Then Came You (8 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Then Came You
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Gillian let the towel Connor had handed her when she'd got out of the hot tub fall to the carpet in his bedroom. He'd already dropped his and here they stood naked, looking at one another.

He reached for her right arm and pulled her close to him. Connor planted a tiny quick kiss on the very tip of her nose then moved his lips to her mouth.

"Mmm, you are the best kisser,” said Gillian. “Or do all cowboys kiss like this?"

He put both hands on her ass cheeks and pulled her even closer. “I wouldn't know because I've never kissed one."

They laughed.

"Go and lie on the bed and get comfortable because I want to do something to you that I've never done to any lady...including my ex-wife."

Now he had her intrigued. Just what was in store for her? He must have seen her hesitating, thinking about what would happen next.

"Go on, pretty lady."

He smacked her butt as she moved towards his bed and got onto it.

"Get as comfortable as you can,” he said.

Gillian fluffed up the pillows on his bed, leaned them against his brass bed head and rested her back against the metal slats.

Connor climbed onto the end of the bed.

"You relaxed enough?” he asked.

"Oh yeah."

"Hope you like the treat."

Connor grabbed her ankles and spread her legs. This was getting more intriguing by the second.

He positioned himself between her thighs. He didn't take his eyes off her face as he gently caressed her clit with his thumb.

"I am going to see how many orgasms I can give you tonight, sweet lady."

The first one wasn't far away. Gillian wiggled her hips as her lower belly pulled, and her pussy yielded its first drop of juice as Connor continued to stroke her.

"Mmm, Con...” She didn't quite get his name out as the first orgasm took her. She'd barely had time to recover when Connor slipped his finger inside her and began to pump her pussy.

She groaned as another finger joined it and he thrust harder.

"You look so beautiful when you're close to coming,” whispered Connor, pressing harder, obviously sensing he was about to take her over the edge.

She tensed her butt muscles as she felt another wave of sheer delight heading her way.

"Connor, holy shit, you're driving me..."

She screamed out this time, shaking against the pillows and putting her index finger into her mouth and gently biting down on it.

She felt her juices slipping from her and wasn't prepared for what came next. Connor had spread her legs even wider and now his mouth was just inches away from her pussy.

Gillian groaned when he licked her, the tip of his tongue making its way into each little crevice and fold until it found her clit and went to work.

Maybe you could have too much of a good thing. Right now he was going to give her a heart brought on by too much pleasure.
Was that possible?

"Connor, you make me..."

She cried out again, resting her head back on the pillow and panting.

"I'm not done with you yet."

His tongue darted in and out of her pussy, licking, sucking. She held the brass bed slats knowing she was in for the ride of her life. Building, building...she wanted it to last forever but Connor's tongue was just too talented so she had to give in.

It was Connor's name she screamed out this time around. She shook like she was freezing cold then when Connor pulled his tongue out she flopped over on to her left side and breathed heavily into the pillow, trying to recover.

She felt the weight of the bed go down behind her and Connor wrapped his arms around her. He nuzzled her face and neck.

"How did you like that?” he whispered.

"They were the best orgasms of my entire life."

"You mind if I get inside you now? Because the sight of you, the smell and feel of you has driven me into a frenzy."

She rolled over on to her back and spread her legs. Connor slipped on a condom and she welcomed him inside.

* * * *

He'd instructed the guys to start work without him Friday morning because he wanted Gillian to wake up with him beside her at least once while she was staying at the house. He was so used to getting up while it was early and still dark outside that when he first opened his eyes, she was sound asleep. The brightness from the alarm clock, plus the brightness from the snow outside that had fallen during the night, cast a sultry shadow over the bed allowing him to see her outline. She had his quilt wrapped around her body with both her arms resting over the top.

He raised his hand ready to trail his finger down her right arm, but he stopped just a few inches above her skin. He didn't want to wake her. That would be selfish of him.

Connor decided to just snuggle down beside her, hoping to warm but not disturb her.

She murmured and said something under her breath but he couldn't quite hear it. She moved slightly as if getting herself into a more comfortable spot in his bed.

Shit, he'd tried, but he couldn't resist her any longer. He pushed his body into hers and put his arm around her. He knew by now his erection was sticking into her butt.

"Morning, Connor."

"How did you know it was me?” he whispered into her ear.

"Only one guy's got a cock like yours."

They both laughed before he kissed her on the cheekbone.

"It feels cold this morning,” she said.

He wrapped his arms around her tighter. “I haven't looked out of the window yet but I'm guessing by the lightness of the room we had a good snowfall last night."

"Am I making you late for work?"

"Nope, the guys have given me the day off and I'm all yours."

"All mine, well, I guess we shouldn't let that go to waste.” She turned over to face him and kissed him on the nose then the mouth.

"Maybe we shouldn't get too worked up because we used the last of the condoms last night...well, early this morning. Looks like we'll need to shop for some more today."

"On Black Friday...oh, I just remembered I brought a box with me in case you didn't have any."

"Hey, we cowboys are always prepared but sometimes we run out when ladies drive us crazy."

"Wait right here."

He leaned on his arm as Gillian got out of bed, walked to her cosmetics bag and pulled out a box and jumped back onto the bed. He took it from her.

"Oh my, little lady, you picked something for yourself here. ‘Ribbed tip for extra pleasure',” he read.

"Hey, how was I supposed to know I don't need extras like that with a guy like you?"

"So you want to make love right now?"

Gillian kissed him. “Of course, but I'm on top this time.” She pushed him flat on his back and trailed her tongue down his chest. She circled his belly button and kissed every inch of his skin around it including his cock that was now oh so ready for her.

"Are you going to do the honour?” he asked.

"I sure am."

She ripped open a package and held his cock while slipping a condom on to him.

A few minutes later he was in heaven when she eased him inside her. He took the weight of her body over his thighs as she moved back and forth with a steady rhythm.

He reached up, hoping his arms were long enough so he could reach her boobs. They were. He played with her nipples, feeling her clamping down on his dick as he gave them a slight tug.

Connor had never climaxed with a woman on top but he hadn't told Gillian that just in case it took away her fun or changed her mind about being in that position. She was picking up speed now, her hips moving back and forth, pounding her pussy on to him. He held her hips as he thrust his butt up off the bed, hoping that would help her have the best time of her life.

Her body shook and her pussy gripped him like never before. She screamed out so loud he was sure every animal in Yellowstone Park—hell, even Glacier National Park—knew she'd just climaxed.

Connor pushed his butt up and for the first time climaxed with a lady on top. He might have guessed it would be with Gillian.

She laid her body on top of his and they kissed.

"Quite the way to wake up, don't you think?” he asked.

"Oh yeah, I could do that every morning for the rest of my life,” she said.

Now there was a thought.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Eleven
* * * *

The snow was beautiful, even more so on top of the mountain that sat behind Connor's ranch.

"What would you be doing if you were in Chicago today?” asked Connor.

"Just hanging out in my apartment. I usually go shopping with my mother and sister but this year I don't think I would have ventured out by myself."

"And here you are buying hay and horse feed."

"Do they have Black Friday sales on those types of things too?"

Gillian followed Connor out to the truck as he slipped his wallet into the back pocket of his jeans. He opened the door and held her hand as she got in.

"You want to head into Casper and see how Wyoming does Black Friday?” he asked.

"Sure, why not? Maybe you can tell me what you want for Christmas."

"Oh, I think I have everything I want right here sitting next to me."

He squeezed her knee before putting the truck into gear.

"So what do you want?” he asked.

"You've already given me Starlight."

"That was a ‘welcome to Wyoming’ gift."

"How about my own saddle for when I ride him?"

"Told you I'd make a cowgirl out of you. Didn't think it would be quite this soon, though."

"Must be all the sex I'm having with a very handsome cowboy."

* * * *

Shopping in Casper was a whole lot different to doing it in Chicago. Less crowds and different types of stores, for one. Gillian never thought she'd admit it, but she almost preferred the small town feel. Each store was unique and not like anything she'd find back home. Connor grabbed her hand and held it tightly as they manoeuvred though the first crowd of people they'd met on the street since they'd arrived in town a little over an hour ago.

"While I have you here with me, how about I shop for my sisters-in-law and you can give me some feedback,” suggested Connor.

"I'd love to."

"Let's head into the department store over there."

They crossed the street and Connor opened the door for her. Christmas music played throughout the store and Christmas trees with their lights twinkling were placed just about everywhere. Hard to believe it was already the holiday season. Where had the year gone?

"So women like jewellery, right?” asked Connor.

"We love it."

"Then I think I'll get the ladies bracelets or maybe necklaces."

They headed to the jewellery counter and Gillian helped him pick out three silver and red bracelets. While the assistant was wrapping them some turquoise rings caught Gillian's eye.

"I think I've found a gift for my sister. She loves anything turquoise.” Gillian slipped one of the rings on her finger. “It fits me so that means one size up and it should be perfect for her."

Gillian waited for the assistant to finish helping Connor.

"Excuse me, do you have this in a size seven?"

"I think we do. You want me to look out back for you?"

"That would be great. And I'll also take this,” said Gillian, handing her a matching necklace.

Connor put his credit card receipt in his wallet and also checked out the rings.

"Never thought I'd get my Christmas shopping done so soon. I usually scramble around a few days before Christmas Eve,” said Gillian.

The assistant came back with the right-sized ring and even gift-wrapped everything for her.

"You mind if we head to the toy store next? I want to get my nieces and nephews their Santa gift."

"So you really are the Santa."

He put his finger on his lips. “They love it. Every Christmas Day they come over to my place and I'm always missing when they get there and then out of the blue Santa appears with gifts and cookies."

Gillian laughed as they headed out of the store and down the road.

"They all seem to really love you."

"They're all great kids and I love them too. I guess I overcompensate for not having my own."

Gillian squeezed his hand. He squeezed it back. “I wish my uncles would have been as fun as you,” she said.

"Hey, I can play Santa for you too. I mean, you're never too old for that sort of thing."

* * * *

Connor was glad he'd suggested they start to head back to the ranch after they'd eaten in Casper because it was snowing and he sensed within a few hours the roads back would probably be slippery and even borderline dangerous. The temperature had also dropped and he hadn't realised just how cold the house had got while they'd been out until Gillian rubbed her arms with both her hands as she stood in the hallway.

"Hey, you're cold. I'll get some firewood and light the fire in the living room."

"You need any help?"

"Nope, have everything under control."

Within the hour the fire was roaring and Gillian looked so sexy sitting next to it. Her cheeks were aglow, which made her eyes sparkle.

"I haven't seen a real fire like this one ever,” she said.

"You're kidding me, not even once in your life?"

She shook her head. “The house I grew up in had two fireplaces but my dad could never be bothered with firewood and getting it started so he had them converted over to gas.” She snuggled into him.

"You're experiencing lots of firsts here,” said Connor.

"I am and I want to thank you for inviting me."

He kissed her head.

"The fire is so cosy and relaxing,” she said. “The perfect ending to a wonderful day."

"How about I give you a massage?” asked Connor.

"Is this more romancing?"

"Actually it falls into the category of wooing."

She laughed. He tapped her on the nose.

"Then yes, I would love a massage from a sexy cowboy."

"Well, just let me go find one.” He pretended to get up.

Gillian tugged on his shirt, forcing him to lean towards her. She gave him a quick kiss. “You're the only cowboy I ever want touching me."

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