The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate (16 page)

Read The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #Vampires

BOOK: The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate
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pregnancy. It is very rare among us, and while they are very skilled at

handling this sort of thing, an experienced person would help a lot.”

“It would be an honor, Your Majesty,” the incubus replied


As the two discussed further arrangements, conflicting emotions

filled Paris. When he’d first heard about male pregnancy, Paris had

been shocked, but his stay with the Wade pack had taught him many

things. Even if Paris still wasn’t completely used to the idea, he

accepted it as something specific to each species. But now, he found

another feeling invading him. He wished he could give Jace that, too.

Jace would not be able to be a father because of mating Paris.

“We can always adopt, Paris,”
Jace sent to him.
“It’s not like

we’re the only gay shifter couple.”

That was true, but Paris still felt a little jealous. Even so, he was

happy that two men had managed to build such a lovely family and

vowed to keep them safe. Tyrell wouldn’t get to them. Paris might not

be as strong as some of his friends, but he’d do his utmost to stop the


Finally, all the arrangements were made. King Sterling clapped

his hands together and smiled at them. “Very well, then. You must be

very tired from your journey. I’ve had rooms prepared for you where

you can rest. Feel free to notify the servants for anything you might


“You are too generous,” Anson said. “We thank you.”

“I am merely your host,” the king answered. “We will see each

other at dinner, and we’ll discuss this further.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

Taking their cue, everyone bowed in front of the throne and

headed out of the throne room. Soldiers followed them, apparently

already ready to do Sterling’s bidding.

They were led away into a different wing, and Paris paid close

attention to everything they were being shown and told since he might

need the information during their stay here. In his heart, he would

have preferred to face the threat Aria and Tyrell represented head-on,

without resorting to all this subterfuge, but he supposed King Sterling

had his reasons.

“I agree,”
Jace told him.
“I really wish we could have seen

Winter and Corbin, though. I’ve been worried about them.”

“Let’s just take everything one step at a time,”
Paris offered.

“King Sterling is right about one thing. We’re both exhausted. We

need to rest if we’re going to be of any use to your friends.”

Naturally, rest couldn’t be further from Paris’s mind, but when

they reached the guest wing and their assigned room, Paris found that

he really wanted to follow his own suggestion.

One of the Sidhe with them opened the door and gestured them

inside. Paris and Jace said a quick good-bye to their companions and

went in. The others would be assigned different, if neighboring

quarters. While Paris liked their company, he looked forward to some

privacy, some quality time with his mate.

As Paris and Jace went inside, the Sidhe with them reasserted

King Sterling’s promise of hospitality. “Should you need anything at

all, you can call on the palace servants.” He pointed them to a bell

that would apparently summon the help. “They will also show you the

way to the dining room that will be used tonight.”

The guest quarters were as luxurious as the ones Paris and Jace

had been given by Kaname Yamamoto, but in a different, more

discreet way. The bed beckoned Paris forward, and instantly, images

of its potential uses invaded Paris’s mind.

Jace growled at him playfully. “I thought you wanted to sleep.”

The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate


“We don’t have to sleep to rest,” Paris replied cheekily. All of a

sudden, he really wanted Jace to keep his earlier promise and show

him just how well they fit together.

Jace pounced on the bed and crawled over Paris, moving like the

predator he so obviously was. The wolf inside Paris wanted to bare

his throat in submission. The man wanted to tear off his clothes,

spread his legs, and beg Jace to fuck him into the mattress. He

decided to do all of it.

Arching against his lover, Paris licked his lips and pleaded,

“Come on, Jace. Fuck me. I need you so badly.”

With everything that had happened, they hadn’t gotten the chance

to make love since first arriving in Japan, and Paris wanted to feel his

mate inside him, to have Jace filling him like only he could.

As always, Jace’s need echoed Paris’s. The other wolf climbed on

top of Paris and crushed their mouths together. He licked across the

seam of Paris’s lips, demanding entrance and surrender. Paris gladly

gave his mate everything he requested. As their tongues dueled, he

moaned, clutching Jace’s shoulders, the kiss only whetting his

appetite for more.

Frantic hands tore at his clothing, Jace obviously as desperate as

Paris felt. Their wanton desire was, to a certain extent,

counterproductive. They couldn’t break apart for enough time to

breathe, let alone adequately get rid of their garments. Jace’s

forcefulness won out, and their clothes suffered the aftermath. The

garments ended up in tatters on the floor as Paris and Jace sought skin

to skin, their shared passion unleashing, a fire fueling itself on its own

intensity. Paris’s moans escalated as his mate’s hands caressed his

naked body, exploring, caressing, both worshipful and dominant.

Paris loved the way Jace touched him, as if he depended on it for his

next breath. The coarse hairs on Jace’s chest rubbed against Paris’s

nipples, making him whimper. His mind was a blur of wanton

thoughts, both his and Jace’s.


Scarlet Hyacinth

But soon, the kiss became insufficient, and Jace tore their mouths

apart. “Crap. Lube. We need lube.”

Jace tried to pull away, but Paris whined, wrapping a naked leg

around Jace’s waist, unwilling to allow Jace away from him even for

the purpose of providing lubricant. Their bags had been brought in

and were waiting in front of the wardrobe, but they were not

unpacked. It would take forever for Jace to find what they needed.

Well, maybe not forever, more like one minute, but in Paris’s current

mood, even ten seconds was too much time to be apart from Jace.

“Ah, fuck.” Jace cursed under his breath, and it was the only

warning Paris had before his mate flipped him on all fours. Already

anticipating Jace’s touch, Paris wiggled his ass invitingly.

His mate caressed the twin globes, pressing light kisses on his

sensitive flesh with a patience that belied the urgency flooding their

bond. Jace spread Paris’s cheeks and licked across Paris’s crease,

awakening every nerve in Paris’s body. He wriggled his tongue inside

Paris’s channel, driving Paris wild with pleasure. Paris pushed back,

his ecstasy soaring higher and higher.

Oh, God, he wanted to come, but at the same time, he wanted to

hold back. He had to have Jace inside him before he found his peak. It

simply wouldn’t be the same, wouldn’t be enough if he climaxed

without Jace taking him first. There was just something special about

having Jace’s cock penetrating him, branding him from the inside out

that made Paris experience the ecstasy at an almost-transcendental

level. And now, he didn’t even care that Jace had barely stretched

him. He just wanted to feel the heat, to experience the delicious burn,

the sweet agony that wiped away every doubt and every thought,

leaving behind only the reality of their bond.

Jace obviously caught onto Paris’s wishes, as his voice drifted into

Paris’s mind.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”

Paris was grateful for having their bond, because he didn’t think

he could have vocalized the full extent of his emotions.
“You’ll never

The Wolf Who Fought for His Soul Mate


hurt me,”
he sent to his lover.
“We’re mates. We were meant to be


“That only makes me want to protect you more,”
Jace shot back.

How could Jace be so coherent while he was fucking Paris’s

asshole with his tongue? Paris’s thoughts were rapidly dissolving into

incoherence, and if he didn’t get Jace to fuck him now, he’d go crazy.

“Jace…Please…I need you inside me,”
he begged.

Jace lifted his head, and Paris anticipated the feel of Jace’s prick

against his anus. Instead, Jace rubbed his thumb against Paris’s

opening, making Paris shiver with unsatisfied lust. God, it was so

good, but it wasn’t enough, not nearly enough.

Acknowledging Jace’s stubbornness, Paris decided it was time to

take things into his own hands. Moving quickly, he broke away from

Jace and rolled over, turning to face Jace. He was pleased and

satisfied with himself when he saw Jace’s eyes widen in surprise.

Because of their bond, shocking each other was quite hard these days.

Paris loved it, as it meant they knew each other at the most intimate

level possible, but he still enjoyed teasing Jace, giving the other wolf

things he did not expect. It was refreshing, arousing, adding another

layer to their continuously growing passion.

He pushed Jace down, and when the other wolf fell on his back,

he straddled Jace, rubbing his ass against his mate’s erection. Of

course, Jace instantly knew what he had in mind, and his strong hands

landed on Paris’s hips, steadying him. Paris just smiled and nodded.

He understood Jace’s concerns, but they weren’t justified. Paris’s

body was made for Jace, and when they were together like this, Paris

truly understood just how deep and precious their bond was.

It didn’t matter that Paris had grown surrounded by a family and a

pack that had treated him as a pariah, while Jace had been lavished

with affection from all directions. It didn’t matter that Jace was the

grandson of the elder, while Paris still struggled with the notion of

finally finding his real father and needing to bring his mother to

justice. In the end, the only thing that held any value was their love,


Scarlet Hyacinth

their passion, their bond. Jace was right. Paris had nothing to fear, not

when they were together.

Positioning himself over Jace’s dick, Paris slowly pushed down.

He actually felt the head of his mate’s erection pop in, and he couldn’t

suppress a moan of pain-pleasure. Oh, it hurt, of course it hurt, but

that only made it better, more real. Sometimes, Paris thought that he’d

fallen into a dream when Jace had mated him, and the delicious burn

reminded him that no, this was truly his life, his soul mate, the man

he’d spend forever with. That thought and the pleasure of Jace’s

invasion almost made Paris embarrass himself. He bit the inside of his

cheek, and he succeeded in pushing back his climax beyond his reach.

Just a little longer. He needed to wait just a little longer, to feel the

brunt of Jace’s passion, marking him, reminding him of everything

they’d built together.

Gradually, Jace guided him down, until he was fully seated inside

Paris, the penetration so deep and so intense it short-circuited Paris’s

brain. He had to take a few seconds to breathe and gather his wits,

because the way Jace’s cock stretched his passage threatened to

destroy what little control he had left. Through their bond, he sensed

Jace’s desperate need, the urge to thrust, to claim. Even so, Jace

waited, giving Paris time to adjust, as always putting Paris first.

Paris’s heart swelled with love even as his body burned with

desire. He moved up, groaning as the friction sent shocks of pleasure

over his already oversensitized skin. Jace growled in echo, and Paris

thrust back down, barely managing not to come when the angle made

Jace’s cock brush right over Paris’s prostate. Greedy for more, Paris

rode his mate’s prick, indulging in the drug he could never get enough


However, Jace was apparently done with concern and scruples. At

first, he allowed Paris to lead and keep the rhythm, meeting Paris’s

every motion with his own thrusts. But then, all of a sudden,

something seemed to snap inside Jace. The other wolf pushed him off,

rolling them over until Paris was on the bottom again. The change

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