The Wolf's Prey (8 page)

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Authors: Edugardo Gilbert X

BOOK: The Wolf's Prey
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"Get used to it."
He smirks. Taking the soap in his hands and working up a lather, he
starts rubbing it into my skin washing every part of my body with
slow strong hands. By the time he's done I'm breathing heavily
again. He gently pushes me against the tile and kisses me
thoroughly. Making me want him even more. He pulls back and says,
"I have to stop."

I nod. Knowing he
knows his limits and respecting him more for it. I step out of the
shower handing him a towel and get one for myself. We walk to my
room and he dries off and gets in the bed completely naked. I walk
to my closet and put on a big t-shirt and a pair of cotton shorts.
I go to the bed and he pulls me to his chest.
Bottom of Form


Was it Good

I feel soft
kisses on my neck waking me up and my eyes snap open, remembering
last night. I feel Lennox's body flush against mine, hard and warm.
His head still nuzzled in my neck as we lay facing each other. His
hands are under my shirt caressing my sides, then lower to my hips.
He grips my hips tightly, grinding his hardness against me. I hum
my approval and he lifts my legs over his hip, getting even

"Jocelyn! Get
up!" Marta yells, banging on the door. Lennox doesn't stop and
pulls me to him again making sure to rub himself against my moist

I groan. "I'm

I pull away from
Lennox looking at his face. "I have school." He kisses my lips

"Same rules
apply. I want to know if anyone hits on you or any girls are mean
to you."

"Okay." I agree,
rolling out of bed.

He stands up too,
still naked and completely turned on. I look away quickly and go to
my closet to get dressed. Thank God I have a walk-in closet. I
don't think I can sleep completely naked and get dressed in front
of him anytime soon.

I throw on a pair
of white shorts with a brown belt, a navy and white striped shirt
and brown wedge sandals. I walk out to see a completely dressed
Lennox and he even made my bed. "Thank you." I say, pointing to the

"You're welcome."
He replies, watching me as I put on mascara and lip gloss. I look
behind me in the mirror and see him staring intently at my butt.
"You need to change." He states, walking forward.

I look down at
myself. "Why?"

"You're wearing a
thong." I pause, he can see it? I turn trying to look at my

"How do you know

"I can see
through your shorts."

My mouth drops
open. "I wear these all the time! No one's ever told me." I reply,
walking back into the closet. I take off the shorts and throw them
in the back of the closet. I take a pair of dark shorts from a
hanger and put them on adding the same brown belt. I turn back to
the door noticing I kept it open and see a very satisfied looking
Lennox. I blush.

"You wear thongs
a lot?" He asks, his voice rumbles like he's purring.

I nod. "Most of
the time."

I go to the
bathroom to brush my teeth and head back in the room. Lennox takes
a step towards me and Marta looks in. "Are you coming or what?
We're going to be late." Marta complains. I pick up my bag. Good
thing I didn't have any homework, it would have never gotten

He walks with us
out of the house and gives me a peck on the lips. "I'm picking you
up from school."

"Okay. I'll see
you then." I wave and get in the car. Marta drives away.

"Tell me
everything! How good was it? Was he gentle?" She asks, excitedly
bouncing in her seat.

"We didn't have
sex." I reply, looking out the window. Not really wanting to
describe to her what we did.

"You did
something. I heard the moaning." She smirks, knowingly.

Blushing I groan.
If she heard that means my parents heard. "You heard

"Oh yeah. You
were very vocal. So, I know you had an orgasm."

"Marta!" I shout,
turning even redder.

"Tell me! I want

"No, I don't want
to talk about it. It was very nice. That's all you get."

"You're such a
prude! Unless you're between the sheets." She mutters

"Marta!" I yell,
laughing. We pull up to school and I see people lazily walking into
the school. I get out to join the rest of the crowd that doesn't
want to be here.

Lucky for me the
day is passing quickly. The only irritating part is the whispers
about me and Lennox. Everyone knows about what happened at the
falls. Most of the girls and a few of the guys think Lennox hates
me and is isolating me from the pack. However, it seems like most
people have figured it out. At lunch, I see Beta Holden standing in
the corner and walk over to him. "Hello, Beta Holden. Are you on
watch?" I ask.

"Yep. Call me

"Well, Liam. Why
don't we get something to eat and you can sit with me? Instead of
creeping me out and watching me."

He chuckles and
starts walking to the line. "It creeps you out?"

"Oh, yeah. Big
time." I stand behind the last person, but Liam has other ideas. He
grips my arm and pulls me to the front of the line. "What do you

"I'll have the
two slices of pepperoni pizza and a chocolate milk." I say, to the

"I'll have the
same." He replies.

He pays for both
of us and we take our food to a nearby open table. "Thanks for

"You're welcome.
So, how was dinner last night?"

I'm lucky I
didn't start eating or I would have choked. "It didn't go as
expected." I answer.

"What do you

"Tom was there,
he started saying things about me not having a choice about leaving
the falls and about the mating."

"Jesus. Did he
kill him?"

"No, I stopped


I wince, looking
at him. "I put my hand down his pants."

It was his turn
to choke. He bangs on his chest, still managing to

"You what?" He
asks, shocked.

"I didn't want
to. Marta told me too." I clarify. "As a distraction."

"I'm sure it
worked." He chuckles.

"It did." I
respond, taking a bite of pizza. "Why do you have to watch me? What
does he think is going to happen? I'm in school."

"I don't ask
questions. I just do my job." He replies. "He probably doesn't want
a repeat of the boys fighting over you."

"Oh, please. I
think there was more to it than that. Who's going to fight over a
girl they don't know?"

"Horny adolescent
boys with too much testosterone." He states, smirking.

After lunch there
was more gossip. Now, it involved me and Beta Holden. I just rolled
my eyes and finished the rest of the day. The final bell rings, as
I’m walking to the front of the building. I see Tom walking towards
me with his head down looking at a clip board. I don't know what to
say to him, hopefully he doesn't look up.

As soon as I
thought that, his eyes snap to mine. I give him a weak smile. "Hi."
I look at his neck and see the bruising from Lennox hands. "I'm so
sorry about that." I say, looking at his neck

"It's not your
fault." He replies, seriously rubbing at his neck.

I shrug. "I still
feel bad."

"It was stupid of
me to say anything."

I nod. At least
we can agree on that. "Well, I better go. Lennox is waiting for me.
Take care."

I see his eyes
harden. "You too."

I nod and walk
away. I get out to the parking lot and see Lennox waiting by his
truck. I can't help but smile when I see him. I walk up to him.
"Thanks for the ride."

He pulls me
closer to him and kisses me deeply. He stops and opens the truck
door and lifts me in. I'm still in a daze, until I look and see the
whole school looking at us. I see most of them are either shocked,
outraged or jealous. The rest are wearing an ‘I told you so’ look.
Wow, that shut them up.

Lennox gets in
and drives away. "I want to take you to dinner tonight."


"I'll come get
you at six."

"Okay. I should
be able get my homework done by then."


"In school?" He
nods. "No, it's school."

"Why don't you
have friends?" He asks. I shrug, Beta Holden must have told him. I
might not be good at making friends, but he made it impossible.
Most of the pack thinks he doesn’t want anyone interacting with me.
"Answer me." He says, pulling into my driveway.

"I'm not good at
making friends and with your rules not to talk or touch me, I think
most just wanted to avoid me all together and still do."

He growls. "You
were with those girls last Saturday."

"They're Marta's

"Things will
change. Now, that they know you’re mine."

"At least the
rumors about me and Liam will stop." I chuckle.

"Why would there
be rumors about the two of you?"

"Well, I made him
eat with me today. So, that got the rumor mill started." I explain,
rolling my eyes.

He stares at me.
"You shared a meal together?" He looks calm, but his question gets
my heart racing.


"You shared a
meal with my beta and called him Liam." He states.

"Yes." I reply,
cautiously. Not really thinking it was a question.

"Are you trying
to piss me off?"

"No! I just told
you why. I don't have any friends. I just didn't want to sit

He closes his
eyes trying to calm himself down. I guess I can't talk or sit with
anyone. Is this what my life is going to be like? Walking on egg

"Did you see

I tense up. "I
saw him when I was leaving school."

"Did you speak to

"I told him hi
and said sorry for his neck."

"Sorry, for his
neck?" He growls.

I gulp. "Yes, it
looked like it really hurt." I say, quietly. I see my answer hasn't
calmed him down. Why does he make me feel like I should know
better? That talking to Liam was unacceptable and talking to Tom
was inconceivable in his mind.

"Stay away from
the both of them."

I feel the tears
well in my eyes. It's not that I'm hurt, but I'm so frustrated. I
feel like I'm constantly doing something wrong. I turn away from
him and open the truck door. He tells me to wait but I don't
listen. I'm afraid my tears will fall. I keep my head down as he
steps beside me.

"Did you not hear

"I heard you." I
answer, still walking. His hands stops me from walking further. "I
have a lot of homework." I mutter.

"I'll be here at
six." He reminds me. I nod and walk around him. I walk in the house
and close the door, running up the stairs to my room

What an

Alpha Lennox

I'm such a
fucking asshole! I think to myself throwing open the doors of my
office. I keep screwing everything up. My temper and jealousy are
at an all-time high. A very deadly mix. I want Jocelyn to make
friends, I just rather it be with other she-wolves. I'm not used to
her sweetness. She's so good and pure, she doesn't know what other
men think of her. I don't know what it is but it's like she doesn't
think of herself as attractive, that she's lacking. I know her
father has something to do with it. I haven't heard him say
anything offensive to her since the first day we met.

I can't hold back
my wolf with her. I feel even more possessive since last night. I
thought about her all day, I could barely concentrate on work. I
know I can't keep her from talking to other people but damn it! Did
she have to talk to the mother fucker I almost killed? She felt bad
for him! He should have kept his mouth shut! He disrespected me as
his Alpha. What did she expect me to do?

I know I owe her
an apology. I don't mind her talking to Liam. I did at first
because if he was sitting with her at lunch that means he wasn't
watching for any threats. I want him to avoid any possible danger,
not be with her if anything happens. I need to put an Enforcer on
her. Liam can be her friend but not if he's going to stop doing his

I upset her by
getting mad, she didn't seem scared. More like she was irritated
with me. Of course she had every reason to be. I'll make it up to
her. I just need her to realize that until I mark her, my wolf
won't stop surfacing. He'll want to dominate her until she submits
to us, allowing for us to fully claim her. She'll

Now, what do I do
to apologize? Thinking about it for a minute I get the best idea. I
walk to the kitchen seeing Beverly, my chef, prepping for dinner. I
was going to take Jocelyn out but I think I'll bring her here. She
notices me and jumps. "I need a favor."

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