Thin Ice (30 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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The agent observed Carlos rise and leave Giovanni alone again, leading him to believe the meeting was over. Finishing the last of his own wings, he rose and paid his tab, grabbing his pack of cigarettes and heading out the door. Once he was back in his own vehicle, he called Ben and checked in.

“Yeah, the guys inside the van told me they had an interpreter looking at the DVD now, so we can know exactly what was said,” Ben told him as the agent grunted his acknowledgement.

“Follow him and observe until I call you back,” Ben instructed once more as the agent told him he would and they disconnected.

This bust is gonna be fun,
the agent chuckled as Giovanni once again emerged and the hunt was on, as they both started their cars and headed out once more into the day.


Jaleesa was enjoying the Florida sun so far. Tampa Bay was a nice place and she wouldn’t mind coming again one day. They’d just arrived at the home of the man entrusted with running the Florida territory, Michael “Big Mike” Denton. The house was nice, in one of the more exclusive suburbs in the city.

“He has a nice house,” Jaleesa remarked as they turned into the circular driveway.

“He better have nice books too,” Ryan said ominously as Jaleesa nodded her agreement.

She knew how both he and Ice were about their business, so she hoped for Big Mike’s sake he had his business together. Ryan parked the Navigator and they got out heading to the door. Ringing the bell they waited. Jaleesa took the time to take in the neighborhood. All the lawns were nicely manicured and several of the homes heralded luxury vehicles.

After a few moments more, the door opened.

“Wassup man,” the big burly man standing with the AK-47 questioned.

Ryan sighed deeply before addressing him, trying Jaleesa knew, to keep his anger in check. The bodyguard was completely disrespecting him.

“Do you know who I am,” Ryan asked simply.

The man looked him over with apparent disdain before answering.

“You’re a fool standing at the door, who’s about to get cancelled,” he answered smartly.

Jaleesa saw Ryan get that look and knew the bodyguard had made a fatal error.

“Where is Big Mike,” she threw out evenly, never taking her eyes from the man.

Ryan didn’t interfere. He was busy thinking how much he was going to enjoy killing the man.

“He’s indisposed,” the man threw back sarcastically.

Jaleesa sighed deeply and spoke again.

“Tell Big Mike to get his dick outta whatever bitch he screwing,” she began as the bodyguard gave her an incredulous look. “And bring his ass to this damned door because the boss is here,” she finished as her statement finally hit home and the bodyguard realized the error of his ways.

Moving quickly from the doors opening, he invited them in and showed them both to the spacious family room the house hosted. He apologized quickly to both Ryan and Jaleesa before scurrying away to find Big Mike.

“Baby, don’t kill him,” Jaleesa said softly as she reached up and stroked his face.

Ryan turned to her, looking into her eyes for a few moments more.

“What you want me to do to him,” he asked, taking the opportunity to kiss her lips softly.

“Oh, definitely kick his ass within an inch of his life,” she threw back as Ryan laughed softly. “Just don’t kill him.”

He nodded shortly, hearing Big Mike making his way into the room, cursing and berating the man as he did.

“Wassup Ryan,” he greeted the man arriving in their line of sight finally. “I’m sorry bout this fool right here,” he added nodding toward the man looking uncomfortably embarrassed as he stood beside his boss.

“Who is this beautiful lady,” Big Mike asked, looking at Jaleesa.

“This is Tweety,” Ryan said simply, his tone saying the rest.

“Nice to meet you,” Big Mike returned.

“Why don’t you hang out with Vanessa,” Big Mike asked of Jaleesa, going on to explain who she was to him.

“Yeah baby, that sounds straight,” Ryan threw out as Jaleesa’s mind whirled.

She knew Ryan had to be up to something. He never excluded her from business. Vanessa entered the room moments later and greeted everyone. Taking a look at her, Jaleesa immediately understood the union. Vanessa was cover girl pretty, and Big Mike was prison rough ugly. Seeing all the ice and bling the woman sported, the weave, the nails, the makeup and designer clothing, she knew exactly why she even allowed the man to touch her.

“You girls go out and enjoy some lunch, and some shopping,” Big Mike told Vanessa as she smiled demurely and told him okay.

Ryan hugged Jaleesa, whispering in her ear as he did.

“See what this bitch knows about the operations and if there are any problems,” he told her kissing her neck softly as he completed his sentence.

“Yes baby, I’ll pick you up something,” Jaleesa returned sweetly, never missing a beat.

Ryan smiled again, handing her a wad of money and telling her to have a good time.


“Tampa is nice,” Jaleesa threw out making small talk after they arrived.

She and Vanessa were dining at one of the areas top seafood bistros.

“Yeah it’s a cool city,” Vanessa replied as the waiter came and refilled her glass, flirting more.

Jaleesa smiled slightly noticing, but said nothing.

“How long have you and Big Mike been together,” she asked, starting on the shrimp and crab salad she’d ordered.

Vanessa sighed lightly and told her they’d been together almost a year now.

“Hmph, that’s cool,” Jaleesa returned non-committal.

“Can I ask you something,” Vanessa started, giving Jaleesa a look.

“Sure, Wassup,” she threw back calmly.

“If you sell dope, should you be your own best customer,” she asked plainly and Jaleesa could see the woman was agitated.

“It doesn’t really make for good business,” Jaleesa replied, trying to draw her out more.

Vanessa sighed deeply.

“Ryan is the big boss,” she asked as Jaleesa nodded slightly.

She sighed again. “He’s not gonna be happy,” she said almost to herself.

“Why you say that,” Jaleesa fished once more.

Vanessa eyed her carefully for a while, until Jaleesa spoke.

“Relax Vanessa,” she told the woman. “What you say ain’t gonna travel,” she added as Vanessa sighed again.

“I’m gettin’ the hell away from Mike’s nasty ass,” she told her as Jaleesa again nodded.

“He hits you,” she asked as Vanessa nodded slightly.

“He slaps me around, and then he fucks around on me,” she told Jaleesa who was trying to figure out what woman in her right mind would willingly screw Mike.

“You got your escape planned,” Jaleesa asked as Vanessa told her she did.

“I’m getting out while you two are here,” she told her shivering involuntarily.

Jaleesa again nodded but said nothing.

“Mike’s been spending that money he’s supposed to be moving,” Vanessa told her, thankful for the chance to unburden herself.

“He gives away dope tryna be a big man, snorting it, smokin’ it,” she went on as Jaleesa paid rapt attention.

“So how are you gonna get away,” Jaleesa asked, having more than enough info to take back to Ryan.

“I’m gonna go shopping while you guys are there, but I’m not coming back,” she told Jaleesa who frowned quizzically.

“Big Mike won’t tip his hand with Ryan here,” she explained as Jaleesa nodded. “He can’t let Ryan see that he can’t even control his own woman.”

“Tweety,” Vanessa began again. “Big Mike has been stealing from Ryan since they set up the organization.”

“You know where he puts the money he steals,” Jaleesa asked.

Vanessa told her some of it he kept in a safe there in the house, the rest she assumed he put in his account. She wasn’t sure because he never discussed business around her. The little she did know she’d found out through eavesdropping when he had various meetings and visitors.

“Like I said Vanessa,” Jaleesa told her once more. “You’re straight, do your thing, and I hope you get out,” she finished as Vanessa thanked her, grateful she wouldn’t tell.


Kaitlyn sat passively as Ice continued punishing the club manager. They’d stopped by Platinum to say hello and catch a couple of the auditions for the new girls when Tate approached them and said he had something to tell them. Stepping into the walk-in freezer just outside the office area, Tate told Ice about the skimming and side dealing that was going on.

He got them giving him 40% of their tips, then he takes the rest, pools them all, and gives you your cut,” Tate told Ice as the man listened wordlessly.

Tate had learned his lesson the first time, when Kaitlyn originally set up the deal. He wasn’t doing anything to jeopardize his wellbeing or his livelihood. Ice paid extremely well.

He screwing em,” Ice asked plainly as Tate nodded and explained.

He tell ‘em if they don’t give him the booty, they can’t dance, and he has his boys come in and take it a couple times,” Tate told Ice, giving him specific examples.

Hmph,” Ice said calmly and Kaitlyn knew; Tyreece was a dead man.

That muthafucka been working with Ice for three years, he should have known better, Kaitlyn thought as Ice told Tate good looking out and gave him 2K in cash, told him to secure the door and stay put until he told him otherwise. Tate wordlessly complied and left them alone.

Kaitlyn continued to watch mutely as Ice pulled out his phone and made a couple of calls. She smiled slightly hearing one, knowing what Ice had in mind and thinking how evilly devious it was.

You need my help,” Kaitlyn asked calmly, never taking her eyes from Ice.

No,” he replied. “But come watch the show,” he added, kissing her lips softly.

Kaitlyn smiled slightly and followed him back into the bar area. Ice made them both drinks while he waited for the people he’d called to appear. Moments later the door opened, and Tate led the four men inside.

Wassup fellas,” Ice greeted them as they all returned his greeting.

Tate,” Ice called out as the doorman stuck his head inside again. “Make sure we’re not disturbed,” he said evenly, giving him a look.

Tate hurriedly nodded his understanding and returned outside.

Reeling her mind in, Kaitlyn returned to the present, watching in fascination as Tyreece begged Ice for his life.

“How damned long you been stealing my money, bitch ass,” Ice asked punching him hard to the face once again.

Two of the four men present held Tyreece, keeping him upright so Ice could hit him.

“You take 40%, then give my ass 50% of the leftovers,” Ice threw out landing another hard left. “That how the business is working for you,” he asked again hitting Tyreece hard to the midsection. “Then I hear my girls gotta give your ass pussy credit just to make their money,” Ice told him growing angrier Kaitlyn could tell.

“I’ma remedy that today though,” he said ominously, holding his hand out as one of the men placed the straight razor in it.

Tyreece’s eyes grew big as he watched Ice unfold the razor and walk toward him again.

“You always did think you were a pretty muthafucka,” Ice told him as he cut him down one said of his face.

Tyreece screamed as the blood began to pour from the wound. Grabbing the man’s hand, Ice looked at the three gold and diamond rings he wore.

“Bought these muthafucka’s with stolen money,” he said calmly, taking the razor and cleanly cutting off Tyreece’s pinky finger.

Kaitlyn frowned slightly, but said nothing as she continued to sit and sip her drink.

“Please, Ice, man, please,” Tyreece was begging and crying.

Kaitlyn thought how gross he looked with the tears and snot running down his face.

“Please what,” Ice threw back. “How much mercy did you have on Punkin when she was pleading with you not to put your dick in her,” Ice threw back.

Punkin was a young dancer. She’d just turned 18 and both Ice and she had taken quite a liking to the personable young woman. She’d confided in Kaitlyn that she was still a virgin, even though everyone thought she was so experienced because of they way she danced. She was simply working at Platinum to help her mom and pay for some tech school classes.

“Now she gotta remember your nasty, sweaty, funky breath ass, as the first dick to ever be up inside her,” Ice told him as he cut off the ring finger and the other diamond ring it held.

“Oh but I’ma let you experience how that feels,” Ice said calmly as the men smiled slightly.

Kaitlyn had a sinking feeling, but again, said nothing.
Is this muthafucka gonna do what I think he’s gonna do,
Kaitlyn wondered as Ice began speaking again.

“See, just like you, I called a few friends over to enjoy some fun,” he said speaking quietly in Tyreece’s ear, but loud enough for Kaitlyn to hear him. “And these friends, they like ass,” Ice told him as Kaitlyn stopped swallowing and her eyes grew a bit wider.

“Male ass,” Ice clarified as Tyreece began to plead again.

Ice stepped away as the other two men came forward. The stripped Tyreece’s pants and underwear from him, bending him spread eagle across his desk.
Holy fuck,
Kaitlyn thought, praying Ice was bluffing and would stop this. Instead, Ice handed one of the men a box of condoms and grabbed Kaitlyn’s hand.

“Come on baby,” he told her calmly. “Show’s over,” he added as Kaitlyn saw the first man put on a condom, dick rock hard, and slam himself into Tyreece’s virgin asshole.


Day Six - AM


Ben was pleased with the progress of their case.
Tomorrow is the finale
, he thought as his phone rang. He answered and conversed briefly with the agent on the other end. There were moving right along silently and efficiently. They couldn’t afford any slip ups or leaks. If Ian had even a notion or inkling that the GBI was about 24 hours off his ass, he would disappear never to be seen again.
That shit definitely cannot happen
, Ben thought frowning deeply. Taking a deep breath and focusing again, Ben remembered the things that’d transpired and smiled. Their case was definitely gaining even more strength and if his next interview went well they would be well on their way to eradicating a huge portion of the organized crime in Atlanta.

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