The Phantom

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Authors: Jocelyn Leveret

Tags: #Phantom Lover

BOOK: The Phantom
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Table of Contents

Title Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty


The Phantom

Jocelyn Leveret


Breathless Press

Calgary, Alberta


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or

persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


The Phantom

Copyright © 2014 Jocelyn Leveret


ISBN: 978-1-77101-216-4

Cover Artist: Victoria Miller

Editor: Amanda Siemen


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews.


Breathless Press



To a certain “Fanged Angel;” thank you for being my first real fan.


Thirteen years ago...

Something watched her. Even in her sleep, the girl could feel it. Slowly, her eyes opened and adjusted to the dark.

No one was there. So where did that chuckle come from?

Her hand shot out for the bedside table, but the lamp seemed to have disappeared. All she felt were her glasses. Quickly, the girl put them on and pushed the frames back up her nose when they began to slip. “Who’s there?” she called. “If this is a joke, it isn’t funny.”

Maybe it was just the breeze from the open window, or maybe, just maybe, someone moved somewhere in the dark.

At nineteen, the girl had still never been kissed. That all changed when warm, ghostly lips pressed against her own. She had certainly never had a hand on her breast or another slip beneath her simple baby blue nightgown and onto her thigh. It was enough to raise excited goose bumps over her skin.

“Wh-who are you?” she asked again, her voice little more than a whisper.

This time, the chuckle made her shiver. “I am The Phantom of course, and I’ve come for you, my dear.”

Her breath shuddered when the man in the dark traced circles around her nipple through the cloth of her gown. The hand on her leg moved higher and higher until the cotton of her panties was all that separated him from her secret folds. Her pussy swelled and moistened at the knowledge that someone else was finally about to touch her there.

There were a hundred more kisses and love bites to her lower lip before the voice spoke again. “Take off your clothes.”

“I-I’m a virgin,” she told him.

“I know,” The Phantom said. “Why do you think I’m here?”

The girl in glasses nervously obeyed his command. She sat up and pulled her nightgown over her head.

The second her panties hit the floor, hands grabbed her ankles and roughly pulled until she lay on her back. When the man in the dark crawled over her, the bed sank. It took her by surprise when strong hands squeezed her naked breasts until it hurt, only to have a tongue flick over her nipples and take that hurt away. Pleasure, pain... Pleasure, pain... The tongue turned into kissing lips that made her back arch. Those kisses turned to biting teeth that made her body shrink back and it was impossible to know which stole her breath more.

One hand let go to skim up her legs, past her knees... Suddenly, her thighs were forced apart. It was enough to make her gasp. “Ah!”

The lips on her chest vanished only to reappear on her most private parts. He was like a man starved. The Phantom bit one swollen fold and she squealed. Every single drop of her wet excitement was licked away. His tongue even began to push into her virgin slit to drink her arousal before it had a chance to drip from her body.

She couldn’t even find the breath to pant. When he finally stopped, it was a mercy.

The girl was allowed a single gasp for air, and then his lips were on hers again. A taste of fresh blueberries filled her mouth when his tongue found hers and the familiar flavor of her own body made the woman groan under his kiss. Her own fingers had always tasted like the fruit after she came, but it was nothing compared to her flavor on a lover’s tongue.

Something warm and hard touched between her legs. Her pussy fluttered when that same something pushed into her body until her virgin barrier stopped him. Then, with a single hard thrust, a stab of pain and a scream, the girl became a woman.

Her body was given no time to get used to the new sensation of the intruder. It was simply forced to accept and experience the strange new pleasure.

He rode her slow at first. Every in and out made the woman tremble, and biting her lower lips was enough to contain her little noises. Then, he began to move faster... harder... The Phantom began to move so hard and fast that the glasses on her nose bounced in the same rhythm of her breasts.

And it didn’t stop until that strange new pleasure turned into an explosion of stars behind her eyes.

“Oh God!” she screamed.

The girl never even felt him pull out of her body. She had to fight to catch her breath when he finally stopped. Eventually, she reached out with a trembling hand and felt a face.

“P-promise me I’ll see you again?” she asked her lover when she could form words again.

There was that beautiful chuckle. “I promise.”

Chapter One

Present day

I know I went to bed in a shirt and panties, but somehow, I woke up naked. Hundreds of candles lit the bedroom and rose petals of every color covered the bed. There were so many of both, it was hard to tell which sweetly scented the room.

Nervously, I crossed one arm over my breasts and covered my lower dark curls with my hand. Someone had prepared me and my bedroom for a seduction, but who?

“Why do you cover yourself? You’re much too beautiful to hide any part of your body. You shouldn’t even sleep in clothes.” Some deep ghostly voice asked from somewhere beyond the candlelight.

“Who’s there?”

At first, it looked like the darkness itself moved. “It’s me, The Phantom of course.” Then, the silhouette of a man appeared. “Please, let me look.”

Maybe it was the way he so gentlemanly requested, or maybe it was simply magic. All I know is that I did as he asked. My entire body blushed when I felt his eyes roam over me from wavy dark hair down to the nipples that hardened under his gaze, down my stomach...

“Open your legs,” he told me when his gaze traveled even lower.

I didn’t even realize I had closed them. Shyly, I obeyed and let him see the brunette curls I had trimmed that very night.

“Lovely. May I touch?”


The word had come out so softly, it’s amazing he even heard it. The Phantom moved closer and slipped his hand between my thighs. Fingers pushed beneath me to feel the private flesh there. The touch sparked my arousal and I began to moisten against his hand.

I leaned back on my elbows to allow this ghost better access. He began to rub my lower folds in circles until slowly, my hips began to match his motion and I ground against his palm. “Unh...” I groaned as my head fell back.


“May I kiss you?” he asked.

“Please,” I breathlessly answered.

The Phantom didn’t kiss my mouth, or even the private parts he fondled. Instead, his lips fastened to my right nipple. There was no sucking or even a single flick of his tongue. It was only the kiss he asked permission for.

I reached out to him. “Make love to me,” I begged.

“Well, I certainly never turn down a lady in need.”

The candlelight flickered when The Phantom climbed on top of me. I was the one to reach between us and find his cock. It was me that guided him to the entrance to my body. Then, I wrapped my legs around his and pulled him closer.


“Ah!” I gasped when he slid into my pussy. Oh, he fit me so perfectly! If I didn’t need to feel him thrust so badly, I swear I would have been content just to lie there and feel filled. I never wanted to let him go.

In and out, in and out... He was so gentle with me. Every slow push felt as good as the first. Through it all, we never stopped kissing. No man had ever allowed me to learn that a woman could come from such tender motions. I was getting closer every time he slid into me. My hands clawed into the shadow’s shoulders, and then...


My eyes popped open. I wasn’t in some elaborate seduction scene, and I certainly wasn’t being made love to by a shadow.

“Are you okay?” Geoff asked. “You were moaning in your sleep again.”

“I’m fine,” I said as I brushed the sleep from my eyes. “Just a dream.”

Geoff groaned with disgust. “Ugh. Him again?”


The mattress shifted, and I knew he had turned to face the other wall. I could hear the annoyance in his voice. “You know The Phantom isn’t fucking real. I keep telling you that. There is no great man out there that appears in the night seducing random women and giving them the best sex of their life. It’s all bullshit.”

I sighed and got out of bed. My boyfriend was already snoring again. I watched the rise and fall of his naturally tan chest for a few seconds. It was hard to believe he had been so fit in college, but he lost those bulging muscles years ago. There was still a hint of course, but the abs had turned into a slight beer belly. Age was beginning to steal his hair too. Geoff had always kept it short, but more and more scalp was beginning to show between his spikes. His youthful beauty was fading, but I still loved him. We had been together far too long for me not to. Still, there were definitely those moments I wish he would be more caring, or at least not make fun of the things I literally dreamed about.

Sighing, I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of grape juice.

Geoff didn’t get it. He wasn’t a woman. The Phantom
real! I knew it ever since my sorority sister Dana told me the story after a particularly nasty break up. “Don’t worry,” she had said. “Maybe The Phantom will come for you, and you’ll forget all about that jerk.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked her.

We had sat there in the bedroom we shared and she told me all about him. No one knew if he was a real man or just a ghost. Some women didn’t believe in him at all. The Phantom came to women in the dark of night. He was the perfect lover, gave them all the orgasms they had been denied by their husbands or boyfriends. He even fulfilled fantasies they never knew they had.

That was fifteen years ago. Now I was thirty-five and still telling myself the same thing every single night. Maybe The Phantom will come for me, and give me the pleasure my body so

“Ohh...” I sleepily groaned and let my head fall to the table top. If only I could prove he was real! I could show the women of the world that there was sexual hope out there!

It just didn’t seem fair. More people believed in Bigfoot and UFOs than my dream lover. At least my urban legend was real, even if no one did TV investigations or books about him.

Then, I had an idea. What if I could do an article? The women’s magazine I wrote for was one of the best selling in the country. If I could get the story in an issue, his legend would finally be out there for every woman to know!

Chapter Two

Marion Cleary was very easily the most elegant woman I had ever met in my life. She may have worn skirt suits to work, but she could wear jeans and a t-shirt to a black tie ball, and still make every woman in an expensive evening gown glare with envy. My boss may have been trying to pull off workplace casual with her golden brown hair held in a bun with just a pen, but all it really did was make her more alluring. She was the very embodiment of the sexy librarian that releases her hair and shakes it out just as she gets ready for bed.

I almost held my breath as I waited for her answer. The woman just sat there with her hands in front of her mouth, pointer fingers raised and pressed together against the tip of her nose. I tried to read her eyes, see if there might be a clue to what she was thinking, but it was impossible. They just stared at the carpet as she swiveled back and forth in her plush black leather executive chair.

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