Read The Wolf's Prey Online

Authors: Edugardo Gilbert X

The Wolf's Prey (25 page)

BOOK: The Wolf's Prey
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has already shown restraint by not advancing on my father’s
territory. Maybe he can show restraint when it comes to the
claiming me? I am beginning to think I was wrong about him, that he
might listen if I ask him to wait.

pulls at my arm until I start to move again. I walk with her into
the lunch room. The smell of food hits me, making me hungry. I put
all thoughts of Lennox in the back on my mind and continue to
follow Jessica to a half empty table. I sit and so does Jessica,
who is already talking a mile a minute to the person across from

lunch is almost over the room goes quiet. I look up from the book
I'm reading and everyone is staring wide eyed at the double doors
that lead out to the parking lot. I turn in my seat to see what is
happening and see Lennox walking towards me. My eyes go wide and my
pulse races. I stand up and start running towards him flinging
myself into his arms. His arms wrap around me, picking me up and I
wrap my legs around his waist to support my weight.


I shrug
and smile. "A little."



I tighten my legs
around Lennox as he walks further away from school, resting my head
on his shoulder. I still can't believe he's here and I don't care
how it happened. I missed him, he makes me feel whole and safe when
I'm with him. I felt all of that as soon as we made eye-contact in
the lunch room, I never want to go a day without it. I just want to
go home. "Are we leaving?" I ask.

immediately." He replies, arms tightening around me. I nod that I
hear him as he stops at a black hummer and I lift my

"So, my dad does
know." I state, amused.

"He does." He
replies and sets me on my feet.

"Not that it
matters but explain anyway." I request.

"He realized he
was making a mistake." He smiles, leaning down and capturing my
lips in a searing kiss.

I sigh when he
pulls away. "I'm grateful. That's means no fighting."

"Not entirely."
He grumbles.

Not liking the
sound of that my face falls. He looks away from me and nods behind
me. I turn watching Andrew pull into the parking lot, not looking
happy about Lennox's presence. "Forgive me." Lennox says, leaning
down. I'm confused until I feel his canines at the side of my neck
and his hands bracing my neck. He bits down hard and I wince until
the euphoric feeling washes over me. Andrews loud growl breaks me
out of the trace and I watch as he walks determinedly to

Lennox moans as
he stands upright and watches Andrew. "I don't know how you
convinced Travis to agree to this and I don't care. However, you
are now on my land and I'm not okay with it."

"Its shared land.
Between you and the Griffin Pack." Lennox, corrects.

"I don't believe
you got my permission. Shared land or not."

"If you want we
can settle this disagreement right now." Lennox, welcomes. I feel
his anger and excitement spike through me.

Andrew nods.
"Fuck it. I'm not keen on awaiting any longer."

I stand stunned
at their casual agreement to try to kill one another in front of
me. They take one step closer to each other when both of their
phones ring simultaneously. Both take out their phones and answer
as if nothing is amiss. "Alpha Hall." "Alpha Briggs." I look at
both them, not in shock anymore but fascination. They're both so
similar, is it an Alpha thing to walk around without any

They lock eyes
while still on their phone. They hang up within seconds of each
other. "After we handle this, your ass will be six feet under."
Lennox tells him.

"The only thing
I'll be buried six feet in is her." Andrew says, gesturing towards
me. Making me gasp at his crudeness.

Lennox throws the
first punch contacting with the side of Andrews face, just below
his eye. The force knocks Andrew back against his car. Andrew
stands up quickly holding his jaw and working it back and forth.
Lennox motions Andrew forward asking for a fight. Andrew complies
and rushes forward turning into his wolf. Lennox jumps shifting in
mid air, his jaws snapping at Andrew. Others start making their way
to the parking lot. Some even climbing out windows to witness the
fight. Teachers and students mix together trying to find a close
spot. I see Jessica and her concerned face as she fights to get

I call out to
her, getting her attention. She looks up and I yell, "Call dad!
Now!" She nods and takes out her phone. I scan the crowd looking
for Marta, finding her standing next to Beta Hightower. I watch as
she tries to pull away from him and his hand tightens around her
arm not allowing her to come closer. I study Beta Hightower, he
looks happy about the fight.

Of course, why
wouldn't he be happy his Alpha is being attacked? He could take
over without a fight. Disgusted I look back at Marta who is now
beyond frightened and is pleading for he. When she tugs at her arm
again and cries out in pain, I don't hesitate.

I shift and
sprint towards Beta Hightower with one purpose, to get him away
from Marta.He doesn't see me and doesn't care about his treatment
to Marta's arm or her tears. I plow into him as hard as I can
allowing Marta to move away as he falls back. I land on top of him
clawing at his body and biting the spot where is neck meets his
shoulder, shacking my head tearing a chunk of his flesh from his
body. His eyes are murderous as he glares at me and fear ripples
through me as he shifts into his wolf. I back away from him feeling
my paw throb. Completely forgetting about my early injury, I
stupidly attacked. The soreness of my weak paw as I hold it
slightly off the ground registers on his face and he attacks. The
weight of his body forces me backward onto my back. His head lowers
to my neck, his jaws snapping but before he can hurt me, his head
is pulled away under Lennox's arm and his head is twisted. Snapping
under the pressure, effectively killing him in one quick move.
Lennox pulls the corpse of Beta Hightower's body off of me and lets
it drop. Andrew comes to my side and I close my eyes when I see
he's naked.

"He attacked

I nod and still
in wolf form. He rolls me over and I stand up whimpering when I put
pressure on my paw. It not as bad as it was when I first broke it
but I'm sure what I did wasn't the smartest thing to do. I just
hope I didn't re-break it. I sit back down and Lennox comes back
with a blanket still completely nude.

"Beta Hightower
was forcing me to stay near him and refused to let me help Jocelyn.
He was excited you were going to be killed and he was going to take
over the pack. He told me himself and when I started to struggle to
get to Jocelyn he grabbed on to my arm." Marta explains, showing
Andrew and Lennox her arm. Lennox bends down covering me with the

"Looks like your
Beta had bigger and better plans." Lennox states. Then looks at me,
"Shift." He orders and I obey. He tightens the blanket around me as
I shift to my smaller form. "How's your wrist?"

"Its okay, just a
little sore."

"You attacked
Dante for your sister?" Andrew asks, as if verifying Marta's

"Yeah, he was
hurting her." I answer, taking in his cut face and already swelling

"Don't ever do
that again." Lennox demands pulling me into his arms and standing
up. I check his face and see a couple of scratches but nothing
serious. I don't think they got to more then scuffling before
Lennox stopped the fight to save me.

"Yeah." Jessica
says siding with Lennox. "Sorry, to break up the lovefest but my
dad said he needs to see the both of you."

"Shit." Andrew
says, walking quickly to his car and Lennox does the

"What's the
rush?" I question, startled by both the Alphas

"Rachael is back.
The Red Moon pack detained her and escorted her back to your dad's
territory. He wants us to be here when they show up. Which, should
be any minute." He places me in the car and walks around the car,
getting behind the wheel and speeding back to my dads house. As we
speed through town I cant help but think of riding with Jessica as
we fly thorough another red light.

We pull up just
as Andrew gets out of his car and Lennox parks the car. I get out
following Lennox into the house. My dad greets us his face anxious
and he calls for clothes to be brought to the guys. I start walking
upstairs to change but Lennox stops me with one hand. I look at him
then towards the blanket telling him without words I need to change
and he removes his arm.

"Don't take
long." He replies, seriously.

I smile at his
need to be with me and nod. I turn back and start running up the
steps, wanting to be with him just the same. I wince when I have to
hold the blanket with my weak hand and open the door. I walk in and
straight to the duffle bag I brought with me, I take out a white
bra, underwear, dark skinny jeans and a white tank top.

After getting
dressed as fast as I can I start making my way to the first floor,
more specifically my fathers office. I knock once and the door
opens. Dad is standing holding the door open, he must have been
pacing because Lennox and Andrew are sitting. Andrew is in the
chair in front of the desk and Lennox is on the couch. I make my
way over to Lennox, his hands instantly grabbing my hips and
brining me onto his lap when I'm close enough.

I smile and lean
back into his chest loving his warmth. his arms go around me and he
nuzzles the mark he made on my neck. I cant help but smile at his
affectionate side and giggle when I feel his member start to

"Please, refrain
from the groping while I'm here." Jessica's says, sitting next to
us on the couch. Lennox doesn't listen and continues to kiss and
nibble my ear lobe. Jessica pretends it's making her vomit and I
laugh. I notice Andrew looking grumpy, yet he also look defeated.
He must know that he was no match for Lennox, at least I hope he

Andrew may be a
little rough around the edges, but I know he is a good man. A good
man that just lost his Beta. "I'm sorry about your Beta,

"Don't be. I'm
glad I know he had no loyalty towards me." He replies, watching the

"Marta's not in
trouble is she?" I ask.

"Why would she be
in trouble? Is there something you're not telling me?" Andrew
questions, instantly on alert.

"No, I just
thought because she was with him. I don't know it was a stupid
question." I mumble, looking at the floor. Way to basically tell
him Marta knew Dante was going to challenge him.

"I still can't
believe he attacked you. I almost had a crap attack." Jessica says,
seriously biting her fingernails.

I cringe. "Gross,

"What? Its the
truth you shouldn't have done that." Jessica replies, shaking her

"Sorry if I
worried you." I say, patting her hand.

"Forgiven, but if
you do that ever again I'll kill you myself." she responds, winking
at me.

"When are they
supposed to be here? Not that I miss the bitch." Jessica asks,
looking at dad.

Sighing and
running his fingers through his hair dad looks at his watch. "Ten
more minutes." He answers as Travis Jr. comes in the room looking
tired. Big brother looks like he hasn't slept in days.

"How's Brenda?"
Dad asks, concerned.

and hormonal. She was tossing and turning all night. The due date
is next week, but I think it'll be any day now." He replies,
tiredly. Mom comes in right after Travis Jr. and rubs his back

"She'll be okay."
Mom states, reassuringly.

"I'm just ready
for the baby to come already." He sighs, sitting in the chair next
to Andrew.

"Since everyone
is here I have an announcement to make." Dad states, looking at
everyone. "I'm stepping down as alpha the day after the challenge."
He looks at Travis who looks stunned by the announcement. "That
gives you a year of running the pack and training for next year and
any future challenges." He says to his son.

"Are you sure?"
Travis asks dad.

"Yes, I'm fine.
I'm tried and getting too old for these sleepless nights." Dad
responds, looking like he'd rather step down tomorrow.

"You'll do
great." Mom tells Travis Jr., smiling encouragingly.

"They're here."
Lennox says to the room.

Dad strides to
the door and Lennox stands up setting me on the couch next to
Jessica and follows after my dad, Andrew, and Travis Jr. "Stay
here." Lennox demands, looking straight at me just as he

"Do you think
she's going to go mental on us all?" Jessica whispers,

I roll my eyes
and mom tells her to stop. I'm more nervous about the red wolf pack
coming here then Rachel. They never leave their territory and I
heard its almost impenetrable if your an outsider and don't know
where to go. The land is full of mountains and ravines many people
have died trying to attack the pack after finding the land rich
with oil. I don't know much about the Alpha or the pack other then
the fact they never admit outsiders. Asking them to join their pack
is more times then not rejected.

BOOK: The Wolf's Prey
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