Read The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #Vampires

The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate (17 page)

BOOK: The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate
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The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate


dislodged Jace’s dick from Paris’s body, but Paris didn’t even have

time to complain, as Jace shoved his dick back in so hard Paris’s teeth


From that point on, Paris’s world melted into a blur of rapture,

instinct, and desire. He was completely at Jace’s mercy, and he loved

it. Over and over, Jace thrust inside him, the forceful movements

making the bed hit the wall and creak in protest. Paris heard himself

moan and plead and barely recognized his voice as his own. He was

well aware that whoever had been given the neighboring room must

also be realizing what was going on, especially since he couldn’t hold

back his cries to save his life. But Jace liked it, and Paris lost himself

in his mate’s passion, unable to care about anything else.

He’d been holding back for what seemed like forever, so it was no

surprise that Jace’s thorough fucking soon had him on the edge.

Burying his fingernails in Jace’s muscular shoulders, Paris bared his

throat, wordlessly demanding for Jace to claim him. Jace didn’t wait

for a second invitation. He struck, burying his canines in Paris’s neck.

Instantly, a whirlpool of pleasure burst over Paris, his world

fragmenting and reshaping to focus on one single man. He felt Jace

reach his peak as well, filling Paris’s ass with his essence. Their bond

glowed brighter than ever, fueled by the power of their love.

Emotions and sensations flowed between them, until Paris didn’t

know where he ended and Jace began.

It went on and on, until Paris’s very identity melted within Jace.

He would have been satisfied with remaining there forever, floating in

the haze of Jace’s desire, in a world where only the two of them

existed. But alas, time refused to stand still. Paris found himself

forced to return to reality, the afterglow of his climax starting to dim.

Together, they collapsed on the bed, spent, sweaty, and content.

“So, did it work?” Jace asked after a while.

Courtesy of their connection, Paris knew exactly what his mate

was referring to. He chuckled and cuddled close to his mate. “You


Scarlet Hyacinth

know it did. I’m sorry, by the way. I know I shouldn’t allow the past

to bother me, but sometimes, I can’t help it.”

Under normal circumstances, when Paris recalled his previous

life, he felt uncomfortable and self-conscious. Now, however, he was

too relaxed to worry about that. He didn’t even care that he was

covered in spunk they should probably clean. The only thing he

wanted was to remain in Jace’s embrace and be, just be.

Jace caressed his hair and kissed his forehead. “It’s normal. But

let’s not think about it for now. Get some sleep. King Sterling will

summon us soon for dinner.”

The reminder of where they were also brought back the reason of

their stay here. Even so, Paris didn’t allow Tyrell or Aria to intrude on

his little oasis of happiness. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply,

reveling in the scent that was so uniquely Jace, manly, spicy, and

familiar. It made Paris feel safe and loved. And as Paris drifted into

sleep, he knew that in his love, he could find the strength to fight for

his soul mate.

The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate


Chapter Five

The dining room of the Sidhe palace was as opulent and majestic

as the rest of the structure. Glittering chandeliers, crystal tableware,

and antique furniture were only a few of the luxuries that decorated

the area. That didn’t surprise Jace, especially since lately, he seemed

to be visiting a lot of such locales. However, he had been a little more

intimidated when he had learned that this was only one of the dining

rooms inside the royal residence, apparently quite small and poor

compared to the one actually used for balls and parties.

Even so, instead of lingering on his awe for the wealth displayed

with such elegance, he focused on the two men now entering the

room, two friends he had missed dearly.

King Sterling had organized a fancy dinner, even if the only

people present were Jace, Paris, and their companions. As he had

promised, he had brought Winter and Corbin with him. Since finding

out about Tyrell’s plans, Jace had been so very worried about them.

He had practically grown up with Corbin, and he saw the other man

as an older brother. As such, despite the knowledge of the necessity to

remain polite in front of the king, he couldn’t contain the urge to

enthusiastically greet the couple.

As soon as Corbin approached, Jace went to his side and hugged

him tightly. “It’s such a relief to see you,” he said. “How have you


Corbin embraced him back. “Happy. Worried. In love.”

Jace chuckled. “I know what that’s like.”

He broke away from Corbin and turned toward Winter. “Hey,

Winter. How’s the new member of our family doing?”


Scarlet Hyacinth

Winter smiled weakly. “Energetic,” he replied. “He wants to come

out into the world already.”

“Probably eager to meet his parents,” Paris said from behind Jace.

“Congratulations in advance.”

“Thank you,” Winter replied without missing a beat. “And you

must be Paris. We’ve heard a lot about you. Congratulations to you,

as well.”

Corbin squeezed Jace’s shoulder. “I really wondered who was

going to tame this one. It looks like he’s far luckier than I expected.”

Even if they were in public, Jace couldn’t suppress the urge to

reach out to his lover. Pulling Paris close, he kissed the other wolf,

loving the way Paris’s cheeks flamed at Corbin’s compliment.

Unfortunately, they weren’t here to celebrate their union, so he kept

the lip-lock brief. In the meantime, everyone else approached Winter

and Corbin, expressing their interest regarding Winter’s welfare and

the incoming birth. As the conversation continued, Jace half expected

the Sidhe prince to ask them to back down. Instead, Winter went to sit

down on one of the dining room chairs, but he seemed to welcome

their questions. The affection behind the inquiries appeared to

reassure him.

Jace could feel his mate’s curiosity, but also his embarrassment.

He wanted to touch Winter’s belly, but didn’t know how to ask. As if

guessing their thoughts, Winter beckoned them forward. “Come on. I

can tell you want to meet Lamont, too.”

Eagerly, Paris and Jace joined the others next to the dining room

table. Paris didn’t show any signs of his nervousness and just gave

Winter an inquiring look. The Sidhe prince nodded, that same warm

smile urging Paris forward. Jace noticed that in spite of everything

going on, Winter looked luminous, obviously happy about his

pregnancy and already loving the as-of-yet-unborn child.

As Paris gently petted Winter’s swollen belly, Jace felt his mate’s

awe and the decision to support the little life growing within. The

moment made Jace’s heart squeeze in his chest. He already knew that

The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate


Paris would one day be a great parent. Once this was all over, he

would do his best to cement his bond with the other wolf. When they

both felt ready, they would adopt.

Naturally, Winter soon needed some space. Everyone sat down

around the table, and servants began to bring in their dinner. Elaborate

dishes were set in front of them, the scents tantalizing Jace’s nostrils

and making his mouth water.

It was only the manners his parents had deeply ingrained him that

kept him from digging in like a ravenous beast. Well, that, but also

the relaxation lingering after the pleasure he’d shared with his mate.

A discreet blush tinted Paris’s cheeks, and Jace hid a smile. He was

relieved that none of them brought up Tyrell Hall’s imminent arrival,

because he was enjoying this calm, peaceful mood too much. Even

Noah, who at first seemed a bit more reluctant to accept the Sidhe’s

hospitality, allowed himself to crack a few smiles, drawn in by the

familiarity and the warmth.

“So, Corbin, tell me,” Derek was saying, “what’s it like being

Sidhe royalty?”

Corbin chuckled. “I honestly haven’t thought of myself that way.

I’m just trying to learn a little more about their ways and hopefully be

ready when the time comes for me to help Winter with further


They were dancing around the obvious fact that Winter would one

day become king, but Sterling just seemed amused. “They will both

get accustomed to the idea of one day leading this nation,” he said.

“When Winter comes of age, I know I will be leaving the Sidhe in

good hands.”

“Thank you, Uncle,” Winter said quietly. “Your support has been


“You deserve it,” the king replied. All of a sudden, his smile

disappeared, and he tensed.

“Uncle?” Winter inquired. “What’s wrong?”


Scarlet Hyacinth

Sterling got up, his expression closing off completely. “I am

needed elsewhere, I’m afraid,” he said. “Please, finish your dinner. I

will see you again soon.”

“It’s Tyrell, isn’t it?” Winter asked. He shot to his feet, eyes wide

with fear. Corbin was right there by his side, supporting him, holding

him close. “Uncle, tell me the truth,” Winter insisted. “Tyrell is here.”

King Sterling nodded. “He is making his way across the island as

we speak. Aria is with him. But you mustn’t worry. We can handle it.

I’ve posted guards all around the palace. They are aware of Tyrell’s

plan. We will catch him.” A ghost of a smile slipped on his lips. “Stay

calm,” he said. “I’ll handle this. You just keep yourself and Lamont


Instantly, the Sidhe prince started to protest. “But, Uncle—”

“No buts,” Sterling interrupted him. “Noah, please come with me.

Everyone else, stay with Winter. I’m relying on you to keep Winter

from danger.”

“Your Majesty, can I come as well?” Paris inquired, his tone

pleading. “I want to help.”

There was more to it than that. Paris needed to face his fears, to

feel like he had finally atoned for his mother’s sins so that he could at

last let go of the past. Jace knew that while his love was helping Paris

surpass many of his doubts, there were still wounds that refused to

close. At the same time, however, he’d have preferred to have

Sterling refuse Winter. Seeing Paris affected by Noah’s spell had been

bad enough. Tyrell was very dangerous, and just the thought of Paris

getting hurt made Jace sick to his stomach.

Paris threw him a narrow-eyed look.
“When are you going to trust

that I can protect myself?”
he asked through their bond.

Jace wrapped his arm around Paris’s shoulder, willing his mate to

understand his point. Paris melted against him, but his resolve

remained stern, and he turned toward the king again. “Please, Your

Majesty. I can be an asset to you. I know I can.”

The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate


“Very well,” Sterling said, much to Jace’s surprise and quiet

dismay. “You and your mate can join us. Stay close, be careful, and

no matter what happens, don’t lose your calm. Now, please follow


Without further ado, the king opened the dining room door and

headed out. After sharing a brief hug with Derek, Jace and Paris

rushed after him. Noah kissed Rhys’s cheek, whispering something

Jace couldn’t quite catch, then followed them. Outside, the king stood

in front of a group of Sidhe soldiers, giving quiet orders. Several men

headed out, probably to alert others of the possible attack.

“Come,” the king told them. “We will wait for Tyrell to advance.

The guards in the palace have been instructed to keep a close eye on

the area but pretend not to see him. We will intercept him once he is

already inside. Aria is with him. Paris and Jace, your task will be to

focus on her, while Noah will be focusing on blocking Tyrell’s magic,

should he attempt to fight us. There are a few other witches with him,

but don’t worry. We’ll have a lot of people ready to assist you.”

“Understood,” Jace replied. They were already moving,

presumably to the spot where they would set the ambush. He knew

that Aria would be stronger now, due to Tyrell’s spell, but Jace felt

stronger, too. He had an even deeper bond, one born out of love, not


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