Broken Heart 09 Only Lycans Need Apply

BOOK: Broken Heart 09 Only Lycans Need Apply
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Praise for Michele Bardsley’s

Broken Heart Novels

Must Love Lycans

“With complex characters, outrageously delicious sex scenes, a strong story arc, and fast-paced writing, Bardsley cements her position as a solid author of complex, funny, and satisfyingly relatable paranormal romance.”

Publishers Weekly

Must Love Lycans
is a must read for anyone who loves sexy werewolves, spunky heroines, and hilarious situations.”

—Fresh Fiction

“A fabulous, joyful, and often laugh-out-loud trip to Broken Heart.”

—Smexy Books Romance Reviews

“Ms. Bardsley has penned a fun novel with an emotional heart.”

—Love to Read for Fun

“Laugh-out-loud funny and filled with action and plenty of sensual heat,
Must Love Lycans
is a worthy addition to the series and it will be residing on my keeper shelf with the rest of the Broken Heart crew.”

—The Romance Dish

Cross Your Heart

“Bardsley’s gift for humor and passion is a reader’s delight. Her newest hero is a sexy and irreverent charmer. . . . If you’re in need of a mood elevator, this is just what the doctor ordered!”

Romantic Times

“This story more than keeps the action flowing. Off-the-wall humor, mystery, and a touch of danger add extra zing to Bardsley’s latest paranormal, and fans will be delighted.”

Library Journal

“Another grab-you-by-the-throat, laugh-out-loud addition to the Broken Heart series. . . . If you thought the inhabitants of Broken Heart were up against some crazy evil before, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

—Fresh Fiction

“Bardsley never ceases to amaze us with her suspense and quick-witted humor. Add in on top of that the attention to detail and the hot, sizzling romance and you will fall in love with this series.”

—Night Owl Romance

Come Hell or High Water

“The action and humor are bountiful. Tremendous fun as always!”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars)

“If you are new to the series or a frequent visitor to the paranormal haven in Oklahoma, this is a fun read.”

—The Romance Studio

“I love paranormal novels and I believe that Michele Bardsley’s Broken Heart series are some of the best there are.”

—Fresh Fiction

“Bardsley has brought us another amazing story . . . [with] endless wit and humor. As always, I will add this to my ever-growing keeper shelf to read over and over again.”

—Night Owl Romance

Over My Dead Body

“Combining humor with romance and a serial killer mystery, the return to the center of vampire activity . . . is a fun lighthearted tale.”

—The Best Reviews

“I fell into this story hook, line, and sinker. I just couldn’t put it down. . . . It has everything to bring a smile to your face: vampires, werewolves, pixies, dragons, and more.”

Publishers Weekly

“Clever, action-packed, and sensual,
Over My Dead Body
is a helluva page turner that’s not to be missed!”

— Romance Novel TV

“A great paranormal romance that I would definitely recommend to readers who enjoy a fast-paced story that will leave them guessing until the end.”

—Fresh Fiction

Wait Till Your Vampire Gets Home

“Has action aplenty and a free-spirited, wittily sarcastic heroine who will delight fans.”


“Bardsley has one of the most entertaining series on the market. The humor and wackiness keep hitting the sweet spot. Add Bardsley to your auto-buy list!”

Romantic Times
(top pick, 4½ stars)

“Michele Bardsley’s latest installment in the Broken Heart series is just as hard to put down as the ones before.”

—Bitten by Books

Because Your Vampire Said So

“Lively, sexy, out-of-this-world—as well as in it—fun! Michele Bardsley’s vampire stories rock!”

New York Times
bestselling author Carly Phillips

“Five ribbons! I laughed nonstop from beginning to end. . . . If I could, I’d give this story a higher rating. Five ribbons just doesn’t seem to be enough for this wonderful story!”

—Romance Junkies

“Another Broken Heart denizen is here in this newest, hysterically funny first-person romp. The combination of sexy humor, sarcastic wit, and paranormal trauma is unmistakably Bardsley. Grab the popcorn and settle in for a seriously good time!”

Romantic Times

Don’t Talk Back to Your Vampire

“Cutting-edge humor and a raw, seductive hero make
Don’t Talk Back to Your Vampire
a yummylicious treat!”

—Dakota Cassidy, author of
Burning Down the Spouse

“A fabulous combination of vampire lore, parental angst, romance, and mystery. I loved this book!”

—Jackie Kessler, author of
Hotter than Hell

“All I can say is
! I was totally immersed in this story to the point that I tuned everything and everybody out the whole entire evening. Now, that’s what I call a good book. Michele can’t write the next one fast enough for me!”

—The Best Reviews

“A winning follow-up to
I’m the Vampire, That’s Why
filled with humor, supernatural romance, and truly evil villains.”


I’m the Vampire, That’s Why

“From the first sentence, Michele grabbed me and didn’t let me go! A vampire mom? PTA meetings? A sulky teenager? Throw in a gorgeous, ridiculously hot hero and you’ve got the paranormal romance of the year. Get this one

—MaryJanice Davidson

“Hot, hilarious, one helluva ride . . . Michele Bardsley weaves a sexily delicious tale spun from the heart.”

—L. A. Banks

“Michele Bardsley has penned the funniest, quirkiest, coolest vampire tale you’ll ever read. It’s hot and funny and sad and wonderful, the kind of story you can’t put down and won’t forget. Definitely one for the keeper shelf.”

—Kate Douglas


The Broken Heart Series

Must Love Lycans

Cross Your Heart

Come Hell or High Water

Over My Dead Body

Because Your Vampire Said So

Wait till Your Vampire Gets Home

Don’t Talk Back to Your Vampire

I’m the Vampire, That’s Why

The Wizards of Nevermore Series

Now or Never

Never Again

Only Lycans Need Apply

A Broken Heart Novel



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First published by Signet Eclipse, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

First Printing, April 2013

Copyright © Michele Bardsley, 2013

Excerpt from
I’m the Vampire, That’s Why
copyright © Michele Bardsley, 2006

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ISBN 978-1-101-59957-0


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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To my Viking,

I love you!


To Kerry, Jesse, and Team NAL,

thank you, thank you, thank you!


And to Stephanie Kip Rostan,

you really are Agent Awesome. I heart you so much!


And also, this is for Nia Shay (, because she is the inspiration for Dove.


All hail the Viking, who is the best hand-holding, pep-talking, hug-giving, praise-delivering man
. Thank you for all that you do, babe. I love you.

Stephanie Kip Rostan, Monika Verma, and everyone at Levine Greenberg Literary Agency are worth their weights in gold. And chocolate. And awesomeness.

I owe a lifetime supply of warm, fuzzy hugs (and booze, lots of booze) to Kerry Donovan, Jesse Feldman, and all those stalwart, patient souls who work on Team NAL. Thank you, thank you, and . . . thank you!

I also wanted to mention Wendy Bocock. Because Wendy Bocock (who is not named Jennifer, in case you were wondering . . . and I called her that forever because I really did think she and Mindy Fletcher and Amanda Fenley were all named Jennifer), Mindy and Amanda and Stephanie and the real Jennifer and Kelley Hartsell and Felicia Sparks are made of awesome, especially when imbibing booze at a Greek restaurant. We tend to scare the other patrons there every time with our conversations, which inevitably turn to erotica. Heh. Oh, and I just wanted to say again . . . WENDY BOCOCK.

I heart my Minions! Thank you to everyone who is on my list and on my social networks. And thank you to all the readers who take the time to e-mail me. I read all my e-mails, every single one, and even though I cannot respond to them all, please know your stories, your comments, your criticisms, and your praise are all consumed with appreciation. I get to write because you continue to read my work . . . and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to keep telling stories!

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