Things That Go Bump in the Night IV (32 page)

Read Things That Go Bump in the Night IV Online

Authors: Ashleigh Raine,J. C. Wilder,Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #Anthologies

BOOK: Things That Go Bump in the Night IV
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Then her men did as they’d promised, surrounding her, filling her, taking her, making her theirs over and over again.


Ashleigh Raine


“Trick or treat!”

Sitting in the office in the back of the house, Jill smiled as the sound of children’s laughter mixed with Arden and Leo’s teasing growls. The duo loved Halloween, dressing up in fur and feathers to pass out candy to the neighborhood kids. It was the one day of the year they could become their other halves for public consumption.

The rest of the year, they were hers alone.

The computer booted up smoothly and Jill clicked buttons and typed in her webmail password. It was time to introduce her mom to Leonard.

Hi Mom~

I know you’ve been worried about me, alone so far from home. Well, I’m not alone anymore.

Someone wonderful has come into my life. His name is Leonard, and he embodies everything I’ve
ever wanted. He’s kind, honest, charming, adventurous and he loves me as much as I love him.

And yes, he’s for real.

He even has a really good job, running an advertising and web
development company with his two brothers, Leo and Arden.

I’m really blessed, Mom. They’ve welcomed me into their family, just like I hope you and
Dad will welcome them into ours.

Today, Leonard asked me to marry him and even though the courtship has been quick, I’ve
said yes. I know it’s right, just like you knew the first time you saw Dad that there was no one
else for you. Leonard completes me.

Since I know you’re going to ask, yes I’m bringing Leonard with me for Thanksgiving. I
want to show off the man I love.

I love you, Mom. Give Dad a kiss for me and I’ll see you in a few weeks.



She reread the email to make sure she hadn’t slipped and spoken in plural about her men. Somehow she didn’t think her mother would understand how two men could become one, let alone the fur and feathers that came with them. She clicked send, launching the email into cyberspace.

The ring on her finger sparkled in the light from the screen. She didn’t know how Leo and Arden had done it, but while she was at work today, they’d found a ring that 188

Twofold Desires

suited their relationship perfectly. Three brilliant blue sapphires formed a triangle around a larger pear-shaped diamond.

The men had bought matching bands, diamonds and sapphires embedded in platinum. Although each of them wearing wedding bands would eventually draw questions as to who exactly Jill was married to, neither Leo nor Arden were willing to part with the symbol of their attachment. They’d even practiced shifting with the bands on to see if they could take the rings with them. Fabric ripped to shreds during transformation, but metal was more durable and made it through the phasing. As Leonard, the two rings came together, forming one larger band around his finger. In their animal forms, the rings disappeared behind feathers, or embedded in the mane.

Before shutting down the computer, Jill’s gaze skimmed over the subject lines of the piled up mail in her inbox. Charlene’s
Top Ten Things to Avoid on Halloween
still remained unread.

She clicked it open and began to read. Her jaw dropped, then shock turned to outright laughter.

“All right, what’s so funny?” Leo asked as he walked into the room. He nuzzled the back of her neck and his fake whiskers tickled, making her giggle anew.

Arden knelt next to her and she stared at his plastic beak. Her giggles turned to guffaws and she struggled to take a breath.

“Why do I feel like we’re the joke here?” Arden smiled, pulling the cone-shaped beak from his face and tossing it onto the desk.

Tears dropped from Jill’s eyes, and she lifted her finger, pointing out a line on the screen.

Never trust a man in costume. They wear what they know and you get what you see. So
unless you like getting plundered, avoid pirates, and stay away from animals unless you have a
thing for
Animal Planet

“Are we that obvious?” Leo questioned, a twinkle in his eyes as he gestured to his oversized lion suit.

Arden flapped his black wings and harrumphed. “So, if you’d read that before we met—”

“I watch
Animal Planet
religiously.” She stood up, immediately finding herself surrounded.

Fake fur and plastic fell to the floor and Jill happily surrendered to the men behind the costumes.


About the author:

Sometimes two people meet, become good friends, and share a lot in common.

When you’re really lucky, you meet someone who understands you, who thinks like you, can finish your sentences and together, the both of you can create whole new worlds.

Ashleigh Raine is the pen name for two best friends, Jennifer and Lisa, who share a passion for strong alpha males that succumb to the women they fall in love with. These two met in junior high where they were band geeks (but they swear they really were cool…they were percussionists after all!) But love of the arts didn’t end with band. By high school, the two had a small following of fans for their stories and the characters they created…characters that would become the inspiration for their Talisman Bay series. They want to thank those fans for their continued support and interest. They couldn’t have done it without them!

Both Lisa and Jennifer are married to their soul mates, who are the best support and inspiration. As Ashleigh Raine, this duo has many stories to tell, as their collective mind never stops creating fantasies that must be written down. They write larger than life stories, with adventures, hot sex, peril, hot sex, mystery, and more hot sex...but most assuredly they have a happy ending, usually with hot sex. Watch for many titles coming soon from this duo who are glad to have found their niche in writing erotic romances.

Ashleigh Raine welcomes mail from readers. You can write c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, Ohio 44224.

Also by Ashleigh Raine:

Acting On Impulse

Angel In Moonlight

Forsaken Talisman

Lover’s Talisman

Mesmerized anthology

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