broken Beautiful Thing
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heads my way and hugs me, “I am, aren’t I?” she says smiling. “Besides it’s not as if you can drink anyways?” she says looking down at my belly.

Does Dad know about this?” I ask her tapping the ID.

Of course…he got it made after I suggested it.” she says flatly like it’s just another thing parents do for their kids.

She continues to show me how to work everything and I catch on pretty quickly. I
head to the back storeroom to fetch more glasses for the bar. I use my ass to push open the swing doors but as I push against the doors they open and I stumble.

Whoa there tiny! Let me help you with that.” I turn to look at who’s the owner of the deep masculine voice to see a tall beautiful man…
must be Jesse.
He’s wearing a tight black shirt that has the bar’s logo on and straight cut jeans. The muscles in his broad chest can be clearly seen through the material, he’s not as stocky as Jace and he has more of a lean body but nevertheless he has muscles in all the right places.

He has beautiful green eyes similar to
Caleb’s but lighter. He has brown curly hair and is definitely a “pretty boy”, Jesse reminds me a lot of Caleb and the clean cut good looking boy he was.  I quickly shut all thoughts of Caleb down and look back up at Jesse who’s smiling at me now, he must have caught me staring. I hand him the glass trays and walk past him with my head down trying to hide my rosy cheeks, I hold the door open for him to walk through.

He chuckles
as he passes by and I follow him into the bar, I notice Anna has opened the bar and a couple of people are already seated by the bar and a few of the tables.

“So aren’t you going to introduce me to the new girl
?” Jesse says completely ignoring me speaking to Anna as she pours drinks and places them on a tray for him.

, this is my daughter Harley.” Anna says proudly, I can tell she loves calling me her daughter and it makes me happy, I watch as his eyes widen with realization.

’re Harley?
Harley?” he says pointing to the pink Harley model mounted on the wall holding my name.

, I’m
Harley.” I say mimicking his awe filled expression.

Wow, so good to finally meet you babe. I’m Jesse and it looks like your daddy is going to be using that baseball bat tonight.” He says pointing to the bat mounted under the bar.

uck, going to have a hard time keeping these horny college boys away from you. “ Jesse says as he takes the tray from Anna and walks away.


The night has been going smoothly so far and I’ve already caught the hang of things, a few guys also flirted with me and luckily all of them have kept their hands to themselves. I’ve noticed both Jesse and Anna have been keeping a protective eye on me and apart from all the flirting that’s been coming my way from drunk college guys ,I’ve been having a great night so far.

“Harley?” I
jump at the sound of Jace’s voice in my ear, I turn to see him checking me out with wide eyes.

“Hey! Haven’t seen you all day.” I wait for him to respond but he continues to stare from my toes to my eyes, looking at me as if he’s filled with surprise.

“Jace! Stop that…” I playfully push his arm and he chuckles and puts his heavy arm over my shoulder protectively.

You boys all finished with that meeting?” I ask him removing myself from his arm before walking back to the bar with empty glasses. He follows me making sure to keep his eyes on me.

“What are you wearing? Annalie did this to you right?” he ignores my questions and walks up to me, takes
the tray from my hands, places it on the bar nearby then corners me up against the wall with both of his hands on either side of my head.

“W…what are you doing? What’s wrong with the way I’m dressed? Is it too skanky?” I say tugging my
shorts lower as my lack of confidence rises.

“No baby you look sexy as fuck, any of the
se guys given you trouble or tried anything with you?” he says looking me over and biting his lip making me tremble beneath his lust filled stare. He knows what he’s doing to me, this is probably how he gets the girls to bed…not that he has to try hard.

“No Jace and I can handle it myself if I need to. Move… I need to get back to work.” I say shoving past
him, as I walk passed him he grabs me around my waist and brings me up against his chest as his arms wrap around my stomach.

He whispers in my
ear, “If any of these guys give you shit, find me babe and I’ll deal with them.” He kisses my cheek and let’s go. I don’t say anything and turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me against him again.

“Did you hear me Harley? Answer me…” he
says through grated teeth.

“Yes Jace
, I heard you, can I go back to work now?” I don’t care how hot this boy is… he is really starting to piss me off.

“Raven, let the girl go.
” Hunter says coming up to Jace and smacking his back chuckling at Ravens behavior with me. I however, don’t find it funny at all.

“What? She needs to know her place…” Jace says looking me over once again
smirking suggestively.

This stops me in my tracks as I turn back to look at him.
“Know her place? Who the fuck do you think
are?” I put my hand on my hip and glare at him with a raised brow,
he shouldn’t have said that
.  Hunter drops his head back and lets out a deep chuckle that echoes over the loud music, Jace crosses his arms over his chest , tilts his head looking at me while tensing his jaw but doesn’t say a word. I know I’m about to make him angrier but I don’t really care.

You know what Jace? You can go fuck yourself!” I say loud enough for him and Hunter to hear but not loud enough so that everyone else in the pub overhears. Hunter continues to chuckle at Jace’s side but Jace has a cold expression on his face and he’s still clenching his jaw. I know he’s holding in whatever he wants to say to me now but I know later I
get it. I quickly walk away before he can catch me again.

I stand behind the bar and take a deep breath trying to control t
he anger welling inside of me. I don’t like the way he spoke to me in front of Hunter, as if he owned me and I was just a pet he was training to be obedient.



“The MC boys already have their eyes on
you, I’d watch out for that Jace Hun, he’s a dangerous one, unstable too.” Jesse says as he comes up to me and hands me a glass of water.

I take the glass and down it in one sip
thinking about the unstable part of his sentence, “Yeah he thinks he owns me and its really pissing me off! I’ve never been in this situation before? I don’t know how to deal with all this… possessiveness.” I look back at Jesse, the way he portrays himself is so manly, you would never think he was into guys.

, all these men are like that with their woman. However, I think he’s more possessive over you because of the innocence that radiates off you. Don’t get me wrong, you’re hot as hell dressed up like that but your innocence drives these wild men crazy. After all the dangerous and sinful things these men do? They all want a taste of something sweet and innocent, I tend to have possessive tendencies too and it’s in all of us men who were brought up around this lifestyle. Some know how to control it and some don’t. Jace may be fucking sex-on-legs but he just can’t control himself, be careful with that one.” He says giving me a hug.

I hug him back
as I say against his chest, “Thanks Jesse.”

“No problem babe, I’m here if you ever want to chat.” He says smiling down at me.

“Ann! What did you do to my baby girl?” I hear my dad yell out calling Anna. I look behind and see my father’s wide eyes looking at the clothes I’m wearing, I start laughing.

Jesse chuckles as he whispers in my ear
, “I don’t think daddy likes his baby dressing up.” I smack his arm and walk up to my shocked father giving him a hug.

“Doesn’t she look hot babe?” Anna says giving my father a kiss on the cheek.

“That’s the problem…” my dad mumbles making all three of us laugh.

“Don’t worry
dad, Jesse told me all about
the bat
and I know how to use it if anyone causes shit.” I say holding up his baseball bat.

His frown disappears and he
chuckles, “That’s my girl.”

We all continue to serve the customers
through the night. The place has died down a bit with only a few club members remaining and a few of the regular girls that hang around. It’s past three in the morning, I’m exhausted and my feet hurt from standing all night. I’m not in the best of moods because of Jace’s earlier behavior and the random drunk guys that wouldn’t leave me alone. Anna says I’ll get used to the behavior of the strange men hitting on me but I’m not sure if that’s even possible. To make things worse I’ve felt eyes on me the entire evening, I know who it is and I’ve been trying to avoid him at all costs because I know I’m bound to be “scolded” for my behavior once we’re alone.

alking out of the bathroom, I notice a man holding a girl up against the wall, she seems to be struggling against his grip, she tells him to stop then tries to shove him off but he continues to push his body against her and kiss on her neck.

get off her.” I yell.

! Get off me!” the girl screeches, I noticed this girl hanging around a couple different guys from the bar. She’s one of the
as Anna would say, she’s wearing a tight black dress with red stilettos.

he man who’s wearing the MC’s badge on his leather jacket has his hand under her dress between her legs but she continues to push and shove him.

“Girl, stay out of it!
” The big guys says not looking my way, He grabs hold of the girls face and roughly smashes his lips to hers while she continues to squirm underneath him.

Fuck it.” I say as I make my way back to the bar to collect some help. Jesse looks at me and his eyes widen when he sees me grabbing the baseball bat. I make my way back to where the girl is struggling under the large man.

looks over his shoulder and catches my eye, I point to the bat and the man and she gives me a small smile and nods slightly. I swing the bat hard and hit his back. He screams out and the girl lets a huff of breath out as his body bounces off hers. He stumbles away from the girl then bends backwards clutching his back and I take this as an opportunity to raise the bat again and hit him between his legs.

“What the fu
ck!” the man yells in pain on the brink of tears.

“I told you to get off her!” I
shout back, at the corner of my eye I notice my father and the rest of the people in the bar are watching the scene I just caused. I turn fully to face them, my breathing is heavy from the anger racing through me. Anna has a smile on her face but my father and Jace seem to be angry…

“She’s a fucking whore! She was doing her job!”
The man rumbles still clutching his hands between his legs as he sits on his knees. I hear the girl gasp at the man’s words.

I lift the
bat again ignoring Jace as he runs up to me but I’ve already hit the man in the chest with the bat, I watch him roll over on the ground and scream out. Jace snatches the bat from my hand and glares at me.

“I don’t give a fuck what she is! She didn’t want you groping on her but you
continued totally ignoring her when she was telling you to stop.” I scream.

“The slut wanted
it, it’s her job!” the man yells making me angrier, I look at the girl who seems shaken up.

“Stop calling her that! What the
hell is wrong with you?” I reach for the bat that Jace has in his firm grasp but he yells, “Stop this shit Harley! Right now!” Then he throws the bat to Hunter who’s leaning against the wall snickering at the banter between Jace and I.

“What do you
mean - stop? You allow
to happen?” I push Jace out my way and face my father who’s now staring at me blankly as if I’m a stranger.

“You allow
boys to treat woman like this?” I ask furiously, I can tell he’s getting angry because his face is now red and his body is tense.

I’ve never seen my father angry, especially not angry with me and it’s a scary sight even if
I’m trying my hardest to hide how terrified I am on the inside.

a woman…we don’t disrespect
our woman
like that Harley.” My father says in a deep angry tone.
Why the hell is he angry with me?

“What is that even supposed to mean?
Is this why you kept me away from your
and this
? You didn’t want me to see how you all treated woman?” This situation has really made me livid. I’m absolutely fuming, my father is no better than the rest of them.

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