The Cub Club

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Authors: Serena Pettus

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Cub Club
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Table of Contents

Title Page

The Cub Club Copyright © 2014 Serena Pettus

Book Description


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five


About the Author

Also Available from Resplendence Publishing

The Cub Club

Wolfe Brothers

By Serena Pettus

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

The Cub Club
Copyright © 2014 Serena Pettus
Edited by Michele Paulin and CJ Slate

Cover Art by Kendra Egert

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
1093 A1A Beach Blvd, #146
St. Augustine, FL 32080

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-782-7

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: June 2014

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

Come join the Wolfe brothers as two of their own experience the “joys” of childbirth through their unique bond with the women they love.

Eva is all set to bring Adam’s daughter into the world and all of the women come together for support. After all, with the labor being felt through the bond, Adam is left a bit … out of sorts.

Sarah is sporting a ginormous belly with her twins, and Erik is a bit worried about her impending delivery since they all know that she cannot have any kind of pain medicine. But what’s more is that a werewolf’s labor is vastly different from a human birth.

With the sudden onset of labor combined with sleet and snow, will Stephanie be able to get to their home in time to help with the delivery? And when an unforeseen complication arises, will they be strong enough to weather the storm?

I’d like to dedicate this story to all of the Wolfe Brother fans. You guys have made this series a true joy for me, and I love you all to pieces! I hope that you all enjoy this little extra peek into their lives, and keep your eye peeled for the first book in a new series, Southern Pride, coming soon. Can’t wait for you all to meet these feisty felines.


Chapter One






Oh, God! This pain is excruciating, and there’s still hours to go?
Adam thought.
I’ll die before the baby is even born!

He couldn’t believe how intense the contractions had become in such a short amount of time. And where were the damn doctors? He and his mate, Eva, had been at the hospital for hours now, and Eva needed something to curb the pain of her labor, or else he wouldn’t be able to stand by her side during the delivery.

I’m such a pussy,
he thought as he gazed at her while she followed her breathing exercises through the worst of her discomfort. Now, he really wished he’d paid more attention in that class. Whenever he tried to match her breaths, he ended up hyperventilating once the pain reached its peak. Seriously though, canines tended to pant when they were injured or in pain, so it was only natural.

At least, his sister-in-law Stephanie had kept the insults to a minimum thus far, though she probably only did so for Eva’s benefit. Nevertheless, Adam was grateful because he was in no shape to come up with any witty comebacks. His sister-in-law had come straight over to the hospital as soon as she’d gotten the call, determined to be by Eva’s side the entire time.

True, it had a lot to do with the fact she was standing in as Eva’s midwife, but Adam knew now how lucky he was to have Stephanie there. He felt Eva’s pain through the bond he shared with her. The pain she’d experienced when she’d been abducted last year paled in comparison to what was happening now, and he was useless.

Talk about an unmanning experience. Right now, he was doubled over in a chair next to his mate, feeling as if he was being torn in two! The agony faded, and he looked up into Eva’s bright green eyes as she lay in the hospital bed. She was sweaty, breathing heavily and utterly beautiful with her fiery red curls fanned out on her pillow.

“How are you holding up, Adam?” she asked, reaching for a cup of ice chips.

“He looks worse off than you,” Stephanie piped in. Of course, she was looking just as fresh and polished as ever in her blouse and jeans. Her long brown hair was tied back, and she wore just a touch of make-up. Meanwhile, he and Eva looked like disaster survivors—especially him. His shirt was inside out, his socks mismatched, and he wore a pair of sandals despite the snow outside.


He’d woken in a puddle, as Eva had gasped next to him in bed. Her whispered, “My water just broke,” had spurred him into action, with little attention focused on himself.

“Lay off, Steph. This is hard enough without you picking on me when I’m down,” he grumbled.

“So,” Sarah chirped from the doorway. “Does it feel as bad as a swift kick to the nuts?”

Adam watched in wonder as his enormously pregnant sister-in-law waddled into the room and over to a chair near the window. His brother, Erik, was glued to her side and helped her ease herself down to sit.

“Don’t poke fun at him, babe. After all, I’ll be in his shoes in just a few weeks,” Erik chastised.

“And I’ll be in hers,” Sarah replied, gesturing to Eva. “So, how are you doing so far?”

“I’m hanging in there.” Eva sounded happy, despite the ordeal she was going through, and Adam felt his heart swell. “The anesthesiologist should be here soon to start my epidural, and then I’ll be doing

All the girls laughed, but Adam and Eva both gasped as another strong contraction hit. Gritting his teeth, lest he give Stephanie and Sarah the satisfaction of seeing him squirm, he was surprised when Erik appeared by his side.

“Is it really that bad?” his brother asked, genuine concern showing in his eyes and with good reason, too. Eva was human, but Sarah was not. Sarah couldn’t have pain medication during her labor, due to the side effects of narcotics on werewolves. Since she was having twins, Erik was in for a long day when her delivery came.

“I’d rather be kicked in my nads than do this,” Adam confessed. “You typically only get kicked once, unless it’s by Sarah.”

She promptly flipped him the bird along with a saucy little grin.

“With this, it’s over and over and getting slowly stronger each time. I’m just glad she’ll have pain meds soon.” Adam looked up at Erik, making sure to pull his expression into one of horror and pity, before saying, “You poor bastard.” He snickered at Erik’s wide eyes.

Another contraction came as he laughed, and Erik gave him a brotherly smack that nearly sent him sprawling.

“Sure, hit a man when he’s down. I’ll remember this,” Adam wheezed through the pain.

Stephanie found the whole thing very amusing. “If you can tough it out and be a good boy, I’ll get you a milkbo—” Luckily, a knock at the door cut off her insult.

Saved by the doctor! The physician looked a bit puzzled as he eyed everyone, but it didn’t really surprise Adam. The poor man wasn’t buying the whole “sympathy pain” explanation they’d given him earlier. Not with Adam clutching Eva’s hand and his stomach at the same time and pouring sweat worse than even his wife.

A moment later, a stocky little man with glasses came in carrying a tray with several wrapped items on it.

“Eva, how are you feeling?” the doctor asked, checking the printout from the machine which tracked her contractions. “I see things are progressing here, but I still need to perform a quick vaginal exam to see how far you’ve dilated.”

“Aaand, that’s our cue to leave,” Erik exclaimed, clearly uncomfortable with things. He reached to help Sarah rise from her chair and called, “We’ll come back once you’re done if that’s okay?”

“Of course,” Eva replied.

“Why don’t you have a seat in the waiting room for a little bit?” the doctor suggested. “If Eva has progressed enough, we’ll be starting her epidural while we’re in here.” He turned his attention back to Eva before making the introductions. “This is Simon, and he’s the anesthesiologist who will be doing the honors.”

Adam couldn’t help but gape. Simon had lenses in his glasses that were so thick they made his eyes look enormous whenever he looked your way. He kind of reminded Adam of an owl.

The door closing brought Adam’s attention back to the doctor and the fact that the man’s hands were currently on his wife’s—

Adam, quit growling!
” Eva snapped. “You now this is necessary.”

“Did you have to pick a male doctor?” he groused.

“He’s the best around, unless you want someone less skilled to deliver your child?”

Damn, she had him there. “Just be sure to make it quick.”

The physician, who’d been ignoring him up until this point, replied, “Trust me, there is no sexual interest here. Now, if you’d like to meet my current lover, he will be stopping by to bring me dinner in a bit.”


, so you have nothing to worry about.”

That calmed Adam’s wolf a bit. The fact that he’d been experiencing the labor pains had put his beast in an agitated state already. Having another man touch his mate
was enough to break the already frayed leash Adam had him on.

As soon as the exam was done, the doc informed them that Eva was far enough along to have pain meds if she chose. Eva eagerly agreed, and Stephanie helped her to sit on the side of the bed as Simon instructed, while Adam knelt before her.

Simon busied himself behind Eva, swabbing betadine on her back. That’s when Adam caught sight of the wicked-looking needle on the tray.

“You’re putting
in her back?” he asked, hoping he was wrong, and sorry that he’d even opened his mouth when he felt Eva tense.

“Only for a moment. There will be a catheter that will remain in the subdural space and provide the pain meds for her,” Simon patiently explained. “Trust me, she’ll feel a lot better once this is in.”

“Let’s do this.” His Eva was being such a trooper, and Adam was so very proud to call her his. “Stephanie, you hold my hand, and Adam you stay right there. Your handsome face is my focus point.”

“You got it, sweetheart.”

Stephanie placed her hand on Eva’s shoulder. “You’ll need to curl your back forward, so that he can see your vertebrae better. This is going to pinch and feel a little strange, from what I’ve heard, but don’t move.”

“She’s right,” Simon interjected. “Once you get comfortable and are between contractions, we’ll get this done quickly and you’ll be right as rain.”

The next contraction passed, and Simon only gave a moment’s warning before he put the needle in. Adam’s first thought was,
Slight pinch my ass!
Why did medical people always lie about how much things hurt?

Adam heard the change in Eva’s breathing, her breaths coming in short and quick, as the small catheter was positioned. He quickly took her face in his hands in an effort to calm her. He wasn’t sure what exactly would happen if she accidentally moved, but with her spine being involved, he didn’t want to find out. “Shh, I’ve got you. Everything is all right. You know I’d never let anyone hurt you.”

She opened her eyes, and the glimpse of fear he caught in their green depths mirrored what he felt through their bond. They were both nervous. Hell, so much could go wrong during childbirth. They’d be stupid to
be worried to some extent.

“Breathe normally for me, Eva. I don’t want you to hyperventilate,” Simon soothed. “The needle is out now, and you can lay back if you’d like and make yourself comfortable however you want. The catheter won’t impede your movements, but be careful not to pull on it whenever you do roll over. I’ve begun the drip, and it should start giving you relief in the next few minutes.”

Eva sighed. “Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure.” He quickly and efficiently cleaned up the spot where he’d put his tray then stepped back and out of the way. “If there’s nothing else you need from me, I’ll be going. Oh, and congratulations.”

Adam stood from his kneeling position and helped his mate get comfortable before turning and thanking Simon, as well. The man had no clue how badly Adam wanted to hug him when he felt no more than a slight twinge as the next contraction came.

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