The Weapon Within: A Paranormal Dystopian Adventure (The Unexplainables Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: The Weapon Within: A Paranormal Dystopian Adventure (The Unexplainables Book 1)
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Joe, if you don’t slow down right now I’ll use my powers.’

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.
‘I can’t stop you using your powers but I’m begging you not to. I have to make you understand.’

Ok, ok. Just watch the road, all right?’

We sped on for what seemed like an age. Joe didn
’t speak, nor did he relax his grip on the wheel. My mind raced as I tried to piece together what was happening. It wasn’t until we drove over the brow of a hill that I realised where we were. The sea looked cold and murky today. We skidded to a halt on the main road and Joe killed the engine.

Look,’ he commanded, pointing out of the windscreen. I glanced at the buildings up the street and back at him.

No, look. Look closely.’

The street was empty and the shops were in darkness. Frowning, I let myself out of the car and walked a few steps towards them.

‘Don’t you see?’ he called out from behind me. ‘It’s empty.’

It’s just closed, that’s all. I guess it’s the quiet season or something. I’m sure if you come back in a few weeks it’ll be heaving.’

No!’ Suddenly he was behind me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me across the street, marching up to the nearest building. I remembered Simeon filling bags full of souvenirs and the nervous shopkeeper, but now it was completely empty. The window displays were bare and there was no sign that anyone had been in there recently.

I don’t understand. Have they closed down?’

It’s not just this one, it’s all of them. Take a look for yourself.’

Glancing warily at him I set off down the road. He was right. The shops and café were empty and the arcade had heavy
-duty shutters over its entrances.

None of it was real,’ he shouted above the wind.

Of course it was real. There were people here – staff and holiday makers.’

Joe shook his head slowly.
‘They were just community people. They were only given a couple of days’ notice – that’s why they were nervous.’

But I haven’t seen any of them around the commune,’ I argued.

They were there all the time but they were kept in the background. Their meals were served once you had left the dining room and they weren’t allowed to do activities if you were around. This whole thing was put on for your benefit.’

Why would they do that?’

Because they’ll do anything to make you happy – to make you one of them.’

You mean a Paradise member?’

He let out a bark of a laugh.
‘No, I mean one of

I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you’re saying. I’m sure there’s a rational explanation for all of this.’ I gestured towards the shops.

You’re a fool,’ he snarled. ‘Either that or you’re enjoying all the attention. You’ve allowed yourself to be blinkered so that you can ignore what’s happening outside your own little bubble.’

Ok, I’ve had enough of this. I’ll make my own way back.’ I stormed off, intending to head back up the coast road but Joe raced around the car and blocked the way. Unwilling to get into any further arguments, I switched direction and headed down the pier, figuring I’d give him time to leave before I worried about getting home. Reaching the end, I looked back at the town. There were no lights in the windows; no cars driving along the roads. The only things that were moving were the sea and Joe, who had followed me.

Chapter Twenty



‘Don’t you see?’ he shouted as he caught up with me, ‘it’s been empty for a decade. It was all for your benefit.’

If that’s true then I’m flattered that they made so much effort,’ I replied, scowling with annoyance. ‘But I don’t see anything sinister about it.’

That’s because you don’t see the full picture,’ he retorted. ‘This town used to be a thriving community. True, it was struggling a little when the changes came, but we all were. When Nicholas built the commune and bought the land, we all thought he’d restore it but instead he increased the rents to extortionate levels, bought out all the businesses, and replaced the staff with community members. He drove everyone else inland. I think he was trying to get them into the easiest position for controlling them. He told us that you were the answer to all our problems and that we should do everything we could to accommodate you. For a while I believed in it all. I thought that Paradise was the safest place to be but now I know differently. Gracie was right. We’re all in grave danger.’

From who?’

From you!’

My jaw dropped open but I shut it again quickly as I got a mouthful of sea
-salted spray.

How am I a danger?’

He took a step towards me.
‘Because you’re the most powerful being in the world. The fact that you’ve been treated so badly made it easier for them to turn you. They gave you everything you could ever ask for. But you don’t get anything for nothing in this life. They want something back from you, you mark my words.’

Yes, they want me to protect you all.’

No they don’t, they want you to control us all – even the community members. I mean, they’re already doing that to an extent. We work long hours without pay. Everyone has to have the same stuff so that no one is different, but that just means we work our arses off for them and get nothing in return. We have to be ready to obey orders any time of day and night, no matter how tired or ill we are. There’s no privacy either. The pods and rooms are always open so they can come snooping whenever they like, and then of course there are the voices.’

Oh for goodness’ sake!’

It’s true!’

So why don’t you leave if it’s that bad?’

I haven’t had the guts. The people on the outside don’t take kindly to us. The thought of starting afresh out there is terrifying, but I can’t live this lie any longer.’

Why don’t you talk to Nicholas or Simeon about all this? I’m sure they’d be happy to discuss it with you.’

He looked at me sadly and shook his head.
‘You have no idea what they’re capable of. We’re all terrified of them. Simeon has a wicked temper and Nicholas . . . let’s just say there’s something not right about him.’

I’ve never seen any sign of them being anything other than lovely. They saved me. And what’s more, they trust me. Paradise is the future and that is all that matters.’

There!’ He pointed a shaking finger at me. ‘That’s exactly what I’m talking about.
Paradise is the future.
It’s all crap, Ava. Paradise is power, nothing else. If that’s the future then we’re all doomed.’

I’m sorry you feel that way, really I am, but there isn’t much we can resolve out here.’

The waves crashed over the walls, drenching us with foam. From somewhere in the distance I heard
shouting voices. Relieved, I made to walk back to them but Joe knocked me backwards.

You’re just a weapon, Ava,’ he screamed. ‘A sugar-coated weapon. You’ll be the death of us all!’

His hands squeezed
hard around my throat. Pain flooded through my body and caustic heat coursed through my veins in response. Suddenly he was on top of me, pressing down on me. I struggled to breathe and then, just when I felt as though my lungs were about to explode, the weight was gone.


‘Are you sure you’re ok?’ Linda asked for what seemed like the millionth time. I was sitting in the office, wrapped up in a warm blanket with a mug of hot chocolate clasped between my hands. The blue and yellow fish were chasing each other round in small circles and the fire was blazing.

I’m fine, really. I just can’t believe what happened.’

You mustn’t blame yourself. We all saw him attack you. There was nothing you could do.’

I killed him.’

You don’t know that. It could have been a pre-existing condition, or he might have had a heart attack.’

No, I killed him. He was hurting me and . . .’ The words choked in my throat.

Ava.’ Linda crouched down next to me and took my hand in hers. ‘You did what you had to do. No one blames you. I only wish we could have got to you sooner. We came after you as soon as we realised what had happened . . .’

The shops were empty,’ I interrupted, watching her carefully, ‘and the arcade was closed. He told me it was all put on just for me.’

Do you honestly think we would do such a thing? The truth is that Nicholas has been looking into redeveloping the area, making it more like here with pods instead of the old buildings. It’s closed down temporarily, that’s all.’

I like the old buildings,’ I mumbled, ‘they give it character.’

Yes, well, we have to look to the future now and Paradise is our future.’

There was sharpness to her tone
which surprised me. She briefly closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound harsh but you have to face facts. This is our reality and our future. We can’t go back to the way things were even if we wanted to. Now, whilst what happened today is very sad and regrettable, the main thing is that we don’t dwell on it. Joe was delusional and dangerous. It’s a pity we didn’t recognise the signs earlier on but we can’t do anything about that now. Brush yourself off and move on. Joe was just one person who couldn’t be helped. There are plenty of others out there who need you.’

I nodded slowly.
‘I’m sorry, it was just a shock.’

Of course it was. Why don’t you have a break for a while? Spend some time in your pod and relax a bit.’

I was supposed to be going into town this afternoon.’

Well, from what I hear they’re managing just fine. You have to learn to delegate a bit and then trust that they’ll get on with the tasks you’ve given them.’

I do trust them.’

Great. So, why don’t you go and chill out with some music and a good book? I’ll make sure they call you if you’re needed, I promise.’

Ok, I guess it’d be a good idea to get into some dry clothes.’

Exactly. You go ahead and I’ll see you later.’


By dinner time it was raining outside, so I flung a jacket over my uniform and hurried over to the main building. But instead of going into the dining room, I headed to the entrance of the accommodation block. A guard met me at the door and saluted smartly.

I’d like take to take a look at Gracie’s room.’

You can look by all means, ma’am, but you won’t find much.’

Just the usual, huh?’

She eyed me warily.
‘Well, actually you won’t find anything at all. It’s been emptied.’


I don’t know for sure, ma’am, but we were given orders to empty it. Her commune clothing went away to be cleaned and her other belongings were put into storage. We’re expecting the room to be occupied again tomorrow.’

But what if Gracie wants to come back? I was told that might be an option.’

I really don’t know, ma’am.’ She shrugged. ‘We just follow orders. Follow me and I’ll take you there now.’


The room was tiny. There was a single bed, a wardrobe, a bedside table with a small lamp on it, and a chest of drawers. Plain beige curtains hung at the windows and a thin cream carpet covered the floor. Scanning the room I saw that it was indeed empty. The bed had been stripped and there was nothing in the drawers. In fact, the only item that had been left in the room was a small MP3 player, sitting in a docking station. It had the same selection of music as the one in my pod. The door opened and the guard stuck her head around and peered at me.

Did you find what you were looking for, ma’am?’

Don’t they have cooking facilities in these rooms?’ I asked. ‘And where’s the bathroom?’

They’re communal. There are two on each landing with a separate shower room. And no, they don’t have cooking facilities seeing as they’re so close to the dining room.’

So they’re just rooms?’

Yes, ma’am.’

And don’t they have any personal things? I mean like diaries or books?’

Diaries are not authorised items,’ she replied, giving me a strange look. ‘They are allowed any of the items on the authorised possessions list if they wish.’

Did Gracie have anything like that?’

She had a few books and toiletries. Some of the unused items have been returned to the community shop and the rest has been put in storage.’

I see. Ok, well, thank you for showing me around.’

Not at all, ma’am. Do let me know if you think of any more questions.’

Nodding, I f
ollowed her back down to the dining room.


I had literally just sat down with a plate of lasagne when a guard appeared at my side.

Ma’am,’ he waved a salute with one hand, ‘there’s an emergency situation. I need you to come to the security office right away.’

Ok, let’s go.’

The security office was bustling with people in uniform running around and shouting at each other. Simeon raced across with a young man at his side.

‘Ava, this is Jamie, one of our security managers. He took the call.’

Jamie saluted me and I retu
rned the gesture.

Ma’am, I just took a call from the town. About ten minutes ago the Nexes attacked en masse and several guards were hurt. We sent in backup as soon as we heard and they’ve contained the situation for now but they’ve discovered that the Nexes are plotting to come here and burn down Paradise. We’ve managed to get a lot of the troublemakers into the prison but it’s reaching maximum capacity. The rest have been placed under house arrest and the Standards have been told to return to their homes and stay inside until further notice.’

What about here?’

We’ve put in extra patrols around the borders and we’re checking the cameras constantly for any sign of intruders. We also have the capacity to be able to lock the pods.’


Yes, ma’am. Nicholas put it in a central locking system as an emergency safety measure, you see, but he said it was only to be used with your authorisation.’

Have you heard from Nicholas?’

I have,’ Simeon put in, ‘he’s sending reinforcements and said he’ll be back with us as soon as possible.’

Ok, well yes, I guess that locking people in is a good idea but let’s not create a panic. Can we do it without them knowing?’

Yes, ma’am. Once they’re all safely in their pods we can activate the locks and they won’t know anything until morning. It will seal their windows shut too.’

That’s fine but what about me? What if I need to get out in the middle of the night?’

I can override the system so that it doesn’t affect your pod, or Simeon’s for that matter.’

Ok, take Linda’s out of the loop too, just in case. I think we need to bring in a curfew for our residents. Shall we say eight o’clock to be on the safe side?’

I’ll go and make an announcement.’ Simeon headed for the door. ‘And I’d better take some guards with me, just in case.’


We stayed up the entire night, monitoring what was happening and co-ordinating our troops. By the early hours of the morning I was exhausted and desperately wanted to sleep, but when I did finally get to bed, I had a nightmare. The only thing I could remember was Joe’s face staring blankly up at me. It didn’t matter what they said, his death was my responsibility. Life was so fragile – at least, it was for everyone else.

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