The Would-Begetter (27 page)

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Authors: Maggie Makepeace

BOOK: The Would-Begetter
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Jess caught a bad cold which developed into bronchitis, and she had to stay in bed for several days, one of which was her birthday. Her parents rang in the evening to wish her Many Happy Returns, and she pretended she was feeling better than she actually did, in order not to worry her mother.

Her father said, ‘Thirty-two eh? Isn’t it about time you settled down and gave your mother some grandchildren?’

‘Oh come on, Dad,’ Jess said. ‘You’re not supposed to say things like that these days. It’s not politically correct.’

‘What nonsense. I speak as I find!’

‘There’s plenty of time,’ Jess said.

‘Well, don’t leave it too long, will you.’

‘I won’t.’

‘Goodbye then, love, and have a happy evening.’

“Bye Dad.’

Jess put the receiver down and lay back, thinking, Forget grandchildren, what about MY life? What am I doing here? There’s no future for me with Hector. I definitely don’t want him to leave Wendy for me, and I’d hate to be accused of suborning his affections and causing her unhappiness. And
there’s no one else. Maybe it really is time for me to be moving on.

Perhaps I should go and live in Caroline’s basement, she thought, even if our friendship isn’t as close as it once was. I must be pragmatic after all, and how else would I be able to afford to live in central London? And I am still very fond of her… And it would be an enormous challenge to go freelance…

Zillah had her third baby boy at home at the end of April, with expert ease and only minimal help from the midwife and health visitor. Hector, who had called in daily to check on her progress, missed the birth by hours (greatly to his relief) and did not have to get involved. He had expected another one like Florian, and was quite taken aback at the sight of such a handsome baby.

‘Isn’t he lovely?’ Zillah asked proudly. ‘I’m calling him Alaric.’

‘Oh come now!’ protested Hector.

‘Why ever not?’

‘Well put it this way, it’s not a name I’d choose.’

‘It’s a good thing you’re not his father then, isn’t it.’

‘So who is?’ Hector said, glad of the opportunity to ask.

‘No one you know. His name’s Johnnie.’

‘And you don’t see him any more?’

‘Nope,’ Zillah said cheerfully.

‘But you’re coping all right?’


‘Well I’ll borrow Florian this evening then, shall I?’

‘If you like.’

‘Right. I’ll go home and warn Wendy and then I’ll be back later.’

Wendy was grumpy on hearing the news. ‘It’s a bit short notice,’ she complained.

‘Well babies don’t work to timetables,’ Hector said.

‘And I haven’t discussed it with Morgan yet.’

‘Then it’ll be a nice surprise!’

Both Zillah’s boys were home from school by the time Hector got back to her cottage. Christian met him at the door.

‘This is a bad idea,’ he said.

‘Oh I don’t think so,’ Hector said. ‘It’ll be a nice break for Florian and give your mother a rest too.’

‘But I can look after both of them.’

‘I’m sure you can,’ Hector said, stepping inside, ‘but you don’t have to.’

‘But…’ Christian followed Hector into the kitchen. Florian was there eating chocolate.

‘Right then, young Florian,’ Hector said breezily. ‘All set for a few days’ holiday? Have you got a bag packed?’

‘Piss off!’ Florian said sullenly.

‘That’s no way to react to a good offer,’ Hector said mildly. ‘Don’t reject it out of hand until you know what it entails.’

‘It’s no good,’ Christian said. ‘Once he’s made his mind up, that’s it.’ Florian looked gratified at the compliment.

‘Well,’ Hector said diplomatically. ‘I’ll just have a word with your mother, shall I?’ He knocked on Zillah’s bedroom door and went in. ‘He doesn’t seem keen,’ he said to her. ‘Can you persuade him?’

‘He’s an awkward little cuss,’ Zillah said. ‘I wonder where he gets it from. Tell him to come in here a minute. I’ll soon sort him out.’

Hector stayed in the kitchen with Christian whilst Florian was being convinced. Christian was not very talkative, but what he did say was impressive. He was enjoying school, intended to go on to university and then into scientific research of some sort. He wasn’t interested in money or cars or status. He wanted to do something worthwhile for mankind.

‘I was just the same at your age,’ Hector said ingratiatingly, pleased to be getting on so well with him.

‘So, what went wrong?’

Hector was saved from having to find an answer by the entrance of Zillah and Florian. She had put on a grubby housecoat and was carrying the new baby in her arms. ‘All settled,’ she said briskly. ‘He knows why I want him to visit you, and he also knows he can come home tomorrow if it doesn’t work out.’

‘But that’s not nearly long enough,’ Hector protested. ‘Tell you what, Florian. If you stick it out for three days, I’ll give you twenty pounds. What d’you say?’

‘Shall we contaminate our fingers with base bribes?’
Christian quoted.
‘Julius Caesar
. Did it last year in English.’

‘Thank you, Christian,’ Zillah said. ‘That’s quite enough of that.’

‘Well?’ Hector asked.

‘Make it thirty,’ Florian said.

‘Twenty-five, and that’s my final offer.’

‘Oh all right then, but only two days.’

Hector laughed. ‘You’re a tough customer,’ he acknowledged. Florian looked pleased.

‘Off you go then,’ Zillah urged. ‘Here’s your bag. Have fun, and no swearing, promise?’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ Florian said.

He picked up his bag, slung it over one shoulder and ambled slowly out of the front door and down the path to Hector’s car. Hector followed him, giving a little wave to Zillah and Christian as he went.

‘And the best of luck!’ Zillah called mockingly.

Hector went round to unlock the passenger door of the Jaguar.

‘Hasn’t it got central locking?’ Florian asked in disgust.

‘This is a Classic car’ Hector explained. There’s nothing new and gimmicky about this old beauty, except the earphone I use for work. He pointed out the walnut fascia and the leather upholstery with pride.

‘No electric windows? No tape player?’

‘No, thank goodness.’

‘There aren’t even proper seat belts!’

‘Look, Florian,’ Hector said sternly, temporarily lapsing from his assumed role of ‘understanding parent’. ‘If you’re coming with me, then come with a good grace, OK? I can’t abide whingers.’

Christian watched from the window as Hector and Florian left, and then turned frowning to his mother. ‘I don’t understand,’ he said. ‘One minute you’re telling Florian he doesn’t have to go and live with Hector and the next, you’re virtually throwing him out. What’s going on?’

Zillah sat down and began to breast-feed the baby. ‘It’s quite simple,’ she said. ‘I need money from Hector to maintain his
son, and he’s more likely to be generous if he thinks he’s going to get some access to Florian.’

‘But isn’t this visit just a one-off?’


‘So what’s to prevent Hector stopping the cash flow the moment he stops seeing Florian?’

‘Well, once he’s started paying a regular amount, he’s set a precedent and it’ll be that much harder to stop. But if he does, I’ll set the Child Support Agency on to him.’

‘Do that and you’ll get less benefit. I heard the CSA is just an excuse for the government to get their hands on the father’s dosh.’

‘You’re a bit young to be so cynical, aren’t you?’ Zillah smiled up at him.

‘So anyway’ Christian said, ignoring this, ‘how did you twist Florian’s arm and make him go?’

‘I told him Hector’s threatened that if he isn’t granted any access, he’ll start a custody battle and the Judge might make him go and live with Hector full time.’

‘But is that true?’ Christian was horrified.

‘It’s a distinct possibility’ Zillah was not about to reveal the implausibility of this to Christian. She desperately needed a break from Florian for a few days, and this was a heaven-sent opportunity.

‘But you wouldn’t really let him go.’

‘Of course not, silly! You and Florian, and now Alaric here, are all my boys. I wouldn’t dream of letting anyone else take you over. It just seems time to get Hector to perform some fatherly duties whilst I get a much needed break. He owes it to me.’

‘But if Florian only stays with Hector for a couple of days, it won’t help much, will it?’

‘Maybe not, but at least they’ll get to know each other, and once Florian is a real person to Hector, it should be easier to persuade him to shell out.’

‘Fleece him, you mean?’

‘No. Get him to meet his obligations.’

‘But what if Florian plays him up?’

‘I’ve told him why he mustn’t. I’m sure he understands.’

‘Seems to me the poor little sod’s in an impossible position:
(a) Be himself, and then Hector will hate him and won’t give us any money, or (b) Be sweet and lovely, and Hector won’t give us any money either. He’ll love him so much that he’ll take us to court and kidnap Florian for ever! How’s that for choice? If I was him, I’d definitely go for (a) the aversion therapy, and to hell with the money!’

‘I think actually there are more than two possibilities,’ Zillah said.

‘Name another!’ Christian challenged.

‘Not for the moment. Just wait and see,’ and Zillah smiled again, but enigmatically.

Chapter 19

When Wendy first saw Florian, he definitely reminded her of someone but she couldn’t think who. She didn’t know anyone with hair that colour. She wondered if he would have the famous redhead temper. So far at least he was very quiet, barely speaking at all. Perhaps he was shy? Morgan had been excited at the thought of having someone to play with, and had confided to her that he would welcome anyone from a different school, because they wouldn’t call him Organ Pudg-eley. Poor Morgan, Wendy thought. It’s only puppy fat, but children can be so cruel.

Florian’s clothes, when he unpacked his duffle bag, looked cheap and worn and there were very few of them. Wendy felt sorry for him. She would have offered him some of Morgan’s, the ones he was tired of, but the boy was quite a different shape, taller and much thinner. He needed feeding up, but wasn’t in the least puny. At the first supper in Hector and Wendy’s house, after he had eaten three helpings of stew and two bowls of ice cream, Morgan had challenged him to an arm wrestling contest at the table and Florian had won easily. Then Hector had wrestled Morgan and let him win a little too obviously, but when he came to compete against Florian, he really had to try to avoid being defeated at first push. Morgan looked on, eyes shining with admiration. Oh good, Wendy thought in relief, they’re going to get on. Maybe it won’t be so difficult after all.

The following morning Hector ran Florian to his school whilst Wendy took Morgan as usual to his. Morgan was clearly envious of Florian for not having to wear school uniform, which was silly of him, Wendy thought, considering how sweet he looked in his little blazer.

On the second evening Hector was home nice and early,
and they all played snakes and ladders. Florian won, and Wendy privately thought he had cheated, but since Morgan seemed happy she decided to say nothing. She wondered how long he would be staying. Hector had said ‘a few days’ which meant nothing. Wendy had hoped to get Florian to talk about his family, but he seemed resistant to conversation with adults. He didn’t mention Clive at all (which was understandable, since he’d deserted them all), and he was only monosyllabic about his mother, but after he and Morgan had gone to bed in their shared room, Wendy could hear them both chattering away and Morgan giggling. When she went in, to tell them to stop talking and go to sleep, Morgan was pink with excitement and looked somehow furtive. Wendy frowned, but then assuming they were telling each other dirty jokes, smiled to herself and forgot it.

In a funny way she felt rather good about taking Florian in temporarily, as though she were doing a good deed by helping the underprivileged. The boy himself seemed impressed by the number and quality of Morgan’s toys. He clearly had nothing like this at home. He apparently hadn’t played many board games either, but was very quick on the uptake.

On the third evening Hector got fed up with the two boys larking about in the garage and on the front drive, and produced the
set. Wendy’s heart sank. She tried to dissuade him by saying, ‘Oh Morgan hates
don’t you love,’ but Hector wasn’t having any of it.

‘He and Florian can both play against me,’ he said, ‘do a joint effort, pool their letters. I’ll still win.’

‘Oh no you won’t!’ Florian countered, rising to the challenge. Then he took over. He was a bit bossy, Wendy thought, but a natural leader. She went to do some cooking and left them to it, and when she came back half an hour later she found Morgan and Florian helpless with laughter and Hector trying unsuccessfully to stifle his.

‘What’s so funny?’ Wendy asked. Morgan pointed. On the well-criss-crossed board in front of them, lay the word BUMHOLE. ‘You can’t have that!’ Wendy cried. ‘It isn’t in the dictionary so it’s not allowed, and anyway it’s very

‘But it’s a triple word score,’ Florian protested between giggles.

‘That makes no difference. Hector? I’m ashamed of you. You’re supposed to be in charge. You’re supposed to be preventing…’ The presence of the boys inhibited Wendy from saying any more, but she felt instinctively that Florian was exerting a malign influence on Morgan, and should be stopped at once.

‘Oh I don’t know,’ Hector said, still smiling. ‘I reckon that if intelligence is catching, then we’re on to a winner here.’ Florian glanced at Wendy unblinkingly. His clear blue eyes looked up at her with an expression that was candid, childlike,
Wendy suddenly thought she heard something boiling over in the kitchen, and rushed to see to it.

Later, after both boys had gone to bed, Wendy finally seized the opportunity to speak to Hector. He was sitting back in the sofa, chuckling at Florian’s exploits. ‘He’s a game little chap,’ Hector said. ‘Of course his upbringing has been hopeless and he’s been exposed to foul talk and all sorts of undesirable habits, but he’s got
if you know what I mean. I have a feeling that his IQ is pretty high. There’s a lot of potential there, I’m sure of it.’

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