Thicker Than Water (8 page)

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Authors: Takerra Allen

BOOK: Thicker Than Water
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Chauncey had moved out to Brooklyn after he caught his first body at the tender age of 14. He would do little shit to get paid, look out, storage, even little stick up kid shit, until he met Ree, and Ree put him on, really put him on. He had him seeing g’s and keys out the ass. Two custom whips before Chauncey even had a license. Beautiful women were at his beck and call. The shit little niggas dream about.

Chauncey had been wanting to put his nigga Chris on, so when shit started getting a little hot and Chaunc pitched Ree the idea of expanding to Jersey, Ree said they can make it a part of the equation. The whole squad crossed the Hudson and locked the Garden State down, leaving Ree’s partner to take total control of the Brooklyn operations giving Ree 40% of the profits made from the cartel and the underground rap labels they had their hands in.

Well one day Chauncey was at Chris’ house going over the plans when Chris’ little sister Tatum walked in. He hadn’t seen her since she was little and god damn she was bad, but she was like blood you know, it was nothing. But behind her she had her girls with her and when she introduced them, one caught his eye and wouldn’t let go.

“Sasha,” she drawled, with a southern accent. Her eyes, her smile, the way she moved, the girl was fly and she knew it. Built like a model and high class, he could tell. She had it good, probably middle class suburban chick trying to play it like she hood. Chauncey remembered when she pulled out her Tiffany&Co mirror and applied her Chanel lip gloss.
He chuckled to himself because he knew that she was stunting for him. With her back to him she tilted her mirror to get a glimpse of him but he caught her. They locked eyes and she tilted her head bashfully, then she looked up again with that Bambi innocent look. She had him.

Chauncey spent the rest of the night subliminally getting at her. He knew now wasn’t a good time to be getting caught up, and as much as he tried to convince himself that he was just trying to hit, he knew she was something a little special.

There was another girl though that was real persistent. Bending over, licking her lips, and everything. And she was cute but she was a turn off. She was too open; treating her pussy like it wasn’t worth nothing. Neli, or Penelope, that’s what she put in his phone as he was leaving. And when he did call her she was so excited, but it was only because he wanted Sasha’s number. Then she acted like she didn’t have it. Best fucking friends and didn’t have her number.

He got it anyway from Tatum, and it was on after that. But even when him and Sasha started getting serious, the girl wouldn’t stop. It wasn’t anything Chauncey couldn’t handle so he didn’t tell Sash, but the girl was still sick with it.

One time Chauncey threw Sasha a birthday party at a loft where he had drinks and smoke for everybody, mad food, everything. He had gotten a note from Sasha telling him to meet her in one of the bedrooms, and when he walked in there Neli was butt ass naked fingering herself. Now I don’t know if you a nigga, but if you are you know that’s some hard shit to turn down. But he did it, and he went back to Sasha and fucked the shit out of her that night.

But one night, it happened real crazy. Chauncey was at Chris’ bachelor party, passed out drunk. The strippers were leaving and Chaunc, E, and Chris were too fucked up to even move so they passed out at the suite. Neli had come there talking about how she thought Tatum would be there.
Why would Tatum be at her brother’s bachelor party?
Anyway she climbed on the bed and told Chris she was going to give him a wedding gift. Chris had planned on banging out one of the strippers but it didn’t happen.

He said fuck it, and Neli started stroking him through his jeans all the while looking at Chauncey. Then she stood up and undressed leaving on her heels and started dancing. E was passed out but Chris was wide awake. Chauncey was drunk as hell but he was still watching the show. Shit, he was horny, and Sasha was in Atlanta visiting her family.

Neli then crawled up Chauncey’s bed and began rubbing him through his jeans. He pushed her away a couple of times but she kept going, putting her breasts all in his face and begging to give him head. He didn’t say yes, but to her luck he didn’t protest when she pulled it out and started sucking him off. Chris was hitting her from the back, and after he finished, real quick, she wanted Chauncey. He was so drunk he couldn’t even move but in his mind he knew that it was fucked up when she put the condom on him and rode him like a pony. Chris ended up not marrying his baby’s mother but that night still ended up being something that changed the whole game.

After that, Neli kept pressing him, begging for it, willing to do any freaky thing that he requested. She let all of his niggas hit and she even let him do a threesome with her and one of her girls from Cali.

Once it started getting repetitive he knew he had to do something about it. It became Neli’s threats that she would tell Sasha if he didn’t keep fucking with her. Chauncey couldn’t hurt Sasha like that, so he had to let Sasha go. Neli was happy as hell when he did that, thinking that he would be with her, but that wasn’t happening either.

Truthfully, leaving Sasha was the hardest thing he ever did because she was the only girl that he ever loved, and he loved her hard. He didn’t think he could ever feel that way about anybody. He probably would go crazy if anybody ever hurt her.


This time when Sasha awoke she was in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors, police, and wait, there was Tatum and Kim. It took a little bit for her to gather her thoughts and remember how she got there. Then she remembered the two guys with the guns.

“Hey boo, how you feeling?” Tatum asked her.
Sasha sat up and felt a little dizzy so she laid back down.
“How do I look?” She asked Kim, knowing she’d keep it too real.

“Same ol’ boogee ass bitch, you look fine. They just knocked you in ya head a few times, shit it’ll probably help you,” Kim joked. Tatum laughed and then added.

“Yeah, maybe they knocked some sense into ya dumb ass.” The doctor looked at the girls like they were the worst thing since Bin Laden but Tatum knew that’s what Sasha needed to hear, or she would panic. Sasha got serious for a minute.

“They didn’t, you know?” She asked, scared. She had seen too many Lifetime movies about girls getting raped catching diseases and getting pregnant.

“No. No,” the doctor reassured her. “They didn’t do anything sexual. They just knocked you unconscious and then fled. A neighbor called the police when he heard one of them say that they thought they had killed you.”

She was a nice doctor Sasha thought to herself. Not just trying to act like there was a bunch of things wrong with her to get a bigger bill.

Sasha told Tatum and Kim what happened after she gave her statement to the police of basically nothing. Questioning her more than likely they were just trying to get to Chauncey and being that Sasha remembered the guys looking for money that they thought Sasha had, she knew if they did an investigation, it would lead to Chauncey one way or another. The doctors monitored her all night and the next day Tatum and Kim came to pick her up.
Chauncey. Chauncey.
The name played in her head like her favorite song.

What does he have to say about this? Why isn’t he here?

They climbed into Tatum’s truck and headed to Sasha’s apartment. In the middle of the silence Sasha asked the inevitable.

“Did anybody tell Chauncey?”

Tatum and Kim looked at each other and knew that one of them would have to be the one to give the news that would set that crazy mothafucka off. But neither one of them wanted that position, so they just kept on driving.


E drove through the Holland Tunnel bumping the new D-Block Super Mario CD. He was feeling good. Him and Chaunc had just dropped a hell of a load off in Brooklyn and were happy to make it back trouble free.

Chauncey sat in the passenger seat, smoking a cigarette staring out of the window, thinking of Sasha. She was his focus. Whenever he did something wrong, whenever he harmed someone, he just thought of her. He knew that God could never punish him too much because he loved something so pure, so precious. She was his angel.

Chauncey turned the radio down.

“Yo E, remember when we went to Miami last summer and we was downtown, you know the day that whole set up shit happened with papi?” Chauncey asked, taking another pull of his cigarette.

“Yeah, yeah. Papi thought shit was sweet, I had to put that nigga’s brains on the wall. Remember you caught the big nigga right between the eyes and his shit was hanging out the socket!” E got excited, recalling the whole scenario.

“Yeah man, but remember when we were downtown and we passed that jewelry spot and I said I was gonna come back for that fly ass engagement ring for Sash. You know the 6 karat joint?”

E nodded his head yes and Chauncey continued.

“I should’ve just done that shit, man. For real. We’d probably have a seed by now and everything.”

E sat in silence and kept his eyes on the road. He knew this was real for Chaunc. He knew his man was a cut throat, arrogant, hard headed nigga, so for him to be coming to him like this must mean he really missed her.

“Yo Chaunc, you ever thought about just telling her about Neli? Telling her the truth?”

There was a silence and just when Chauncey was about to respond, his cell phone rang loudly. It was a blocked number. Chauncey ignored the call but ten seconds later it called right back.

“Who dis?” He asked, better yet demanded.
Click. He hung up at the sound of Neli’s voice. Two seconds later it rang again.
“Stop fucking calling,” he warned her through clenched teeth, frustrated.
“Wait, I got to tell you something,” she pleaded.
“What?” He asked annoyed.
“I can’t tell you over the phone, come meet me somewhere.”
“Hell nom” he hung up and E laughed.
“Who the fuck was that?” E asked.
“You know who, fucking looney tune.”
“Neli! Oh man, I told you to get rid of that bitch.”
“I’m trying nigga, why don’t you take her?”
“I don’t want that crazy bitch!” E yelled, pulling onto Route 1.

A minute later, the same blocked number called back. E grabbed the phone quickly because Chauncey was looking like he was gonna say something that was gonna make the girl kill herself.

“Yo,” E stated.

Chauncey could hear her annoying voice yakking but couldn’t make out what she was saying.

“Nah he aint here.” More yakking. “Cause he forgot his phone.” Yakking. “He just left!” Yakking. E was making faces doing his hand like a talking mouth but instantly Chauncey noticed the seriousness of E’s face.

“Oh word,” E replied to her. “She alright?”
Chauncey began biting on the inside of his cheek as a sort of nervous habit.
“Aight, one,” E said and then hung up with Neli.
He kept his eyes ahead on the road with a crazy look on his face. He looked worried, a look Chauncey had never seen from E.

“What happened?” Chauncey asked, scared that the bitch was pregnant or something, or even that Sasha had found out. But nothing could prepare him for what he was about to hear. E thought hard about choosing his words. Chauncey was a time bomb and he knew this shit was gonna blow his fucking lid.
Fuck it
. The shit had E swoll too but nothing could match Chauncey’s expected anger.

“Sasha just got out of the hospital.”

Chauncey’s face went blank, E couldn’t read him. He figured he went this far so he might as well proceed.

“Some niggas broke into her crib, they knocked her out-” E didn’t even get to finish. In a furious rage Chauncey balled his hand into a fist and punch the passenger window. E didn’t even flinch, he expected this.

Silence took over the car as E continued to drive looking at Chauncey who now had his head in his hands looking down at the car carpet. Blood trickled down Chauncey’s arm from his balled fists, but a hospital was out of the question. There was only one place E knew he had to take Chauncey. To Sasha.



Chapter 6 – Desire


When they pulled up to Sasha’s complex, Chauncey didn’t even wait for the car to stop before he jumped out.
I swear on my life niggas gonna bleed. Niggas gonna fucking die.

The thoughts ran through his head back to back like a skipping CD, infuriating him even more. He ran swiftly up the couple of flights of stairs and reached the door only to be greeted by Neli. He pushed her to the side and addressed Kim.

“Where’s Sash?”

Before she could answer he pushed her ass to the side too and began searching through the rest of the apartment. There were a couple of females there that Kim had come over with, acting like they were there for Sasha but really were just there to be nosy. They didn’t care what happened to her.

Chauncey glanced around the living room and made eye contact with some of Sasha’s so called friends. Bitches straight up giving him the fuck me eye and licking their lips and shit. Straight disrespectful.

“Sash!” He yelled out.
“Chauncey!” Someone yelled back.
“Sasha!” He yelled again, heading to the bedroom.
“No Chaunc, it’s me,” Tatum said, stepping out from the bedroom. “She’s in here.”

“Chauncey,” Sasha whimpered when she saw him. She immediately started crying, half because she missed him and was glad that he was there and half because she knew he was about to murder somebody over this situation. Chauncey sat down on the rounded bed that he had spent many of nights in, and cradled Sasha in his arms like a child.

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