The World After (10 page)

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Authors: Sonador Snow

BOOK: The World After
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The wunderkinds were split from their families once they were selected and had been educated under special programs for years, the sole goal being to master their gifts and to learn as many new skills as their young brains were able to absorb. Seven years ago, after a five-year period already with operatives from the ATU, they were brought here to Hong Kong where doctor Yao and his team completed their education. After that they tested nature even more by making numerous genetic 'improvements' on the boys. Yao's team not only intensified the kids' abilities but, through isolating certain elements of their DNA and brain activities, was able to pass these traits to each boy so all of them grew up into the modern version of supermen.

At the same time, a group of selected teachers were also preparing the boys for the day when their skills would be needed. The whole idea of this project was to see these young men becoming the new leaders of humankind in its final transition to the New World Order. Now Shimi Levy was preparing to introduce them to the world after all these years of careful preparation.

The idea to replace their real names with those of the seven Archangels from the Bible was his. He really believed that the names fit their purpose perfectly. Shimi Levy needed a distraction to fight the anticipation, and he switched on the mini-computer in front of him. The blue glow lit up his face; he was looking at the last report about the seven Archangels and their leader, the ultra-man.

Uriel – moving of small to medium objects with thought; telekinesis abilities better than all others; sensing distant and underground vibrations through complicated echolocation improvement in his ears;

Jegudiel – strong telepathic abilities; opening all kinds of locked doors and mechanisms just with the power of thought;

Barachiel – roentgen vision – he's able to see through human bodies and up to ten-inch thick walls;

Raphael – excellent orator skills; incredible ability to seduce with words;

Selaphiel – telekinesis; calculating hugely complicated equations faster than a computer;

Gabriel – super strength; the best in martial arts; ability to jump ten feet in the air; swims with the speed of a seal;

Michael – ability to set objects on fire just with the power of his thought; excellent orator skills …

Shimi Levy lifted his eyes from the screen. A door nearby opened and, in the subdued lighting of the underground car park, Doctor Yao appeared followed closely by eight hooded figures. The men behind Yao were wrapped in long black garments covering their bodies right down to their ankles, while the deep hoods covered most of their faces.

Shimi Levy got out of the car to meet the group. Yao stopped when he reached him and immediately said, “I hope you know what you're doing.”

“Come on, doctor, you had plenty of time to enjoy the company of our future world leaders. Now it's my turn.”

“I really hope you contemplate what you're doing. You can unleash such uncontrollable powers that could easily destroy us all.”

“You scientists are all the same.” Shimi Levy smiled. “You worry too much and for no reason. Everything will be fine.”

“Just remember my warning. You need to be extremely careful,” Yao said, irritated. Without further ado, he turned sharply on his heels and quickly disappeared through the door he came in, slamming it behind him.

Shimi Levy didn't think much about the moody doctor and, with great interest, he studied the eight tall figures still standing with their hoods on in front of him. Without saying anything, seven of the hooded figures got inside the spacious limousine. Outside remained only the director and the tallest hooded figure towering at least a foot above everyone – the Archangels' leader. Shimi Levy invited him with a gesture to get in the back seat with him. The silent man literally glided past him and disappeared inside the car. Once everyone was in, Shimi Levy turned towards the driver with the simple order, “Take us to the airport.” After that he smiled at the towering hooded figure sitting opposite him and said, “Well, Lucifer, I'm thrilled to finally meet you.”


Their small group stood in silence in the main cabin of the plane. About an hour ago, they had moved Fabio's body into the surgery room. Wong Wei lifted himself from one of the chairs and, without saying anything, walked into the cockpit. Fabiana and Ian MacGeady sat near the windows, both had their eyes fixed on the clouds outside, while next to them Ademar Gamejro had his daughter's head on his shoulders. He gently stroked her hair while she was sobbing quietly.

Eventually Carolina got up, wiped her red eyes and, without saying a word, went to the mini bar and quickly made herself a martini. Her father followed her every move with his eyes but didn't say anything.

“Does anyone want one?” she asked. Everyone shook their heads negatively. “We must talk about important stuff.” To support the false resilience in her voice, she emptied her glass in one go and returned to her seat, inviting Fabiana and MacGeady to join them.

When the four of them sat closer together, Carolina said, “So, father do you have any idea why the ATU wants to kill you?”

“I can't think of anything.”

“What about you?” Carolina fixed her sad eyes on Agent MacGeady.

He shuffled nervously on his seat and answered, “I'm only an operative agent. We receive our orders from the command center and our sole goal is to accomplish them without any mistakes. Sometimes, when it comes to eliminating people, we don't even get a name, only a picture and a location with the exact time the hit should be made.”

“Unfortunately, I can confirm all that as being true,” Fabiana said and added, “Mr. Gamejro, as far as I know from Cari, you're an extremely intelligent person. You really can't think of a reason why you suddenly became a target?”

A fleeting expression passed across the old man's face but his daughter knew him well and it didn't evade her. Carolina said, squeezing his hand, “Pa, please!”

With a very quiet voice, closer to a whisper, Ademar Gamejro said, “Two months ago, I was invited to a meeting.”

“What kind of meeting?” Carolina squeezed his hand tighter.

“I was invited to Club Bilderberg's annual meeting.”

“What is this club?” Fabiana asked.

“It was created back in 1954. Its name comes from the Dutch hotel in which the first ever meeting took place. It's a poorly kept secret that this club is the direct ancestor of the ancient secret society of Illuminati.”

“That's right,” Ian MacGeady confirmed.

“What?” Carolina let go of her father's hand. “Are you trying to tell me that you're part of the people that implemented that ridiculous New World Order?”

“Please, honey, listen to me first. This was the first time I attended their meeting. You must understand, it's the Club's highest members that decide who to invite to these annual meetings. All guests must arrive without wives or other family members, only bodyguards are allowed but even they can be only ex-CIA, MI6 or Mossad agents. We're not allowed to reveal that we'll be attending these meetings, and all interviews and communication with Medias is strictly forbidden.”

“All that's true,” Agent MacGeady joined in again, adding to the information. “I've been a personal guard myself at two of these meetings. Every year, they took place at a different venue but the format remains the same. The entire hotel is hired for three to four days, and the participating members are maximum a hundred and thirty. The main members of this private Club number eighty, while all others are year guests, just like your father was this year.”

“And why on earth did they invite you?” Carolina was angry.

“I really don't know how or why they chose me. The invitation was brought to me personally by the President of Greece a week before the date of the meeting.”

“And why did you agree to go?” Carolina wasn't planning on letting go.

“Members of this Club are some of the most important figures in the world economy, finance and politics. You'll understand my temptation to personally meet with some of them. I never thought I had an option to refuse. After all, the main members of the Club have been playing with the nations like mice for decades. They create and elect politicians, contrary to what the ordinary people think.”

“What do you mean?”

“It's not a secret that more than two thirds of the world's wealth is in their hands. They can buy all they want, and with such wealth comes almost unlimited power.”

“All this is true and can easily be traced back in history,” Ian MacGeady added. “The list of those participating at these annual meetings just before they were elected is extensive – Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair, prime-ministers of Great Britain; Bill Clinton and Barak Obama – both presidents of the United States; George Robertson – general-secretary of NATO; Romano Prodi –president of the European Commission. There are many other very influential figures in their respectful countries that can be added to this list.”

“So, basically you're saying that the less than a hundred main members of this Club dictate how the whole world is to be run and by who,” Carolina said.

MacGeady nodded in confirmation before adding, “There's another interesting fact connected to Bilderberg that was shredded by its powerful members, about a conspiracy theory, despite the overwhelming evidence that somehow leaked into the press back then – The Watergate Affair.” Everyone looked at him quizzically. He explained, “This whole show was a scenario to end Nixon's mandate as president of the States for an unreported act of disobedience against the guidance given to him by the Club. Nixon opposed GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. With this, he angered one of the most powerful members of the Club – David Rockefeller. The latter used Watergate to set an example as to what happens to those keen to disobey Bilderberg.”

“How do you know about all this?” Ademar Gamejro asked.

“This was the first mission of the director of my Agency, Shimi Levy. The same year, he attended his first Bilderberg meeting.”

“His first?” Fabiana noticed.

“Yes, he was also involved in the memorable 2012 meeting.”

“Why memorable?”

Carolina was able to join the conversation again and explained what Fabio once told her, “During this meeting were agreed the three founding decisions that started the creation of the New World Order. The first stage was to be a recording of all personal, health and financial data in individual smart cards for everyone, the second phase was to remove all cash as a means of payment, which as we all know happened by 2020, and the final phase was to replace these smart cards with brain implants.”

“From somebody who took part in this meeting, I know the other decisions taken back in 2012,” Ademar Gamejro added. “It was agreed that a unified world trade market should be created, one currency for the entire planet, one religion for everyone, very strict control of everyone through manipulating and improving their implants, creation of societies with zero economic growth, and a targeted decrease of the planet's population through wars, disease and hunger. One other important decision was to create constant fear of economic crisis in all advanced societies as their members had plenty of material stuff to lose.”

“All this is very educational, Pa, but I still don't understand why on earth you were invited?”

“I would say because of my extended knowledge of international law. After all, you know that I was a good lawyer before becoming a politician. But I can't be certain, after all. Many things were discussed during the meeting.”

“Why don't you share them with us?” Carolina insisted.

“The meeting lasted three full days with four separate sessions on each day. No stenographic records were taken, as tradition suggests, and most of the information wasn't presented on any kind of electronic devices. There was a lot of talking instead. On the first day, all discussions were connected with the possibility of implementing a unified global taxation, which would allow governments to have full control over every resource on the planet.”

“God, what about all the governments!” Fabiana exclaimed.

“They just wait for guidance about what laws need to be approved and when,” Agent MacGeady simply stated.

“The entire second day,” Ademar Gamejro continued, “was dedicated to only one topic – the fusion of the armies of the States, Brazil, China and India into one World Army. The Queen of Holland, one of the founding members of the Club, also got her way with the invitation of Russia to join this new super army. As she stated when the whole idea was drawn up a few decades ago, USSR were included.”

The women in the room looked at his face in disbelief. He noticed and quickly added, “That's not all. It was also decided that immediately after this World Army becomes reality, all types of weaponry will be confiscated from private hands.”

The plane was passing through a storm, and slight turbulence ceased their conversation for a minute until it was over.

“On the third day, the topic was the reason I think I was invited. A presentation was made about the usefulness of an International Court and international laws that would simply overrule all national institutions, punishing practices and laws.”

“I see it now,” Ian MacGeady said and all eyes turned towards him. “Mr. Gamejro's murder is simply part of this plan.”

“Care to explain?” Carolina said.

“Well, he's technically in two political positions, active Minister of Economy of Greece and vice-minister of the same department in Brazil. A murder and the capture of the killer …”

“You're saying that the Agency was preparing to sacrifice you, too,” Fabiana interrupted him.

“It seems so. So, if such events happen, serious conflict will follow between the national laws of Brazil and Greece. Especially when it comes to political murders, the law differs a lot in the two countries.”

“And here comes the need of an International Court and laws replacing and overpowering the national ones,” Ademar Gamejro added. “Satanic, but genius all the same.”

At this moment in their conversation, Wong Wei walked in from the pilot's cabin and said, “We must prepare for the jump. In less than an hour, we'll be over the landing zone.” He disappeared again after saying that.

Their small group split. Fabiana started explaining to the minister the basics he needed to know for parachute jumping, Ian MacGeady needed time alone after just realizing that he was going to be betrayed by his organization if it hadn't been for the latest events, while Carolina quietly sneaked into the surgery room to say her goodbyes to her fiancé.

* * *

After hearing the low flying plane and rushing out of the house, Taylor and Jinhun looked up. Very quickly, Jinhun's face calmed as he recognized the big machine. Their eyes followed the straight route the plane of
Future for the Amazon Jungle
took towards the border with China. Jinhun knew that this only meant that the others had already jumped in the swamps and were making their way back towards the Base. He shared the information with his companion. The one thing he didn't know was that in the surgical room of the plane lay the body of his close friend Fabio.

Jinhun knew that the plan was for the plane to crash after flying several miles into China, and that they didn't have time to waste.

“Come on, very soon these forests will be teeming with Indian militaries.” He went back inside the small house with Taylor on his heels.

Only fifteen minutes later, the two men and their odd guide Kushajri were already trekking up a narrow mountain path. Their movement was concealed by the thick pine forest all around. Taylor noticed a huge number of strange looking birds of an unknown type to him. They resembled nothing he'd seen before and were some mixture of woodpecker and parrot. From the tree tops above them constantly echoed the loud cries of monkeys. There was not much time to enjoy all this abundance of nature though. As Kushajri once again set a relentless pace, both men needed all their focus just to keep up with him on the path that was constantly going up and down.

After an hour at a very good pace, a lot of ground had been covered. The small party stopped for a short break. This was where Kushajri said his goodbyes to the two men and, after a few gulps of water, he headed back towards his village.

After treating themselves to two generous pieces of goat meat and some fat yoghurt, Jinhun and Taylor geared up again and, at a steady pace, headed directly towards the threatening-looking high peak ahead. The sharp top of the mountain was covered with snow, while beneath it a bunch of very dark clouds waited for them.

For the good part of three miles, their way followed the narrow path that, in places, was climbing up almost vertically. They eventually reached its end and emerged from the trees a good five thousand feet above sea level. After another short break, they continued their way up through slippery and rocky terrain, with the dark clouds just above them thickening as the day drew towards an end.

With every step, they were getting higher and higher and breathing was a challenge for both men. Just as they got to an area where the rocks started being covered with snow, they found a new, narrow trail that was bending left and right across the peak that cast its shadow over them. Jinhun followed the path to the left. They continued in silence, mindful to use every ounce of strength to put as much oxygen in their bodies as possible.

Their advance was slowed numerous times by obstacles in the shape of piles of rocks and dirt that slid from the higher ground. Once they even had to descend nearly half a mile before finding a way through.

They were feeling very tired when a pleasing view in front of them warmed their eyes. A crystal-clear high-mountain lake in the shape of a teardrop tempted them to take a much needed break. The pure waters of the lake allowed them to easily see a few fishes swimming in it, with the bottom a good ten feet down also easily distinguishable.

They took their rucksacks off and sat on a flat rock right on the water's edge. Serious snow cover was starting above the top end of the lake. It kept sending waves of chill at them with the increasing wind, making the water surface move constantly.

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