The Weapon Bearer (Book 1)

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Authors: Aaron Thomas

Tags: #sci-fantasy, #sci-fa, #epic fantasy, #Weapon bearer, #Fantasy, #Aaron Thomas

BOOK: The Weapon Bearer (Book 1)
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Copyright © 2014 by Aaron Thomas

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the express written permission of the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by Aaron Thomas

ISBN: 9781311394330

Cover design by Sabrina Sherman

Cover design © 2014 by Aaron Thomas

Interior design by KristiRae Alldredge of Computers & More Design Services



1. Weapon Bearer

2. Springfest

3. Midnight Run

4. The Wandering Spring

5. Basham

6. Training

7. Keepers

8. The Earth Realm

9. The Earth Moves

10. The Traveling Soldier

11. Deuterium

12. Arrangements Made

13. A Moments Rest

14. Casting Lots

15. A Training of Sorts

16. Voices Within

17. The Earth’s Fire

18. Dinner with a Wizard

19. The Blood Arena

20. The King’s Warrior

21. True Awakenings

22. Standing Tall

23. Kilen’s Likeness

24. Map Reading

25. Into the Fire

26. Growing Flame

27. Traitor

28. A Cold Wind

29. Choosing Sides

30. The Fires Rage

31. A King Ruling

32. Final Exams

33. A Quick Farewell


Writing a book has never been on my bucket list. It was not an achievement I had considered reaching for. Because of a collective effort of those who share their love and talents with me, the start, and finally the completion of this book, has become a personal triumph. I cannot thank them enough for their inspiration, talent and hard work.

Dawn Thomas - Wife/inspiration

Brent Parker - Technical consultant

Mrs. Sanner - Editing/Proofreading

Jennifer May - Character Development

Mrs. Sherman/Mr. Klaus - Artwork

Michael J. Shanley - Author/friend/publishing consultation

A special thanks to all my co-workers and friends that spent endless hours proofreading and reviewing an author’s first book. Each of these people were beta readers as the book was created chapter by chapter. They spent the time reviewing un-edited, grammatically murdered pages – my appreciation is heartfelt.

The Earth Realm’s grand hall sat empty of people except for the king on his dais who was dressed in full battle armor. He seldom took it off anymore, and couldn’t remember why. The magic of the armor surged through him, so he would not need to sleep for days. The Fire Realm had sent small groups of weapon and armor bearers across the border seeking to capture water wizards. There were rumors of the dead approaching from the far edges of the northern boundary of the kingdom. The northern forest was full of bandits, robbers, outlaws, demons, and even the undead, depending on which pub or person you listened in on. The King stood alone in this effort to protect the people of the Earth and Water Realms. It had been ten years since the Water Realm had a king to rule and protect its lands, so he made this his duty until the right person could be found.

Suits of armor lined the walls of the great hall to display the power the king had. These suits of armor were not built for man, but for elephants, tigers, rhinos, warthogs, and mastiffs. The armor gave the animals magical enchantments to increase their aggression, stamina, and strength. These new monsters were taken to enemy lands and given enchanted armor. In the armor, they could not be controlled. They wrought destruction and death wherever they went. The animals would attack anything that moved, living or not. They would often light themselves on fire, as they were protected by their own fire enchantments. When they had been given their enhancements, the trainers were often killed by accident before the monsters could be fully released. The king had collected this particular set himself trying to prove himself to his father. He had been sent against the most evilly enhanced beasts to see his worth as a future king to the Earth Realm. Some kings were born to lead the development of lands and fund technology and arts. He was bred and trained from his birth to be king in a time of war.

During his father’s reign, the Wind Realm had fallen prey to the Water Realm. Upon his coronation, he took the lands of the Water Realm to stop their king’s greed, and prevent him from turning on the Earth Realm. The Wind Realm had taken too much damage and death to make a full recovery from the twenty five years of war. The king would need as large an army as he could amass to stop threats at both fronts, if there really was a threat at each border.

The large oak doors creaked open to admit the king’s assassin, Gortus, and Jace a scout for First Wizard Calvin. The two men’s leather boots echoed on the floor as they walked through the grand hall to approach the king. Gortus was a short statured man, though tall for the Kaple people, with a never failing serious look on his face. Like other Kaples, his skin was dark gray, and his hair was always a shade of white. The contrast made him stand out in every populace of the elemental realms. He wore a bastard sword that was almost as tall as he was. The blade was curved at the tip for ripping enemies’ entrails out during battle. The width at the base of the sword was a hand’s width from finger to wrist, and it tapered down as it went to the curled tip. The sword was fearsome, and Gortus’s use of the blade was even more so. The fact that this small man could pick up a blade this size was daunting, yet he swung it faster than most men could swing a stick. The Kaple were a hard race, practicing with blades since they could walk, and used them frequently on the wilderness’s predators. The Kapal were rarely seen outside their own inhospitable lands. When they did leave, they were even rarely seen as a civilized being. When Gortus was discovered, he was offered a job as the king’s personal assassin, where he would eliminate any threat that stood before him. He wore the king’s color, dark green, on his sash, but in contrast to the king’s armor, his was dark to match his skin. His cloak matched his white hair and had a smoky grey lining. The king had sent Gortus to kill small bands of robbers or bandits during his employment, and even a rogue wizard on occasion. His success contributed to the king’s power.

Jace, an ordinary man, was walking next to Gortus. He was ordinary, of average height, weight, and looks. His eyes were brown to match his hair that was cut to hang around his face, obscuring it from further recognition. His clothes were made of plain wool and of browns and greens to match the woods. He wore two short swords crossed on his back. The only adornment, he wore were three small rings on both hands and an iron bracer on his left arm. Contrary to his looks, this man was anything but ordinary in his ability to track, infiltrate, and spy. He was a product of magic, skill, and loyalty to his wizard. He had been in tight situations since he was taken in as a new soldier and trained by the king’s wizard adviser, Calvin. With the power of the elements in his jewelry, he could run for days without sleeping and had the strength of ten men combined. He was a dangerous man to face.

Jace and Gortus approached the dais and went to one knee, crossing their right fist to their chests. They spoke in unison, “We have come as you have requested, my king.”

The king spoke to these men as friends would. They were the closest things to friends the king could have. “I have a mission that I can only trust to the most loyal and skilled in my command. I need you to gather information.
information.” They both nodded with understanding, “Gortus, I need you to travel quickly to the northern forest to find the cause of panic in the people there. I hear the most ridiculous rumors. ‘The dead walk.’ It is most likely a band of thieves or thugs,” he said. “Do not eliminate the situation; I will make a display of power there myself once I know what I am up against.” Gortus bowed his head deeply in acceptance.

“I will accept this unfortunate assignment and do what as my king wishes in trying to avoid confrontation, even though such a task pains me.” The king rose and moved to lay a hand on Gortus’ shoulder.

“If it pleases you, Gortus, I shall take you along for the demonstration of power when the time comes. You will lead the attack on the forces there.” Gortus smiled at the thought of disbanding the threat. The king moved to stand in front of Jace, his dark green cloak dragging on the floor behind him as he moved.

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