Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square) (9 page)

BOOK: Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square)
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“I’ll talk to her tomorrow.” I kiss Kara’s head and gather her tighter in my arms. I always look forward to our pillow talk.

My cell phone buzzes on the end table, so I reach over to pick it up. The bright light from the screen, against the darkness in the room, momentarily hurts my eyes.

“Sophie just had her baby.” My face breaks into a smile as I read the text Brad sent. A glance at the clock tells me it’s after midnight, which means they have a Christmas baby.

“Oh my God! What did they name it?” Kara jumps up and makes a grab for my phone. I hold it away from her, forcing her to get close and look over my shoulder to see the message.

Brad and Sophie held the name of their firstborn close to their vest. No one knew, not even the
ir parents.

“Duncan Jacob McGuire. He was seven pounds, nine ounces and twenty-one inches long. Awwww! They named him after you.” I watch as she wipes a tear from the corner of her eye after reading the rest of the message out loud.

“Imagine that? That’s pretty damn cool.” Okay… it’s extremely cool, but I’m trying to keep my ego in check here.

“It is.” Kara sets my phone back on the table and curls up in my arms again. We lay in silence a little while longer. I’m just about to recommend we try and get some sleep when she interrupts me.

“Jacob…” Her voice trails off and I look down to see her biting her lip.

“What’s up, Sunshine?” I say, curious about what’s bugging her. She only bites her lip when she’s upset or nervous.

“There’s something I want to talk to you about, but I’m not sure how.”

“You can tell me anything, Kara. You know that.” I kiss the top of her head and squeeze her reassuringly.

“It’s just… this is a delicate subject and I don’t want to freak you out.” Leading with that statement is a sure fire way to get someone to freak out. Someone less level-headed than me of course.

“I promise I won’t freak out.” I realize this is a promise that will be hard to keep depending on what she says, but for her I’ll try.

“I want a baby,” she blurts out after several minutes and then slaps her hand on her forehead. “I should have eased you into that.”

I barely hear her words. My body is frozen in its spot. A baby?

“Where did that come from?” I finally ask, trying to keep my tone light.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to just throw it out there. I’ve felt this way for a while. My biological clock is ticking pretty damn hard. I just haven’t wanted to say anything before now because we weren’t getting married for a while…”

“And now that we’re getting married tomorrow, you wanted to discuss it?” I finish for her.


I always knew I wanted kids with Kara. There was never a question about that. The real decision needs to be do I want them now? Am I ready for them now? Kara and I have only known each other for three years and half of that time we weren’t even together. Maybe a little more time being able to travel whenever we want and make love whenever we want wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Once you have kids you live for them. Gone are the days of sleeping in late and doing whatever you want.

However, the thought of Kara pregnant with my child makes it feel like a fire has been lit inside my chest. Warmth radiates out, and my heart feels light. I can just picture a little redheaded girl curled up on my lap wh
ile we watch the Red Sox play or a dark haired boy playing catch with me in the backyard.

Instead of answering her, I decide to sing in a low voice into her. I
’m not sure where it comes from, the words just come out unexpectedly.

“Having my baby. What a wonderful way of saying how much you love me…”

When I finish, Kara looks up at me and it’s easy to see that my words have made her ecstatic. “Are you saying you want a baby? Cause if you want to have more time with just the two of us, I’d understand.”

“I want nothing more than to make a baby with you.” I roll on top of her and kiss down her neck.

“What are you doing?” Her words come out breathy as my tongue circles her nipple.

“Practicing,” I murmur around her breast. “Tomorrow, flush your pills.”

A moan followed by her agreement comes, and we spend the next hour practicing our baby making skills.

Chapter Ten





The traffic was ridiculous today. I should have known better than to wait until the last minute to pick up Sam’s custom made gift. With work being a zoo right now, I just didn’t find enough time.

Rocky was fired after I informed McGee of her less that businesslike behavior. The old man was actually proud of me for turning her down. Seems he has a soft spot for Sam

I still haven
’t told her about the Rocky situation. All she knows is that Rocky is gone, and I’m picking up the slack. The last thing I need is to worry her any more than she already was.

At least I was smart enough to order Sam
’s gift months ago. Otherwise, I’d be royally screwed trying to find the time to pick something out for her. This gift is going to be perfect on her. There is no way she won’t love it. I’ve made it my mission to give her thoughtful gifts the last few years. I want her to know how much I cherish her. There was a time when she questioned that fact, and I don’t ever want to go back to those dark days.

By the time I get home, dinner has been served and Tessa is on her way to bed. I can
’t stand the thought that I missed playing with her tonight. Our daddy-daughter time is one of the highlights of my day. There is nothing more rewarding than having your child look at you like you are their everything. Tessa thinks I hang the moon, and I think she does, so the affection and adoration is mutual. She is my little girl for sure.

After reheating a plate of lasagna and eating it while standing in the kitchen, I collapse on the couch and pick up the latest thriller that I
’ve been reading. Sam is sitting cross-legged on the floor, wrapping the gifts that still need to go under the tree. She insisted that Tessa wake up in the morning to gifts galore from Santa. My wife is nuts, but then again, I wouldn’t have her any other way. Whatever it takes to make her happy I’m okay with.

A few hours later,
my cock is straining against my zipper. I’ve been covertly looking at her ass all night when she thinks I’m reading. Every time she bends over to put a gift under the tree, the throbbing gets worse. Her ass looks spectacular in the black yoga pants she is wearing. They’re tight and highlight every one of her God given curves. I want to set my hands on her hips and drive into her over and over when she’s bent over like that. Even after all these years, Sam still gets my blood flowing.

I think a little Chris
tmas Eve nookie is in order. I can’t think of a better way to erase the stress from my last minute shopping.

When the last gift is placed carefully under the tree, I grab the mistletoe hanging in the doorway to the family room and make my way to Sam on the
floor. Kneeling in front of her, I hold it over our heads and watch as her face breaks out into a bright smile. I lean over and brush my lips against hers. It’s a brief touch meant to tease. When I pull back, I see her eyes are still closed, and her dreamy smile is back in place.

My hand slowly lifts up and my thumb lightly grazes her nipple, making her gasp. My mouth covers hers again, and I hold nothing back. This kiss is filled with longing and need. I need nothing more than to be inside her and feel he
r warmth surrounding me.

My hands skim over her collarbone, pushing her chunky button-up sweater off her shoulders and down her arms until it lands on the floor. My lips trail down her neck, and across her chest while my hands slip her tank top down her a
rms, revealing her bare breasts. Her nipples are pebbled and begging for my attention. I capture one between my lips and suck roughly, eliciting a moan from Sam. Her hands lock onto either side of my head, holding me in place while I alternately bite her nipple and lavish it with my tongue.

“My God, you have me so turned on Aiden,” Sam says in between moans. “I need you inside me, honey. Now.”

“Soon,” I murmur against her breast. My fingers hook in her pants and draw them down her legs along with her red, satin underwear.

Sam leans back on the rug and watches as I part her folds and drag my finger through her wetness.
“You’re so wet, honey.”

I watch as her face contorts in pleasure. The lights from the Christmas tree dance across her smooth skin, illuminati
ng her like an angel. There is no way in hell I would have ever chanced ruining my relationship with Sam for Rocky. She has nothing on my wife.

’s head falls back, elongating her neck, when I start circling her tight little nub. I drag my mouth over the exposed skin of her neck, nibbling lightly.

Sam reaches out and pushes her hand under the waist of my pants and wraps it around my aching cock. Her movements are limited by the lack of space, so I use my free hand to pop my button and lower my zipper. He
r hand works faster and pumps a little harder now that she can move a little easier, but it still isn’t enough. I stop working her clit long enough to rid myself of my clothes.

Sam lies on the rug, while I kneel next to her. Her hand strokes my dick, whil
e my fingers go back to work between her legs.

My breathing is becoming choppy, and I can feel my balls starting to tighten when her fist clamps a little tighter around my length. I insert two fingers into her slick channel and move them in and out while m
y thumb rubs against her clit. Her hips rise and work against my movements. It’s hot as hell watching her fuck my hand right now.

I have to clench my teeth and fight the urge to come when her body stiffens and she cries out with her climax.

“I want to ride you,” Sam pants out as her muscles continue to squeeze my fingers that are still inside her, prolonging her orgasm.

“You won’t get any complaints from me,” I respond while positioning myself next to her on the floor.

She looks like a goddess as she straddles my lap and lowers herself down over my length. I love watching myself disappear inside her and the way her flesh gives way. My hands still her once she’s fully seated, so that I can savor the feeling of being wrapped up in her hot, wet silk.

“Show me what you got, honey,” I coax her when I drop my hands and lean back on them to support myself.

Her sexy, smirk tells me that’s just what she has in mind.

She starts out slow, circling her hips and rocking on me. Once she finds her rhythm, I use my hands b
ehind me as leverage to thrust under her as she rides me hard and fast. With each movement, the rug rubs against my ass.

We move in perfect unison with each other, nearing the edge of bliss. I could look up at her forever. Her eyes gaze into mine and refl
ect back the passion that I have for her.

“So… good. So… damn… good,” Sam stutters as she kneads her breasts and pinches her nipples. The movement draws my attention back to her tits. I lean my head forward and latch my mouth onto her right breast and suck hard, enjoying how good it feels when she grinds on me harder.

“Shit. I’m so sensitive. God, Aiden. Just like that,” she says when my tongue flicks over her hardened nipple.

Before long, my balls are hard and tight. My release is imminent, and I
’m not sure how much longer I’m going to be able to hold back. Her sheath feels like heaven right now as we continue to rock back and forth in harmony.

“Oh God. Oh God. Oh God,” Sam chants when her orgasm hits. I thrust up a few more times, before coming long and hard inside her.

I collapse back on the floor and she slumps down over me as we work to even out our breathing. I lightly trail my fingers over her back, making her shiver.

“I’m going to have rug burns on my ass tomorrow,” I say dryly. Sam laughs and her inner muscles clamp down rhythmically on my cock, which is still inside her. I groan at the over stimulation and carefully slide out of her. She rolls off me, onto her side, and rests her head on my chest.

“Sorry about that. At least your battle wounds will be worth it,” she whispers as she places a gentle kiss on my chest.

“More than worth it,” I respond with conviction.

We continue to lie next to the tree, staring up at the lights for a long while before Sam starts to get up.

“I don’t want you to get up,” I grouse as she raises the straps on her tank top and proceeds to grab our discarded clothing.

“Tessa will be up in like five hours. I don’t know about you, but I could use some sleep.” She tosses my clothes at me, and I deftly catch them.

“You’re probably right. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow between presents and going to see my family.” I pull on my boxer briefs, turn off the lights and follow Sam up to our bedroom. Once we are both cleaned up and lying in bed, she snuggles close, and I smile into the darkness. My body is fully sated from making love to my amazing wife.

I have everything I need in life. Thank God no one has been able to successfully come between that so far.






“Mommy! Wanna see Santa!”

I groan and roll over at the sound of my overly excited child coming through the baby monitor. Thank God she
’s still in a crib. We agreed to transition her to a toddler bed next year, and I’m thankful that I can take a few moments to wake up before being forced to get out of bed.

’m so damn tired. I may have gone a bit overboard with all the gifts for Tessa. Especially since I didn’t take into account the fact that I had to wrap them all. Aiden is the worst wrapper known to mankind, so I don’t even bother to ask him anymore. Given my current condition, I probably should have wrapped in small batches over the last week rather than doing a marathon wrap session last night.

Of course if Aiden hadn
’t jumped me under the tree, I would have had more sleep. I can feel myself heating at the memory of how good it felt to be with him last night. My hand drifts down to my belly and makes light circles around the waist of my pajama bottoms.

Speaking of Aiden

I feel the heat of him on my back. His lips kiss the nape o
f my neck, and I roll over into his embrace. His kiss is light and sweet this morning.

“Merry Christmas,” he murmurs against my lips.

“Merry Christmas,” I whisper back before giving him a deep, wet kiss.

“Mommy! Daddy! Pwease come pway!” Tessa interrupts our make out session and we both groan in unison.

“I’ll get her. You go ahead and shower while I make a quick breakfast,” Aiden says before planting one last kiss on me and walking down the hall to Tessa’s room.

“Don’t let her open her stocking until I’m downstairs!” I call out to his retreating back.

My shower breathes some life back into me, but all I can think about is how I’m going to finagle a nap before heading to my mother-in-law’s house. I don’t want to miss a single moment of Christmas Day with Tessa. Last year, she was so small and the highlight of the day was watching her tiny, little fingers rip through the wrapping paper. She had no idea what she was opening. The excitement was more on my end, getting to see all the toys and clothes everyone got her. This year I’ve been reading her stories about Santa, and she can better appreciate receiving gifts.

I dress in a pair of worn, loose jeans, a white tank top and a red off-the-shoulder sweater, before heading downstairs. I can hear the sounds of ba
con sizzling and Tessa playing with our St. Bernard, Hugo. Her little giggles are infectious and make my heart squeeze with love for my child. It never gets old hearing her laughter.

As I round the corner to the kitchen, I
’m met with the force of a toddler running into my legs. I bend down and scoop up my little princess. She wraps her arms around my neck and gifts me with a tender kiss.

“Santa came!” She speaks enthusiastically.

“I know, baby! Did Daddy give you your stocking?” I ask while I set her in her booster seat at the kitchen table.

“Uh huh. Daddy said wait.” She smiles and kicks her legs back and forth. She looks absolutely adorable in her pale pink pajama set with red snowflakes. But the pièce de résistance is her tiny, pale pink sweater slippers. They have fur trim with tiny white bows, and they are adorable. I love having a human doll to dress.

“Here, baby. While Daddy finishes your eggs, you can open your stocking.” I hand the overflowing stocking to her, and she proceeds to rip through everything at top speed. I’m not even sure she is paying attention to everything as she rips the stocking open as fast as her little fingers will allow.

“You do realize that next year won’t be this easy,” I say wistfully to Aiden as he sets a plate of eggs in front of both me and Tessa. “Once she gets a better grip on the whole Santa thing, we’ll be up at the crack of dawn racing down to the tree.”

“Let’s enjoy it while we can,” he chuckles and joins us at the table. “Tessa, hurry up and eat so we can go open your presents.”

I pick at my food while watching Aiden. His tight, white undershirt stretches nicely over his chest and arms. My man might not play football anymore, but he still has the body for it. Just remembering our heated session of love making last night
has my body warming and me squirming in my seat.

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