Things That Go Bump in the Night IV (11 page)

Read Things That Go Bump in the Night IV Online

Authors: Ashleigh Raine,J. C. Wilder,Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #Anthologies

BOOK: Things That Go Bump in the Night IV
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She felt his hands on her, spreading her, exposing her while his swollen damp cockhead pressed into her skin until it trailed its way to her soaked hole.

And he wasn’t gentle. She hadn’t expected him to be. Kneeling behind her, he thrust into her craving cunt with a fierceness of possession.

“Who do you belong to?” he demanded to know from behind her.

His cock pressed deep inside her, riding her hard and fast.

She shook her head, letting her hair fly around her, taking all that he offered while holding onto her wooden headboard as if she would float away if she let go.

His words floated toward her, drifting on a sea of unadulterated passion, fiery lust, and a love so solid she knew it was here to stay.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw the darkness of his frame while he gripped her ass, impaling her with a fury that soared through her hotter than a prairie fire.


Blue Moon

“You are mine.” She cried out while hot cream exploded inside her, flowing with incredible speed through her, soaking her cunt, her inner thighs, his thick cock.

Ralph growled, making one final stab into her fiery hole. His fingers crushed her with his steel grip while he filled her with cum that branded her with its fire.

She almost laughed, the intensity of her orgasm was that good. Quivers rushed over her body. Without looking, she had found a mate, and the second time around would be glorious.


About the author:

All my life, I’ve wondered at how people fall into the routines of life. The paths we travel seemed to be well-trodden by society. We go to school, fall in love, find a line of work (and hope and pray it is one we like), have children and do our best to mold them into good people who will travel the same path. This is the path so commonly referred to as the “real world”.

The characters in my books are destined to stray down a different path other than the one society suggests. Each story leads the reader into a world altered slightly from the one they know. For me, this is what good fiction is about, an opportunity to escape from the daily grind and wander down someone else’s path.

Lorie O’Clare lives in Kansas with her three sons.

Lorie O’Clare welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, Ohio 44224.

Also by Lorie O’Clare:

Full Moon Rising

Lunewulf 1: Pack Law

Lunewulf 2: In Her Blood

Lunewulf 3: In Her Dreams

Lunewulf 4: In Her Nature

Lunewulf 5: In Her Soul

Sex Slaves 1: Sex Traders


J.C. Wilder

Shadow Hunter

Chapter One

As the sun sank in the west, the crowds on Bourbon Street grew rowdier. With each passing hour the average intoxication level per human increased, as did the threat to their lives, not that they knew it. The humans had no clue Death walked among them.

Halloween was one of the prime times for human death at the hands of a preternatural. Until two years ago it had been Rik’s job to keep them safe.

But not anymore.

Rik threaded his way through the steady stream of tourists as he headed for the
Chat Noir
, a popular restaurant and jazz club in the heart of the French Quarter.

The fragile peace in the preternatural world was tenuous at best, but everyone was on edge. Until the Council of Elders, the ruling body of the preternatural world, dealt with Mikhail and his unprecedented challenge for control of the Council, anything could happen. The vampire was determined to bring down the Council no matter how many lives he destroyed in the process. For each day that passed, the body count increased and nerves grew more frayed.

Rik seriously doubted that when the Council made a move to pursue Mikhail and his followers that everyone else would fall into line. While most preternaturals supported the Council, a surprising number had adopted a wait-and-see attitude about the whole situation.

He didn’t understand the apathy they displayed because the situation was clear to him. If Mikhail succeeded in taking control of the Council, there would only be chaos and the destruction of hundreds of lives. At least while under the control of the Council, the preternaturals could live safer, more ordinary lives. They were governed by a distinct set of laws and everyone was treated the same in the eyes of the Council.

To him the situation was a no-brainer. On one hand was anarchy and on the other was peace. Many of the Shadow Dwellers were too young to remember what life was like before the Council—himself included. He’d heard stories from the Elders of the constant power struggles and the everyday fight for survival. That was no way to live and he would do everything in his power to avoid such a bleak future for his people.

From behind his black Ray-Ban sunglasses, Rik scanned the sea of faces, always on the lookout for trouble. There were a select few who wished him ill or dead, whichever came first.

Old habits died hard.

It was an unseasonably warm Halloween and the majority of the costumed throng had been drinking heavily. A poor imitation of a vampire ran into him and Rik barely 67

J.C. Wilder

managed to conceal a snarl as he was forced to sidestep a large gorilla throwing up in the gutter.


The wide windows of the Chat were a welcome sight and he spotted his ex-boss, Trey, seated in the far corner of the restaurant with his back to the wall. The tall were-cat was leaning back, his chair balanced on two legs. He wore black sunglasses and Rik had no doubt he was aware of everything and everyone around him.

That was Trey; always ready for action.

Rik entered the Chat and waved at Tom, the bartender, before heading toward his friend’s table. The restaurant was nearly full with the exception of the tables nearest Trey, but that was no surprise. One look at the Welsh warrior was enough to persuade any mortal to give him a wide berth.

At six foot six, he was all legs, long black hair and attitude. With his sunglasses, a silver ring through his left nostril and a matching one through his left eyebrow, he was an intimidating presence even when sitting in a lighted restaurant drinking steaming hot
café au lait
. Then again, his dark purple leather coat and black leather pants with more buckles and straps than a bondage store would put anyone on edge.

Few realized that Trey was an Elder, a preternatural of unnatural age. It was this extreme age that gave him an aura which made most a little skittish. The very air around the man was charged with his energy and anyone standing close would feel the hair on the back of the neck stand on end. Rik had grown so used to the sensation he barely noticed it anymore.

“You’re late,” Trey said.

“You’re ugly but you don’t see me calling the media.” Rik grabbed the chair next to his friend then sat down with his back to the wall. He deliberately jarred the other man with his elbow forcing him to sit up. The front legs hit the floor with a thud.

“You can’t sit across from me?” Trey muttered. He shifted his chair to the right a few inches.

“Not unless you want me to leave myself open,” Rik shot back. “Do you want someone to stick a knife between my ribs?”

Trey’s lips quirked. “It has occurred to me a time or two.”

“I’ll just bet it has.” Rik pulled his sunglasses off and dropped them on the table.

“This had better be good. I have a buxom blonde with a mouth like you would not believe waiting on me—”

“Get your mind out of your pants for a moment. The werewolf, Weylyn DuLac, arrived in New Orleans this morning and he and his pack-mates are here to do a little damage.”

“I’m retired,” Rik said flatly. “Log into the
site and find yourself a licensed Hunter to deal with Fido. I’m out of the business and off your payroll.”


Shadow Hunter

“Not this time, Rik. You’re back on the job whether you like it or not. It appears you’re the object of Lyn’s hunt.” He spoke in a deceptively mild tone and when those black sunglasses turned toward Rik, he wished he hadn’t removed his so fast. “Any idea what this might be about?”

“Maybe he has fleas?” Rik shrugged and he could tell Trey was not amused. “Who knows? It could be anything.” Like the fact he’d bedded Lyn’s human mate before he’d known she was his. It wasn’t like she’d thought to share the information before she had her mouth on his cock.

“Ulrik…” There was a note of warning in the way Trey said his full name. “I can’t allow trouble in the city tonight. You know as well as I do that the entire preternatural world is in a precarious state and the last thing I need is a pissing contest between a were-cat and a wolf.”

Rik scowled. “No one is going to get into a—”

“I want you to go make nice with him.”

Rik stared at his friend, shocked he’d even suggested such a thing. Cats did
associate with wolves. Ever. Wolves were an ignorant, unkempt lot who were more concerned with fighting anyone who got near them, especially the were-cats. It was rare to see a cat and a wolf in the same room let alone have a conversation. It simply didn’t happen if one or the other wished to walk away alive.

He shook his head. “Who are you kidding? I’m not going to apologize for an honest mistake to that butt-sniffer.”

Rik started to rise when Trey grabbed his arm in an iron grip that prevented his escape. Pain radiated from his wrist to his shoulder in a harsh wave that took his breath away.

“So you do know what he wants,” Trey said.

Irritated, Rik dropped into his chair and the other man released him. The pain faded immediately and he resisted the urge to rub his arm. Damn! He hated that little trick.

“When I was in New York last month I made the acquaintance of a young woman.

She made an interesting sexual advance and I took her up on her offer. It wasn’t until after the fact that I found out Serena was Lyn’s human mate.”

Trey frowned. “She didn’t wear a brand or carry a medallion?”

“Not a thing.”

“So basically, you fell for the oldest trick in the book?” Trey ran a hand over his mouth, trying to disguise a smile. “You wouldn’t be the first to fall into bed with a curious human mate of a wolf. Some of the more adventurous ones have been known to bed a were-cat just to compare the lovemaking techniques between the two species.”

“So it would seem.” Rik braced his arms on the table. “Now you understand how I don’t owe him a damn thing, least of all an apology. If anything, his woman owes me one. She had to have known what she was doing when she came after me.”


J.C. Wilder

The other man shook his head. “I’m not asking you this time, Rik; I’m telling you.

The wolves are restless and are looking for the slightest provocation to justify getting out of line. I don’t want this stupid incident to be the beginning of a big free-for-all. It’s Halloween and it’s a waxing moon. I don’t need anything else thrown into the mix.”

“Hell,” Rik snarled.

“Retired or not,” Trey continued, “if you don’t do this and all hell breaks out, think about how many innocent humans could be killed.”


“In this case, it doesn’t matter what you think.” Trey tipped his chair back and leaned against the wall again. “This is a mandate from the Council and if you go against them, I’ll have to put out an order for your apprehension.”

Rik’s lips tightened and he bit back a growl. The last thing he wanted was one of his friends having to pick him up. Marcus would like nothing more than to put him in handcuffs and conveniently leave him bound for a few hours. He had a sick sense of humor.

“Fine.” He swiped Trey’s
cafe au lait
and downed it, knowing this would irritate his friend more than words could. “What do I have to do?”

Trey pulled a square of orange paper from his pocket and handed it to Rik. “Be at The Chamber at 11 p.m. and they will be waiting for you.”

“I’ll bet they will.”

“Make sure you take at least one other ally with you, just in case Weylyn turns out to be a dick.”

Rik snorted and stuffed the paper into his jacket pocket. “Too late for that. He was a dick the moment he was whelped.” He rose and picked up his sunglasses. “Anything else?”


Rik looked down at his friend. Trey was a strange one; he guarded his privacy like a cat with a ball of catnip. While he was remarkably tight-lipped about himself, there was no one better to have at your back when it was time to rock and roll. The man wasn’t one for wasting emotions, so Rik knew what he’d said was heartfelt. He clapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze before leaving the restaurant.

The sun had set and the streetlights had come on but he didn’t remove the dark lenses. His cougar senses allowed him to see well in the dark.

He had several hours before it would be time to appear at The Chamber. His previous plans with the voluptuous blonde had been cancelled due to his meeting with Trey and now they would have to be put on hold for the night, thanks to Lyn. This was shaping up to be a great night all around.

His gaze caught on a beautiful redhead across the street. She was dressed in a harem costume and the sheer outfit showed every inch of her drop-dead curves. Her hair licked at her back and her butt gave a friendly little jiggle as she hopped off a curb.


Shadow Hunter

was something he’d like to investigate further. This one was so sweet his teeth ached just to look at her. The full moon coupled with the need to mate caused his blood to heat just by watching her walk.

His skin prickled, alerting him to the arrival of another preternatural. Trey stood in the doorway of the Chat, and after a slow pan of the crowds in the street his gaze locked on Rik. His face was expressionless.

Trey gave him a slow nod, then turned and walked in the opposite direction. The mortals crowding the sidewalk parted before him in a wave.

Rik shot one last look at the redhead just as she vanished into a crowded restaurant.

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