Thief of Mine (4 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Thief of Mine
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Stella watched as Kit ripped the condom packet open and
rolled the thin rubber down the length of his cock. It made her hotter and
wetter than she imagined possible to see him touching himself in such a way.
Stella lay back on the table and opened her legs wide in invitation. She had
never felt so wild in her life and she liked it.

“Are you sure you want to have reckless, passionate sex with
a stranger?” Kit had never seen a more inviting sight that Stella Rowallan
spread wide and ready to take him inside. He had never felt so potent in his

“Fuck me now, Kit Kincaid.” All Stella wanted at that moment
was him hot and hard inside her.

“Hell yes, princess.” Kit pushed her back onto the table and
grasped her hips pulling her in close to his straining erection. As Kit slid
inside Stella he groaned at the tight wetness that grabbed at his cock. He
pulled out and pushed in several times, smiling as he heard Stella whimper at
his actions. He knew it would be exactly like this. Stella Rowallan was made
for him.

Stella had had sex before but not like this. He was so hot
and hard and he filled her completely. Stella wrapped her legs around his waist
and pulled him down to kiss her. If she never had sex again, this one time
would live in her mind forever. She grabbed Kit’s ass pulling him to her,
urging him on.

“Faster Kit,” Stella moaned as the heat from his shaft sent
off spirals of pleasure through her body. She wanted to explode, to dissolve,
to collapse in a heap with a smile on her face. “Oh yes,” Stella moaned as Kit
started to increase the pace and pound into her.

Kit knew his control was shot the minute Stella told him to
fuck her. He knew he wouldn’t last long after that but that was okay. He had
plans to savor this woman slowly later. This first time was just a teaser for
what was to come. He watched as Stella arched her back in release and yelled
his name out loud. She was definitely a princess in his eyes. He slammed into
her one last time and groaned as he came.

“I can’t believe I just had sex on a garden table where
anyone could walk past.” Stella clasped Kit as he collapsed forward onto her

“But no one did.” Kit kissed her passionately and held her
close to him, feeling her heart beat in time with his. He had never felt this
good after sex. Nothing could possibly ruin this moment.

But fate, being fate, had other plans.

“Kit Kincaid I command you to return the idol,” commanded
loud female voice.

“Bloody hell, talk about timing.”

Chapter Three


“What the…” They had company? How frigging embarrassing. How
long had someone been watching? Stella tried to sit up at the sound of the
voice but Kit was still inside her. She pushed at his chest.

Kit pulled out of Stella’s body, hauled up his pants and
turned to face the woman he knew would be standing there. The woman was always
dramatic and always around when he least wanted her to be.

“Camille, how are you?” Kit didn’t really care, but it was
always best to be polite with your enemies. The redheaded woman didn’t look
happy with him but then he hadn’t expected she would. They were not exactly
friends. Kit was annoyed she had tracked him down to this wedding. He didn’t
like his enemies knowing his whereabouts so easily.


Camille Forveaux, the woman in question, looked at the blond
man before her gaze strayed to the half naked woman furiously trying to cover
herself. Camille had been that woman and not so long ago. Kit was a hard man to
ignore when he wanted you.
Poor, deluded woman, she had no idea what was in
store for her. Had she already gone ahead and fallen for the blond man
? She
focused again on him. He was the reason she was there.

“I want the idol, Kit.” She came and stood before him. The
smell of his lovemaking lingered in the air. She looked at him dispassionately.
He was a hot, sexy man who had used her and Camille had every intention of
making him pay if he did not return what was hers.


Stella looked at the woman in amazement. She was tall and
stunningly beautiful. She was dressed in a long, almost medieval-looking
lavender gown and she had a royal blue cape, with a hood, wrapped around her
shoulders. Who the hell dressed like that anymore? What was going on here?
Stella looked at Kit. What was this “idol” thing she was talking about? And why
did she have to be almost naked when this chat occurred? Talk about being at a
disadvantage. She closed her legs and tried to act as nonchalant as the
situation allowed.

“I don’t have the idol, Camille.” Kit had it, but he
intended to keep it until he was good and ready to let it go. And it wasn’t going
back to Camille. She didn’t own it any more that he did.

“Don’t lie to me Kit. I know you have it. You slept with me
to get it. You stole it from me like the thief you are.” And that made Camille
angry. The fact that he had used her to get the idol made her feel foolish.

Stella looked at the woman then at Kit. She wanted to say
she wasn’t shocked but she was. That Kit slept with the redhead didn’t surprise
her. This Camille person was stunning and from what little she knew of Kit,
there seemed every likelihood he would have had sex with her. He was just that
sort of man. But to think he did it to obtain something from the redhead? That
was tacky.

“I want the idol back and I will give you twenty-four hours
to give it to me.”

That sounded liked there was a definite unspoken “or else”
in those words to Stella. The redhead didn’t look like the sort of woman who
allowed herself to be crossed easily. Stella was that sort of woman and she
knew that look.

“I do not have it in my possession.” But he knew where it
was and he planned to move it quickly. If Camille had tracked him down so
easily, it would take no time for her to find the idol.

“You better get it then.” Camille was never going to believe
another word Kit told her ever again. She had learnt her lesson. Lips that
tasted so delicious also lied liked the devil.

Stella knew a threat when she heard one. She wondered if Kit
did. He didn’t seem at all concerned or was that just an act? Weird-assed-looking
Camille certainly was scary in a spooky, mystical way. Stella jumped as Camille
suddenly leaned forward and looked carefully at her.

“I would hate to see anything happen to your woman.”

Stella moved back as far as she could from the woman. She
did not like freaky people or other women touching her.

“I’m not his woman and this has nothing to do with me.”
Wild, unrestrained sex didn’t make for long term commitment.

“So you say my dear.” How long would this one last or did
she mean something to the blond man? That would be useful if she did. It was
always good to have a bargaining tool when it came to Kit.

“I’m not your dear or anyone else’s.” Sure, she was mostly naked
but that did not mean Stella lost her attitude.

“You know where to find me, Kit.”

“Always a pleasure, Camille.”
Dealing with her was anything

Stella watched as the woman drifted off into the night.

“So, are you going tell me what that’s about?” Hell, Stella
believed she had a right to know. It was not everyday you had sex with a man
and his ex-turned up acting all weird talking about stolen idols. It was not
like it was her favorite CD he nicked when they broke up.

“We have to get out of here.” Kit grabbed her hand pulled
off the table. He knew they were in deep trouble. Camille turning up out of the
blue was not a good sign.

“What? Why?” Stella tried to pull her bodice up as Kit
started pulling her along. “Stop.”

“The sooner we leave the better, princess.” Kit turned to
look at her. Stella’s breasts were bare and her pink nipples were swollen from
his mouth. Kit felt it was a damn shame to cover up such beauty but he had no
choice. He gently pulled her top up and grabbed her hand to pull her along.

“Why are we running?” Stella hated running and never more so
than when she was completely bare assed doing it.

“Camille is pissed at me.”

“Yeah, I got that but she has given you twenty-four hours to
give her back this idol thing.”

“I’m not concerned about her it’s her freaky followers.” Kit
knew they had to be somewhere near. They always followed the woman they
considered their leader. He knew if he dropped his guard one of them would
attack. That he didn’t have the idol with him would make no difference. They
would try and beat him to a pulp just because they could. The people who
followed Camille didn’t excel in the imagination department.

“Followers?” The redhead woman had followers? Who had
followers? “Is she part of a cult?” That would explain the weird outfit.

“Sort of and her followers aren’t particularly happy with
how I treated Camille.” Kit wasn’t frightened for himself. It was the fact Stella
was with him. “They’re not real rational people.”

“Oh, yeah, and you are?” Stella kicked off her heels as they
were impeding her progress to where ever it was Kit was taking her. “Why are
you pulling me along? They’re not upset at me.”

“They would have seen us together, and that is enough

Who ran from people like this? Sure, many a time Stella
ignored her cranky, whining neighbor when he knocked on her door but she never
actively had to run from someone.

“Is this normal for you?”
And if so, do I want to be
involved with it?
Stella wondered to herself.

“Yeah.” Kit stopped and looked around him. Where were they
hiding? He remembered the last time her followers had ambushed him. It was two
days ago. He had been leaving his apartment and they had appeared out of
nowhere with knives in hand. Luckily for Kit his elderly next door neighbor had
arrived at the same time as the nut jobs with the knives. Strangely they had
some sense of honor and did not attack then because of the man beside him. But
they had looked pissed about it. Kit doubted they would be so accommodating

Stella was thrilled Kit had stopped and given her a chance
to catch her breath. Stella hated running. She wasn’t built for it. It was a
genetic thing. Running was for streamlined bodies with no breasts that bounced
or thighs that strained to be remotely athletic. She would have liked to have
said this short jog had given her the good intention of setting up an exercise
regime but that would have been a big fat lie. She would remain a sloth as even
thinking about exercising was exhausting.

“You know as I am being literally dragged into this lover
boy, I should know exactly what is going on.” Like any woman worth her salt,
Stella was incredibly nosey and needed to know all the details.

“It’s a long story, princess.”

Kit would have been insensible not to hear Stella panting
heavily beside him as she stood trying to catch her breath. But he had to get
to his car and get them away as soon as possible. He started running again
pulling her forward.

“Slow down. I can’t run as fast as you.” Stella was gasping
for air and slammed into the back of Kit as he stopped suddenly at his car.

Kit smiled momentarily as her full breasts squashed into his
back. But as much as he wanted to touch those breasts again, now was not the
time. He pulled out his keys and zapped the lock with the electronic car
opener. He looked again at Stella’s barely clad form. The curls of soft hair
between her legs guarded a hot, wet entrance that he wanted to visit again. He
could feel his cock hardening with excitement. He had to cover temptation until
he could get them to safety. Kit whipped off his jacket and handed to her.

Stella gratefully accepted his jacket. She was amazed it had
taken him so long to realize she was half-naked. Or did he drag naked women
along a lot? Luckily, the coat was long enough to cover everything it had to.
She snuggled down into the leftover warmth from Kit’s body. She refrained from
going all gooey and smelling the fabric for his scent.
Get a grip Stella. It
was just sex, after all
. And, seemingly, sex with a thief. That was a first
for her and not necessarily one she was proud of. But she could live with that.
She had done dumber things.

Suddenly an explosion close by rocked the stillness of the

“Bloody hell!” Stella shrieked as she clutched Kit’s hand. “Is
that them?” Another explosion belted through the darkness. “Just give the idol
thingy back now,” Stella yelled as she gratefully accepted being pushed into
Kit’s car. Under normal circumstances she would have pushed back at such an
action. But these were not normal circumstances and her safety was what
mattered most to her right now. She scooted across the soft upholstery and
watched Kit slam in behind her and start the car. Who exploded things like this
at people? Initially, Kit had pissed her off, but she wouldn’t have tried to
make him explode. Okay, maybe she would have but for the fact she didn’t have
the ability. Another explosion bounced off the car as Kit floored the
accelerator and tore through the gates of the reception centre.

Stella buckled up her seat belt and grabbed the door handle.

“Slow down.”

“We have to put distance between them and us.”

When did she become an “us” Stella wondered? She had never
been part of an “us”. And she had never been involved in a car chase before either
and she did not want to start now. Who were these follower people? And what
were those explosions? Did they have the ability to send exploding power balls
from their hands or was that just on television that happened? What the hell
was she mixed up in? She should have known that there would have been a catch
to having great sex.

“Do these weirdos have magic powers or something?” Those
explosions were not just attempts to attract their attention. They meant
business with them.

“Nah, I suspect there just a bunch of big, nasty, demented
freaks throwing fire crackers at us.” Kit didn’t believe in magic and he wasn’t
about to start now.

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