Thicker Than Water

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Authors: Takerra Allen

BOOK: Thicker Than Water
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Thicker than Water


Heaven Inc. Urban Entertainment & Angelic Script Publishing Presents…



Thicker Than Water







By Takerra Allen



Copyrighted Material


This is a work of fiction. Any characters, places, objects, or situations in this book are solely of the Author’s imagination. Any resemblances are purely coincidental.


Introduction and story © 2008 by

Takerra Allen in c/o Angelic Script Publishing

Copyright © 2008 by Takerra Allen. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for quotations in review form.


ISBN 10: 0615286003

ISBN 13: 978-0615286006


Printed in 2009

Printed in the USA


Behind the Scenes of ‘Thicker Than Water’……



This is the part usually labeled Acknowledgements. The section of the book that most people look over anxious to get to that first page with the number 1 on it. Shoot, most people like me don’t even read the introduction! I know all about it, so I’ll try to keep this as minimal as possible. However, I have to give notice to the people “behind the scenes” of this book, the people “behind the scenes” to my life.

First and foremost I would like to thank the Creator, for blessing me with a talent and a desire at a young age to make the most out of this gift called life, that so many of us take for granted.

Second, my mother. I am a reflection of her. She was one of the best people to ever grace the earth and I finally feel like I may be doing something that can make her proud. My greatest fear was to disappoint her, because she was the best! I’m not sure if I could ever be as amazing as she was. I will live my life for you, until I can join you.

My supportive family: Daddy – you are everything, you are not only a great father but also a friend and you’ve taught me so much. Love to you, and Alex! My sister Leslie a.k.a my Siamese twin, we will never be apart, my sister N’neka - you keep us all together, you are the greatest, I love you both so much. My brother Corey – it’s hard not living with you, I love you! My brothers Malik, Landon, “little” Billy, and Joe – I love you guys! My brother Tupac – R.I.P. So much of you is in me, you have no idea. My Nana, you are super strong and the youngest, freshest, most beautiful woman! Sorry for all of the cussing in this book! My aunties – Leslie and Barbara, thanks for everything, xoxo I love you guys, Ivan and June, love you for loving them. Carol Floyd – My fairy godmother, thank you for always supporting any and everything I do. All of my extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins, you guys all helped me to get to where I am, but it’s too many of yall to name, lol….Love you all!

My loving partner in life and in love, Barry. Wow, babe we did it! I couldn’t have done anything without you and I am so glad

that I found a man so amazing, and that a man so amazing found me. I love you Pumpkin.

My kitty kat Baby – I love you!

My other family – Heaven Inc.

I couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends and colleagues.

Sandra (Dee-Dee) – Good friends are hard to find and I’m so glad I found you! You have been such a good friend to me…I love you girl and thanks for all of your support and consulting. We came out on top!

You are my publicist, partner, no homo, bff, editor, manager, everything…lol.

I appreciate you so much girl!

To all of the babies in my life, the future – Jaielyn, Trey, Naomi Summer, Lil Ivan, Chambrey, Tanaia, Layla, Marcus, Brianna, Jasmine, Malcolm, Alexis, Ayesha, Greylin, Leilani, Kamani, and if there’s any that I forgot, I’m sorry, don’t blame me, but I love you all so much! (oh and I know there’s more babies to come!)

Heaven Inc.’s first models – Brandee and Tara C.!
Elisee’ Lafrance a.k.a Eli – Sorry for being so annoying about my book cover, but thanks for everything!

To all of the models that posed for my book cover – Khadijah, Ashley, Charlenda, and Lashonna, thanks a lot ladies, and thanks for the patience! =)

To Crystal Jenkins for the beautiful photography. Thanks!

And to all of the established Authors who gave me advice or feedback on the book, you guys have been so receptive and I appreciate it so much. To name a few, Kwame Teague –thanks a million times for reading my book and for the feedback, J.M. Benjamin, Kwan, Tracy Brown, Deja King, Rob Ruiz, and any of you that has helped me, you have no idea how much I appreciate it. Special thanks to Essence and Shaifire Books!
To all of my friends and extended family that supported me from the start, and to all of the people that purchased the book, with the original…, thank you so much!

To all of my fans (and hopefully soon to be fans ) – Thank You. I hope you enjoy this book, if you are reading this now you are about to experience something that I’ve worked very hard on. I hope you enjoy it and please know that although it may be controversial, urban fiction is a market, and it is for entertainment value. However all of the things I speak about are depicted every day in the streets and in the lives of many, just be fortunate that you can just read it, and not necessarily have to live it. Once the book is closed, you’re back to your reality, for some people, the streets are their reality. Please don’t knock any author for what they choose to write, what may be relatable to one, may not be for another. I try to relate to the people I know, the people like me. I try to make the characters as real as possible. I also try to put a message inside of my work so hopefully it reaches all of you. Please take from it what you can, and most of all, look forward to future works. Because all of my hard work, blood, sweat, and tears is for you. Yes, you! You, reading this! Yes, you!






Chapter 1 - Lust



There was something about today that Sasha liked. She woke up this morning in her spacious one bedroom apartment, (which was an ongoing college gift from her parents, as long as she stayed enrolled in school), and she knew it was going to be a good day. Today wasn't like any other day. No, she was single now. Single, 21, gorgeous, no kids, and now free from any and every thing that was ever holding her back. 

She sat on her balcony staring out at her pretty complex. She really loved her apartment. 

Though it wasn't the place you would ever catch a Caucasian person, or any other person trying to avoid the consequences of the Newark/Elizabeth area, it was still a better part of the neighborhood. 

She looked up at the sky. 8:35 p.m. on a June evening was the epitome of beautiful. The sun wasn't set completely so the orange and red glow from the dusk was breathtaking. Sasha took in that moment for a second and gave a thought to the way things were going in her life. 

She tapped her pedicured toes with her pinky to make sure that they were dry and proceeded back inside. She had been waiting for 8:35 for what seemed like forever. She knew that at 8:35 she would start to get ready because she would leave her house at 9:35, and it took Sasha exactly an hour to perfect her look.  Then, it took her exactly 25 minutes to get to Kim's house, where Kim and the girls would be waiting to leave at 10:00, to get to the city by approximately 10:30. 

The city meaning none other than the NYC but if you’re from Jersey, "the city" suffices. 

Sasha had the schedule all mapped out in her head, but somehow it never quite worked out that way, due to Kim's weed runs that she must make before doing any functional thing, ever. Sasha began her process. 

By the time she finished she looked even better than she imagined, though it may sound hard to believe, for Sasha imagined herself as pure perfection. 

It was always her high amount of confidence that seemed to get her into trouble, even though she couldn't help it, she came from a good family with a very comfortable financial status, and her parents made it their duty to remind their only child that she was the most precious being to ever walk the earth. 

She looked in the mirror for the last time, fixed a strand of hair that was already in place, glanced over her makeup, and blew herself a kiss. 

She stepped out at exactly 9:35 in her black and silver Jimmy Choo shoes and a short black Bebe sundress that was simple enough to look effortless but sexy enough to be the center of attention. Her chin length bob was bone straight courtesy of Nexus perm and Jasmine's doobie shop. Her caramel skin was sun kissed to perfection due to her tanning during her vacation in Jamaica the previous week. 

Her ex, Chauncey, had taken her but of course a week ago, he wasn't her ex. Chauncey was the shit, but you'll soon learn that. He had to be the shit to let Sasha go, for she was considered a hood's treasure. But if she was the treasure of the ship, then Chauncey was the captain, and all of the pirates were trying to be him.


Kim and Neli sat on Kim's porch, puffing on a blunt and laughing at everybody walking and riding by. Kim lived in the heart of Newark, the heart of the ghetto, just where she liked it.
"Look at this bitch Neli, she know she need to stop!" Kim screamed, laughing at a crackhead walking by. 

Neli just laughed at her like she always did. She looked at Kim as a leader and she laughed at all of her jokes, listened to all of her bullshit, all to stay on her good side. Because the last thing you wanted, was to be on Kim's bad side. 

Kim put her feet up on the ledge of the porch and Neli did the same.
"I don't know what I'm gonna wear tonight," Kim added, taking another long puff of the blueberry flavored weed.
"Oh yeah, I gotta get dressed before Sasha get here," Neli remembered, putting her feet down. "I brought my clothes to your house because I wanna borrow those shoes, I couldn’t get dressed without shoes." 

They just looked at each other for a moment and then started cracking up laughing at Neli’s silliness; they were higher than a kite. 

Kim started talking again while inhaling deeply and letting the powerful weed smoke fill up and penetrate her lungs.
"Nah yo, fuck that, I aint getting dressed til she get here. Imma make sure I look better than all yall bitches," Kim said, laughing.
"Kim, you are so crazy." 

But Neli knew Kim was serious. Kim always wanted to be the best, be the loudest, be the life. Neli just wanted to be better than Sasha. 

Neli always felt something when it came to Sasha. She didn't know if it was love, hate, intimidation, or just plain jealousy, hell it could've been all of the above. She just knew that whenever Sasha was around, she couldn't stop looking at her.  Sasha just had an aura that made you want to be around her, but Neli just plain wanted to be her. 

She loved Sasha. She loved all of her friends, but she also loved attention and when Sasha came around, she just never got enough. 

Kim on the other hand was not intimidated by anyone. She didn't have an ounce of jealousy in her; she didn't have an ounce of any type of emotion. When it came to people Kim just didn't care. She didn't give a damn about you, she'll fuck your man and call you up and tell you how it was. 

And if the fellas called her a hoe, she'll call them a trick, implying that they spent their money on her to get a taste of her goods. She was popular around the way, and although she was the youngest, Kim was a leader at the tender age of 19.  She lived in the hood with her mom and her big brother Lex. Born and raised in Newark, loud, beautiful, bold, and a true attention grabber. Her addiction to fast money and fast men always caused her drama. Her brother was always in some shit because of her. Some dude she slept with, some girl she fought, they always had a problem, and Kim kept problems. 

Kim was also what guys called too cute to be true. As a youngin’ she was considered over weight but grew up to be thick in all the right places. She had huge breasts, thick thighs, and a thick behind.  Hazel eyes and a honey blond weave complemented her banana complexion. She had the typical video-girl look with a dirty ass mouth. Completely ghetto fabulous. 
Neli however was exactly the opposite. She had moved from Los Angeles to Newark, New Jersey about three years ago and met a girl named Tatum. Tatum introduced her to the crew and at first they were a little skeptical of the shy-acting, sneaky-looking new girl, but eventually they accepted her and she’d been down ever since. Neli looked like a California girl all the way and could never get fully accustomed to the East Coast lifestyle. Everyone was so uptight, so rude to her. The girls here wore mean mugs, verses the girls in LA who sported smiles. Even if a dude was trying to holla and you weren't feeling him, the girls in LA still smiled. Guys over on the East Coast loved that about her, and speaking of niggas from the East, she loved them. 

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