The Willingness to Burn (22 page)

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Authors: J. P. London

BOOK: The Willingness to Burn
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Chapter 43


The next two weeks or so I went out of my way to be nice to him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a nice person, but I made an extra special effort. Knowing everything that he went through I felt like he deserved it. And he was really good about not making me feel too bad about everything.

After the initial conversation about me breaking his trust, I promised never to go through his stuff again and to always trust him. And he promised to trust me too. I’m not sure how sincere his promise was, but it was enough that he was willing to look past it and move on with me. I feel like every couple’s first fight really sets the stage for their relationship. And one thing I can say about our first fight, is that he was calm, he didn’t lash out, he didn’t scream. Nothing. I guess that when so many bad things have happened to you, you find a way to let things roll off your back. You either learn to move past misery, or it consumes you.

I had the day off and decided what better way to spend my day off then with some retail therapy. After I hit Ann Taylor and got a makeover with the MAC girls, I went into Victoria’s Secret. We’d been dating for about a month, and I wanted to do something special for him, or at least
something special. I saw this really cute white and blue lingerie set and decided that that was the way to go. After all, I read that blue was the color of trust, and my ass would look incredible in the bottoms. I went in the changing room and tried them on. And oh yeah, mission accomplished. I looked damn sexy. And after just having my makeup done, I decided it was time to show off.

I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to get a good back shot, one where I was turning around and giving the camera this really sexy look I have, but couldn’t quite get the angle.

“Excuse me!” I said, loud enough for the sales girl to hear.


“Is anyone else out there?”

“No, it’s just me,” she said with her upbeat voice.

I opened the door.

“So this might be weird, but would you mind taking a picture of me?” I asked with my cell phone in hand so she knew what I meant.

“Sure, don’t worry, I do this all the time.”

I laughed.


“Yeah, some people just use the mirror, but sometimes you need a better angle.”

“Exactly,” I said, feeling relieved.

I handed her my phone.

“So what kind of shot are you looking for?” she asked.

“Just like this,” I said and turned my back to her. I bent over a little bit and arched my back and turned my head, giving my best sexy face.

She smiled looking down at the camera.

“That one came out good.”

“Ooo, let me see!” I snatched my phone from her and looked at the picture. “That’s perfect, thanks.”

“No problem.”

“Special guy?”

“You have no idea.” I smiled then closed the door, I was nearly naked after all, definitely not the best time for that conversation. I sent him the picture with the caption, “See anything you like?” and I got almost an immediate response.

“You are so sexy.”

“And that’s all yours, baby,” I responded, my fingers clicking away on my iPhone.

“I can’t wait to rip those off of you.”

I smiled hard into the phone.

“You’ll get to tonight.”

“Call me when you have a second, I have an issue with tonight.”


“Don’t worry, I think you’ll like i

“Okay, call you in a few.”

I got dressed and paid for my new outfit plus two more.
I mean, he’s already seen this one, and I want to surprise him, even if it doesn’t end up being tonight.

When I got to the car, I called him.

“Hey, you,” he answered.

“Hey, babe. How are you?”

“Much better after seeing that.”

I giggled.

“Well, there’s more where that came from.”

“Don’t tease me.”

“Well, it wouldn’t be a tease if I was seeing you tonight …”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“What happened?”

“I have this huge acquisition that I have to be there for. I don’t really do much, but me being there makes everyone else more comfortable.”

“Wanna come by after?”

“That’s the problem.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s in Costa Rica.”

“Costa Rica?”


“What are you doing there?”

“We’re taking this huge section of beachfront property and turning it into a luxury resort.”

“Now that sounds like fun,” I said, daydreaming about lying on a tropical beach somewhere with a little umbrella in my drink.

“As long as it’s not near my place I’m all for it.”
Wait, what?

“Your place?”

“Yeah, my place in Costa Rica.”

“You have a house in Costa Rica?” I tried not to sound too excited, but I don’t think I fooled him at all.

“Yeah. It was one of the first things I bought when I started really making money.”

“I picture a nice quaint cottage on the beach…”

“It’s on the beach all right, but quaint and cottage aren’t words I’d use to describe it. “He laughed.

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah, so I’m gonna be down there for a few weeks while this all gets settled. Why don’t you come?”

“I can’t just come to Costa Rica.”

“Why not?”

“Umm, because I have a job and responsibilities.”

“So quit.”

“I can’t do that…” I said, unsure sounding so that he knew I could
totally do that

“Yes, you can.”

“But what about when I come back?”

“Who says we’re coming back?” he said with a seductive tone.

I laughed “Now who’s teasing?”

“Well, think about it, I can do most of what I do via internet and cell phone. It’s very rare that I physically have to be someplace, so, let’s spend some time here then I don’t know, maybe hit Europe, Monaco, wherever. I hear the French Rivera is a lot of fun in the summer.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, deadly serious.”

“But what … what about …”

“What about what?”

“I don’t know, it’s just so sudden.”

“Why wait to be happy?”

“Oh, my God, I can’t!”

“Can’t leave the job you hate to spend the winter in the tropics before traveling the world in luxury?”

“Well, when you put it that way. But what about …”

“Listen, the only thing you need to be thinking about is how soon you can get to the airport.”

“Oh my God, I can’t believe this is happening!” I shrieked
. I am so excited, I can’t even!

“Believe it, baby.”

“This is like a fairy tale.”

“It’s not
a fairy tale. It
a fairy tale.”

“So what do I do?”

“Okay, you go home and pack a bag. We can get anything you forget when you get here.”


“Then book a flight. You have the money for a flight, right?”

“Yeah, but can’t I just come with you.”

“No sorry, I’m already at the airport, and I’m boarding in ten minutes, I have an early meeting tomorrow. So, book a flight, and I’ll reimburse you when you get here.”

“But what …”

“No more buts. Get your butt on a flight.”

“Okay… This isn’t a joke, right? ‘Cause it’s really mean if it is!”

He laughed. I could hear the loud speaker say, “Now boarding.”

“No joke, baby. But I have to go. Text me when you know what time you’re landing, and I’ll have a car pick you up in the airport.”

“Okay, what do I need to bring. I don’t …”

“Just make sure you bring that hot little outfit. Because I’m making you put it on the very second you get here.”

“Okay,” I said. I couldn’t contain myself. “Oh, my God, I can’t believe this is really happening!”

“Believe it, sweetie. I gotta run. Make sure to text me the info, okay?”

“I will.”

“All right. I’ll see you soon.”


I raced home
. I can’t believe that this is really happening to me.
I called my mom to give her the good news. I usually talk to her once every other week or so and don’t give her too many details about my life. She’s been kind of mad ever since I stopped talking to the accountant she tried to set me up with. Setups are so awkward. I feel like love should happen naturally or not at all. Just like the way Jace and I met.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“Mom, you’re not gonna believe this!“ I cried out, unable to contain my own excitement.


“You remember that guy I told you I was talking to?”

“Yeah the finance guy, right?”

“Yeah, so he has this big project down in Costa Rica.

“Okay …”

“And he asked me to go with him!”

“That’s great. How long are you going for?”

“I’m not sure, probably for a few months.”

“A few months!” Mom bellowed into the phone.

“Yeah, isn’t it great?”

“Yeah, sweetie, it is, but what about your job?”

“Oh, that’s easy, I’m gonna quit.”

“Honey, you don’t want to do that.”

“Why not, Mom, this is the opportunity of a lifetime!”

“Is it, though?”

“I’m going to spend the next few months in the tropics then travel the world with a millionaire!”

“But what about if things don’t work out?”

“Mom, I really like him. I feel like he could be the one.”

“You’ve only been dating for what? A few weeks?”

“Yeah, but it’s been a good few weeks! And besides, I really don’t like that job anyway.”

“But, honey, you can’t just live off of a man like that.”

“Mom, I’m gonna do stuff too.”

“Like what?”

“Like, I don’t know, maybe I’ll write a book or something.”

“You’re going to write a book?” Mom’s tone was of utter disbelief, but I chose to ignore that part.

“Sure, who wouldn’t want to read about my travels around the world?”

“Well, where are you going?”

“First to Costa Rica, then he said something about the French Rivera and Monaco. I don’t know, but it’s gonna be amazing!”

“Ohhh, Anna, honey, it’s not going to be that simple,” Mom pleaded.

“Mom, it’s a great opportunity for me, can’t you be happy?”

“Ehhh, I’m a mother, dear, we’re always worried.”

“I know.”

“Okay, at least give me all the info you have on Mr. Millionaire just in case we have to track him down.”

“All right hang on,” I said as I started scrolling through my phone looking for his info. “Okay, his name is Jace Clark, and his address is 417 Sheridan Ave in Ridgewood.”

“Okay, at least that’s a start. When are you leaving?”


“Tonight? That’s way too soon!”

“Why wait?”

“So that you can pack and prepare, and God, I don’t know, that’s just really fast to uproot your whole life.”

“I’m gonna pack as soon as we get off the phone and he said we can just buy everything we need. Costa Rica is supposed to be very cheap.”

“I’m sure it is, but how well do you know this guy?”

“Well enough to know that I might love him.”

“Darling, to pack up your whole life, you better be sure.”

“Oh, Mom, it’s gonna be fine.”

“How do you know he’s not gonna kidnap you!”

“Why would he? He has tons of money. It’s not like he needs anymore.”

“Honey, you really need to think this through.”

“’I’m done thinking, Mom. I’m done waiting too. I want to have kids before I’m thirty, and I want to be married before then, and God, the life we could have together.”

“I know you’re excited, but try to think rationally.”

“There’s really nothing to think about.”

Mom let out a sigh. “All right. Hang on, let me write down his address.”

“Oh, my God! Mom, I’m so excited! I can’t wait!”

“Well let me know that you’re safe.”

“I will. I’ll send you a post card from paradise!” I laughed into the phone

“All right.”

“And maybe I can get him to fly you and Daddy down for a week or something.”

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