The Wolf's Prey (7 page)

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Authors: Edugardo Gilbert X

BOOK: The Wolf's Prey
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"Here, let me
cover it." She offers.

"It’s really
dark." I warn thinking nothing will help it. But it’s worth a try.
I wear my hair up a lot.

"It will cover
most of it so it’s not so obvious." She states dabbing the mark
with the foundation then covering it with loose powder. She's
right, you can barely see it. I hug her and walk to the closet. I
pick out a light purple loose sundress with a cream and brown

I don't bother
putting on shoes. "You look lovely."


"Put on heels.
You don't want to look too short next to Alpha Hall."

"Yeah, I guess
you’re right.” I put on my brown wedges and we hear the doorbell

"I didn't tell
him a time. We still have a half hour before the casserole is done
and your sister invited someone too and he's not here yet." She

"Relax, we'll
just watch TV or something."

We walk out of
the room and downstairs. I see my dad standing awkwardly with
Lennox and smile. My dad hasn't said much to me since he found out
earlier today. While Marta and my mom grilled me, he remained
pensive. I walk up to them and I see Lennox looking at my neck and
I cover it with my hand blushing. He removes my hand and licks his
thumb wiping off the cover up. "Don't ever cover my

I nod feeling
uncomfortable with my parents watching this, knowing how I got this
mark. Did he have to do it in front of them? Especially my dad who
looks so painfully uneasy he keeps shifting on his feet, looking
anywhere but us. "Dinner’s not ready yet. Want to go for a run or
watch TV?" I ask.


"Well, I haven't
run in a week. I'd really like to see some of the

He nods in
agreement and takes my hand walking to the back door. At the edge
of the woods I pull my hand from his to go shift. I hear his low
growl but he lets me walk away behind a tree. I lay my clothes on a
tree and seconds later I'm in wolf form instantly seeing, smelling
and hearing better.

I walk out and
see that Lennox hasn't turned and look at him questionably. He
smirks. "You’re beautiful." He states looking over my pure white
wolf. "I don't trust my wolf to keep from taking you." He adds
explaining why he didn't shift.

He starts
walking through the woods and I follow staying by his side. He
stops in the middle of an open meadow and looks down at

"You can
run here but don't go out of my sight."

I take
off happily, running around the edge where the trees meet the
meadow. I chase a few birds and I scare a few mice. When I circle
for the eighth time, I glance at Lennox seeing how ridged and tense
he looks. I know looking at him he is fighting back his instincts
to chase me. I walk slowly over to him and nudge his legs letting
him know I want to go back. We start walking back, I'm fully aware
I need to stay slightly behind him if I want to help him control
his wolf even if everything in me is telling me to bolt.

I slowly
walk away from him to get my clothes and I hear his warning growl.
I freeze and turn to him keeping my head down. He stands in front
of me then walks me to my clothes. Still standing where I can see
him he turns and I take that as my cue to get dressed. I shift and
put on my bra and underwear in record speed. Pulling my dress back
on and belting it. I sit down on a stump to put my shoes on and
walk to his side.

I ask. Noticing he's not as tense.

He looks
down at me. "Barely. You’re lucky you stopped when you

the back door I smell the Alfredo chicken casserole and my mouth
waters. My favorite dish, well any pasta really. "Dinner’s ready."
Mom tells us and I lead the way to the dining table where I see
Tom, Marta and dad sitting and talking.

"Sorry, I
got caught up running." I apologize. Lennox pulls out my chair for
me and I thank him and sit down. He sits next to me and the table
gets quiet.

would you like to drink, Lennox?" I ask about to go get him
something. Mom beats me to it, bringing out a pitcher of iced

"Tea is
fine." He replies. I stand and pour everyone's drink.

"So, did
everyone have fun at the falls?" I ask searching for something to

"Elizabeth got sick on Kyle. That was pretty funny. Then
everyone from school started showing up and it got kind of crowded.
You would've hated it." Marta answers.

should have been her choice to leave." Tom states.

I hear
the growl start beside me and say, "Marta's right, I wouldn't have
liked it. I don't like crowds."

"Do you
have something you'd like to say to me?" Lennox asks Tom. I flinch
from the anger in his voice.

that she's not eighteen. You haven't forcefully claimed her, yet.
She should get a say-"

I blink
and Lennox's arm reaches across the table gripping Tom’s neck. He
pulls Tom onto the table until they are face to face. "I would be
very careful about what you say to me." He threatens. Then Lennox
stands up and starts dragging Tom by the neck behind

something to calm him down!" Marta yells. I jump up and run to
Lennox pulling on his belt trying to stop him from walking but I
just slide as he pulls me along.

"What do
I do?" I ask panicking.

him." Mom answers her eyes big.

throws Tom and I hear him landing roughly on the floor and his
gulping breaths trying to get air. I try standing in front of
Lennox but he just picks me up and sets me aside. I look at my
family with my arms up, "What now?" I ask as Lennox advances on

Top of Form


"Grab his Willis
and doodle-berries!" Marta shouts looking at Tom like he's about to
die. I stand back in front of Lennox as he stands directly beside
Tom and shove my hand down the front of his pants. I try to get all
of him in my hand but I can't. I look at Marta worriedly. I hear a
growl thinking he's still going to go after Tom.

"It doesn't fit
in one hand! Do I use both?" I ask almost in tears feeling like a
failure. Knowing he's going to kill Tom. Why is this thing so big
and hard? I feel it move and almost panic but I hold it

"Use both." I
hear Lennox say from above me. I look up and see him smirking down
at me and I feel mortified like I got caught with my hand in the
cookie jar. I don't know how I was expecting to get out of this not
feeling like a complete pervert.

"I'm sorry.” I
release him and pull my hands out of his pants at lightning speed.
He groans and turns to Tom.

"Leave." He
orders. Tom stands up and walks to the door. I'm relieved, I just
hope Tom realizes he shouldn't challenge Lennox now, he won't

I look at Marta
and my mom who are trying to stop from laughing at me. I swear to
God, I will get Marta back for this. I walk over to her. "His
Willis and doodle-berries! You couldn't think of anything else?" I

She giggles and
Mom laughs. "Sorry, but it’s the only thing you could reach. It’s
not like you could stand in front of him and kiss him." She
answers. My mom picks up the tipped over cups on the table and
starts serving the pasta. I can't even look at my dad or Lennox.
Should I wash my hands?

Mom sets a plate
in front of me and I start to eat not wanting to offend Lennox with
going to wash my hands. I hear Marta smothering her laughter and
glare at her.

"What?" I

She laughs
harder. "You were staring at your hand like you were wondering if
you should wash it or not." She points out. I hate having a twin.
They know you too well!

"I was not." I
deny. I hear the deep rumble of Lennox's rough laugh. "Thanks,
Marta." I groan.

Dinner was less
dangerous with Tom gone. Lennox was more relaxed and the
hands-down-his-pants incident was slightly referred to throughout
the meal. Example, when Marta wanted more garlic bread she asked my
mom to 'give her a HAND and HAND her the plate of bread'. In which
my mom responded, ‘should I use both hands?’ Even I had to

Marta and I help
mom clear the table while Lennox and Dad go to the living room to
watch TV. I start rinsing the plates and putting them in the dish
washer. When my mom leaves to take them pie for desert, Marta
whispers, "Tom had a point. Have you thought of meeting anyone
before our birthday?"

"I don't really
want to. I'm already uncomfortable with guys, I can't imagine
trying to flirt or suggest mating in two months."

"So you're just
going to let him have his way? What if you actually meet

"You’ve seen what
he can do. I like him so it’s fine." I whisper back. "I just wish
it wasn't so sudden, but it’s almost like he can't wait. He watched
me run in wolf form and could barely contain his wolf."

"Have you told
him you want more time? Maybe he'll listen."

I look at Marta
knowingly. "There's no way that's going to happen. Trust me, he's
hanging on by the skin of his teeth. I doubt he gives me the two

"You think he'll
mate you without your permission?"

"I told you, he
can't control himself. I've seen it. Look at this mark." I point to
my neck. "He could have marked me, I wasn't even fighting. It
didn't even cross my mind. He's-" I don't want to tell her this but
I think I have too, maybe it will make sense to her. "He's the
first guy to turn me on." I whisper even quieter.

"Are you
serious?" She chuckles.


"You think you
needed to tell me that? I know you've never looked twice at a guy
until he came into the picture. He's definitely hot enough to melt
that glacier in your vagina."

I bump her with
my shoulder and finish the dishes. "When he smiles-" I start saying
and see she's already shaking her head yes.

"The sexiest
thing in the world." She finishes.

I laugh.
"Exactly." I wash my hands and we go into the living room. My mom
and dad are sitting on one couch and Lennox is in a chair leaving
the love seat open for Marta and me. I follow Marta to the love
seat but I'm stopped before I make it. Lennox grabs my hips and
pulls me onto his lap. I settle into his arms and he kisses my mark
giving me chills.

I wake up in the
middle of the night still in the living room. The lights are off
and there's a blanket over me. I realize I'm still on Lennox's lap,
he cannot be comfortable. I try to pick myself up off him and slide
out of his arms. I get one foot on the floor when he wakes up and
pulls me back down. "Where are you going?"

"To bed. You
can't be comfortable with me on you like this."

He kisses my
neck. "I'm very comfortable."

I'm wide awake
now but I try to make myself comfortable again. I feel Lennox
unbuckle my belt and take it off me. I have to admit it feels
better off. He starts to lift my dress by bunching it up on the
sides and it lifts slowly. My breathing speeds up. Do I tell him to

His hands on my
thighs feel warm and calloused. His fingers tease the inside of my
upper leg and I moan when they brush against my underwear. He does
it again, only this time more deliberately and he doesn't stop with
one touch. He starts to trace my thong and then surprising me he
rips it, allowing his fingers to touch my flesh. I bite my lip to
stop myself from moaning. As he caresses me, I feel him slide a
finger inside. I can't help my gasp of pleasure. My hands tighten
on the arm rests.

Lennox pushes me
forward and I hear his zipper and he shuffles a bit. He takes my
right hand and brings it behind me and in front of him. "I want you
to touch me." He whispers. I feel the length of him. He's hard and
big. Yet his skin is soft and hot. I try to concentrate on touching
him as he continues to explore me. He pulls my dress over my head
and drops it beside the chair. The cool air feels nice against my
heated skin. With one hand he unclasps my bra and it joins my
dress. His one hand still plays with my sensitive nub and the other
cups my breast. When I start to shake coming close to something, I
feel him pinch and pull on my nipple making me come undone. My
thighs shake and I moan loudly. I feel him grunt and jerk up in my
hand, spilling wetness on my back.

I lean back still
coming down from his touch. I've never experienced anything like
that before, it was amazing. He picks up my clothes and hands them
to me. Before I can put them on he carries me upstairs and to the
bathroom. When he turns on the light I try to cover up which only
makes him smirk. "I'm getting in with you, sweetheart." He states
turning the shower on. He sets me on my feet and I keep my clothes
in front of me as he starts to strip. Eyes wide I look away and
jump under the still cold spray. I can tell he's amused when he
opens the glass door and stares at me.

"Whatever, I've
never been naked in front of anyone before." I tell him hating my

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