TheWolfInside (9 page)

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Authors: CarrieKelly,Kelly

Tags: #werewolf, #wolf romance, #wolf sex, #wolf shifter, #bbw, #bbw erotic romance, #alpha wolf, #gangbang, #menage

BOOK: TheWolfInside
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Shit! Where
was she supposed to go? “Um,
,” she mumbled.

The cabbie
muttered something in French and drove.

Eva took a
sigh of relief, then the panic struck her. She needed to get the U.S. embassy
and tell them what happened. Well, she couldn’t tell them Ewan was a werewolf,
but she could tell them everything else he did. He was a murderer, after all.

he did that to protect her
Eva reminded herself with a frown.

They got to
quicker than she imagined, and she paid the driver and climbed out. A gentle
fall of rain started, and she pulled up her collar and walked briskly down the
street, avoiding everyone’s eyes. The sky darkened with the rain and the
streetlamps came to life.

In no time
at all, she was lost.

Great. She
needed another cab to take her to the embassy now. Hopefully, Ewan wouldn’t
find her beforehand.

“I told you
not to run from me, lass,” someone growled from behind her.


She took a
startled breath and ran.

Her legs
ached and her heart felt like it might explode. His feet pounded behind her,
gaining on her, and there was nothing she could do. He was faster. He was
stronger. She couldn’t get away from him.

Then he
caught her and whipped her around. His teeth were bared and sharp, and his
fingers dug into her arms like claws. “You’ve done it now, Evangeline. Do you
want to wake the animal inside me like this?”

His words
didn’t make sense. She struggled in his grasp, and opened her mouth to scream,
but he stifled it with his own. Hot lips melted into hers, and her body surged
with lust at the touch.

Why did she
like this? He was a liar and a wolf!

“What are
you going to do?” she gasped when he pulled away.

Ewan only
answered her with a growl. Then he gathered her in his strong, muscular arms,
and ran. She gripped onto him and screamed. He was faster than any man should
be. It was like his feet didn’t need to touch the ground. The lights of Paris
flew by so quickly they blurred, and in no time at all, he burst in the door of
their hotel room.

Eva trembled
as he set her down. She backed away from him, but he blocked the only exit.
What was she supposed to do now?

don’t hurt me.”

His eyes
glowed. “Hurt you? I said I would never hurt you, Evangeline. But you just keep
running away,” he said and took a step toward her.

She shook
her head. “You aren’t really my tour guide. Who are you?”

His teeth
sharped. “I’m the alpha destined to protect you, lass.”

He kept
saying that, but it didn’t make sense. “Why? Why you?”

Ewan gritted
his teeth. “Because your father appointed me to the task, right before he died.
He knew what you were and needed to protect you. That’s why I’m here.”

she mumbled. Her memories of him were slight. He’d died when she was so young,
all she remembered were his strong hands and that kind smile. Then it was gone
and she was left with her mother and stepfather.

Ewan towered
over her and his chest heaved into her own. His hands dug into her hips,
wetting her pussy with need. “Yes. But all that changes now.”


His lips
hovered over hers, and his thick musk filled her nose. “Because I can’t stop
myself from what I’m about to do,” he snarled.

Eva opened
her mouth to protest, but Ewan’s kiss silenced her a second time. His heat
engulfed her very being, and his hot tongue probed inside her mouth. Hands
ripped her dress to shreds, like the material wasn’t there at all. His sharp
claws scratched at her fleshy body, nearly breaking the skin.

She pulled
away and stared into his shining blue eyes. “Ewan,” she gasped as his mouth
trailed over her neck, licking and biting her skin until her whole body burned.

His lips
found an exposed nipple and he suckled. The shocks of delight weakened Eva’s

Then he
yanked down her panties and pushed her onto the bed. She fell with an oomph,
and scooted back. But it was no use. She couldn’t escape.

He shed his
own clothes, crawled over her and growled.

“What are
you doing?” she managed.

Ewan didn’t
answer with words. His hands spread her thighs as his mouth lowered to her
breasts. His thick, talented fingers flitted across her clit, exciting it like
he had the night before. She groaned and pushed at his head.

shouldn’t like this. Not when he was a werewolf. Not when he attacked her like

“So wet. So
perfect,” he breathed.

The stiff
length of his cock pressed into her thigh, and she struggled to close her legs.
Was he going to fuck her? At least the room was dark so he couldn’t see her
exposed flesh, ugly and dimply.

His lips
ravished her, lapping at her neck and meeting her mouth once again. She moaned
into the kiss as his fingers probed her depths. When he pulled them free, she

He was going
to do it!

“Don’t,” Eva
begged, though she didn’t know why. Ewan was gorgeous, but men always left
after they got what they wanted. She suddenly realized she didn’t want him to
leave too.

Ewan growled
and thrust his thick shaft inside.

She gasped
at the size of it, filling her to the brim. Her walls pulsed around it, and he
thrust again, deep and sure. Strong hands gripped her hips and he kissed her.
The relentless pleasure drowned her. She gripped the sheets, gasping for
breath. Wave after wave of desire scorched through her veins.

“Your mine,”
Ewan groaned, thrusting harder.

“Yes,” she
muttered and grasped his back. Her body gave in, while her mind fought to push
the sensation away. But she couldn’t.

His skin was
slick with sweat, and she needed him closer. As close as he could be.

forever,” he said.

trust and the world lit up with fireworks. The orgasm slammed into her, shaking
the her to the bones. She writhed and moaned, digging her fingers into his
back. His kiss engulfed her as the heat flooded her pussy. His hot load emptied
inside, and for the first time in her life, Eva felt complete.

Ewan’s body
stiffened, and he collapsed on her. His weight, the thick muscles of his chest,
held her safe. Her eyes fluttered open. When he looked at her, the fangs where
gone and his eyes no longer shone.

After what
felt like hours, he leaned off her and pulled her body into his with a powerful
arm. The bulging bicep pillowed her head. Even pressed against him like that,
she couldn’t relax entirely. He would probably make up an excuse to leave her
in the morning. Or, he’d just disappear. What men said during sex didn’t mean
anything. How they acted afterward is what mattered the most – and men
always left Eva.

“I’m sorry,”
Ewan said suddenly.

Her stomach
dropped. This was it. She sat perfectly still.

“I should’ve
controlled myself, but it’s impossible around you. I can’t fight the beast
within me when I’m wrapped in your spell.”

She pulled
out of his arms and glared into the shadows. It was dark enough he couldn’t see
the tears pricking the corner of her eyes. “That’s a first. Don’t forget your
toothbrush on the way out.”

He gripped
her wrist and forced Eva back into his strong arms. His lips brushed her
forehead. “I’m not going anywhere, Evangeline. You can’t get rid of me that
easily. Not when I’m your alpha wolf.”

She couldn’t
believe him. “What does that even mean?”

He sighed.
“What I’ve already said. I’ll protect you from other wolves. From all other
wolves, no matter what.”

“How do you
know other wolves will come after me?” she asked.

He sat very
still. “They’ll come for you. None of us can help it. You’re . . . special,
Evangeline. Very special.”

It sounded
like a line, and she wasn’t going to buy it. Not from a werewolf like Ewan, but
there was no use ruining a good thing, while it lasted. She just wouldn’t fall
in love with him. That way when he left, she’d just get over it.

“What about
the rest of my trip?” she asked to change the subject.

chuckled. “Oh, we’re off to Italy next, lass. I think you’ll like it just as
much as you enjoyed Paris. I know I will, as long as I’m by your side.”

His words
sent a shiver through her body, and she finally relaxed in his arms and closed
her eyes.

Italy with

Eva could
handle that.

Red and
the Wolf Pack


I should
have known something was weird about Frank from the get go. His appearance was
totally sudden, and ever since I met him he had this really controlling streak-
like he always wanted to know where I was and what I was doing. He just showed
up one day- the day after I found a wounded wolf in the woods outside my
grandma’s house. The poor thing stumbled into a wild rose bush and was covered
in thorns. I got most of the stickers out, cutting up my hands in the process,
but it never once snipped at. I was going to bring it something to eat, but
when I got back to the woods the wolf was gone. Instead, I met Frank- my mom’s
new co-worker.

As a
fourteen year old I just thought he was an asshole and wanted my mom to find
new friends. It didn’t matter that he was younger than her by about ten years
and pretty damn hot. I mean, my mom was in her mid thirties at the time and
Frank only looked like he was twenty something. It’s not like they even dated-
they were just friends and stuff, but he was always around.

Then mom
died in the accident when I was sixteen and things got even weirder- if that’s
possible. All these guys who Frank claimed were his friends started hanging
around all the time. Throughout high school I swear they were at our apartment
everyday. I couldn’t get away because I don’t know who my dad is, and Frank was
the only person willing to help me out.

Finally, I
went to college, but I don’t feel like I’m really free. I swear Frank’s friends
are still around, following me from the campus to my apartment every single
day. Whenever I go out in public I feel their eyes burning into my skin and
sending little prickles up my back. Sometimes I see them and sometimes I don’t,
but I know they’re there. What they hell do those freaks want? Today, I’m going
to find out.

Instead of
walking my normal route home I pull my red hoodie over my hair to keep off the rain
and cut through the park. Huge moss covered trees tower above me as I wander
down the trail. As soon as I’m away from the road I hear the steady sound of
feet behind me. Yeah. It has got to be one of Frank’s goons following me around
like I’m some helpless little girl. Well, I took self-defense so I’m not
totally helpless! Sure, guys seem to like my curvy figure and my long red hair,
but I can take care of myself thank you very much.

I wouldn’t
mind being followed if they actually tried to talk to me. Frank’s friends are
just like him- hot and younger looking than they’re supposed to be. Now all in
their late twenties or early thirties the men don’t seem to have aged a day
since I first met them. Like I said. Weird!

Quickly, I
duck behind a tree and wait for my stalker to reveal himself. After a few
minutes Joe sneaks down the path; his dark hair and flannel coat flecked with
moisture from the light rain. Suddenly, he stops and looks around, sniffing the
air like some kind of dog. What the hell? He moves towards the tree I’m hiding
behind. Shit! How did he find me? Instead of getting caught like a stupid
little girl, I jump out.

“Red, why
are you hiding back there?” he asks. Red’s just a nickname because of my hair,
but it stuck so no one ever calls me by my real name anymore.

I hold out
my fist. “How about I ask you that? Why are you following me around school? I
want answers.”

Joe frowns,
his full lips turning into a pout. He’s got straight-laced good looks with
dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes, but I’m not going to be fooled by him.
Not a chance in hell! “I was just on a walk.”

“All the way
from the campus? Why didn’t you say hi?”

He might be
hot, but he’s a terrible liar. “Look, I can’t say. Frank’s orders. Just go
home, and I’ll pretend this never happened.”

orders? Why is he having me followed?” I square my shoulders and try to stare
him down.

Joe shakes
his head, his strange eyes reflecting in the shadows of the park.

“Fine, if
you won’t tell me I’ll ask Frank myself!” I say and march away.

Joe sighs, a
low deep grumble in his throat, and keep follows me.

After I
moved out Frank and his friends got a house just at the edge of town. I have to
hop on a bus to get there. Joe rides alongside me in silence, his hands folded
on his lap and his body strangely still.

A young guy
with an eyebrow ring sits across from us and smiles. I smile back- he’s cute
and it’s been awhile since I had a date.

“You go to
UC?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’m
majoring in English. You?”

“Art. I
think I’ve seen you around campus.”

I nod and am
about to ask where he lives when Joe growls at him. Yeah. He fucking growls.
Who does that?

Eyebrow ring
stares at Joe like he’s a crazy person. I can’t blame him. I would too.

“She’s not
available,” he says in a low grumbly whisper.

The guy
seems to get the point and moves to the back of the bus, as far away from us as

“Hey. He was
cute!” I say in a low voice to the over protective idiot sitting next to me.

Suddenly Joe
grabs my arm, just too tight to be comfortable. “It doesn’t matter. You’ll find
out soon enough.”

Okay, if
that’s not totally creeptasitic I don’t know what is! I yank my arm back and
pout until we get to the right stop. We walk the rest of the way to the house
in silence.

I frown as
we approach the fenced off yard. All three trucks are here- that means everyone
is home at the moment. So much for having a quiet conversation with Frank. The
house isn’t huge, but it has enough bedrooms for four men. I’ve wondered why
they all wanted to live together. Are they some kind of gay commune? That’d be
cool, but something tells me it’s not the case.

Joe opens
the door for me before I have a chance, and I walk in frowning. Bill and Dean
sit at the kitchen table playing cards, but Frank isn’t in the room with him. I
don’t even have to ask. If he’s not there he’s probably in his garage.

Without a
word I head out the back door. Sure enough, the music blasting on the radio
from the open door lets me know where he is. I march out there, turn off his
radio and stare at the well-rounded ass bent over the hood of the car. Even in
the chilly air, Frank’s sleeves are rolled up to show off his tattoos. His
messy dark hair looks like he just rolled out of bed, but the look in his eyes
when he sees me slips from annoyance to humor in a few seconds. He’s got that
bad boy look down to a tee- sharp cheek bones, slightly crooked nose and lips
that twist into a smirk more often than they really smile. His eyes are the
weirdest part. They’re a really pale blue- almost gray- and they shine in the
shadows just like Joe’s.

“Didn’t know
you were stopping by, Red. Gonna cook us one of your delicious meals?”

“No. I want
to know why your boys are following me.”

Frank leans
against the beat up roadster and wipes his hands on a handkerchief hanging out
of his back pocket. “I’m not sure you’re ready to know, sweetheart.”

I glare at
him. “I’m twenty-one. I only have a year left in college, and then I’ll be
moving out of this city for good. Yeah, I think I’m ready to know.”

He sighs and
looks at his feet. “Your right. I probably should have told you last year. I
just wanted you to warm up to us- you’ve got all this fire inside you, girl,
but you aim it at the wrong people.”

Frowning at
him, I take the hood off my head and shake my long red hair free. “I’m not
taking anything out on you.”

Frank raises
an eyebrow. “Really? I can smell your anger, Red. You reek of it and you always
have. Anger at your mama, anger at me and my pack. I think it’s misdirected,
but maybe that’s because I never told you the truth.”

My heart
slams against my rib cage as I stare at the man in front of me. He looks closer
to my age than he does anything else. His cheek rough with dark stubble, the
cool way he crosses his feet at the ankle when he stands. God, I’m angry
because I like him. I like him way more than I should considering he’s just a
friend. And none of the guys I met, eyebrow ring included, could ever live up
to him.

“I wanted to
give you time to figure this out for yourself, but if you really want to know
I’ll tell you.”

“Fine. Tell
me,” I whisper. Why can’t I talk correctly?

“I was never
friends with your mom for her sake- it was for you. Everything I’ve done all
this time has been for you, Red. Taking you in. Helping your get that apartment
and pay rent. Having my pack keep an eye on you. I wanted- No. We all wanted
you to be safe. We need you to be safe for our sake.”

I swallow
the lump in my throat, my body trembling as I try to take it all in. “What the
hell is that supposed to mean? All for me? Why?”

Suddenly, Frank
pulls off his shirt- revealing the sculpted muscles on his hot as hell chest.
Next, he slips off his belt and lowers his pants, boxers and all. A twinge of
heat rushes between my legs as I stare at his meaty cock, and I wonder if this
is what he wants me to see.

“Frank,” I
start as he kicks off his shoes, but he doesn’t answer me.

Instead, he
smirks and bends down. A loud crack fills the air, like his back just broke,
and he’s suddenly on all fours and covered in hair. His legs and arms shorten
and twist as a long brush of tail pops out of his back. A wolf. He’s a wolf-
and not just any wolf. I’d remember his eyes and the smooth sheen of his fur
anywhere. He’s the wolf I saved.

The pad of
feet comes from outside the garage and three more wolves walk up- the strong
muscles of their shoulders slipping under their heavy fur as they move. My
heart bangs against my ribs as Frank’s wolf form approaches me and licks my
hand. The warmth of his touch seems to calm my nerves.

All four
animals sit on their hunches and look at me, tails wagging like a group of
well-trained dogs. What the fuck is going on! Not only are they all wolves but
they’re friendly wolves too? Well, the more I think about it the more it makes
sense. But what does it all mean?

“I don’t
understand,” I say and scratch behind Frank’s ears.

Slowly, he
turns back into a human and stands before me still naked as the day he was
born. His other pack members turn too, Joe’s golden tan skin and toned body
wetting my panties as I check him out. Dean’s swimmers build complete with a
flat stomach and sexy arms could make any girl hot and bothered- not to mention
his smooth brown hair and puppy dog eyes. Finally, I look at Bill. His pale
skin is dusted with rusty freckles, and the shock of red hair on his head
matches the hair between his legs. The smooth ivory of his toned chest looks
good enough to taste. Damn it! I didn’t realize how horny I was until all these
guys got naked in front of me!

“Your our
pack maiden,” Frank says, taking my hand and kissing it. His lips linger on the
smooth skin, their heat seeping into my veins and exciting my senses.

“What does
that mean?” I ask- the cool garage suddenly getting a lot warmer than it was a
moment ago.

“We protect
you and you mate with us,” Frank says, his pale blue eyes serious in his bad
boy face.

Well, shit.
That’s kind of the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me. And the most
turned on I’ve ever been. “All of you? Like at once?” Did they read my diary or

Frank nods,
his lips turning up into his usual smirk as his fingers trail up my arms. “I
think you can handle us all. You feel the spark of our touch, don’t you? We’ve
been bonded since the day you rescued me.”

My heart
speeds up, now out of desire instead of apprehension. “Yeah,” I mutter. His
fingers leave fiery trails on my skin, and I ache for more. I’ve ached like
this for a long time without realizing it.

His hands
push off my red hoodie, the thick material falling to the floor at my feet as
someone yanks off my shoes. I stare into the eyes of the wolf I saved and meet
his lips with my own. Our kiss sets fire to my blood- the burning in my groin
wetting my clit with desire for more.

Frank’s long
fingers unbutton my blouse, letting it fall onto the floor with my hoodie. On
either side of us strong hands caress my thighs, rubbing the pale skin of my
legs as they move toward my damp panties. I never imagined this would happen-
all the anger I’ve felt for years turned to lust in the matter of seconds. But
it all feels totally right- like this is the way it should be.

I tug off my
skirt- I can’t get naked fast enough! Joe, Dean and Bill offer me a helping
hand, pulling off my panties along with it. Usually I’m shy when I’m naked
around some guy for the first time- you never know how a new boy toy will judge
your flaws- but the look on all their faces is one of wonder. Like I’m some
kind of sexy goddess or something and they can’t wait to ravish me. Hell, I
can’t wait for it either.

strong hands grip my ample breasts, his fingers rubbing my nipples into stark
attention with just the slightest touch. I moan under his hands and kiss his
neck- his flesh almost feverish under my lips.

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