Read The Wolf's Prey Online

Authors: Edugardo Gilbert X

The Wolf's Prey (27 page)

BOOK: The Wolf's Prey
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I sit down as he
makes me a thick turkey sandwich and slides the plate in front of
me. "Thank you."

He leans against
the counter crossing his arms and watches me as I eat. I wish there
was something I could do or say to assure him I'm not going
anywhere and nothing is going to happen. Lennox on full alert mode
isn't going to be a good time. I can guarantee any protective
instincts he has have been multiplied ten fold.

I still can't
believe Rachael tried to help me. That means more to me than it
does to Lennox i'm sure. I tried to protect Marta, because I think
of her as a sister. Maybe Rachael isn't as upset as she let on,
maybe she was doing it for attention, she does seem like the

Thinking about
Marta has me thinking about the Robinson's. I haven't seen them
since the day at clearing, after I met up with Marta and they left.
I think its time to talk to them, I have so many questions I want
answered, but I don't know where to start. After finding out my
whole life has been a lie I avoided thinking about things. I ran
not wanting to confront anything, but after the last few days I
need things cleared up. Maybe getting some closure will help with
moving on and understanding myself more.

The Robinson's
raised me from infancy and never once did I doubt them as parents.
How much of my mothers love was a lie? What about my grandfather?
Who was he really and why did we share the same purple eyes? What
about my aunt? She knew and didn't tell me or treat me any
differently than Marta. She also hasn't tried to contact me since
coming here. Is she even still here?

I finish eating
in silence not coming to any conclusions about how to deal with
Lennox or my life. Every time something goes wrong the only thing I
can think of to help the situation is getting back to the pack,
with Lennox I'm sure its the right solution. Lennox needs to feel
in control of the situation and that will help.

I stand up and we
walk back to bed together. I really need to shower but its late and
with Lennox's mood I'll probably have to shower while he watches. I
start unbuttoning my pants with my one hand when Lennox pushes my
hand away and takes over. He pulls my pants down then lifts me up,
setting me down on the bed he takes them completely off.

I  tug at
the covers and situate them around me as Lennox undresses, I cant
help but watch as his muscles jump with each movement he makes. It
hasn't even been that long since we were together, yet my body is
begging for his touch. I look away before he catches me drooling
over him. He's already embarrassed me once today, no need to make a
habit out of it.

When the bed dips
down I turn to look at him. I meet his eyes seeing nothing but want
clouding them. He knows I want him and I can feel his need just as
strongly. I hear the low rumble in his throat and know he won't be
acting on those feelings.

"Stop." He orders
as he lays down next to me. I shut my eyes willing my body to
control itself. I should've never watch him undress. His hand rests
on my hip and lifts turning me onto my side facing him. I must look
horrible. With a broken wrist, three claw marks on my back and a
serious neck wound, I am in no way at my best.

Knowing I look
pathetic kills my mood and  I meet his gaze. His hand still on
my hip moves under my shirt and caresses my side. He leans in
closer kissing me softly causing the feelings I just banished to
come back screaming. Shifting closer his body flushed against mine
he deepends the kiss and I moan, arching into his solid body.
Feeling his erection against me I move my hips against him.
Growling loudly he pushes my hips away and breaks our kiss. I blink
up at him, wondering why he stopped, when he pushes me onto my

"You're injured."
He states, breathing heavily.

"But I want you."
I reply, rolling back onto my side and against him.


He closes his
eyes and falls back against the bed, rubbing his eyes. I kiss his
naked chest and his eyes fly open. I can barley contain the smile
that threatens to pull at my lips. I roll my body until it's
halfway on top of his. I move down licking and kissing down his
chest to his stomach, following the dark trail of hair. When I get
to his hardness I take him in one hand as I kiss down the length of
his shaft and back up. I part my lips taking him into my mouth
causing his hips to leave the bed. His hands hook under my arms and
pull me up his body with ease.

Kissing me
roughly, his fingers trace my thighs until they move against my
center. I moan into his mouth and grind myself against his fingers.
I don't stop moving and he keeps me right at the edge of
completion. "Lennox." I beg. His fingers leave only to be replaced
by the tip of his erection. His hands guide my hips down and I moan
when I take all of him in, shifting my hips against his as he
thrusts up.

We make love
slowly, each movement is sweet torture. I don't know how he can
control himself when I lose everything with him, unaware of
anything but the bliss I'm feeling. It feels like hours by them
time our sweating bodies collapse against each other, fully


I stir in bed coming fully awake only after I brush my arm
along Lennox's side of bed and not meeting his hard body. I sit up
just as I hear a soft knock at the door. "Come in." I call out and
Jessica walks in.

"Hey, Marta is
on- Oh, my god it smells like sweaty balls in here." She complains,
waving her hand in front of her nose.

"Marta is coming
here?" I ask, sleepily.

"Yeah." She
replies, quickly holding her breath.

"Has Lennox said
when we're leaving?"

She nods and
pulls up the front of her shirt to cover her mouth and nose. "Later

I have somethings
to do before we leave, one of them is thanking Rachael for trying
to help when Wendy attacked. The other is talking to Marta and the
Robinson's, I need to know everything.

"You should
shower, trust me." She says, running to the door. I smile at her
antics and breathe in deeply. Holy cow she's right.

I get out of bed
after taking off the bandage on my neck I take a quick shower. I
dress in shorts and a black tee shirt and slip on black toms. I
grap the white gauze and tape before opening the bedroom door. With
my hair still wet from the shower I search for my mom to put a new
bandage on my neck. I walk into the kitchen finding Alpha Thompson
instead. He takes in my bare neck and the gauze and tape I'm


"Yeah, have you
see my mom?" I ask.

"She out
running." He replies, walking closer. He takes the tape and gauze
from my hands and gently moves my head to the side exposing my neck
even more. He makes quick work of the process like he knows exactly
what he's doing and is done within minutes.


"You're welcome.
What are the theories about your wolf rejecting the mating bond
with Alpha Hall?" He questions, in a no nonsense way. I see the
interest in his eyes, he's genuinely intrigued.

"Apparently, I
have to be pregnant for the bond to form." I explain.


"I wish I knew.
My father thinks its because of the fact I'm a white

"White wolf?" He

"Yeah, the same
thing that happened with my mother." I say, not having an more to
tell him.

He leans against
the counter top and I can see that he's thinking intently. "So,
genetically your wolf rejects a mating bond until you're


He nods that he
understands as Jessica comes into the room. I watch as she gives
Alpha Thompson a glare and then turns to me. "Marta's here." I
start walking towards her and together we meet up with Marta at the
front door.


I look at her
like she's crazy. "I didn't break my legs."

"Shes talking
about how Lennox was after it happened. I was surprised he left you
alone this morning.

"Where is he?" I
question, surprised that he left me alone too.

"Finishing up
negotiations with the Red Wolf pack." Jessica answers. This would
be the time to get some answers without getting into trouble with
Lennox. Hopefully, I can go and get back before he notices I've

"Oh, no." Marta
says, looking at my intense face.

"I need your
help." I state,knowing she'll help me no matter what.

She sighs and
hunches her shoulders. "What is it?"

"I need to talk
to your mom and dad. I need some questions answered."

"And you need to
do this before Lennox's finds out you've gone?" She asks,

"Precisely." I

"I'm coming with
you." Jessica states, not wanting to be left out.

"You can drive
us. I don't want it to take too long and with my wrist its bound to
take longer if we run."

"You're going to
get me grounded, but what the hell. Lets go." Jessica replies,
grabbing a set of car keys from the foyer table. We leave the house
quietly as possible and make our way to Andrew territory, more
specifically the Robinson's house.


Q & A

We start towards
Andrew's territory in Jessica's Hummer. Andrew is meeting with the
Red Wolf Pack doing with my father and Lennox. I know we're leaving
tonight, so I'm sure negotiations will run long, until everything
is decided and agreed upon by the end of the day.

"Maybe I should
call them? Let them know you're coming?" Marta asks.

"No, I don't want
them preparing for questions. I want truthful answers and honest
reactions when I talk to them." I reply.

"You're right.
Dad will start preparing some kind of speech." Marta responds,

"We have to be
back within the hour. So, ask what you need and let's get out of
there. I don't need the whole pack out looking for us." Jessica
says, nervously.

"That won't even
notice we're gone. They're going to be in the meeting for hours.
Knowing Lennox he'll insist on getting it over with today, but he
won't rush it." I assure her.

"Still, I know
dad and Lennox. We're dead if they find out we left without them
knowing." She states.

"You know they'd
never let me leave. Not after what happened yesterday." I say,
moving my aching shoulder slightly.

"I know and I
shouldn't be taking you off our territory after yesterday either."
Jessica grumbles. I can tell she's nervous and anxious about
getting back home.

"You don't have
to protect me, Jessica. They were once my parents, nothings going
to happen. I will ask a couple questions and we can leave. I

"It's not Marta's
parents I'm worried about." She replies. "Dad has a lot going on
right now. He doesn't need any more stress."

"A half hour.
That's all I need." I respond, thankful for her help.This seems to
ease some of her tension and she gives me a weak smile and

As we get closer
and Marta gives directions to her house. I use this time to gather
my thoughts. I don't want to be mad at them, I understand that they
had no choice. Yet, in the back of my mind I keep thinking there
had to have been something they could've done. I think that's where
I'm having the most trouble. I need to move on and I except the
fact that things can't be changed.

Why couldn't they
have told me? Why did they have to wait so long? My trust and whole
life changed in an instant. I felt hurt and betrayed by the only by
parents I knew. Having the rug pulled out from under my feet shook
me and I grabbed on to the only thing I could, Lennox.

I have so many
things to be grateful for and Lennox is definitely one of them. I
glance at Marta, she's another reason to be thankful my life turned
out the way it did. I love her and can't imagine growing up without

"It wasn't so bad
with us...was it?" Marta asks, hesitating briefly.

I smile turning
to look at her. "I was just thinking how different my life would've
been. I can't picture not growing up with you. I'm just upset about
the lies, Marta. Not how I was raised, I just need to know,


"Why didn't they
tell me? I would've understood." I say, sadly.

"I don't know
why, Joce. They don't talk about it. At least not with

I nod and turn
back around thinking about my real parents compared to the
Robinson's. I think deep down inside I knew I didn't fit in with
the Robinson's. Meeting my real parents solidified those past
feelings. Seeing my real family something clicked inside of me. It
felt right and gave me a sense that I was finally home. There's no
explanation for it and I don't need one. My heart knew immediately
that this was home.

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BOOK: The Wolf's Prey
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