Then Came You (6 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Then Came You
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"So is my body like you expected it to be? Or maybe you've never thought about it before?” he asked.

"Oh, I've thought about it each time I've paid you a sales call. I might have had a boyfriend but that doesn't make a woman stop thinking about other men's bodies. And seeing yours now is so much better than anything that was in my mind."

"Now it's time for me to see if my imagination was just as good. It's going to be like unwrapping a Christmas gift."

He began with her new cowgirl shirt. He unbuttoned it from top to bottom, pulling away the sides. She'd purposely worn her white lace push up bra, which caused her breasts to spill over the top of the scalloped lace top. Connor glanced down. She hoped he liked what he saw.

He didn't say anything but simply leant forward and planted a kiss on first her right breast, then her left. He eased her shirt over her shoulders and down her arms and threw it so it landed on top of his own.

"How about we get you out of this bra? Not that I don't like standing here looking at it but I'm guessing what's underneath it is a whole lot prettier."

He reached behind her back, unclasped it and pulled it from her shoulders until it sat in his hands. He tossed it on the bed and turned back to look at her.

"Oh my, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever set my eyes upon."

Gillian knew he was probably exaggerating but the compliment was wonderful nevertheless.

"Tiny red buds, so pretty. Do they like a man to touch, squeeze, taste, nip them or all of the above?"

"You can find out if you like."

He ran his palms over them, barely making contact with her skin. Her nipples hardened with each pass of his hand.

"So soft, so gorgeous,” he said.

She closed her eyes as he held her breasts in each of his hands. He had a way of making her feel like a queen.
His queen.

His mouth was the next to explore them, excite them. He took the nipple of her left breast into his mouth and feasted, sucking, licking, giving it the odd tiny nip now and then. Next he turned his attention to the right one.

Gillian threw her head back and groaned. This guy not only knew how to woo and romance a woman, he was skilled in bringing thrills to her body too.

He stopped and looked up at her. Next thing she knew they were kissing. His tongue inside her mouth, hers sliding into his. He was getting hard again...she was getting impatient but wanted him to set the pace now.

He tugged at the button on her jeans, letting it pop open. The zip was pulled down as he kept his mouth on hers. He slipped his hand inside her panties, feeling her mound.

As well as the lace push-up bra, she'd worn its matching thong. She hoped he liked it. Yeah, it wasn't the most comfortable of underwear for her but she wanted to drive him crazy.

He pulled his mouth away and looked down as he eased open her jeans and slid them over her hips and butt. Once they were around her ankles, Gillian stepped out of them.

"Pretty panties too,” he said, pulling her in close. He reached for her ass and Gillian could see the look of surprise on his face when he realised there was no material back there, just her bare skin.

He raised both eyebrows and pulled on what little material there was running between her ass cheeks. A rough piece of lace caught the edge of her entrance and grazed it, sending shivers through her belly. She wanted him and very soon.

He kissed her again as he pulled the material from her ass and the rest of the thong slid down her legs, falling around her ankles. Gillian freed herself from it, all the time keeping her mouth on his.

Connor stepped back and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Okay, pretty lady, let me take a look. Let me live out the picture that's been playing in my mind over and over again since the first time you came calling at my ranch."

He reached for her hand and held it as he looked at her and smiled.

"My imagination wasn't that great because you are, in fact, the eighth wonder of the world."

He pulled her in close, parting his legs so she could slip between them. He kissed the space between her breasts then let his hands slip to her butt again.

Connor kissed her belly before his fingers slid down over her belly button on to her mound. Without saying anything he lifted her right leg up and placed her foot on his thigh.

He glanced down, spreading her labia open with his thumb and index finger. He wasn't taking his eyes away now.

"There's not a single part of you that's not pretty,” he said. He rubbed his thumb over her clit a few times before exploring each fold, tracing them with the edge of his finger. He circled her slit several times, sending pulses through her pussy and lower belly. He slid one finger inside, then two as he began thrusting them into her, gently at first then, as she started to buck her hips, he picked up intensity until Gillian had to hold tightly on to his shoulders because he was taking her on the ride of her life.

"Connor, mmm, that feels like..."

She couldn't describe what it felt like, she wasn't sure she'd ever experienced anything like it. She shook and almost fell to her knees, weakened by her orgasm.

Next thing she knew she was being swept up in his arms and placed on the bed. Connor got on it too, opened up the drawer of his bedside table, pulled out a foil package and tore it open.

"Maybe this time I'll let you have the honour."

He handed the condom to her and placed himself in front of her on the bed.

Gillian's pussy pulsated just thinking about him being inside her again as she eased it over his cock.

He spread her legs with his knee, eased in between them then eased into her.

Connor kissed her before he began a slow but steady thrust. She held his arms then slowly brought her legs up over his thighs so he could fill her some more. That was almost all it took to fill her with heat down in her pussy.

She stroked his chest that now had a few drops of perspiration on it. Their bodies slapped together as he plunged harder and deeper.

Gillian eased her head back, trying to hold on, but finally had to give in to her climax. She groaned and turned her head to the left, trying to get her heartbeat back to a normal beat but couldn't do it, her orgasm and its aftershocks were still ripping through her.

Connor called out her name as he plunged hard and found his release.

He stayed inside her for a few minutes, kissed her on the mouth, then the nose, then the neck until he finally pulled out and rolled on to the other side of the bed. She turned over and rested her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Mmmm, I could stay like this forever,” she said.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Eight
* * * *

They had stayed that way for at least thirty minutes. Half an hour for them both to recover from their fantastic climaxes, a chance to snuggle, touch one another again, get them ready to make love again. This time Gillian had rolled on to her right side. Connor had slid into her shortly after and held on to her like he never wanted to let her go again.

What a turn-on for him to know she was pleasuring herself while he also went to work on her. She'd played with her clit as he'd thrust deep and hard each time hearing and feeling her reach paradise. Shit, her pussy was so tight, hot and moist. He could feel all that even through the condom. He could imagine what it would be like inside her with nothing in between them. Maybe one day—yeah, one day soon.

He snuggled into her neck, still inside her. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table. It was already one-thirty a.m. He kissed her cheek.

"Happy Thanksgiving.” he said.

"Wow, is that the time? Happy Thanksgiving to you too."

"Does this beat spending it all by yourself?"

She ran her hands over his arms as he held her tightly.

"Oh yeah. Maybe we can just sleep in all day like this."

He kissed her again. “Afraid not, and if we don't get some shut-eye we won't be up in time to put the turkeys into the cooker."

"Then we'd better get to sleep."

* * * *

Gillian couldn't let Connor do everything by himself. She was the houseguest and had to pitch in.

"Okay, so what can I do to be useful?” she asked when she stepped into the barn where preparations for the dinner were underway.

Connor was checking the turkeys that were now in the roasters while a couple of his ranch hands were setting up the tables.

"Other than looking pretty,” he said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Yes, besides that.” She rolled up her sleeves.

"Okay, while I go grab the heaters to warm this place up, how about you put the cloths on those tables as the guys assemble them?"

"Any food you need help with?"

He shook his head. “I supply the turkeys, the venue and drinks, all the guests bring everything else."

"Okey dokey, then."

While Connor left the barn. Gillian grabbed the tablecloths and threw them over each of the wooden tables. A few minutes later Connor returned and plugged in three heaters and turned them on high.

"You thought of a name for your horse yet?” he asked, getting the other side of one of the tablecloths and pulling it over the top of a table with her.

"I was thinking of Starlight because the first night I was here I looked outside and was taken aback by all the stars shining. I haven't seen a sky like that many times in my life."

"Yeah, country living has its pluses. And you know, I like that name. It kinda suits him. “

"Do you think he'll recognise me each time I visit?"

"Horses have pretty good memories but just in case, maybe you'll have to make more of them. Or maybe Starlight and I can pay you a visit in Chicago sometime."

Gillian wasn't sure if he was joking around or not. By now she knew Connor well enough to know he'd do just about anything if he put his mind to it.

"Uncle Connor."

Gillian turned to see a boy of about five who looked almost like a young version of Connor running towards them.

"Hey, buddy. You drive over here all by yourself?"

He jumped up into Connor's arms. Connor planted a big kiss on the boy's cheek.

"Hey, don't do's wet and sloppy. And I don't drive yet."

"This is my youngest brother's son, Clay. Do you want to say hello to my guest?” asked Connor.

The boy nodded.

"This is Gillian Matthews and what do you say to her?"

"It's a real pleasure to meet you, Miss Matthews."

Gillian smiled at his formality for such a little guy.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Clay."

"So where are your mom and dad?"

"Getting stuff out of the car. They let me run ahead to see you."

Connor put him down on the ground just as a couple turned the corner into the barn, both carrying dishes of food.

"Brenda, Jon, this is Gillian Matthews who's staying here over the holiday. Gillian, my youngest brother and his wife."

Gillian shook hands with both of them. Jon looked a little like Connor but wasn't as tall and didn't quite have the broad shoulders of his older brother. Brenda was tall and by the look of things wasn't far from her due date.

"Pleased to meet you,” said Jon. “Hope my brother's being a good host."

"Oh, the very best,” said Gillian. She looked at Connor and he winked at her.

"So how's my niece?” asked Connor, patting Brenda on her stomach.

"Very fidgety and keeping me awake every night now."

"Brenda's due the week before Christmas, so we'll probably have another O'Riordan to buy gifts for this year."

More people started to pour into the barn. Gillian couldn't keep up with everyone's names as they shook hands with her.

"Gillian, this is my oldest brother Thom and his wife, Sally."

"Pleased to meet you,” said Thom, tipping his hat. “Those two noisy kids over there are my two boys, Bradley and Nicholas. And my daughter is around here someplace too but I can't see her. She's just gotten to an age where she's starting to notice boys so I'm guessing she's got her eye on one and is tracking him down as we speak."

"And I'm guessing you're also one of Connor's brothers,” said Gillian, seeing another man who resembled Connor approach them.

"Sure am. Adam O'Riordan, pleasure to meet you, ma'am. And this is my wife, Janey."

Gillian noted that Janey also looked pregnant. Maybe it was the air or the water around here.

"Okay, I'm just going to carve our turkeys so if you'd like to start lining up over there to get your meal."

Gillian helped Connor set the turkey on plates. By now the barn was toasty warm and about forty adults plus too many children for her to count had filled the barn to the max. She and Connor were the last to get their food.

"You want a beer or a soda?” Connor asked her as they put their plates down at two spots at the top of one of the tables.

"I think I'll try a beer."

When they sat, their knees touched just like they had in the diner the first night she'd arrived.

"This turkey is so good. You're a great cook,” she said.

He squeezed her knee under the table. She looked at him and he winked.

Another one of Connor's nephews came up to him and tugged on his shirt sleeve.

"Mom said I have to ask if I can go look at the new horse."

"Sure you can but after we finish eating. And Gillian here will show him to you. He's her horse now."

The little boy looked at her. “You want to know his name?” asked Gillian.

He nodded.

"It's Starlight."

He looked at his uncle. “Pretty good name for a horse, don't you think?” asked Connor.

A teenage girl approached Connor and whispered in his ear.

"Honey, it's rude to whisper when you're in company. I know your parents have taught you better than that,” said Connor. He pulled out a chair beside him and indicated with his thumb for her to sit there. “Can you say hello to Gillian?"


"Nice to meet you,” said Gillian.

"This is my niece, Keighley, by the way."

"I'm getting my braces taken off next week."

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