Authors: Kathryn Shay
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, darling. To us together, forever—the four of us.
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Be sure to read the rest of
series as these six beautiful blond women try
to make their way in the world after a tragedy strikes the family. Their stories will capture your heart.
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![]() | At sixteen, Sofia Ludzecky, from |
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Continue reading for some exciting excerpts from related stories:
Click here for a look at Sofia’s story,
Click here for a peek at
, Caterina’s story.
Click here for a look at
Luke’s story. He’s the older brother of all these females!
Marriage is tough. Life can fall apart after a tragedy. Forgiveness best serves all those involved. These are the themes of THE WAY WE WERE. When I first decided to tell the Ludzecky girls’ stories, I outlined each sister’s situation, deciding what happened to them after the Pettrone brothers died, how they were or were not moving on, and what their relationships
would be with the heroes.
I thought Ana’s situation was going to be particularly difficult to deal with. I even put her book of until number four so I could get to know her better. Writing about adultery is also chancy with audiences. Having a hero who is hard to defend is a problem. Because of those things, the story was bound to be depressing.
I was pleasantly surprised to
have had such an easy time with the book. I knew Ana well, understood her psyche and felt bad for her situation after she returned home. (No, I don’t think she should have left Jared and Opal for months, but she did!) And I loved Jared right away, despite his flaws. Boy, did he suffer for his mistakes. But he’s so willing to take responsibility for his actions, is such a good father and truly loves
his wife. How could you not root for him?
Despite all of the above, I hope you enjoyed Ana and Jared’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Stay tuned for book five, with the lovely Sofia at its center.
A side note: I really had fun with the teaching angle of this book. As you might know, I taught high school for decades, and was able to portray my philosophy on
teaching English to students.
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Copyright 2015 Kathryn Shay
Cover art by Patricia Ryan
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Late February
Sofia calmed herself with rhythmic breathing and stared out the window of Eastside High School faculty lounge at the snow. Most people hated the weather at this time of year, but not her. She treasured every season’s dawn and end. When she was only sixteen, she hadn’t thought she’d experience very many of them again.