The Work and the Glory (109 page)

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Authors: Gerald N. Lund

Tags: #Fiction, #History

BOOK: The Work and the Glory
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Made thirty-five miles today after yesterday’s rest. We are now in Crawford County camped on the plains of Sandusky. Brother Parley P. said that it was among Wyandot tribes near here that he and the other missionaries to the Lamanites stopped in the winter of ’30-’31.

May 13th

Very difficult passage today. Made our way through a long range of beech trees. Roads very bad with deep sloughs and mud holes. Many times had to hook ropes to the wagons and aid the teams in getting them out. Horses and men are both exhausted. P. P. Pratt broke his harness and we had to pull him with ropes three miles, but he went onward singing and whistling.

Settlements are thinning now and food is harder to come by. Must be more cautious of what we use.

Had Matthew been two or three years older, would have brought him along. George A. Smith is just sixteen and holding up well. This is a grand experience to know we are marching in the Lord’s cause under the direction of a prophet of God.

Wd. 14th.

Reached Bellefontaine today. Abt. 175 miles from Kirtland now. Some grumbling. Sylvester Smith complains about the shortage of bread. He can be a sour man and short of temper. My own company fares well. Brother B., our captain, has sent two men ahead to procure supplies.

Friday, May 16

Last night, Brother Moses Martin fell asleep on guard duty and was discovered. This is viewed as very serious, knowing the number of our enemies. Court-martial held this evening. Brother M. said he was so overcome with fatigue, he could not keep his eyes open. Joseph recommended acquittal, but gave him and all of us stern warning to be alert henceforth.

As we passed through a growth of woods this morning, Joseph surprised us somewhat. He was speaking to his brother Hyrum and said he felt much depressed in spirit and lonesome in that place. We all felt the same, though knew not why. He then remarked that there had been a great deal of bloodshed near there and said that whenever a man of God was in a place where many have been killed he will feel melancholy and sink in spirit.

As the wagons passed on, not more than forty rods further from where Joseph had spoken, we came through the woods upon a farm. There on our left was a large mound, sixty or more feet high. We could see the remains of human bones and saw that this had been a burial place of some sort, though how long ago we could not tell. Joseph’s feelings were proved to be correct.

Many of the brethren are worried about “milk sickness” which seems prevalent hereabouts. Many are afraid to use the milk and butter obtained from local settlers. We inquired of Joseph what he felt, some even fearing that perhaps our enemies would sell us tainted milk to do us harm, but Joseph told us not to fear and promised if we would follow his counsel none would be harmed. Thus far, though we pass through areas where many are afflicted, Joseph’s promise has held true.

We passed through Dayton, Ohio this day. There was much curiosity about our company and many inquiries about where we were from and whence we journeyed. As per Joseph’s instructions, we give no specific information about where we are from or where we go, but remain vague. Joseph has instructed us that when those not of our number are around us, we are to call him Squire Cook. We know we have many enemies who would love to do us harm and we must be ever diligent.

May 18, Sabbath

No march today as it is Sunday. Yesterday we crossed the border into Indiana after a march of close to forty miles. The weather has been very warm and our feet were sore and badly blistered. Many stockings soaked with blood when our boots were removed. I thought my feet were strong after two weeks of trekking. I was wrong. There was considerable murmuring and I confess for a time this afternoon I was possessed of the same fault.

Sylvester Smith continues to be a bad apple in the barrel. He manifests a rebellious spirit and last night got into difficulty with one of the brethren. Joseph was called to give judgment. He rebuked Smith and others who showed the same spirit to a lesser degree. He gave the camp solemn warning, telling us that if we do not manifest a more godly spirit, we will meet with misfortunes, difficulties and hindrances, and that such would be so before we left the place in which we were camped.

This morning when we woke, a most singular occurrence lay before our eyes. We found almost every horse in the camp so badly foundered that we could barely lead them to water to drink. This was of great concern as we have twenty wagons filled with baggage for our companions in Zion and can go no further without the aid of the teams. Immediately our minds were taken back to Brother Joseph’s warning of the night previous and a somber spirit fell upon us all. Joseph called us together and proclaimed that as a witness that God ruled over all things and also that he had His eye upon us, if we would humble ourselves, the horses would be restored to health immediately.

We were inclined to heed his counsel with all diligence and I felt keenly to repent of my own failings of the day previous. To our complete amazement, by noon the horses were as nimble as ever, with one exception. Sylvester Smith’s horse died shortly after the rest were restored.

Mon. 19th

We have now struck the National Road, which makes the going better, though we must often detour around muddy holes and bogs. Hope all is well with family in Palmyra and Kirtland.

Wednesday, May 21

We passed through Indianapolis without incident. This was a small miracle of sorts. We learned that the residents of that city knew of our coming and had vowed we would not be allowed to pass. We were told that the governor of Indiana had declared that he would have the Mormons dispersed. There was some contention in the camp about whether to go through, as many of the brethren were filled with fear. This looked like it might be the first test of our mettle, and I admit I was filled with much anxiety too.

Brother Joseph declared in the name of the Lord that if we would exhibit faith in God we should pass through Indianapolis unmolested. Before entering the city some of us got into the wagons and separated from one another at some distance. Those who went through the city on foot walked down different streets. We all passed through without incident, then camped some miles west of the town, leaving the inhabitants to wonder what had become of the “large company” they had been expecting.

As I passed down a narrow street, I came upon a group of young children playing a game with a stick and a ball. A young lad about four was on the sidelines watching. He had dark hair and bright blue eyes. For a moment my heart leaped inside my bosom, for he looked much like my own Joshua. But it was not he, of course, and I marched on. My heart is heavy tonight because of being separated from those I love best.

Sunday, 25th

No worship service today, but spent the day washing, baking and mending clothes and equipment. We crossed the Wabash River yesterday and continued on until we entered Illinois. Estimate we are 375-400 miles from Kirtland and not much more than that from Independence. Nearing the halfway point. Tonight completes our third week on the trail. People still suspect we are “Mormonites” as they call us, but we tell them nothing. (We object to the title “Mormonites.” In the conference held just prior to our departure, it was decided we should call ourselves the Church of the Latter-day Saints.)

Had a bad dream during the night. It was about Lydia, but could not remember any details by morning except that I felt a great sadness and a sense of dread.

Monday, May 26th

Very hot and difficult today but several things of interest. Today we entered the first real prairie country we have seen thus far. It was a great curiosity to many of the brethren who have not been west before. The ground was so level that we saw deer a long way off. Some of the men got excited and started after them, only to realize their mistake in assessing the distance. We who have been on the plains before had some fun with them over the matter.

At noon we stopped at a slough, the only water within five or six miles. We had nothing else to drink and this water was filled with living animals, commonly called “wigglers.” We had to strain them out before we could drink it. Most felt inclined to wait a little longer. Some time later we found the house of a settler named Mr. Wayne who had a well of sweet water. It was received with great rejoicing as we were nearly famished by that time.

We crossed the Embarras River late this afternoon and made camp not far away. In pitching his tent, Brother Joseph discovered three prairie rattlesnakes which the brethren set about immediately to kill. Joseph rebuked us for this attitude. He asked how the serpents will ever lose their venom while the servants of
make war upon them. Taking sticks we carried the serpents—very carefully!—across a small creek and let them go on the other side. He said we should kill animals during our journey only when necessary for food.

Joseph later shot a squirrel from a tree and then passed on leaving it on the ground. Brother Orson Hyde picked the animal up and suggested it be cooked so that nothing be lost. Joseph commended him, for it showed he had learned the lesson Brother Joseph sought to teach us earlier.

Others continue to join us. Our numbers are now a little under 200. Will it be enough to throw down the watchtowers of the wicked? I do not know.

Tuesday, 27

Last night the prairie played another trick on our company. There is much concern about our enemies as reports are frequently received of their intent to harm us. The pickets were therefore much on the alert. Well after we had all retired to our couches, the guards ran and woke Brother Joseph. There were enemy camp fires to the southeast of us. A mob was approaching.

The Prophet, who has traveled to Missouri now more than once and is used to the landscape, immediately discovered the truth of the matter. The moon was just rising, and its reflection struck some trees along a creek, making them appear as an enemy encampment. But Joseph is not one to miss his fun and so he discharged his gun at any rate.

I am happy to report that while we awoke with some panic, we quickly came to arms in order. Joseph then told us what had happened, much to the embarrassment of the pickets. But he said the scenery was most delightful and well worth the trouble of any man who had not seen the broad prairie before to rise from his bed to witness. As we retired, Joseph was much amused, as were most of the camp, save perhaps the pickets.

This afternoon, Brother Solomon Humphreys, one of our more aged brethren, became so overcome with weariness that he lay down on the prairie sod and fell asleep. When he awoke, he found a rattlesnake coiled up asleep between his head and the hat which he tossed on the ground when he lay down. Much alarmed, the brethren wanted to kill it. But Brother Humphreys refused to harm it. “You shan’t hurt him,” he said. “He and I had a good nap together and I shall protect him.”

Thurs. May 29

The trip starts to wear on us now and tempers are growing thin. Some are not at all reluctant to let others do their work for them and this results in grumbling. Several times now I have had to help with the fire duty since Brother John K. always manages to be somewhere else when it is time for the work to be done. I have spoken to him thrice now, once quite sharply, but he tells me that I am to mind my own affairs and leave his to him.

Joseph seems to sense that our patience is being tried with the daily monotony of the journey. Today he divided us into three companies and we had a sham battle. It was good diversion and buoyed us up. Some of our captains show good judgment in directing their troops. There was one mishap, however. Brother H. C. Kimball had the skin cut from the palm of his hand when he grabbed a man’s sword while attempting to deflect his charge.

Tonight Brother Joseph rebuked the cook (Z. Coltrin) for serving him sweet bread while the rest of his company were given sour. Brother J. said he wanted no partiality shown to him in this regard. It is a joy to be in the company of Brother Joseph. He is unfailingly of good cheer and exhibits traits of great leadership. Again and again he demonstrates his prophetic gifts and shows that he has truly been called of God. Any man with eyes to see cannot help but exclaim, “There is a man of God!”

Friday, June 6

It has been some time since my last entry and since there is near an hour before trumpet call tonight, I shall seek to repent of my sloth.

We are now camped on the west bank of the Mississippi River, having spent the last two days ferrying all across, there being only one ferry at this place. As always, the river leaves one feeling quite insignificant as it is nearly a mile and a half wide here. The muddy currents swirl darkly and carry huge logs and much debris south toward the sea.

Some things of note since I last wrote. On June 2nd we crossed the Illinois River and camped on its banks until Tuesday the 3rd. There were some large mounds nearby, of which there are many in this area. Joseph says they were thrown up by the ancient inhabitants of the area—Nephites, Lamanites, etc. Many of us went with Joseph to the top of one of the largest. On the top were stones which appeared to be ancient altars, now in a state of ruin. There were also the remains of bones on the ground. Some of the brethren procured a shovel and a hoe and scraped down the dirt to the depth of about a foot. There we uncovered the skeleton of a man, almost in its entirety. Between his ribs was a stone arrow point, which had obviously caused his death.

After we left the mound, we inquired of Joseph who he thought this might have been. Joseph said that while he was on the mound, the visions of the past had been opened to his mind by the power of the Almighty. He discovered the man was named Zelph, a white Lamanite who had died in battle with the Lamanites. We rejoiced to think that God was so mindful of us that he would give us this information through his servant Joseph.

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