Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square) (7 page)

BOOK: Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square)
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“Gorgeous isn’t it?” The woman asks as I slip the ring on my finger along with my engagement ring.

“It is,” I breathe. Holding my hand out and watching the way the gems catch and reflect the light is mesmerizing. I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.

“How much is it?” I ask even though I don't want to know. The sensible side of me will be far too disappointed once I know the price tag.

When she tells us, my stomach hits the floor. Ho-ly shit!

“You can’t spend that on my ring, Jacob.”

“I sure as hell can. If you could have seen the look on your face when you first saw it, you’d know that I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He turns and faces the woman. “We’ll take it.”

Even though I know that this is too much, I
’m beyond thrilled inside that I’m getting my dream ring.

I re
luctantly remove the new ring from my finger and hand it over. Only a few more days before I can stare at it all the time.

Chapter Eight





“It was so surreal seeing him again,” I say to my best friend, Michelle, as we sip tea and leaf through bridal magazines.

Michelle is finally getting married. I say finally because she hunted for
“Mr. Right” for so long that I wasn’t sure she even knew exactly what she was looking for. Then along came Kyle. He is just the sweetest, and he looks at her like she is the next best thing since sliced bread. He has brown hair that he wears buzzed and muscles that go on for days. His ruggedness goes well with my friend’s classic Marilyn Monroe look.

Kyle is an ex-Army Ranger, who currently works construction. Once Michelle and him hooked up, Aiden got Kyle a great job working under one of the top contractors that his firm uses. I love having her with someone who gets along so well with Aiden.

“Seeing who again?” Aiden asks as he comes into the kitchen, catching the tail end of our conversation.

“Sam saw Jacob when she was shopping yesterday,” Michelle blurts out, and I kick her under the table. I so didn’t want Aiden to know what happened. With the bullshit going on with Rocky, I wasn’t comfortable dragging those skeletons out of the closet. I felt it was best to let it go.

Fucking Michelle.

“Oh really?” Aiden quirks his eyebrow and gives me a censured look. I knew he wouldn’t be happy about my seeing Jacob, which is why I didn’t tell him about Jacob approaching me in the park that day over a year ago either. Nothing good can come out of throwing salt into an open wound, and I fear Jacob will be just that to Aiden for a long time.

“Yeah, he was with his fiancée,” she throws in for good measure. Apparently, I didn’t kick her hard enough.

I give her a scathing look. She glances back at me with a
“What?” look.

“It was nothing really,” I play it off. “They were shopping and we bumped into each other. He introduced us and we talked for a minute before saying goodbye. Like I said, it was nothing at all.”

Aiden lifts a fresh bottle of beer to his lips, before taking a few slugs. He sets it down on the counter a little too harshly, and I cringe inside at the fallout that will ensue for keeping this from him.

“Well isn’t that just great,” he says sarcastically before grabbing a bag of chips and joining Kyle in the family room to watch football.

“What the hell were you thinking?” I whisper nastily at Michelle once he leaves the room.

“What? I thought you guys didn’t hide anything from each other?”

“We don’t, but I haven’t told him about Jacob because I didn’t want to upset him. Besides, it’s a little too close to home with the fighting we’ve been doing about that Rocky chick lately.”

“Fuck. I didn’t think of that. Has anything else happened since he spent his day off with her working on a ‘design issue’?” She makes the air quotes around design issue and my heart crumbles. Even I know the reason he left sounds kind of lame. Especially since he was gone for so long.

“Just a bunch of phone calls. She actually called at like ten o’clock a couple of nights ago. She wanted to double check that he remembered their early morning meeting the next day.” I give her a look of disbelief and fist my hands on the table. That quick little reminder of hers took up a twenty minute phone call.

“Either your husband is oblivious to her true intentions or he’s enjoying it. I don’t know what to tell you.” Michelle sits back and picks up her coffee mug. She gives me a sad look over the rim.

“I know,” I sigh in defeat. “All I can do is see how this will play out. As far as I know they haven’t done anything inappropriate together. I just pray he doesn’t end up making the same mistakes I did. I’m not sure we can come back from that.” This is the first time I’ve said my true worry out loud. Until now, I avoided it, afraid that it would come true if I verbalized it.

“It will be okay. Have faith in your marriage and trust Aiden to do the right thing.” She grabs my hand and offers me silent support.

“So what do you think of this dress for your daughter at the wedding?” Michelle holds up a magazine photo of a white, silk tulle tiered dress. It’s a sleeveless number with delicate ribbon trimmed tulle layers with a beautiful bow and sash to finish it off.

“You sure you want her to wear white?” I ask, secretly thankful she changed the subject.

“Yeah. I don’t see why not. She’s not just the flower girl, she’s my goddaughter. She should stand out.” Michelle waves me off like I’m crazy.

“Okay….” I stand up and grab another cup of tea.

“Can you believe we’re actually planning my wedding? This is so exciting. I’m just so damn happy!” My friend exclaims.

I walk over and give her a big h
ug. “I know honey. I can’t wait.”

What I fail to tell her is that her wedding is coming at a potentially bad time for me. I
’ll wait to burst that bubble. Right now this needs to be about her and her future with Kyle.

A little while later, Aiden joins us in
the kitchen, and he puts their empty beer bottles on the counter. “I just got a call from Rocky. Seems some big investors are coming into town tomorrow, so don’t plan dinner around me. I’ll probably have to take them out for dinner and drinks afterward.”

Well, isn
’t that convenient.
I look over at Michelle, and she gives me a knowing look.

“Sure thing, Aiden,” I murmur and flip the page of the magazine in front of me a little harder than I needed to.

Tension and stress is so not good for me right now. I wish there was some way I could make this bitch go away.






“Glad you guys could make it today,” I say while shaking Mr. Klein’s hand.

“Pleasure was ours, Aiden. Sorry we can’t join you for drinks, but we need to get on the road.” The short, stocky man says. His face is red and round. He kind of reminds me of Santa, but without the beard.

“We’ll keep the offer open for next time,” Rocky replies and shakes the man’s hand along with his two associates.

Once they are out the door, she
turns to me with a smile. “Just because they couldn’t have a drink, doesn’t mean we can’t.”

I watch as she walks down the hall towards my office. I always keep some scotch in a crystal decanter that Sam gave me when I got promoted and I know that
’s what she is heading for. As she walks away, I can’t help but notice the sway of her hips in that tight, black dress of hers.

I shake my head and silently chastise myself. That is one thing I should
be noticing.

Inside my office, I find Rocky perche
d on the ledge of my desk, the way she usually does. Her left foot is propped on one of the chairs in front of the desk. Her dress has ridden up her legs, and I can see the tops of her stockings where they attach to her garter belt. I swallow hard and turn my attention away from her.

“I should probably get going. I usually like to get home before Tessa goes to bed.” I start putting papers in my briefcase, hoping she’ll get the hint.

Ever since Sam brought up her unease with Rocky, I’ve started to notice that maybe the woman isn’t really as friendly as I initially thought. She seems to have a way of clinging to me and a couple of the other guys in the office. Ben and I had a conversation about it just yesterday. He wasn’t too keen on her either. Said she made him uncomfortable and if his wife ever saw the way she acted, she’d probably rip her eyes out.

… can’t they just trust us not to stick our dicks where they don’t belong?

“Oh, come on. Just one drink isn’t going to hurt anything. You’ll be home before she goes down.” Rocky gets up and walks over to the decanter and pours us each a glass. She slinks over to me like a cat after her prey, handing me a glass.

Well, Sam did meet up with her ex just the other day and failed to tell me about it. Having a drink with Rocky might not be that bad. It’s not like her and I are having an affair. One drink… I can handle one drink. I just wish we weren’t the only ones in the office right now. The room is starting to feel hot, and I stop myself from pulling on my collar in uneasiness.

“So… the meeting went well tonight. You were amazing with them. I like watching you in action. You’re so strong and sure of yourself. I find confidence very appealing in a man.” Her red painted nail runs down the length of my tie and stops just above my belt buckle. I take a step back and set my glass down.

“What’s the matter?” She asks, moving closer to me again.

“Nothing. I just really need to get home.” I start to slide out from between her and the desk, but she moves back into my way.

“Aiden… I don’t bite. Not unless you want me to,” she whispers and runs her hands up my arm, squeezing my biceps. “So tell me, is that what you want?”

Before I can answer her, her mouth covers mine, and she pulls my body flush with hers. I wrap my hands
around her waist and start to move her back, but she latches on and wraps her leg around my hip, grinding against me.

Her tongue runs along my jaw to my ear.
“I know you want me.”

I push her away forcefully and wipe my mouth.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I ask with disgust.

Rocky laughs and lowers the zipper on her dress, letting it fall to the floor. She stands before me in a black lace bra and her garter and stockings. Apparently, she likes to go commando.

“Aiden, I just want to make you feel good. And in turn, I want you to make me feel good. I’m wet just thinking about you. Want to see?” She sits back on my desk and spreads her legs wide. I quickly close my eyes and turn away.

“You're delusional is what you are. Put this back on.” I pick up her dress and throw it at her. Instead, she just laughs and tosses it aside. When I chance a look back at her, she’s actually masturbating on my desk. Is this some sort of sick dream? Am I being punked?

“Oh my God,” she gasps and inserts a finger inside herself. “I can just imagine what you would feel like. Aiden, please come make me feel good. I’ve seen you look at me. I know you’ve thought about me. Why else would you always spend time with me and talk to me on the phone. You want me.”

“Will you stop that already? I don’t want you. Why would I throw my perfectly good life away just to fuck you?” I grab my briefcase and make to leave. Maybe now she’ll get the hint.

She moans, and I glance down at her hand which is covered in the evidence of her arousal. My cock starts to stir at the sight. Shit. I hate when it has a mind of its own.

“I don’t want you to leave your life. I just want you to fuck me, right here on this desk. I want it hard and I want it dirty. I’ll even let you choose how we do it. I don’t really care as long as you fuck me already. Show me what a man you are.” She taunts me as she continues to pleasure herself. My eyes can’t seem to look away from what she’s doing.

In and out followed by little circles. And repeat. I feel like I’m in a trance staring at her. Sam’s face suddenly floats into my mind, and I snap myself out of it. This is wrong on so many levels.

“I’ll be reporting this to McGee in the morning. Lock up on the way out.” I practically run for the door and out of the office.

At the first stop light I encounter, I put my head on the steering wheel and take a deep breath. Holy shit that bitch is whacked. I could understand how a weaker man would have succumbed to her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s done that a hundred times before and was met with exactly the type of behavior she was hoping for.

I pick up my cell phone and dial home. When Sam picks up, guilt twists in my chest.

“Hey, honey. Just wanted you to know that my night ended earlier than I thought. I should be home in time to give Tessa her bath.” I will my voice to stay steady and not give anything away.

“That’s great news. I’ll hold off until you get here then. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I reply before hanging up.

When the light turns green, I punch th
e gas and put that horrible scene behind me.

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