The Year Without Summer (44 page)

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Authors: William K. Klingaman,Nicholas P. Klingaman

Tags: #History, #Modern, #19th Century, #Science, #Earth Sciences, #Meteorology & Climatology

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The Atheneum

Camden Gazette
(South Carolina)

Chambersburg Democratic Republican

Charleston City Gazette
(South Carolina)

Columbia Centinel
(Boston, Massachusetts)

The Columbian
(New York)

Connecticut Courant

Daily National Intelligencer
(Washington, D.C.)

Danville North Star

Eastern Argus
(Portland, Maine)

Farmer’s Cabinet
(Amherst, New Hampshire)

Franklin Herald
(Greenfield, Massachusetts)

Halifax Weekly Chronicle

The Literary and Philosophical Repertory
(Middlebury, Vermont)

Maryland Gazette

Middlesex Gazette
(Middletown, Connecticut)

Nantucket Gazette

National Aegis
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Virginia Patriot


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