The Windsor Girl (3 page)

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Authors: Sylvia Burton

BOOK: The Windsor Girl
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She washed as quickly as she could and dressed in the same black skirt as she had worn every day since she came here.  It was very dirty, being the only one she owned, but the blouse was as neat and clean as new.  She had stayed up last night to iron it and had taken great care to press each little tuck and pleat. 

She brushed her hair and skillfully twisted it into a knot at the nape of her neck. 
Because of her daydreaming it was now six thirty and too late for her usual breakfast of porridge but she was happy to go without today.

After making her bed, she snuffed out the candle, and opened the 'skylight window' a little. 
Standing on the chair, she peered out, over the rooftops.  It was not yet daylight but she could make out the shapes of the, soot covered, chimneys and in the distance the colour of the sky was lightening, as if to say, 'get out there Ellie, it's going to be a good day'.

She made her way to the door and down the backstairs, her clogs making a sharp sound on each bare tread.

‘You would think they would have a carpet on the stairs in such a fine house’, she said, out loud.  She smiled to herself, ‘and now you're talking to yourself Ellie’.

She entered the kitchen by the back of the pantry and there was Kate, up to her elbows in water.  Ellie smiled at her and Kate said, ‘have a nice visit Ellie’.

‘I will Kate.  I will’.

She said her 'good byes to the others and most of them answered her.

Cook smile at her and said, ‘you've worked well Ellie.  Enjoy your day and give my best regards to your good mother’.

Ellie thanked her and left the house.

As she reached the garden gate and was about to go out, into the street, she heard her name called.

‘Ellie!  One moment if you
please’ and there was William hurrying in her direction.

‘Yes Sir?’ she said, wondering what was wrong.

William reached her and handed her a, covered, basket tied up with string.

‘Open this Ellie, when you get home, you may find some use for the contents’.  He was quite out of breath but smiled at her, then added, ‘be off with you then, otherwise, it will be time to come back’.

Ellie was taken aback by his kindness.  She gave him a smile of appreciation and said, ‘good bye Sir and thank you’, then once more turned to go through the gate.  She turned to wave but William was already walking back the way he had come.



William returned to the kitchen and down the four steps into the wine store to check the wine for dinner.  There were to be eight guests at the table tonight and the Master wanted a good quality red with the pheasant. 

Whilst he searched the relevant racks, clearing the cobwebs and dust as he went, he thought of little Ellie.

She reminded him so much of Sarah, with her porcelain complexion and fine jaw line.  Sarah’s hair had been the colour of spun gold, where Ellie's was fairer, but the resemblance was, nevertheless, remarkable.  And
the eyes
, well it was as if the last two decades had disappeared and Sarah was smiling at him with those same large grey pools of love.

He shook his head as if to halt his thoughts.  Although many years had passed, it was still too painful.  He knew that it didn’t do to dwell on these things.

William chose the wine, and then, with a cloth, carefully polished each bottle and placed them in the carrier to take upstairs.  On his way out he picked up a small wine rack and climbed the steps to the kitchen.  As expected, Missus Blunt had a pot of tea waiting for him.

‘Oh there you are William; I was beginning to think you’d got lost. 
Do you want your tea now?’

She had flour on her nose and her plump cheeks were flushed with the heat of the fire.  She had baked three stone of bread this morning and it was warm work.  He had noticed the mounds of doe, last night, standing on the table in several large bowls. 
‘Rising’ his wife had informed him.

He smiled at her now and asked, ‘will you bring the tea to the pantry?  I have work to do’, and walked briskly to the end of the room and into the food store.

Like everything else here, at the Courtney Residence, the pantry was large, and needed to be, what with the family, the numerous staff and regular guests, three or four times a week. 

He sat on the wicker chair by the ‘cold slab’ just as his wife entered with a pot of tea and a scone.

‘Thought you might like a bite to eat, seeing as you left most of your breakfast’.

Missus Blunt did not wait for a response but left the store, closing the door quietly
behind her.

William thanked her, then
realised she was no longer there.

As he sipped his tea, his thoughts once more turned to Sarah. 

He first set eyes on her when he was celebrating his twenty first birthday.  His father, also a Butler, had arranged a party for his only son’s ‘coming of age’ and had invited all the kitchen and household staff.

What seemed like a banquet was laid out in the kitchen and a trio of musicians had been brought in to entertain the large gathering of friends.

In his younger days, William was a good-looking and was enjoying the attentions of a pretty girl who worked in the house as a kitchen maid.  He was on the verge of asking the girl to walk with him in the garden, where he hoped to persuade her to allow him to flirt with her.    He had been brought up to be well mannered and courteous, especially to the fairer sex but he knew how good it felt when his hand wandered down the front of a girl’s bodice and he was not, immediately rebuked. The thought excited him as he let his eyes rest on the bosom.   So visible were the round breasts, in the summer dress, he could almost feel the silky texture of her skin.

He had just plucked up the courage to ask, when he caught a glimpse of Sarah.  He had never seen her before tonight so knew nothing about her or from where she came.  He could not believe how beautiful she was and found it difficult to take his eyes from her face.  He had an overwhelming desire to speak to her.

Excusing himself from his present company, he said, ‘please forgive me, I really must have a word with my father, I hope to see you again later’.  The girl was, somewhat, disappointed but nodded her head and accepted that William was no longer interested in her.

He made his way to the other side of the kitchen, weaving his way through the guests, acknowledging waves and good
-humoured shouts, until he was within two yards of his target.

She was unaware of his gaze as his eyes caressed her.  Ten minutes later, he was still lost in his adoration, when his father drew him back to reality.

‘I see you are fascinated with young Sarah?  Lovely little thing isn’t she?’

‘She’s the most beautiful girl I have ever had the good fortune to see’.

‘Well my son, she is not for you.  She’s much too young’.

William was conscious of his pounding heart, ‘how old is she Father?’

‘She’s not quite fifteen years old William.  She works upstairs’.

‘Why have I not seen her before?’

Because she has only recently started work here.  She is a distant cousin of the family.  A
distant cousin and a very poor one, by all accounts.  She has been employed as companion to the Master’s old mother, so you had better put away all thoughts of wooing

William, not to be dissuaded, said in a determined manner, ‘all’s fair in love and war Father’.

His father shook his head.  ‘You had better give it up Son.  It will only bring you grief.  She’s only a child’.

William watched his father walk away, and then returned his attention to Sarah, only to see her leaving the kitchen.

Suddenly, he had lost all interest in the party and had completely forgotten that it
, in fact, in his honour.  As there was no one else he now wished to spend his time with he decided to retire early and made for the door to his quarters.

As he went, he passed within feet of his earlier ‘fancy’. 

‘Good night Rose’, he said, not really seeing her.

‘Good night William’. 

Rose’s eyes followed him until he disappeared through the doorway.  She had worshipped him for two years and no one had ever guessed her secret.

Nor will they
, she thought, but her heart ached for the need to be close to him.

For weeks William tried to make contact with Sarah but without success.  She never came into the kitchen, having all her meals sent upstairs and rarely went outdoors, unless accompanied by the old lady.  He was almost out of his mind with love for her, so much so, he told his father that if he could not have her for his wife, he would go to sea and never return.

His father tried to reason with him but nothing he said made the slightest difference, the boy was besotted with Sarah.

It took William three months, and many sleepless nights, to catch Sarah alone, and the meeting was quite accidental.

One Sunday afternoon, he had been sent upstairs with a message for the housekeeper.  It was then, when he was on his way back to the kitchen, that he spied Sarah.

She was sitting on a window seat, at the far end of the hallway, reading a book.  She did not hear him approach, as she was totally engrossed in her book.  William could hardly believe his luck. At last he had found her alone.

Before he spoke he looked along the hall, and having determined there was no-one watching, he ventured towards her.

‘Hello Sarah’. 

She started, and then looked up at him, her face slightly puzzled.

‘Do I know you Sir?’

‘We have not been formally introduced, which is why I hesitate, but you spent some time at my birthday celebration, several weeks ago’.

‘Ah! Yes, in the kitchen I believe?  You must be William’.

‘I am, indeed, and I wanted to make your acquaintance at the time, but you left before I plucked up the courage’.

Sarah blushed. ‘My
Dear Sir, you surely do not need courage to speak to a servant girl?’

‘You're hardly that, Sarah.  You don’t mind my calling you Sarah, do you?’

‘Not at all, if I may call you William’.

William was beside himself with
happiness; she not only looked like an angel, she spoke and acted like one.

‘Will you do me the great
honour and allow me to walk out with you one day?  The park perhaps ... or...’

He heard the sound of someone approaching. 
I can’t just leave it this
way, he thought, feeling panic rising inside him.

‘Young man, what are you doing here?’ 
It was the Master.

‘I have been delivering a message Sir.  I was about to return to the kitchen’.

‘Oh Yes, you’re the butler’s son.  William isn’t it?’

‘Yes Sir’.

‘Well go on your way William.  We don’t stand around when there’s work to be done’.

‘Yes Sir’.

William glanced towards Sarah but she was, once more, absorbed in her book.  He had mixed emotions as he walked away.  One elation, the other despair.

Later that day, William was polishing the family’s riding boots, when the footman delivered to him a small, white, envelope.  Written on the front were the words, ‘Master William Blunt’. 

As he opened it, he was aware of the sweet smell of lavender.  He held the single sheet of paper in bother hands and savoured the aroma.  He was in no hurry to read the contents, for the moment, he was happy to know that she had thought about him enough to put pen to paper.

As he turned the letter over, cherishing the memory of her smile, a disconcerting thought entered his head.  
What if she is rejecting my advances?
It did not bear thinking about.  His need to read it was now terribly urgent, so with his pulse racing, he read:


Dear William

                I thought you might appreciate a prompt reply to your earlier enquiry.  I have given much thought to your proposal and, because I feel confident that you are a honourable man, I am inclined to agree to your request.

I have a free hour, tomorrow afternoon, as Misters Courtney is to have a visit from an old friend and, it would seem, that my services will not be required.  I will, therefore, meet you at
two o'clock at the stables.

If this time is inconvenient, then I am sure some other arrangement can be made.

                    Respectfully yours,

                                Sarah Kensington.


William held the letter to his chest and started to count the minutes until he could look upon her lovely face once more.    

They met the next day as planned and, although they did not touch in any way, they each knew that the other was the dream lover they had always hoped to meet and from that day on, they met as often as they could manage. 

They spent the next year meeting, secretly, both knowing that they could not go on this way indefinitely, sneaking out to hold each other and steal their innocent kisses.

It took a year of secret meetings and defiant assignations then desperate pleading, to convince the Master, and William’s father, that they were determined to be together.

Eventually, the Master called all concerned to the morning room, none of them knowing how the problem was going to be resolved.

William’s father sat bolt upright in front of the curtained window.  He was furious with the boy.  He had told him that nothing could come of it.  If only he had taken his advise they wouldn’t be in this predicament now. 
This could because me my job
, he thought.
Has he considered, for one moment, his mother?  Oh no, all he thinks about, is Sarah.  She may be a nice girl, but only a 'slip of a girl', after all
.  He looked across at his wife.  She looked nervous, as well she might.

Missus Blunt was twisting her handkerchief in her hands and looked near to tears.  William, who was sitting next to Sarah, stood up and went to his mother’s side.

‘Come now Mother.  It’s not the end of the world.  It’ll be all right. You wait and see’.

His mother was not capable of saying anything she just shook her head and wished all the
fuss was over.

William returned to Sarah’s side and took her hand.  At that moment Mister Fairfax entered the room.  He did not speak immediately but took a seat, from which he could clearly see each of the four people sitting there.

William was conscious of the silence and was tempted to start the discussion, but decided against it, knowing it was not the right thing to do.  Just as he thought he could stand it no longer, the Master spoke.

‘Well William.  What do you have to say for yourself?’

‘With respect Sir.  I love Sarah and nothing you can say would make it otherwise’.

‘And you Sarah?’

‘I wish to marry William’.

‘I see’. 

Mister Fairfax paused in thought then turned his attention to William’s father.

‘John, what do you make of these young people?  Please speak freely’.

John Blunt glanced quickly in the direction of his son.  William's eyes pleaded with him.  He rose to his feet.

‘Sir, I
have done my best to dissuade William from this folly.  After all, the girl is
young.  However, I know my son to be, an otherwise, sensible boy and over the last year, his love for Miss Sarah has been proven, beyond all my expectations’. 

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