The White Mountain (45 page)

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Authors: David Wingrove

BOOK: The White Mountain
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Marshal and Head of Security for City Europe
close friend of Jake Reed and fiancée of Jenny; Security Captain in Special Forces
a mercenary
Director of ‘The Project'
Ascher, Mary
mother of Emily Ascher
Ascher, Mikhail
junior credit agent in the
Hu Pu
(the Finance Ministry) and father of Emily Ascher
Ascher, Walter
Account Overseer for Hinton Industries
Marshal in Security
Barrow, Chao
member of the House of Representatives Dispersionist
Barycz, Jiri
communications officer for the Wiring Project
Bates, Alan
English actor
daughter of Cathy Hubbard, granddaughter of Mary Reed
Berdichev, Soren
owner of the SimFic Corporation and leading Dispersionist
Big Wen
a landowner
Boss Yang
an exploiter of the people
Branagh, William
King of Wessex
Brogan, Margaret
Old Ma Brogan, resident of Church Knowle
Buck, John
Head of Development at the Ministry of Contracts
Buckland, Eddie
farmer from Corfe
Captain Sensible
English pop musician
Chang Hsuan Han
painter from the eighth century
Chang Lai-hsun
nephew of Chang Yi Wei
Chang Li Chen
Junior Dragon in charge of drafting the Edict of Technological Control
Chang Lui
woman who adopted Pavel
Chang Te
Han soldier member of Jiang Lei's bodyguard
Chang Yan
guard on the Plantations
Chang Yi Wei
senior brother of the Chang clan owners of MicroData
Chang Yu
Tsao Ch'un's new appointment as First Dragon, during the War of Liberation
Chao Ni Tsu
Grand Master of
wei chi
and a computer genius; servant of Tsao Ch'un
Ch'eng I
Minor Family prince and son of Ch'eng So Yuan
Ch'eng So Yuan
Minor Family head
Chen So I
Head of the Ministry of Contracts
Chen Yu
steward to Tsao Ch'un in Pei Ch'ing
Cheng Ro
Song Dynasty painter
Cheng Yu
one of the original Seven, advisor to Tsao Ch'un, subsequently T'ang
Chi Fei Yu
a usurer
Chi Lin Lin
legal assistant to Yang Hong Yu
Chin Shih Huang Ti
the First Emperor
Ching Su
friend of Jiang Lei
Chiu Fa
Media commentator on the Mids news channel
Han soldier servant to Wang Yu-lai
Cho Yi Yi
Master of the Bedchamber at Tongjiang
close friend of Jake Reed, gay partner of Hugo and multi-millionaire industrialist
Christie, Julie
English actress
Chung Hsun
‘loyalty' a bond servant to Li Shai Tung
an English pop group
Cooke, Dick
farmer from Cerne Abbas
Cooper, Charlie
son of Jed and Judy Cooper
Cooper, Jed
husband of Judy Cooper and father of Charlie and John
Cooper, John
son of Jed and Judy Cooper
Cooper, Judy
wife of Jed Cooper and mother of Charlie and John
Cooper, Will
farmer from Corfe
Croft, Leopold
father of Becky
Croft, Rebecca
‘Becky', daughter of Leopold, with the lazy eye
Curtis, Tim
Head of Human Resources, GenSyn
DAAS4 – the Data Automated Analysis System – an enhanced intelligence unit belonging to Hinton Industries
a mercenary
Denny, Sandy
English folk singer
Depp, Johnny
American actor
Dick, Philip K.
American science fiction writer
Douglas, John
businessman and Dispersionist
Drake, Nick
English folk singer
Duchek, Albert
Administrator of Lodz and Dispersionist
Ebert, Gustav
genetics genius and co-founder of GenSyn (Genetic Synthetics)
Ebert, Ludovic
son of Gustav Ebert and GenSyn director
Ebert, Wolfgang
financial genius and co-founder of GenSyn (Genetic Synthetics)
a mercenary
Ellis, Michael
assistant director on the Wiring Project
Endfors, Jenny
wife of Knut Tolonen and mother of Jelka Tolonen
Fan Chang
a member of the original Seven, and advisor to Tsao Ch'un
Fan Cho
son of Fan Chang
Fan Lin
son of Fan Chang
Fan Peng
eldest wife of Fan Chang
Fan Si-pin
Master of
wei chi
from the eighteenth century
Fan Ti Yu
son of Fan Chang
Feng I
Colonel in charge of Tsao Ch'un's elite force
lieutenant in Security
Fu Jen Maitland
Stefan Lehmann's mother
Gaughan, Dick
Scottish folk singer
Gessell, Bent
leader of the
Ping Tiao
Gifford, Dick
farmer from Corfe and son of Ted
Gifford, Ted
farmer from Corfe and father of Dick
Goodman, Frank
farmer from Langton Maltravers
elite guard at the Domain
Grant, Thomas
Captain in Security
Griffin, James B.
Sixtieth president of the United States of America (the 69 States)
Grove, Dick
resident of Corfe
Gurney, Tom
watchman from Corfe
Haavikko, Knut
major in Security
Haavikko, Vesa
sister to Axel Haavikko
Haines, Billy
landlord of The Wessex Arms in Wool
Hamilton, Jack
landlord of The Quay Inn in Wareham
Hammond, Joel
official on the Wiring Project
Hammond, Matthew
butcher from Church Knowle
Hart, Dr
doctor from Church Knowle
Hendrix, Jimi
American rock guitarist
Heng Chi-po
Li Shai Tung's Minister of Transportation
a mercenary
lieutenant to Branagh, leader of a horse patrol
Hinton, Charles
CEO of Hinton Industries
Hinton, George
Senior Executive at Hinton Industries
Hinton, Henry
‘Harry', Head of Strategic Planning, Hinton Industries
Steward Ho, body servant of Jiang Lei when in the field
Ho Ti
ancient Han emperor; conqueror of Europe
Horsfield, Geoff
historian and resident of Corfe
Hou Hsin-Fa
one of the original Seven, advisor to Tsao Chun and subsequently T'ang
Hsieh Ho
art critic and author of
The Six Principles
Hsu Jung
friend of Jiang Lei
Huang Tzu Kung
Seventh Dragon servant of the ‘Ministry', ‘the Thousand Eyes'
Hubbard, Beth
second daughter of Tom and Mary Hubbard
Hubbard, Cathy
eldest daughter of Tom and Mary Hubbard
Hubbard, Mary
wife of Tom Hubbard and mother of Cathy, Meg and Beth; second wife of Jake Reed
Hubbard, Meg
youngest daughter of Tom and Mary Hubbard and girlfriend of Peter Reed
Hubbard, Tom
farmer, resident of Church Knowle, husband of Mary and father of Beth, Meg and Cathy; best friend of Jake Reed
close friend of Jake Reed and gay partner of Chris, acclaimed classical composer
receptionist for GenSyn
Hui Chang Ye
Senior Legal Advocate for the Chang clan
Tsao Ch'un's spy in Jiang Lei's camp
Hung Feng-chan
Chief Groom, Tongjiang
a master ‘blood', or to-the-death fighter from below the Net
a close friend of Jake Reed and fiancé of Alex
Jiang Ch'iao-chieh
eldest daughter of Jiang Lei
Jiang Chun Hua
wife of Jiang Lei
Jiang Lei
general of Tsao Chun's Eighteenth Banner Army, also known as Nai Liu
Jiang San-chieh
youngest daughter of Jiang Lei
senior engineer in the datscape for Hinton Industries
Jones, Micky
lead guitarist of Man, a Welsh rock band
steward to Tobias Lamme
Kan Ying
the Roman Emperor, Domitian
Kao Jyan
Kao Tzu
ancient Chinese philosopher
a mercenary
Marshal of the Fourth Banner Army
Chief Technician at GenSyn
Kustow, Bryn
American, friend of Michael Lever
Lahm, Tobias
Eighth Dragon at the ‘Ministry', ‘the Thousand Eyes'
Lampton, Sir Henry
Head of Security, Hinton Industries
Lao Jen
Junior Minister to Li Shai Tung
Leggat, Brian
farmer from Abbotsbury
Lehmann, Pietr
Under Secretary of the House of Representatives, father of Stefan Lehmann and leader of the Dispersionists
Li Han
soldier, servant to Wang Yui-lai
Li Chang So
sixth son of Li Chao Ch'in
Li Chao Ch'in
one of the original Seven, advisor to Tsao Ch'un and subsequently T'ang
Li Fa Han
soldier and technician, working for Jiang Lei
Li Fu Jen
third son of Li Chao Ch'in
Li Hang Ch'i
great-great-grandfather to Li Shai Tung
Li Han Ch'in
first son of Li Shai Tung and heir to City Europe
Li Kuang
fifth son of Li Cao Ch'in
Li Peng
eldest son of Li Chao Ch'in
Li Po
T'ang Dynasty poet
Li Shai Tung
T'ang of City Europe and father of Li Yuan
Li Shen
second son of Li Chao Ch'in
Li Weng
fourth son of Li Chao Ch'in
Lin Yua
first wife of Li Shai Tung
steward at the Black Tower
Little Bee
maid to Wang Hsien
Liu Ke
Han soldier; member of Jiang Lei's bodyguard; an adept at the
or Chinese lute
Lo Wen
granddaughter of Jiang Lei
Lovegrove, John
farmer from Purbeck
Lu Tung
merchant; third cousin to Lu Wang-pei
Lu Wang-pei
third cousin of Lu Tung
Ludd, Drew
biggest grossing actor in Hollywood and star of
Lung Ti
secretary to Edmund Wyatt
Lwo Kang
son of Lwo Chun-yi and Li Shai Tung's Minister of the Edict of Technological Control
McKenzie, Liam
owner of The Stables in Dorchester
Ma Feng
Han soldier; member of Jiang Lei's bodyguard
Mao Shao Tu
senior servant to Li Chao Ch'in
Welsh rock band
Mao Liang
Minor Family princess and member of the
Ping Tiao
Council of Five
Mao Tse T'ung
first Ko
emperor of China (ruled
Mason, Harry
landlord of the Thomas Hardy inn in Dorchester
Melfi, Charles
father of Alexandra Shepherd
Meng Tzu
Chinese philosopher, better known as Mencius, third century
Mi Feng
‘Little Bee'; maidservant to Wang Hsien
Ming Hsin-Fa
senior advocate for GenSyn
Ming Huang
T'ang dynasty emperor; the Purple Emperor

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