Initiation (Master Class Book 1)

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Authors: Sierra Cartwright

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Initiation (Master Class Book 1)
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Table of Contents

Legal Page

Title Page

Book Description


Trademarks Acknowledgment

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

New Excerpt

About the Author

Publisher Page







©Copyright Sierra Cartwright 2016

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright July 2016

Edited by
Sarah Smeaton

Totally Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.


Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.


The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2016 by Totally Bound Publishing,
Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.





This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
Totally Burning
and a








Master Class





Sierra Cartwright




Book one in the Master Class series

When wannabe sub Jennifer Berklee calls him Master and begs him to flog her, PI Logan Powell knows all his military training won’t be enough to keep his jaded heart safe.

Private investigator Logan Powell does the women of the world a favor by avoiding emotional entanglements. They deserve to be loved and cherished. And he’s not capable of it.

That belief is challenged when he sees Jennifer Berklee at a BDSM play party. The innocent wannabe sub is everything he wants to avoid. He fears all his previous military training won’t be enough to keep his jaded heart safe.

Anything She Wants…

Jennifer has been interested in BDSM since she first heard about it. And after her engagement ends in an embarrassing disaster, she’s determined never to settle again.

But when the stunningly sexy Dom Logan Powell offers to scene with her, she is overwhelmed and flees.

One evening, Logan and Jennifer are set up by well-meaning friends. This time, Logan is determined not to let her go. Jennifer will submit to him, no matter the cost to either of them.






For Cassandra, Jessica Newcom, Tara Hutchings. Your friendship makes all the difference in my world. And for everyone who gets out of their comfort zone and takes a risk.



Trademarks Acknowledgment



The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:


James Bond: Ian Fleming, Eon Productions


Chapter One





Ever since he’d been unceremoniously dumped on his ass three years ago, Logan Powell had done the world a favor by avoiding the fairer sex. Women had very real needs, emotional as well as physical. They deserved to be involved with someone who was a better person than he was.

So what the hell was he doing at a BDSM play party in the dungeon of his friend’s home, staring at the petite blonde on the other side of the room?

It wasn’t just her strong, athletic build that attracted him, but also the short spiky hair, fuck-me boots, tight black T-shirt and skimpy leather skirt. What did him in, though, was the way she tugged on the hem of her skirt in a betrayal of nerves.

He propped a foot against the wall behind him and watched her fidget as he considered his next move. It had been months since he’d scened. And on the rare occasions when he did play, he preferred to engage with experienced submissives. If his tingling detective senses were anything to go by, the woman in question had never been dominated.

Double fuck.

He shouldn’t ache to be the one to give her the first taste of the exquisite pleasure that came from submitting.
But he did.

Joe Montrose, the house’s owner and tonight’s host, walked over and stood next to Logan. “Jennifer…” Joe said.

“What?” Logan cupped his ear to indicate he was having difficulty hearing over the thundering pulse of a Nine Inch Nails song.

Joe repeated himself. “Her name’s Jennifer Berklee. She works with Noelle. It’s Jennifer’s first time at one of these events.”

“I’m not interested.” Logan shook his head, wondering when he’d become a liar.

“You don’t miss it?”

“Playing with a newbie?” Teaching her about her own responses? Driving her to the edge of distraction, keeping her there, then shoving her over it so he could catch her and care for her? “No.”

“Not at all?”

Despite himself, Logan watched as Jennifer squared her shoulders and moved toward Simon, a Dom who regularly attended a number of events in the area. Her hips swayed alluringly and Logan adored the way she all but strutted in those booted heels. For a stupid, but thankfully brief, second he wished she was walking in his direction. “Is Simon still looking for someone to collar?” Simple Simon, as Logan thought of him, though it probably wasn’t a fair nickname. But from what Logan had seen, the man had a single approach to women, and a boring one at that. He never seemed to drive a sub to the very edges of endurance and give her amazing completion. The man wasn’t a bad Dom, just an uninspired one.

“Yeah,” Joe replied. “He’s been looking since Lisa ditched him.”

Shouldn’t matter. Nope. Not a bit.

Joe said something that Logan missed. Even though he clearly knew he was being ignored, Joe kept running his mouth. “So, are you?”

Logan dragged his attention away from Jennifer. “Am I what?”

“Coming to Noelle’s surprise birthday party? She’s turning thirty.”

“When is it?”

“Three weeks.”

Logan turned and narrowed his gaze at the man who’d been a friend since basic training. Later, after they’d left the service, they’d returned to the Middle East as civilians. They’d survived two years of skin-searing heat and an explosion in which most of their team had died. Because of what they’d shared and how well they knew each other, Logan knew Joe’s vague answer meant he was hedging. “What date?” Logan frowned at his so-called friend. “Specifically.”

“Ah. February fourteenth.”

Logan scowled. “I fucking hate Valentine’s Day. You know that.” It wasn’t just the cloying expectations but the still-raw memories that he preferred to leave buried. Being among happy, loving couples only made it worse.

“Missing the party will make you a bigger asshole than you already are,” Joe replied cheerfully.

“Fuck off.”

Joe grinned. Not much bothered the man.

In silence, they watched the interplay between Jennifer and Master Simon.

“If you’re interested in playing with her, either Noelle or I can arrange it.” Without waiting for a reply, Joe moved off, leaving Logan in blessed, voyeuristic peace.

Dom and sub spoke for a few moments and eventually Master Simon nodded at the St. Andrew’s cross.

A blaze of unwelcome and unwanted possession arced through Logan as she closed the distance toward the X-shaped BDSM equipment.

As if sensing his attention, she glanced over at him.

He folded his arms across his chest as their gazes locked.

Even across the distance, he saw her shiver.

Smart girl, recognizing the danger he emanated.

After a few seconds, she shook her head and turned away.

Simple Simon took a step in her direction.

Suddenly, Logan realized he did want to be the man behind her, pressing her against the wood, instructing her to lift her arms high so he could affix her wrists to a pair of cuffs.

Instead, another man had that honor.

The man secured her in place and she immediately pulled her right wrist free. If Logan were in charge, he wouldn’t have allowed that to happen. Even if all she wanted was a taste of his dominance, he’d make sure she would never forget the experience.

After putting her wrist back in place, Master Simon rubbed her buttocks through her skirt.

Logan’s cock thickened.

Because he needed human contact to maintain his sanity, he showed up at Joe and Noelle’s events several times a year. While watching others scene interested him, he’d rarely gotten aroused from it.

Then again, he’d rarely had this kind of visceral reaction to a woman.

Master Simon selected a sturdy leather paddle. It wasn’t a bad decision, Logan mused. The toy was intimate, but not overly so. And since her delectable derrière was covered by her skirt, the impact would be minimal.
Good choice for a neophyte.

Master Simon gave the sub three swats.

The third made her move her body to one side—something she did easily since her ankles weren’t secured.

That was a mistake Logan wouldn’t have made.

He wanted his subs to feel every damn thing he did to them. He wanted them aware, aroused, interested, committed, and he wanted them to stay in place while it was happening.

Without any change to the rhythm, Master Simon delivered two more swats.

Then the man put down the paddle on a nearby bench, and she freed herself from the restraints.

Logan blinked. Was the scene already over?

Jennifer turned toward Simon, adjusted her skirt, then smiled politely before scurrying up the staircase.

With a curse, Logan pushed away from the wall and followed. If she had scened with him, there would have been no bland, polite smiles afterward. At the very least, he would have talked to her and asked questions instead of allowing her to walk away.

When he found her, she was near the front door, reaching to take her coat from a rack.

“May I?” he asked.

“I…” She dropped her hand and turned toward him before meeting his gaze.

Until they were this close, he hadn’t known her eyes were blue, bright and vibrant.

He wanted to see them widen with shock, darken with desire. “Logan Powell,” he said by way of introduction as he grabbed her coat and held it for her.

“Thank you.” She settled into it, then knotted the belt around her waist as she faced him.

“I watched your scene with Master Simon.”

Her shoulders stiffened.

“You didn’t seem all that into it.”

Her mouth was pressed into a firm line, making him realize he wasn’t any more adept than Simon had been. Bulldozing on, Logan took a business card from his wallet and offered it to her.

She hesitated and he wasn’t sure she’d accept it.

“Feel free to call me if you want to experience a real scene.”

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