The Way of the Knife (54 page)

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Authors: Mark Mazzetti

Tags: #Political Science, #World, #Middle Eastern

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France, 82
Franks, Tommy, 67
Frazer, Jendayi, 143
Freedom at Midnight
(Lapierre and Collins), 288
Frontier Corps, 105–6
Furlong, Michael, 176–90, 191–92, 229, 309, 326
AfPax Insider project and, 194–99
CIA and, 188–90, 195–96, 208–9
civilian work for Defense Department, 179–80
Clarridge’s private spying operations and, 203–9
early career of, 177–78
U-Turn Media, partnership with, 181–89
Gaddafi, Muammar, 26, 252–53, 254, 316
Garland, Merrick, 313
Gates, Robert, 197, 225–26, 267
G.D. Searle, 19
General Atomics, 266
General Intelligence Directorate, 26
Gnehm, Edward W., 82–83
Godfather, The
(movie), 300
Goldwater, Barry, 46
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 112
Gordon, John, 92
Goring, Hermann, 45
Goss, Porter, 28, 140, 165, 222
advises Bush against stripping CIA of military operations, 81–82
Bajaur operation and, 115–17
Damadola raid amd, 135
detention-and-interrogation program and, 127–28
Koussa and, 254
management retreat for CIA senior leaders, 162–63
Gray Fox, 39, 74–75, 207.
See also
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
al-Harethi Predator strike and, 86, 87
in Somalia, 149–50
Green Badge, 258
Green Berets, 13, 18–19
Green Book, The,
Grenada, 73
Grenier, Robert, 32–33, 36, 37, 163
Gritz, James, 71–72
Guantánamo Bay prison, 16–17, 23
Obama decision to close, 218, 219
Guatemala, 47, 59
Gulf Security Group, 239–40
Gulf War, 59–60
Guzmán, Jacobo Árbenz, 47
Habib, Khalid, 169–70, 173
Hadley, Stephen, 127
Hamas, 98
Haqqani, Husain, 227, 261, 273
Haqqani, Jalaluddin, 31, 35–36, 192–93
Haqqani Network, 40–41, 168–72, 192, 201, 203, 293–95
al-Harethi, Qaed Salim Sinan, 85–87, 100
Harward, Robert, 21, 22, 267
Hassan, Nidal, 308–9
Hawes, Kurt, 94–97, 320
Hayden, Michael, 165–67, 242
on CIA’s alliances with authoritarian regimes, 254–55
plan to wage unilateral war in Pakistan, 267
on transformation of CIA, 299–300, 302
Hazar Qadam operation, 18
al-Hazmi, Nawaf, 303
Helms, Richard, 55
Hergerson, John, 118, 120–21
Hezbollah, 54, 57
Hitler, Adolf, 45
Holbrooke, Richard, 214–15
Holland, Charles, 66–67
Holmes, Robert, 195, 204–5
Honduras, 15, 52
Hull, Edmund, 86
Human Rights Watch, 151
Hussain, Safdar, 105, 106–7
Hussain, Zahid, 110
Hussein, Saddam, 60, 78, 90, 117, 155, 199
India, 30, 31, 33
Indyk, Martin, 98
(Dante), 65
308–9, 310
Intelligence Authorization Act of 1991, 76
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
CIA’s efforts to undermine, 73–74
creation of, 70 (
See also
Gray Fox)
inspector general investigation of, 72–73
King and, 71–73
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 155
International Media Ventures, 188, 197, 204–5
interrogation memos, 221–23
interrogation program.
detention-and-interrogation progam
Iran, 315
hostage crisis, 48, 68–70
spying missions in, 131–32
Iran–Contra scandal, 13, 15, 52–53, 57, 72, 76, 90, 120, 199
Blackwater operatives killings at traffic stop in Baghdad, 123
commando tactics in fight against al Qaeda in, 229–30
invasion of, 41, 77–78
task force for attacking al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in, 129–31
Iraqi Hero
(game), 185–86
Iraqi Media Network, 180
IraqSlogger, 193
Iraq Survey Group, 155–56
Iraq War, 5, 128, 162, 192, 197, 219, 229, 258, 299, 315
CIA’s credibility after, 117
radicalization in Muslim World and, 138
U.S. attention diverted from Afghanistan for, 111–12, 138
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
Islamic Courts Union (ICU), 139, 142, 143, 146, 147–51
Islamic Jihad Organization, 54
Israel, 98
Jameson, W. George, 314
al Jaza’iri, Adil Hadi, 39–40
JD Media Transmission Systems LLC, 185
Johnsen, Gregory, 307–8
Joint Information Operations Warfare Command, 189
Joint Intelligence Task Force for Combating Terrorism, 20
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 82, 128–35.
See also
Delta Force; SEALs/SEAL Team Six
Al Qaeda Network Execute Order, expanded powers under, 128–29
Bajaur operation, 115–17, 132
CIA/Pentagon division of labor agreement, 132–34
founding of and relations with CTC, 56
Gray Fox (
Gray Fox)
Iranian spying missions, 131–32
Lebanese hit men training and, 54–55
Military Liaison Elements, 82
Rumsfeld and, 63–64, 65, 75–76
“sheep-dipped” operations under CIA authority, 133, 134, 287
Somalia missions, 149–50, 244–47
task force for attacking al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda in Iraq, 129–31
Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Execute Order, 206–8
Jones, James, 224–25, 226
Jones Memo, 226
Jordan, 26, 82
Jordan, Eason, 193, 194, 197, 198, 203
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)
Justice Department.
Department of Justice
Kandahar Strike Force, 205–6
Kappes, Stephen, 218, 222, 224, 225, 227, 267
Karimov, Islam, 92
Karzai, Ahmed Wali, 22, 205–6
Karzai, Hamid, 18, 210–11
Kashmir, 30, 31, 164–65, 260
Kayani, Ashfaq Parvez, 169, 265, 291, 295
informed of bin Laden raid by Mullen, 288–89
as ISI head, 110–13
Rauf’s arrest and, 166
thesis on controlling Afghanistan during occupation, 112–13
Wardak bombing and, 293, 294
Keller, Art, 153–62, 164, 167–73, 193, 265, 281
bin Laden Dir Valley tip and, 161
early career of, 154–56
intelligence gathering in North and South Waziristan, 156–62, 167–73
al-Masri as primary target of, 160–61
relations with ISI, 158, 169–70
Kennedy, John F., 45, 220
Kenya, embassy bombing in, 27
Khairkhwa, Mullah Khirullah, 21–23
Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 10, 124
Khan, Bakhptur, 134–35
Khan, Ismail, 197
Khan, Samir, 309, 310
killing program, CIA, 121–26
kill list, 226–27
Kim Jong Il, 315
King, Jerry, 71–73
Klinghoffer, Leon, 54
Koh, Harold, 301, 305
Kot Lakhpat prison, 257
Koussa, Moussa, 254
Koziol, John, 190
Krongard, Alvin, 98
Kuwait, 154
al-Kuwaiti, Abu Ahmed, 167, 270
Laos, 71–72, 79
Lashkar-e-Islam, 280, 297
Lashkar-e-Taiba, 168, 259–61, 277
latency problem, of drones, 307
Lebanese hit men, training of, 54–55
Lebanon, 54
LexisNexis, 64
Libby, I. Lewis, 9
al-Libi, Abu Faraj, 115–16, 134–35
Libya, 26
Arab Spring in, 252–53, 316
Benghazi attack in, 316–17
Lockheed Martin, 204, 206, 209
Luitingh, Lafras, 244
Lumumba, Patrice, 46
McChrystal, Stanley, 116, 132, 206
replaces McKiernan in Afghanistan, 197–98
task force for attacking al-Zarqawi’s al Qaeda under, 129–31
McGrath, Mike, 281
McKiernan, David, 191–94, 197, 202, 206
McLaughlin, John, 98
McMahon, John, 54

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