thefiremargins (30 page)

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Authors: Lisanne Norman

BOOK: thefiremargins
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The midday break for second meal had come and gone before they were called into the Council hall. Not being involved in a change of Guild, Garras had to remain outside.
Chairs had been set out for them at the Speaker's table and when they had settled, the Moderator addressed Kusac.
"Liegen Aldatan, what is your petition?"
Kusac glanced up at his father before he began. His mouth felt dry with apprehension. So much depended on getting this vote to go with them. "We represent the Mixed Leska pairs. We're all of us currently members of the Telepath Guild," he said, "and we request the Council's permission to change our Guild."
"What is the name of the Guild you wish to join?" Tokui asked.
"We wish to join the Brotherhood," he said.
A hushed intake of breath greeted his words. The Moderator frowned at the delegates but said nothing as the noise subsided into silence once more.
"Why do you request such a radical change of Guild?"
"We're the Mixed Leska pairs. Each of us has a Human Leska as a partner. The traditional barriers that have prevented us as telepaths from being able to fight no longer exist for us. We're having to come to terms with a side of ourselves that we haven't been trained to deal with. The Telepath Guild isn't equipped to train our newly released aggression, and the Warrior Guild hasn't the facilities to deal with our telepathic talents. The Brotherhood, with its close connections to the Priesthood of Vartra and thus the Telepaths, offers us a single location with the facilities not only to train us in combat, but to continue our work as telepaths and to help us educate our Human partners, enabling us to better serve Shola. It offers the expertise of both guilds in one location."
Tokui nodded. "Your reasoning is sound, Liegen Aldatan."
Esken rose to his feet. "Moderator, I object to this ..."
"Master Esken, you will have your say presently. Until then, please remain silent," said Tokui, looking sternly at him.
"I absolutely refuse to ..."
"Master Esken, you have been warned to be silent! Sit down!" She looked beyond him to the sub-guild benches where Lijou and Ghezu sat.
"Is the Brotherhood willing to accept you as members? Leader Ghezu?"
Ghezu stood up, meeting the Moderator's gaze. "Yes, Moderator. We are more than willing to accept the Mixed Leska pairs."
"Father Lijou? Are you also prepared to accept them?"
Lijou rose. "Moderator, we are also willing to accept them. They are already members of my faith and known to me through the offices of the priest, Ghyan, who until recently ran the temple at Valsgarth."
"Very well. Let the records show that Liegen Aldatan on behalf of the Mixed Leskas has asked for a Guild transfer from the Telepath Guild to the Brotherhood, and that the Brotherhood is willing to accept them," she said, looking over to the Recorder who sat at the Speaker's table.
"Master Esken, now it's your turn," she said.
Esken rose and turned so all the delegates could see him. "I oppose the transfer on the grounds that all telepaths must owe their initial loyalty to my Guild. It is ludicrous in the extreme to even discuss the matter! If they leave, I would have no option but to forbid them to function as telepaths. There is no other guild here that would allow its members to leave yet still continue in their profession. Imagine the chaos that would result if, for instance, members of the Medical Guild asked leave to join the Building Guild and began practicing their medicine on the building sites. This could lead to the eventual breakdown of the whole structure of our society! This may be the way the Humans run their worlds, but it is not the Sholan way! I say that the Mixed Leskas are bringing alien ideas to our Council and that their petition should be dismissed on those grounds."
"Thank you, Master Esken. You may sit down. I should point out to the Council that there is a precedent. Though telepaths, the Priests of Vartra owe their primary allegiance to their Order rather than the Telepath Guild. We've heard both sides of the petition. I shall now throw the matter open to the Guild Masters for discussion," said Tokui, glancing round the hall. "High Commander Chuz, you were first, I believe."
"The Mixed Leskas are all still members of the Forces, Moderator. They possess unique abilities which may well be needed in the future, especially if we do meet up with these Valtegans. Shola needs them not only as functioning Telepaths but also as Warriors, and the Brotherhood is in a unique position to train them in both disciplines. They have our backing."
"Master Ngaiu of Administration," said Tokui, nodding in his direction.
"I agree with Master Esken," he said. "What's wrong with them staying in the Telepath Guild? We can't have them working outside their proper Guild. There's no need for them to change. I say no."
"Master Rhayfso of the Warrior Guild."
"We can't accommodate them properly at our Guild. It wasn't so bad when it was only one pair, but with three of them now ..."
"Four," interrupted Ghezu.
"Four of them now, we haven't the shielded facilities for them when they stay with us. We've got enough problems trying to cope with the extra numbers caused by the Human Telepaths without Leskas as it is. At least they don't need dampers in their rooms. I vote yes. The Brotherhood are the specialists, let them train them."
"Don't you realize what you're doing?" demanded Esken, barely controlled fury in his voice as he got to his feet again. "If you do that, you're handing the Brotherhood guild status on a plate!"
Rhayfso rose again. "So what? They deserve it for doing the dirty jobs for all of us, yourself included, Esken! Who do you call in to defend yourselves if there's a real threat? The Brotherhood. Who tests all the new military equipment, risking their lives in craft that could easily blow up in their faces? The Brotherhood. If you ask me, it's long overdue, and it would give us nineteen guilds instead of eighteen, which would mean fewer drawn votes! You don't want it because it'll water down your power, Esken! Telepaths that don't belong to your Guild couldn't be controlled by you, could they? Don't be greedy. You've got all the new Human members, though they're sub-guilded to me, too, and I'm not complaining. Let them change guilds and give the Brotherhood full guild status now, I say." He sat down amid an outbreak of raised voices.
"That's put the cat among the pigeons," said Carrie. "Why did he suggest the guild status now?"
"Someone had to once Esken mentioned it," said Kusac quietly.
"Silence!" roared Sister Tokui, hitting the bell so hard it almost fell over. It had the desired effect as all talking ceased.
"Master Rhayfso has suggested that the Brotherhood be granted full guild status," she continued in a normal voice. "He and Master Esken are both correct in saying that if the Mixed Leskas are granted permission to change guild, then the Brotherhood will have the right to request that status. In fact, their request
on the agenda if the petitioners win their right to become members of the Brotherhood. That being the case, I have no option but to link the two matters together. Recorder, let the records show my decision."
She stopped and surveyed all the delegates carefully. "I will not have the sanctity of the Council hall broken by such an outburst again. Offenders will be ejected and their vote will be forfeit. I will now call for the Guild Masters only to vote on the petitioners' request to change guilds. Those for, please stand."
Vartra, let the vote go our way,
thought Kusac, his hand searching for Carrie's as he began to count the people standing.
"Clerks, your total please," she said.
"Ten for, Moderator."
"Those against."
There was a short silence. "Six, Moderator."
"Those abstaining?"
"Two, Moderator."
"Thank you, Masters. Recorder, let the records show that the petitioners have been granted the right to become members of the Brotherhood, and that the Brotherhood has accepted them into their ranks."
"Gods," breathed Vanna, leaning forward to touch Kusac. "I didn't think we'd do it when Esken started ranting about guild status."
"That worked for us," said Kusac quietly. "A lot of the other Masters dislike the way he runs his Guild. Anything that puts him at a disadvantage suits them."
"Liegen Aldatan, your group may remain for the next matter," said the Moderator, looking down at them. "Perhaps you would take seats at the end of the clerks' bench behind you?"
"Certainly, Moderator," said Kusac, getting up and bowing courteously to her. "Come on," he whispered, ushering the others over to the bench where the clerks were hurriedly moving along to make room.
"Leader Ghezu and Father Lijou, would you come forward to make your request, please?"
Lijou and Ghezu rose and took their places at the Speaker's table.
"Moderator," said Ghezu. "We formally request that the Brotherhood of Vartra be granted full guild status on the grounds that we possess a skill no other existing guild has."
"Name the skill, if you please."
"Among our members are Telepaths who can fight. No other guild possess members with these Talents."
"Who seconds your request?"
High Commander Chuz rose. "I do, Moderator."
"Since we have just dealt with the matter that gave you these members, that is not in dispute. We've also heard the arguments from Master Rhayfso and Master Esken for and against the Brotherhood being granted full guild status. That, however, is not the issue. What you delegates are being asked to vote upon is, does the Brotherhood have a skill that entitles them to full guild status rather than remaining a sub-guild of the Warrior and Telepath Guilds? Since this is likely to be a contentious vote, I will exercise my right to throw the vote open to all Guild Masters and Sub-Guild Leaders without any further discussion. Clerks, take your places as counters, please."
Kusac watched the clerks scurry from their seats to places throughout the hall.
"Those in favor of granting the Brotherhood full guild status, please stand."
I can't see to count them, Father!
Kusac sent.
From where I stand, it looks like we may have won,
sent Konis.
You presented your petition well, Kusac. You'll make a politician yet!
Not funny! You know how I hate politics.
"We have the count, Moderator," said the chief clerk. "There are twenty-eight for the motion."
We've won, Father!
I know, Vartra be praised!
"Those against, please."
The count was a little quicker this time. "Eleven against, Moderator."
There was a flurry of movement as Esken got to his feet and stormed out of the Council hall, followed by Khafsa. Once again Sorli trailed after them.
"Recorder, strike two votes from the Against total. Guild Master Esken and Leader Khafsa have forfeited their vote by leaving," said Tokui, her voice cold. "As an aide, Senior Tutor Sorli has no vote."
"Yes, Moderator. The total Against is now nine."
"Abstentions please."
"Six, Moderator."
"Very well. Recorder, let the records show that today the Brotherhood of Vartra has been welcomed to the rank of Guild. Leader Ghezu, and Father Lijou, you both now have the title of Guild Master. Congratulations."
"My thanks, Moderator," said Ghezu. He opened his mouth to speak again but found himself unable to utter a word. He cast a look that was both frantic and angry at Lijou before leaving the table.
"Thank you, Moderator," said Lijou, bowing low to her before moving away to his seat.
Be silent, Ghezu, lest you lose all we have gained today,
came the stern thought from Konis.
Ghezu looked up at the Clan Lord, realization dawning on his face.
Yes, it's me you're dealing with, Ghezu. You've won Guild status; be content with that. Your Guild needs you both.
"Liegen Aldatan," said Sister Tokui, "your presence will no longer be needed. Thank you for remaining."
"Moderator," Kusac bowed, getting to his feet and leading the way to the door.
Once outside, Garras and Kaid were surrounded by them all speaking at once.
"One at a time, in the God's name!" exclaimed Garras.
"We won," said Vanna simply. "We got permission to change guilds and the Brotherhood is now a full Guild."
"We won?"
"Twenty-eight to nine, with six abstentions," said Kusac.
"I thought we'd lost when Esken and Khafsa came barreling out."
"No. They left because
lost," said Kusac.
"And the Moderator disallowed their votes for leaving," said Vanna delightedly, grabbing Garras by the arm.
"We're almost free," said Carrie quietly. "Almost there, Kusac."
"Yes," he said, putting his arm around her as they walked toward the exit. "We're almost there now."



The cargo pod of the
Summer Bounty
touched down as planned on landing bay three of Jalna's one and only spaceport. While the formalities were dealt with, Jo, Kris, Davies, and Vyaka pored over the aerial photographs they'd taken on their way in.
"It looks like it's winter out there," said Davies. "Do any of the Sumaan know what sort of weather we can expect?"
"The port is near Jalna's equator, so it could be similar to Valsgarth's," said Kris. "I only know the summer season, I'm afraid, and that varies between Mediterranean and tropical, depending which part of the continent you're on."
"Not necessarily. Climate also depends on the prevailing winds and ocean currents," said Vyaka. "Around the Valsgarth region, in the winter, winds from the pole cut down across the southwest bringing heavy snow and freezing temperatures. However, Captain Sharaaza says it's considered spring here, so the weather shouldn't pose too many problems."
Vyaka looked up from the map at the three humans. "There's still snow on the hilltops. Once you get up there, you'll need to guard against frostbite and hypothermia. That's why we believe the Valtegan craft hasn't been touched yet. It's been cut off by the severe winter."
"Surely they have aircars or something," said Davies.
Vyaka's ears flicked a negative. "This is an interdicted world," she said. "According to the Sumaan and the Chemerians, none of the species that trade there want the Jalnians to gain any technology that will lead to them getting off the surface of their world."
"How far is it from here to the crash site?" asked Jo.
"About sixty miles to the mountains, then you have to climb up to it," she said, pointing to the mark on the map that was the Valtegan ship. "Chances are that even if an intrepid local or two have reached and looted it, the type of data we're after is so specific it should still be there."
"What about this object they left behind? Where's it likely to be?" asked Davies.
"In the same area," said Jo, stepping back from the table and the map. "Kris, you handle the map reading. Both of you run a final check on your kit to make sure you've got everything and are carrying no modern weapons or other items." She looked sternly at Davies. "That means no lightweight portable stove! Have you both got your Jalnian coins?"
The two men nodded, then as Kris folded up the map, Davies went off to collect his kit.
"Portable stove?" asked Vyaka, raising an eye ridge.
"Just a private joke," said Jo, moving over to the chair where her small bundle of possessions lay. They were taking nothing with them that couldn't be easily carried on their backs or in pockets or belt pouches.
The status of women on Jalna wasn't known, therefore it was decided Jo was to pose as Kris' wife— with his long hair, he looked more like a native Jalnian than Davies— and if her role was contested, better that he should take the attention away from the Keissian.
A buzzer sounded in the common room.
"Time to go," said Vyaka, getting up. "Remember, try to link in to one of the Jalnians without being seen if you can. Then we'll know everything about them that we need."

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